America’s gaping budget deficit could lead to a crisis that would “dwarf” the meltdown of 2008 — and to get the country out of its fiscal mess, the government must slash spending substantially, according to 10 former members of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers. The economic experts — former chairmen and chairwomen of the council serving both Republican and Democratic administrations — issued the warning in an open letter published by Politico. They say recommendations by budget watchdogs Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, arguing that the long-run federal budget deficit will pose a serious threat to the economy, need much more attention from both political parties. Bowles and Simpson co-chaired the White House’s deficit-reduction commission in 2010. "There are many issues on which we don’t agree. Yet we find ourselves in remarkable unanimity about the long-run federal budget deficit: It is a severe threat that calls for serious and prompt attention," the authors write in the letter addressed to Congress and President Barack Obama. "While the actual deficit is likely to shrink over the next few years as the economy continues to recover, the aging of the baby-boom generation and rapidly rising healthcare costs are likely to create a large and growing gap between spending and revenues. These deficits will take a toll on private investment and economic growth." Lenders, the authors point out, will run out of patience with Washington's spending spree: "At some point, bond markets are likely to turn on the United States — leading to a crisis that could dwarf 2008." More here |

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Friday, March 25, 2011
Presidential Advisers: Slash Spending Now — Or New Meltdown Will 'Dwarf' 2008
ICE Arrests 163 Foreign Nationals, Many Of Them Criminals, In DC Suburbs
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, a division of the Homeland Security Department, says a three-day sweep in the Washington, D.C., suburbs resulted in the arrest of 163 foreign nationals, many of whom were convicted criminal aliens.
Those arrested come from more than 32 different nations, including countries in Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, the Caribbean and Africa, ICE announced on Tuesday.
The crackdown – officially known as an “enforcement and removal operation” -- included criminals who were in the country both legally and illegally.
Of those arrested, 130 were criminal aliens, eight were fugitives, three had already been deported and re-entered illegally and 22 were non-criminals who had been summoned to appear in immigration court. The 130 criminal aliens had prior convictions for a number of offenses, including rape, assault, burglary, and narcotics possession. The majority – 134 of the 163 people arrested -- were men.
Due to their “serious” criminal records and prior contact with immigration enforcement officials, some of the individuals detained in the recent sweep will face additional federal prosecution for “re-entering the country illegally after a formal deportation,” ICE said.
The foreign nationals who do not face additional criminal charges will be “processed administratively” for removal from the United States. Some will appear in immigration court.
Those arrested come from more than 32 different nations, including countries in Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, the Caribbean and Africa, ICE announced on Tuesday.
The crackdown – officially known as an “enforcement and removal operation” -- included criminals who were in the country both legally and illegally.
Of those arrested, 130 were criminal aliens, eight were fugitives, three had already been deported and re-entered illegally and 22 were non-criminals who had been summoned to appear in immigration court. The 130 criminal aliens had prior convictions for a number of offenses, including rape, assault, burglary, and narcotics possession. The majority – 134 of the 163 people arrested -- were men.
Due to their “serious” criminal records and prior contact with immigration enforcement officials, some of the individuals detained in the recent sweep will face additional federal prosecution for “re-entering the country illegally after a formal deportation,” ICE said.
The foreign nationals who do not face additional criminal charges will be “processed administratively” for removal from the United States. Some will appear in immigration court.
Sheriff Lewis Does It Again
Wouldn't you know it. Sheriff Mike Lewis has a tan pickup truck pulled over on the Bypass just south of the Rt 50 exit. He called in the plate and asked for information. Before they could get back with him with info he had already placed the suspect under arrest for CDS.
Some say he's like a drug sniffing K-9. Good work Sheriff Lewis.
Some say he's like a drug sniffing K-9. Good work Sheriff Lewis.
Dangerous Breach Suspected At Japanese Nuke Plant
A suspected breach in the core at one reactor at a stricken Fukushima nuclear plant could mean more serious radioactive contamination, Japanese officials revealed Friday - a situation the prime minister called "very grave and serious."
A somber Prime Minister Naoto Kan sounded a pessimistic note at a briefing hours after nuclear safety officials said they suspected a breach at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant that would be a major setback in the urgent mission to stop the facility from leaking radiation.
"The situation today at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant is still very grave and serious. We must remain vigilant," Kan said. "We are not in a position where we can be optimistic. We must treat every development with the utmost care."
The uncertain situation halted work at the nuclear complex, where dozens had been trying feverishly to stop the overheated plant from leaking dangerous radiation. The plant has leaked some low levels of radiation, but a breach could mean a much larger release of contaminants.
A somber Prime Minister Naoto Kan sounded a pessimistic note at a briefing hours after nuclear safety officials said they suspected a breach at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant that would be a major setback in the urgent mission to stop the facility from leaking radiation.
"The situation today at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant is still very grave and serious. We must remain vigilant," Kan said. "We are not in a position where we can be optimistic. We must treat every development with the utmost care."
The uncertain situation halted work at the nuclear complex, where dozens had been trying feverishly to stop the overheated plant from leaking dangerous radiation. The plant has leaked some low levels of radiation, but a breach could mean a much larger release of contaminants.
Minister Landau, MK Dichter: Renew Targeted Killings Of Terrorists
Minister Uzi Landau and MK Avi Dichter of opposition party Kadima both expressed support Thursday for a renewal of the "targeted killing" policy against terror chiefs. Dichter also called for striking civilian infrastructures in the terror haven.
The "targeted killings" policy is a proactive anti-terror tactic in which the IDF does not wait for terrorists to act against Israel in order to strike at them. Rather, it uses its air superiority in order to pick off known terrorist leaders based on real-time intelligence regarding their whereabouts.
[You'll remember Israeli helicopters firing missiles through terrorists' bedroom windows... very effective. --Editor]
Dichter, who is a former Head of the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), said that some politicians' calls to invade Gaza were "divorced from reality."
Embarking on such an operation, he explained, requires a period of preparation of more than a year. "This is our strategic goal," he said, "but right now we need to act... immediately on the tactical plane."
The way to create deterrence vis-a-vis Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, Dichter added, requires pinpoint strikes rather than massive attack. Israel, he said, should be "hitting key members of the terror infrastructure in Gaza and at the same time hitting the civilian infrastructures of the Strip."
A policy of retaliation that consists of bombing open spaces, "a tunnel here and a tunnel there, causing sand to fly and making some dust" only invites more terror, said Minister Landau.
Hamas leaders in Gaza, he said, "should go into the bunkers and worry about their personal good health around the clock."
More here
The "targeted killings" policy is a proactive anti-terror tactic in which the IDF does not wait for terrorists to act against Israel in order to strike at them. Rather, it uses its air superiority in order to pick off known terrorist leaders based on real-time intelligence regarding their whereabouts.
[You'll remember Israeli helicopters firing missiles through terrorists' bedroom windows... very effective. --Editor]
Dichter, who is a former Head of the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), said that some politicians' calls to invade Gaza were "divorced from reality."
Embarking on such an operation, he explained, requires a period of preparation of more than a year. "This is our strategic goal," he said, "but right now we need to act... immediately on the tactical plane."
The way to create deterrence vis-a-vis Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, Dichter added, requires pinpoint strikes rather than massive attack. Israel, he said, should be "hitting key members of the terror infrastructure in Gaza and at the same time hitting the civilian infrastructures of the Strip."
A policy of retaliation that consists of bombing open spaces, "a tunnel here and a tunnel there, causing sand to fly and making some dust" only invites more terror, said Minister Landau.
