Folks, this story is going to absolutely blow you away! Many of you have seen this property for years on Rt. 50 with a FOR SALE sign on it. What most of you don't realize is, this is the property Mike Dunn's father and partner purchased just over 2 years ago and is TODAY in default!
If you go back to the City's Web Site and look up Resolution 1138 back on 8-9-04 you'll clearly see that these people had 2 years to either develop this property or lose it. I can remember the day back when all this came about 2 years ago when Debbie Campbell was so bothered by this property being sold for probably 2 cents on a dollar!
Actually, the property sold for $11,400.00 while the City had more than $25,000.00 in it between taxes, water and sewer bills and so forth. The Council and the Mayor let this property go but there's even more to it!
The property was not sold to them for them to re sell it. It was sold to them so they could IMPROVE the community and develop that particular area and that's why it supposedly went so cheap.
However, those of you that have been driving by that area and recall just how long these Long & Foster Signs have been up know that these guys were looking to flip that property immediately. Here's the deal too. They want $125,000.00 for property they paid $11,400.00 for and have been desperate most recently trying to "unload" it to developer friends for a mere $75,000.00!
As I was digging into this even more today it finally dawned on me, their contractual agreement is up! It's no wonder they were trying to "unload" the property! This property now belongs back to the City as this group once again did not fulfill their end of the deal and the City MUST take the property back.
No more excuses Mike Dunn and Barrie Tilghman, this property has been for sale long enough, no more extensions! More to come on Barrie Tilghman's CDC scam...........