Hamas leaders in Gaza, he said, "should go into the bunkers and worry about their personal good health around the clock."
More here
Detectives with the Ocean City Police Department Criminal Investigation Division are continuing the investigation of the death that occurred on Wednesday morning at the Fenwick Inn hotel. It was reported in a local newspaper that there are people with knowledge about this case, and investigators would like to speak with them.
Additional information will be released at the conclusion of the investigation. The OCPD is asking anyone with information about this case to call 410-723-6604.
Additional information will be released at the conclusion of the investigation. The OCPD is asking anyone with information about this case to call 410-723-6604.
Is The States Case Against Thomas Leggs As Air Tight As We Were Lead To Believe?
Click on images to enlarge.
Notice ALL Hearings Have Been Cancelled. (above)
"Defense's Motion to strike notice of intent to seek a sentence of death because there is no legally sufficient biological evidence or DNA evidence that links the act of murder."
A Comment Worthy Of A Post:Thomas Leggs
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Has A Plea Offer Been Made to Thomas Leggs?":
Joe, I have know about this post since it went up and I didn't make a comment because I just felt there is absolutely no way this could be true. Well now I need to share with you and everyone what I have come to learn. I work with a friend of a relative of Sarah Foxwell, now please keep in mind I am repeating what I have heard but based on the fact that several people in my office have asked off for Tuesday 29th I am beginning to believe it is true. Here it is - A plea has been done and Tuesday will be the day to be in Elkton because it is over. I don't know the details of this deal but I do want to tell you how i feel about it.
I am sick and disgusted with Davis Ruark,this man said over and over "I will settle for no less then the Death Penalty in this case". I believe that he told the family he would never plea out this case.
Anyway the reason I am sharing this information is that I feel anyone who had consider going to this trail may seriously consider going to Elkton on Tuesday.
Editors Notes:
I believe this to be absolutely correct. Salisbury News has been on top of this case more than anyone else. If you have ANY interest whatsoever in this case, my strong suggestion is that every one show up Tuesday in Elkton. Out of respect for Law Enforcement and the States Attorneys Office we will refrain from publishing any details until Tuesday. However, let me assure you, (if you cannot be there) we will provide anything and everything Tuesday morning referencing this case. You will NOT want to miss it, trust me.
Has A Plea Offer Been Made to Thomas Leggs?

Has an offer been made to Leggs and his defense that would take the death penalty off of the table? If Leggs accepts such an offer will Tuesday’s scheduled hearing be an allocution?
We sincerely hope not. This crime is probably the most infamous in Wicomico County’s history. “If there was ever a crime that screams for the death penalty, this is it.”
Tea Party Tells Boehner: Cut Budget Or Your Out
As U.S. lawmakers seek a compromise on how much federal spending to cut in order to avoid a government shutdown, Tea Party activists who helped propel Republicans back into power are growing impatient with the debate.
When Republicans captured the House in November, vowing to slash $100 billion in federal spending from the budget year ending in September, 76 percent of Tea Party activists supported their deficit-reduction plan, according to a new Pew Research poll released last week.
But after House Republicans approved a plan last month to cut federal spending by $61 billion, that Tea Party support fell to 52 percent.
Now Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips, arguably the most vocal critic of GOP leaders, is pushing for a primary opponent against House Speaker John Boehner in 2012 for breaking his campaign pledge to cut $100 billion and for what he sees as hints that he's willing to cut less than $61 billion in a compromise with Senate Democrats.
"Charlie Sheen is now making more sense than John Boehner," Phillips wrote in his blog earlier this month.
Mom Gives Botox To 8-Year-Old Daughter
In another TODAY Moms post today, we wrote about the coming-of-age "aesthetic" milestones for tween girls, as part of a discussion of "When is it OK to..." do things like wear makeup, shave legs and get your ears pierced.
Now, we bring you "When is it NEVER OK to…"
For that, we go to this bizarre story that's all over the British press and originally came from the The Sun, which reports that 8-year-old Britney Campbell of Birmingham, England, gets Botox treatments in her face from her 34-year-old mom, Kerry, a beautician. Britney also gets routine waxes of leg hair and a monthly "virgin wax." This is a bid, her mom says, to stop pubic hair from growing when she hits puberty.
Now, we bring you "When is it NEVER OK to…"
For that, we go to this bizarre story that's all over the British press and originally came from the The Sun, which reports that 8-year-old Britney Campbell of Birmingham, England, gets Botox treatments in her face from her 34-year-old mom, Kerry, a beautician. Britney also gets routine waxes of leg hair and a monthly "virgin wax." This is a bid, her mom says, to stop pubic hair from growing when she hits puberty.
Slushy Snow Expected Sunday
WASHINGTON - Forget the T-shirt this weekend. Grab your mittens. The forecast calls for the "potential" for a couple of inches of slushy snow.
The last weekend of March may be one to remember.
The last weekend of March may be one to remember.
Salisbury Mayor James Ireton, Jr., invites the public to a groundbreaking ceremony for the Salisbury Zoological Park Animal Health Building, on Monday, March 28, 2011. The ceremony will begin at 1:30 p.m. and will be held next to the Salisbury Zoological Administrative Building behind Ben’s Red Swings.
The project includes the construction of a new Animal Health Clinic. This health clinic will enable the Salisbury Zoological Park to have a facility that will house and treat our current and future animal collection. It will also enable us to further the Zoo’s involvement in conservation breeding programs. This project will include geothermal heating and air for efficiency, necropsy room, surgery room, multiple animal holding areas and quarantine space. A secondary use of the new Clinic will be for emergency housing during inclement weather.
“The construction of this building is very important to the future of the Salisbury Zoological Park. As we move towards the implementation of our Master Plan (completed in 2006), AZA accreditation is very critical to our success. Phase One of that Master Plan includes the Animal Health Clinic. The ability to provide consistent, modern medical care to our animal collection is very important,” said Zoo Director, Joel Hamilton.
“This project, funded by a City of Salisbury Public Improvement Bond of 2009, a Maryland Historic Grant, a State Bond Bill, and private donations to the Renew the Zoo capital campaign and managed by the Delmarva Zoological Society is an example of the community and all levels of government working together for the good of the zoo, and ultimately, for the good of Salisbury,” said Mayor Ireton.
This project will begin construction this month (March 2011) and is expected to be completed by March 2012.
The project includes the construction of a new Animal Health Clinic. This health clinic will enable the Salisbury Zoological Park to have a facility that will house and treat our current and future animal collection. It will also enable us to further the Zoo’s involvement in conservation breeding programs. This project will include geothermal heating and air for efficiency, necropsy room, surgery room, multiple animal holding areas and quarantine space. A secondary use of the new Clinic will be for emergency housing during inclement weather.
“The construction of this building is very important to the future of the Salisbury Zoological Park. As we move towards the implementation of our Master Plan (completed in 2006), AZA accreditation is very critical to our success. Phase One of that Master Plan includes the Animal Health Clinic. The ability to provide consistent, modern medical care to our animal collection is very important,” said Zoo Director, Joel Hamilton.
“This project, funded by a City of Salisbury Public Improvement Bond of 2009, a Maryland Historic Grant, a State Bond Bill, and private donations to the Renew the Zoo capital campaign and managed by the Delmarva Zoological Society is an example of the community and all levels of government working together for the good of the zoo, and ultimately, for the good of Salisbury,” said Mayor Ireton.
This project will begin construction this month (March 2011) and is expected to be completed by March 2012.
ANNAPOLIS, MD (March 25, 2011) – Governor Martin O’Malley issued this statement today following the announcement that Maryland employers added 8,100 jobs in February, a rate of job growth that is triple the national average and marking the second consecutive month of falling unemployment rate:
“February’s jobs report shows that Maryland employers continue to outperform the rest of the nation, and that we are uniquely positioned to transition into this new economy more quickly than other states.
“Maryland employers added 8,100 jobs last month, tripled the national rate of job growth, and for the second straight month drove down the rate of unemployment. Together, we are moving forward by making the right choices and the right investments to create jobs through innovation.”
Details of the report can be found here.
Rush: Trump's Questions A Service To Obama
Talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh today said possible presidential candidate Donald Trump is doing a service to the man he could oppose in the 2012 race by raising the issue of Barack Obama's birth certificate and eligibility.
Media attention on the issue, which has been covered in depth by WND since it developed during the 2008 presidential race, has exploded in the last two days after Trump challenged the women of "The View" television program over the issue.
Today, Limbaugh, who previously has joked about the issue and raised concerns that the questions remain unanswered, praised Trump for his comments.
"You and I have known all along – that we're dealing with a man-child here who has literally no qualifications. No experience. No track record. And according to Donald Trump now no birth certificate," he said.
"Trump is performing a valuable service here. He is attempting to help Obama out of a jam," Limbaugh continued. "You can't say that Trump is a kook right-wing birther. Trump realizes the problem Obama faces here with credibility. He's giving him a chance here to establish some credibility by producing the birth certificate."
More here
Media attention on the issue, which has been covered in depth by WND since it developed during the 2008 presidential race, has exploded in the last two days after Trump challenged the women of "The View" television program over the issue.
Today, Limbaugh, who previously has joked about the issue and raised concerns that the questions remain unanswered, praised Trump for his comments.
"You and I have known all along – that we're dealing with a man-child here who has literally no qualifications. No experience. No track record. And according to Donald Trump now no birth certificate," he said.
"Trump is performing a valuable service here. He is attempting to help Obama out of a jam," Limbaugh continued. "You can't say that Trump is a kook right-wing birther. Trump realizes the problem Obama faces here with credibility. He's giving him a chance here to establish some credibility by producing the birth certificate."
More here
Noonan: The Speech Obama Hasn't Given
It all seems rather mad, doesn't it? The decision to become involved militarily in the Libyan civil war couldn't take place within a less hospitable context. The U.S. is reeling from spending and deficits, we're already in two wars, our military has been stretched to the limit, we're restive at home, and no one, really, sees President Obama as the kind of leader you'd follow over the top. "This way, men!" "No, I think I'll stay in my trench." People didn't hire him to start battles but to end them. They didn't expect him to open new fronts. Did he not know this?
He has no happy experience as a rallier of public opinion and a leader of great endeavors; the central initiative of his presidency, the one that gave shape to his leadership, health care, is still unpopular and the cause of continued agitation. When he devoted his entire first year to it, he seemed off point and out of touch. This was followed by the BP oil spill, which made him look snakebit.
Now he seems incompetent and out of his depth in foreign and military affairs. He is more observed than followed, or perhaps I should say you follow him with your eyes and not your heart. So it's funny he'd feel free to launch and lead a war, which is what this confused and uncertain military action may become.
What was he thinking? What is he thinking?
Which gets me to Mr. Obama's speech, the one he hasn't given.
I cannot for the life of me see how an American president can launch a serious military action without a full and formal national address in which he explains to the American people why he is doing what he is doing, why it is right, and why it is very much in the national interest. He referred to his aims in parts of speeches and appearances when he was in South America, but now he's home. More is needed, more is warranted, and more is deserved. He has to sit at that big desk and explain his thinking, put forward the facts as he sees them, and try to garner public support. He has to make a case for his own actions. It's what presidents do! And this is particularly important now, because there are reasons to fear the current involvement will either escalate and produce a lengthy conflict or collapse and produce humiliation.
Without a formal and extended statement, the air of weirdness, uncertainty and confusion that surrounds this endeavor will only deepen.
The questions that must be answered actually start with the essentials:
(More from WSJ)
He has no happy experience as a rallier of public opinion and a leader of great endeavors; the central initiative of his presidency, the one that gave shape to his leadership, health care, is still unpopular and the cause of continued agitation. When he devoted his entire first year to it, he seemed off point and out of touch. This was followed by the BP oil spill, which made him look snakebit.
Now he seems incompetent and out of his depth in foreign and military affairs. He is more observed than followed, or perhaps I should say you follow him with your eyes and not your heart. So it's funny he'd feel free to launch and lead a war, which is what this confused and uncertain military action may become.
What was he thinking? What is he thinking?
Which gets me to Mr. Obama's speech, the one he hasn't given.
I cannot for the life of me see how an American president can launch a serious military action without a full and formal national address in which he explains to the American people why he is doing what he is doing, why it is right, and why it is very much in the national interest. He referred to his aims in parts of speeches and appearances when he was in South America, but now he's home. More is needed, more is warranted, and more is deserved. He has to sit at that big desk and explain his thinking, put forward the facts as he sees them, and try to garner public support. He has to make a case for his own actions. It's what presidents do! And this is particularly important now, because there are reasons to fear the current involvement will either escalate and produce a lengthy conflict or collapse and produce humiliation.
Without a formal and extended statement, the air of weirdness, uncertainty and confusion that surrounds this endeavor will only deepen.
The questions that must be answered actually start with the essentials:
(More from WSJ)
Trump Refuses To Back Down Over Obama's 'Very Strange' Birth
Donald Trump is not backing down from his demand that President Barack Obama produce his birth certificate and stepped up his criticism by questioning why he has not released other personal records, including college transcripts and legislative papers.
The billionaire real estate tycoon and star of “The Apprentice” created a stir on Wednesday when he said on “The View” that Trump must release his birth certificate.
Now Trump has reiterated his call in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, with this simple message for Obama: Why don’t you produce your birth certificate and put to rest all speculation that you were born outside the United States?
He says Obama’s birth certificate controversy is a “strange situation” — there are conflicting reports as to what Honolulu hospital he was born at, and the governor of Hawaii claims he somehow remembers Obama being born 50 years ago.
“It’s a very simple situation,” Trump says in regard to the birth certificate issue. “I’d just like to see his birth certificate.
“I’m hearing all sorts of stories that his own family can’t agree which hospital he was born in and lots of other things, and I’m trying to find out where is the birth certificate. I have a birth certificate. Where is his birth certificate?
“If you’re born in this country, to the best of my knowledge people have a birth certificate.”
Obama asserts that he was born in Honolulu, but former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip Berg has claimed that Obama’s paternal grandmother says she was in the delivery room when he was born in Kenya.
There are even differing reports about which Honolulu hospital he may have been born at. During his 2008 presidential campaign numerous reports indicated Obama was born at the Queen's Medical Center. Later, Obama's half sister said he was born at the Kapiolani Medical Center.
After questions were raised about his birth, Obama's campaign released a Certification of Live Birth. The form is a summary document and does not include the newborn's location of birth. The long-form Birth Certificate includes such data, but Obama has declined to release it.
Read more on Newsmax
The billionaire real estate tycoon and star of “The Apprentice” created a stir on Wednesday when he said on “The View” that Trump must release his birth certificate.
Now Trump has reiterated his call in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, with this simple message for Obama: Why don’t you produce your birth certificate and put to rest all speculation that you were born outside the United States?
He says Obama’s birth certificate controversy is a “strange situation” — there are conflicting reports as to what Honolulu hospital he was born at, and the governor of Hawaii claims he somehow remembers Obama being born 50 years ago.
“It’s a very simple situation,” Trump says in regard to the birth certificate issue. “I’d just like to see his birth certificate.
“I’m hearing all sorts of stories that his own family can’t agree which hospital he was born in and lots of other things, and I’m trying to find out where is the birth certificate. I have a birth certificate. Where is his birth certificate?
“If you’re born in this country, to the best of my knowledge people have a birth certificate.”
Obama asserts that he was born in Honolulu, but former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip Berg has claimed that Obama’s paternal grandmother says she was in the delivery room when he was born in Kenya.
There are even differing reports about which Honolulu hospital he may have been born at. During his 2008 presidential campaign numerous reports indicated Obama was born at the Queen's Medical Center. Later, Obama's half sister said he was born at the Kapiolani Medical Center.
After questions were raised about his birth, Obama's campaign released a Certification of Live Birth. The form is a summary document and does not include the newborn's location of birth. The long-form Birth Certificate includes such data, but Obama has declined to release it.
Read more on Newsmax
Issa To FCC Chair: Why Did You Visit WH So Often?
Many Republicans are upset with the Federal Communications Commission for the “Net Neutrality” regulations it has proposed for the Internet.
And California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, wants to know why FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski was frequently at the White House when the FCC was drafting those rules, Politico reports.
“The large volume and timing of these meetings gives the appearance that they are more than coincidental,” Issa said in his letter.
Read more
And California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, wants to know why FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski was frequently at the White House when the FCC was drafting those rules, Politico reports.
“The large volume and timing of these meetings gives the appearance that they are more than coincidental,” Issa said in his letter.
Read more
Netanyahu Tells Medvedev: Let's Block Islamic Extremism
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow Thursday.
Before their meeting, the two spoke in the presence of the press.
"It is true that we have experienced earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand, and in the Middle East and in North Africa," Netanyahu said. "There have been floods, sandstorms, a tsunami and fires. We had a massive fire and I called to thank you. You sent pilots immediately. They showed exemplary courage and professionalism. They made a great impression on us and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and Russian Government again for the rapid assistance that you extended to us in our hour of need."
"Now, other fires must be put out," Netanyahu continued. "None of us know how the shock, which has struck the entire Arab world and a considerable portion of the Islamic world, will end. I think that we have a common desire that there should be stable, progressive and modern governments that aspire toward peace."
Medvedev began by expressing condolences in connection with the terrorist attack that took place Wednesday in Jerusalem.
"We have firsthand knowledge of the dangers posed by terrorism," he said. "Unfortunately, Russia, too, has been hit by terrorist attacks this year. That makes our meeting today especially valuable because the main thing is that we must not let the terrorists believe that they are close to achieving their atrocious goals."
"We have a great deal to discuss. It has been a long time since our last meeting and great many events have taken place since then, especially in the Middle East and North Africa. The changes taking place there are truly tectonic and cannot but affect the overall situation, which we should discuss as partners."
Before their meeting, the two spoke in the presence of the press.
"It is true that we have experienced earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand, and in the Middle East and in North Africa," Netanyahu said. "There have been floods, sandstorms, a tsunami and fires. We had a massive fire and I called to thank you. You sent pilots immediately. They showed exemplary courage and professionalism. They made a great impression on us and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and Russian Government again for the rapid assistance that you extended to us in our hour of need."
"Now, other fires must be put out," Netanyahu continued. "None of us know how the shock, which has struck the entire Arab world and a considerable portion of the Islamic world, will end. I think that we have a common desire that there should be stable, progressive and modern governments that aspire toward peace."
Medvedev began by expressing condolences in connection with the terrorist attack that took place Wednesday in Jerusalem.
"We have firsthand knowledge of the dangers posed by terrorism," he said. "Unfortunately, Russia, too, has been hit by terrorist attacks this year. That makes our meeting today especially valuable because the main thing is that we must not let the terrorists believe that they are close to achieving their atrocious goals."
"We have a great deal to discuss. It has been a long time since our last meeting and great many events have taken place since then, especially in the Middle East and North Africa. The changes taking place there are truly tectonic and cannot but affect the overall situation, which we should discuss as partners."
Soros Fingerprints On Libya Bombing
Philanthropist billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the global organization that promotes the military doctrine used by the Obama administration to justify the recent airstrikes targeting the regime of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya.
The activist who founded and coined the name of the doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," sits on several key organizations alongside Soros.
Also, the Soros-funded global group that promotes Responsibility to Protect is closely tied to Samantha Power, the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights.
Power has been a champion of the doctrine and is, herself, deeply tied to the doctrine's founder.
According to reports, Power, who is married to Obama regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, was instrumental in convincing Obama to act against Libya.
The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has been described by its founders and proponents, including Soros, as promoting global governance while allowing the international community to penetrate a nation state's borders under certain conditions.
The joint U.S. and international air strikes targeting Libya are widely regarded as a test of Responsibility to Protect – which is a set of principles, now backed by the United Nations, based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege, but a responsibility.
According to the principle, any state's sovereignty can be overrun, including with the use of military force, if the international community decides it must act to halt what it determines to be genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or ethnic cleansing.
The term "war crimes" has at times been indiscriminately used by various U.N.-backed international bodies, including the International Criminal Court, or ICC, which applied it to Israeli anti-terror operations in the Gaza Strip. There has been fear the ICC could be used to prosecute U.S. troops.
More here
The activist who founded and coined the name of the doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," sits on several key organizations alongside Soros.
Also, the Soros-funded global group that promotes Responsibility to Protect is closely tied to Samantha Power, the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights.
Power has been a champion of the doctrine and is, herself, deeply tied to the doctrine's founder.
According to reports, Power, who is married to Obama regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, was instrumental in convincing Obama to act against Libya.
The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has been described by its founders and proponents, including Soros, as promoting global governance while allowing the international community to penetrate a nation state's borders under certain conditions.
The joint U.S. and international air strikes targeting Libya are widely regarded as a test of Responsibility to Protect – which is a set of principles, now backed by the United Nations, based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege, but a responsibility.
According to the principle, any state's sovereignty can be overrun, including with the use of military force, if the international community decides it must act to halt what it determines to be genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or ethnic cleansing.
The term "war crimes" has at times been indiscriminately used by various U.N.-backed international bodies, including the International Criminal Court, or ICC, which applied it to Israeli anti-terror operations in the Gaza Strip. There has been fear the ICC could be used to prosecute U.S. troops.
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Planned Parenthood’s Birth Control Campaign Destroying The Black Family
Planned Parenthood’s birth-control campaign in low-income, black neighborhoods is partly to blame for the breakdown of the black family as well as today’s epidemic of out-of-wedlock births, single parent households, sexually transmitted diseases, absent fathers, and high abortion rates, according to panelists who spoke last week at the Frederick Douglass Foundation’s annual conference in Washington, D.C.
Patrick Fagan, director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute at the Family Research Council, a conservative group, said people do not like to talk about it but the decline of the intact black family dates back to the 1930s when the pro-abortion, family planning agenda was being pushed by groups such as the American Birth Control League, which was renamed the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in the early 1940s.
“The first family targeted by Planned Parenthood in the late 30s, early 40s was the black family,” said Fagan.
“Universally, in all the history of Christianity, contraception was always seen as a grave sin against God,” he said, “a sin by which one lost divine life and the soul.”
“Since the introduction of contraception, everything else has fallen,” Fagan said, citing the “alienation of men from women, the breakdown of marriage,” and “sex outside of marriage.”
Fagan also said that by the 1960s, birth control was widely available and inexpensive, so its impact on the family structure and family values continued to spread.
“[Y]ou had this mass commodification of sex outside of marriage, mainly through contraception,” he said. “Who pushed the whole thing? Planned Parenthood. They first got to the black family.
Why? Because they wanted to reduce black kids. They didn’t want black kids.”
According to the Guttmacher Institute's report, Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients, 2008, non-Hispanic black women accounted for 30 percent of abortions. The Census Bureau states that blacks made up 12.9 percent of the U.S. population in 2009.
In an e-mail to, Fagan said, “Margaret Sanger spearheaded the effort of population control of blacks through the Black church, exemplified in her Harlem Clinic, which started in the 1930's. Adam Clayton Powell Sr. had her address the Abyssian Baptist Church, Harlem's largest Black church.”
Sanger was the founder of the American Birth Control League, which became Planned Parenthood.
“By the late 1960's, after ‘family planning’ clinics were widespread, there was a clear pattern of a preponderance of them being in black neighborhoods,” said Fagan.
Patrick Fagan, director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute at the Family Research Council, a conservative group, said people do not like to talk about it but the decline of the intact black family dates back to the 1930s when the pro-abortion, family planning agenda was being pushed by groups such as the American Birth Control League, which was renamed the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in the early 1940s.
“The first family targeted by Planned Parenthood in the late 30s, early 40s was the black family,” said Fagan.
“Universally, in all the history of Christianity, contraception was always seen as a grave sin against God,” he said, “a sin by which one lost divine life and the soul.”
“Since the introduction of contraception, everything else has fallen,” Fagan said, citing the “alienation of men from women, the breakdown of marriage,” and “sex outside of marriage.”
Fagan also said that by the 1960s, birth control was widely available and inexpensive, so its impact on the family structure and family values continued to spread.
“[Y]ou had this mass commodification of sex outside of marriage, mainly through contraception,” he said. “Who pushed the whole thing? Planned Parenthood. They first got to the black family.
Why? Because they wanted to reduce black kids. They didn’t want black kids.”
According to the Guttmacher Institute's report, Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients, 2008, non-Hispanic black women accounted for 30 percent of abortions. The Census Bureau states that blacks made up 12.9 percent of the U.S. population in 2009.
In an e-mail to, Fagan said, “Margaret Sanger spearheaded the effort of population control of blacks through the Black church, exemplified in her Harlem Clinic, which started in the 1930's. Adam Clayton Powell Sr. had her address the Abyssian Baptist Church, Harlem's largest Black church.”
Sanger was the founder of the American Birth Control League, which became Planned Parenthood.
“By the late 1960's, after ‘family planning’ clinics were widespread, there was a clear pattern of a preponderance of them being in black neighborhoods,” said Fagan.
Feeding The Mouth That Bites: IDF Lets Gaza Imports Continue
The IDF Spokesman's Unit proudly announced Thursday that Israel is continuing to allow supplies into Gaza. "In the shadow of the recent increase in rocket and mortar fire from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel, the IDF is continuing to move forward with its broad policy of aiding the civilian population of the Gaza Strip," it said. "The policy is carried out in coordination with the Palestinian Authority, with the help of the international community."
Over the past week, an average of 300 aid trucks entered Gaza per day [as far as Thursday is concerned, that makes about 30 trucks per missile fired at Israel - Editor].
The trucks carried a variety of materials, including wheat, gravel and animal feed, among other items.
The goods were transferred into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing, operated by the Ministry of Defense Crossing Authority, instead of the Karni crossing, which was recently closed due to security threats.
In the second half of 2011, it is expected that 450 trucks will enter Gaza daily to meet the import and export needs of the civilian population.
The IDF continues to aid the civilian population of Gaza in construction. Around 19,000 tons of aggregates (gravel used in the construction process to reinforce concrete) have been transferred to Gaza thus far.
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Over the past week, an average of 300 aid trucks entered Gaza per day [as far as Thursday is concerned, that makes about 30 trucks per missile fired at Israel - Editor].
The trucks carried a variety of materials, including wheat, gravel and animal feed, among other items.
The goods were transferred into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing, operated by the Ministry of Defense Crossing Authority, instead of the Karni crossing, which was recently closed due to security threats.
In the second half of 2011, it is expected that 450 trucks will enter Gaza daily to meet the import and export needs of the civilian population.
The IDF continues to aid the civilian population of Gaza in construction. Around 19,000 tons of aggregates (gravel used in the construction process to reinforce concrete) have been transferred to Gaza thus far.
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Oil Expert Pyle: Obama Propels Us Toward $6 Gas
President Barack Obama’s energy policies have locked down the nation’s oil and gas industry — and Americans could be paying $6 a gallon for gasoline if they are not reversed, energy expert Thomas Pyle tells Newsmax.TV.
Although Pyle noted that both Democratic and Republican administrations have shied away from exploiting the country’s vast energy resources in the past, Obama’s policies in particular “have led to basically a shutting down of the oil and gas industry in this country.
"Which, as the third-largest producer of oil in the world, is certainly going to send a signal to the marketplace that we are going to see a shortening of supply at a time when we actually need to be producing as much oil as possible not only to satisfy the growing demand in other countries but also in order for us to recover economically.”
The country is “on a path for not only $4.50 gasoline, potentially $5, even $6 gasoline if these policies continue,” said Pyle, former policy analyst in the U.S. House.
However, just as Obama’s policies have sent a signal to the marketplace, a reversal will do the same with an immediate effect, he said.
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Although Pyle noted that both Democratic and Republican administrations have shied away from exploiting the country’s vast energy resources in the past, Obama’s policies in particular “have led to basically a shutting down of the oil and gas industry in this country.
"Which, as the third-largest producer of oil in the world, is certainly going to send a signal to the marketplace that we are going to see a shortening of supply at a time when we actually need to be producing as much oil as possible not only to satisfy the growing demand in other countries but also in order for us to recover economically.”
The country is “on a path for not only $4.50 gasoline, potentially $5, even $6 gasoline if these policies continue,” said Pyle, former policy analyst in the U.S. House.
However, just as Obama’s policies have sent a signal to the marketplace, a reversal will do the same with an immediate effect, he said.
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ANNAPOLIS, MD - Governor O’Malley will join Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker, Washington, DC Mayor Vincent Gray, faith leaders, and other regional HIV/AIDS advocates at the National Capital Regional Conclave on HIV/AIDS hosted by the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS (NBLCA). This conference brings together faith leaders, chief elected officials, health experts, and service providers to develop a coordinated regional strategy to combat HIV/AIDS and other health disparities.
In Maryland, there are more than 29,000 people living with HIV/AIDS. There were more than 2,200 Marylanders newly diagnosed with HIV in 2009, and this does not account for the estimated 6,000-9,000 people who have HIV and do not know it. Maryland was ranked 4th among U.S. states and territories for AIDS cases reported rates with 19.9 cases per 100,000 population for 2009.
Phoneraiser For Delmar BPA
Starting Monday, March 28th, The Delmar BPA will be collecting used cell phones/pdaʼs to help raise much needed funds for BPA's National Leadership Conference.
This BPA will receive money from Phoneraiser for each cell phones/pdaʼs collected during this fundraiser. Phoneraiser is a company that specializes in recycling and refurbishing used technology. There will be a drop off box for your cell phones/pdaʼs in the main office at Delmar Middle and High School.
This BPA will receive money from Phoneraiser for each cell phones/pdaʼs collected during this fundraiser. Phoneraiser is a company that specializes in recycling and refurbishing used technology. There will be a drop off box for your cell phones/pdaʼs in the main office at Delmar Middle and High School.
It will run thru March 28 - April 8th
SU Celebrates Friday Night Live
WHAT: free concert
WHO: Everyone is welcome to attend.
WHEN: Friday, April 8th 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Wicomico Public Library, Room 1
SALISBURY, MD – March 24, 2011 – The free concert series known as Friday Night Live continues with “SU Celebrates Friday Night Live,” a celebration of the continuing partnership in music and artists between the Library and Salisbury University, will be held at the Main Library in Room 1 on Friday, April 8th at 7 p.m. Dr. Robert Trent, John Wesley Wright and Salisbury University students will perform. This program is being presented in cooperation with Salisbury University’s Third Annual classical Guitar Festival.
The venue can be accessed through the Circle Avenue entrance across from the public parking lot. Those needing special assistance will be directed to the main entrance for the elevator.
Friday Night Live is made possible by a grant from the Peter and Judy Jackson Music Performance Fund, a grant from the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore and a grant from the Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council, awarded by the Maryland State Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release
Incident: Assault
Date: 03/24/2011
Location: 300 East College Avenue. Salisbury MD 21801
Suspect: Male Juvenile, 14, Salisbury, MD
On 24 March 2011 at approximately 11:17 a.m., Bennett Middle School Resource Deputy and staff of Bennett Middle School observed a fight in the lower B-wing area of Bennett Middle School. A male juvenile engaged in a physical assault that led to the victim being rendered unconscious. The school nurse responded and rendered aide to the victim, until EMS arrived on scene and transported the victim to Peninsula Regional Medical Center (P.R.M.C.). The victim is being treated a P.R.M.C…
The suspect a Male juvenile from Salisbury, MD was taken into custody He was charged as a juvenile with the following offenses, on a juvenile referral. The juvenile suspect was detained by juvenile authorities.
Assault 1st
Assault 2nd
Reckless Endangerment
Disorderly Conduct
Disturbing school operations
Date: 03/24/2011
Location: 300 East College Avenue. Salisbury MD 21801
Suspect: Male Juvenile, 14, Salisbury, MD
On 24 March 2011 at approximately 11:17 a.m., Bennett Middle School Resource Deputy and staff of Bennett Middle School observed a fight in the lower B-wing area of Bennett Middle School. A male juvenile engaged in a physical assault that led to the victim being rendered unconscious. The school nurse responded and rendered aide to the victim, until EMS arrived on scene and transported the victim to Peninsula Regional Medical Center (P.R.M.C.). The victim is being treated a P.R.M.C…
The suspect a Male juvenile from Salisbury, MD was taken into custody He was charged as a juvenile with the following offenses, on a juvenile referral. The juvenile suspect was detained by juvenile authorities.
Assault 1st
Assault 2nd
Reckless Endangerment
Disorderly Conduct
Disturbing school operations
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church Fundraiser
We have having an all you can eat fried chicken dinner at our church and wondered if you would mind posting the information:
It will be held on April 2, 2011, at Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church in Willards, Maryland. It starts at 11am. The items on the menu will be Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, String Beans, Greens, Rolls, Drinks and Dessert.
The cost is $11.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 10 and under, and free for children under 3. We will also have a Baked Good Table.
It will be held on April 2, 2011, at Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church in Willards, Maryland. It starts at 11am. The items on the menu will be Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, String Beans, Greens, Rolls, Drinks and Dessert.
The cost is $11.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 10 and under, and free for children under 3. We will also have a Baked Good Table.
Senate Committee Quickly Passes New 3% Sales Tax On Beer, Wine And Alcohol
Maryland’s first alcohol tax increase in 39 years easily passed the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee in a 9-4 vote, putting an extra 3% sales tax on all purchases of beer, wine and liquor. The new tax will go up 1% a year for the next three years, raising an estimated $88 million by fiscal 2016, with some of the money going to public schools.
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House Passes Budget; Senate Committee Makes Retirement Changes
The Maryland House of Delegates passed a slightly trimmed version of Gov. Martin O’Malley’s $34 billion budget on a straight party-line vote Thursday evening. About 90 minutes before, the members of the Senate Budget & Taxation Committee passed its own version of the same budget. They agreed to most of the changes made by the House which had been suggested by the Department of Legislative Services, but they disagreed on a few key points.
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Pedestrian Struck By Vehicle While On Sidewalk
Location: Southbound DE Rt. 52 north of Rising Sun Road, Wilmington, DE
Date of Occurrence: Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 4:50 p.m.
Operator 1: Teresa Borcherdt, 41, Newark, DE
Vehicle: 2006 Honda CRV
Victim: Kenny B. Cooper, 35, Wilmington, DE
Wilmington- The Delaware State Police investigated a personal injury accident in which a Wilmington man was struck while walking on a sidewalk north of the city limits yesterday afternoon.
The incident occurred as Teresa Borcherdt was operating a 2006 Honda CRV and was traveling southbound on DE Rt. 52 in the right hand lane. Borcherdt’s vehicle then began drifting into the left hand southbound lane almost striking another vehicle. Borcherdt overcorrected her vehicle and swerved back to the right driving off of the west edge of the roadway and up onto the sidewalk where she struck Kenny B. Cooper, who was walking in a southbound direction. Cooper was thrown approximately 60 feet after the impact landing in the grass.
Teresa Borcherdt left the scene of the accident and was observed by witnesses traveling southbound on Rt. 52 and then making a right hand turn. Responding troopers searched the area and located Borcherdt in her vehicle in the parking lot of the University of Delaware Wilmington campus just off of Rt. 52. It was at this point that the troopers learned that Borcherdt had been operating her vehicle while her right leg was in a cast. They also learned that she had taken pain medication prior to driving her vehicle.
Both Kenny Cooper and Teresa Borcherdt were transported to the Christiana Hospital by EMS. Cooper was admitted with non life threatening injuries. Borcherdt was treated for minor injuries. Troopers have obtained warrants charging her with one count each of Vehicular Assault 1st Degree, Driving under the Influence, and multiple traffic offenses. Arraignment information is not available at this time.
Performance Pay Cut Off
At least 800 members of the government's Senior Executive Service will be told they must give up performance-based pay raises awarded them late last year. The pay hikes are worth several thousand dollars a year in some cases. Federal News Radio's Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has learned SES personnel at the Department of Energy were told the pay increase granted to them in December 2010 will be cancelled this coming Sunday. Energy's SESers were told that the pay take-back was directed by the Office of Personnel Management as part of the 2-year federal pay freeze ordered by the White House and Congress. There are 7,000 career SES members across government. Causey reports chances are that the number added to the give-back ranks will grow. The good news: SES members won't have to pay back the raises they have been getting for the past few months.
USPS Offers Buyouts
Executive Raises Rescinded
Pay for performance raises given to some senior executives ahead of the FY 2011 budget approval are being taken back. Federal News Radio has learned SESers were told the pay take-back was directed by the Office of Personnel Management as part of the 2-year federal pay freeze ordered by the White House and Congress.
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Governor joins U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski and Attorney General Doug Gansler at roundtable discussion to highlight Consumer Assistance Program
BALTIMORE, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley, Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown and numerous Maryland and federal officials commemorated the one year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and highlighted the law’s benefits for Marylanders. According to research by the independent Hilltop Institute, the ACA will save Maryland an estimated $850 million and cut the number of Marylanders living without health insurance in half by 2020.
Maryland has become a national leader in health care reform and innovation. Since 2007, the O’Malley-Brown Administration has championed measures that have expanded health care coverage to 262,000 Marylanders, provided small businesses with incentives to offer coverage to employees, expanded dental care to low income children and launched initiatives, such as the Patient Centered Medical Home pilot and the Healthiest Maryland program, aimed to promote prevention and to coordinate patient care.
“I am so pleased to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act,” said Governor O’Malley. “Since 2007, Maryland has been working to reform and expand health care – closing the Medicare Donut Hole for our seniors, allowing dependents to stay on their families’ health insurance until age 25, and expanding care to thousands of Marylanders. And thanks to President Obama’s leadership and our Congressional delegation, more of our families and children will have access to the health care services they need and the quality, affordable coverage they deserve.”
“The Affordable Care Act represents a unique opportunity to expand access, improve the quality of care and make health care more affordable for more Marylanders,” said Lt. Governor Brown, co-chair of Maryland’s Health Care Reform Coordinating Council. “Because we have led the way in health care innovation, Maryland is better positioned than most to maximize federal health care reform. My colleagues and I on the Health Care Reform Coordinating Council have worked to develop a national model for implementing reform, and we will use every advantage provided by the Affordable Care Act to make Maryland the healthiest state in the nation.”
This afternoon, Governor O’Malley joined U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, and Attorney General Doug Gansler for a roundtable discussion with Maryland stakeholders at the Consumer Assistance Program Center in Baltimore. The conversation highlighted ways the Consumer Assistance Program in Maryland and similar programs throughout the country are helping consumers navigate insurance options for their families.
“The Affordable Care Act is an historic step forward for the health of women and families, and is putting health care decisions in the hands of patients and their doctors. As the primary health care decision-makers for their families, women stand to benefit tremendously from new benefits like free recommended preventive care in new plans and a ban on denying coverage for children with pre-existing conditions,” said Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. “The Consumer Assistance Grant program provides states with funds to help consumers navigate the insurance market, expand staff and capability, and improve outreach. States project these grants will assist 99 million people in the first year of this program. Maryland is leading the way in ensuring that consumers have access to the best information available on their health care options.”
“I’m really proud of the consumer protections in our health law, and particularly proud of what we did to help women,” U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski said. “We ended gender discrimination by big health insurance companies. No longer can they charge women more than men for the same coverage. No longer can women be denied coverage for being a victim of domestic violence or for having had a medically mandated C-section. And when they wanted to take our mammograms away, I introduced the women’s preventive health amendment to guarantee coverage of preventive care and screenings – like mammograms – with no co-pay and no deductible. I’ll keep fighting for health care reform and strong consumer protections for families, women and children.”
The Health Education and Advocacy Unit (HEAU), a division of the Office of Attorney General, has been advocating for consumers in the health care marketplace for over two decades. The Unit was recently awarded a federal Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) grant that will allow it to provide assistance to more Marylanders, expand outreach and education efforts, assist consumers in exploring health coverage options, and educate consumers about their new rights under the Affordable Care Act.
“In 2010, the HEAU was used as a model program when the federal health reform law mandated grant funding for consumer assistance programs nationwide,” said Attorney General Gansler. “I am pleased that as a direct result of the Affordable Care Act, the HEAU will be able to strengthen and expand its services to Marylanders to include providing education and assistance to consumers exploring their insurance options. With these additional funds, the HEAU will continue to provide the excellent service to Maryland consumers it has provided for more than 20 years.”
Parts of the ACA have already been enacted, including the elimination of lifetime dollar limits on insurance coverage, allowing parents to keep children on their coverage through age 26, and a ban on excluding children from coverage because of a preexisting condition. According to a White House report released this week, an estimated nearly 55,000 Marylanders who fall in Medicare prescription drug coverage “donut hole” have received $250 rebates to help with their prescription costs, and over 700,000 Marylanders on Medicare are now able to receive free preventive care services.
Maryland has also received over $100 million in federal grants for the implementation of the ACA, including a $6.2 million grant from the Department of Health and Human Services for beginning to plan for Maryland’s health benefit exchange.
This session, Governor O’Malley and Lt. Governor Brown are championing three bills to expand access, improve the quality of care and lower costs:
- Improve Access – Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Act of 2011(HB 166/SB 182): This bill establishes a structure and framework to develop the insurance exchange required by the Affordable Care Act. The exchange will provide individuals and small businesses one-stop shopping for affordable insurance options; help an estimated 180,000 low-income Marylanders access federal subsidies for coverage; support small business access to affordable coverage; and allow private insurers to offer competitive plans in a fair and transparent marketplace where consumers will be able to compare rates, benefits, and quality to find plans that best suit their needs.
- Improve Quality – Health Insurance Reforms (HB 170/SB 183): This bill aligns Maryland law with the consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act, including the provisions that bar exclusions from insurance based on pre-existing conditions and lifetime limits on benefits, requirements that insurance companies cover certain preventive services like mammograms and flu shots, and the provision that allows young adults to stay on their parents’ policies until age 26.
- Lowering Costs – Health Quality and Cost Council (HB 165/SB 175): This legislation will establish the Council in law and expand the state’s successful effort to bring public agencies and the private sector together to improve the quality and reduce the cost of health care in Maryland.
Report Underscores Ticking Time Bomb Of US Nuke Power Plants
A timely report from the Union of Concerned Scientists, based on data from the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), contains troubling news about the state of America's vast network of nuclear power plants.
The report, which examined serious incidents at 14 U.S. nuclear power plants nationwide from New York to California in 2010, finds fault with both plant operators and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which is supposed to oversee them.
"Many of these significant events occurred because reactor owners and even the NRC tolerated known safety problems," states the report, entitled: "The NRC and Nuclear Power Plant Safety in 2010: A Brighter Spotlight Needed."
Buried Provision in House GOP Bill Would Cut Off Food Stamps To Entire Families If One Member Strikes
All around the country, right-wing legislators are asking middle class Americans to pay for budget deficits caused mainly by a recession caused by Wall Street; they are attacking workers’ collective bargaining rights, which has provoked a huge Main Street Movement to fight back.
Now, a group of House Republicans is launching a new stealth attack against union workers. GOP Reps. Jim Jordan (OH), Tim Scott (SC), Scott Garrett (NJ), Dan Burton (IN), and Louie Gohmert (TX) have introduced H.R. 1135, which states that it is designed to “provide information on total spending on means-tested welfare programs, to provide additional work requirements, and to provide an overall spending limit on means-tested welfare programs.”
Much of the bill is based upon verifying that those who receive food stamps benefits are meeting the federal requirements for doing so. However, one section buried deep within the bill adds a startling new requirement. The bill, if passed, would actually cut off all food stamp benefits to any family where one adult member is engaging in a strike against an employer:
Man Knew About $1 Million Lottery Win Since January
WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- A Rockville man won $1 million in the D.C. Lottery's Black instant scratch ticket game. Lottery officials say Mr. C. Zheng knew about the win since late January when he purchased the ticket at Rodman's Drugs at 5100 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
He told lottery officials later he instantly realized he had won the top prize but couldn't believe it.
"I couldn't believe it! I took it home. I couldn't sleep. I just kept thinking that it wasn't true." Unsure of what to do with his ticket, he said, "I put it up with my passport. I didn't know where to put it."
He told lottery officials later he instantly realized he had won the top prize but couldn't believe it.
"I couldn't believe it! I took it home. I couldn't sleep. I just kept thinking that it wasn't true." Unsure of what to do with his ticket, he said, "I put it up with my passport. I didn't know where to put it."
Alcohol Tax Increase Advances To Full Senate
For the first time in more than four decades, a Maryland legislative committee has approved an alcohol tax increase.
The Senate Budget and Taxation Committee today advanced a plan to bump tax on alcohol from 6 to 9 percent over the next three years. Alcohol taxes would go up by one percentage point per year.
Budget Chairman Edward Kasemeyer noted the historic nature of the committee's move, saying most Marylanders "probably wonder why it has taken so long."
If it wins general Assembly approval, the tax increase is expected to pump about $30 million into state coffers next year and $85 million once it is fully implemented. The House of Delegates has yet to vet the plan.
The Senate Budget and Taxation Committee today advanced a plan to bump tax on alcohol from 6 to 9 percent over the next three years. Alcohol taxes would go up by one percentage point per year.
Budget Chairman Edward Kasemeyer noted the historic nature of the committee's move, saying most Marylanders "probably wonder why it has taken so long."
If it wins general Assembly approval, the tax increase is expected to pump about $30 million into state coffers next year and $85 million once it is fully implemented. The House of Delegates has yet to vet the plan.
Although the new revenue would go into the state's general fund, the Senate committee has plans for it next year: $5 million would assist people with developmental disabilities, $8.8 million would flow to Prince George's County, and Baltimore City would receive $12.2 million.
Because Prince George's County has grown relatively wealthier, state aid has dropped, something the alcohol tax money would help assuage. Baltimore would use the money to pay for increasing costs of retired teachers' health care.
Because Prince George's County has grown relatively wealthier, state aid has dropped, something the alcohol tax money would help assuage. Baltimore would use the money to pay for increasing costs of retired teachers' health care.
Victims' Group Accuses Catholic Church Of Sending Problem Priests To military
Archdiocese says all priests credibly accused of abuse are removed
Advocates for victims of clergy abuse called Thursday for an investigation into its allegations that the Roman Catholic church purposely funneled problem priests into the chaplain corps of the U.S. military.Meeting with reporters outside the downtown headquarters of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, members of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests called for congressional hearings to determine "how frequently and why Catholic officials dumped predator priests on military bases."
And they distributed documents that they said showed that Archbishop Edwin F. O'Brien ignored sexual misconduct by chaplains when he headed the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services.
Inquiry Finds 'Nothing Criminal' In Likely Rat Poison At Fuddruckers
Anne Arundel County police have closed their investigation into a food contamination incident that closed the Fuddruckers restaurant in Annapolis for a day last week.
After "numerous" interviews, county detectives found "nothing criminal" in the appearance of suspected rat poison on trays of hamburger stored in a walk-in refrigerator, said police spokesman Justin Mulcahy. The matter was handed back to the county health department.
Health officials could offer no explanation as to how the poison came to be found on food trays, but suggested that employees, rather than a professional exterminator, were responsible.
After "numerous" interviews, county detectives found "nothing criminal" in the appearance of suspected rat poison on trays of hamburger stored in a walk-in refrigerator, said police spokesman Justin Mulcahy. The matter was handed back to the county health department.
Health officials could offer no explanation as to how the poison came to be found on food trays, but suggested that employees, rather than a professional exterminator, were responsible.
Maryland Lawmakers Uncork Changes To Alcohol Laws
By Julie Bykowicz and Jessica Anderson, The Sun (Baltimore)Wineries across the state — and country — soon might be permitted to ship bottles directly to Maryland homes. Shoppers could pick up local wines at more farmers' markets. And diners might one day be able to bring their favorite vintage to an already licensed restaurant.
Hispanic Population Tops 50 Million In U.S.
By Stephen Ceasar, Los Angeles Times
The Hispanic population in the United States grew by 43% in the last decade, surpassing 50 million and accounting for about 1 out of 6 Americans, the Census Bureau reported Thursday.
Health Care Reform Law Faces Continued Opposition
By Meredith Cohn, The Sun (Baltimore)In the year since the federal health care reform law was passed, it has drawn a mixed reaction from Americans — including a court challenge from 20 states and efforts to cut funding by their representatives in Congress. But little of this seems to have spilled over to Maryland, where officials have embraced the act's provisions and moved aggressively to ensure that residents gain access to new benefits.
O'Malley budget clears House hurdle
By Annie Linskey, The Sun (Baltimore)The House of Delegates gave initial approval Wednesday for a $14.6 billion state spending plan that closes a yawning deficit without raising taxes but would have Marylanders paying tens of millions more in extra fees.
Toyota Warn Its North American Plants Of Possible Shut-Downs
The earthquake and subsequent devastation in Japan has prompted Toyota to warn its U.S. plants that they may have to shut down, due to parts shortages from Japan.
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New Home Sales Dive To Lowest Level In Nearly 50 Years
As housing prices sank to their lowest levels since 2002 in February, the number of new houses sold took a much harder fall, dropping 16.9 percent from the previous month.
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Senators Call Out Makers Of Drunk-Driving Checkpoint Apps
After four senators requested that smartphone software vendors to stop selling apps that allow users to report and find drunk-driving checkpoints, the makers of those applications are defending themselves, saying they actually help police, and not drunkies out on the road.
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Video Of Home Depot Easy Button Ripoff In Action
Reader Ed went back to Home Depot and took a video of that Home Depot ripoff of the Staple's "Easy Button" getting pressed. The mechanized voice released from inside says, "Don't see the product you want you want on our displays? The Home Depot can still provide it! Ask an associate to set up a CFP to locate the product you want!" That's a lot more words than when you push the original button, which says, "That was Easy." Nice job, big orange, you steal someone else's idea and then totally ruin the whole concept by adding a bunch of extra marketing language.
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DelDOT Alerts Motorists To Start Of Roadway Approach Work for Indian River Inlet Bridge
Dover -- The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces that Dover-based contractor George & Lynch, Inc. will begin work on the Roadway Approach and Bridge Demolition Contract for the Indian River Inlet Bridge on Monday, March 28, 2011.
As of this date the traveling public can expect to see intermittent shoulder closures along the southbound lanes of SR-1 in the area of the bridge as the contract installs silt fencing. Also, there will be intermittent lane closures on SR-1 northbound and southbound lanes south of the bridge as the contractor begins work on the temporary crossovers in this area. These lane closures will be removed at the end of each day, allowing for all lanes to be open for motorists during evening and overnight hours.
In addition, motorists will see additional signage, including variable message boards, in this area alerting them to this roadway work. They may also see construction crews mobilizing materials and equipment onsite.
This first phase of the roadway approach work is expected to take approximately two months, concluding prior to the Memorial Day holiday weekend. At that time, temporary traffic patterns will be established to allow work to proceed on connecting Route 1 to the new bridge late this year. Information on these patterns can be found on the Internet at
Motorists are reminded that the current speed limit of 35 mph throughout the roadway approach and bridge work zones will remain in effect to protect the safety of workers and the traveling public.
As of this date the traveling public can expect to see intermittent shoulder closures along the southbound lanes of SR-1 in the area of the bridge as the contract installs silt fencing. Also, there will be intermittent lane closures on SR-1 northbound and southbound lanes south of the bridge as the contractor begins work on the temporary crossovers in this area. These lane closures will be removed at the end of each day, allowing for all lanes to be open for motorists during evening and overnight hours.
In addition, motorists will see additional signage, including variable message boards, in this area alerting them to this roadway work. They may also see construction crews mobilizing materials and equipment onsite.
This first phase of the roadway approach work is expected to take approximately two months, concluding prior to the Memorial Day holiday weekend. At that time, temporary traffic patterns will be established to allow work to proceed on connecting Route 1 to the new bridge late this year. Information on these patterns can be found on the Internet at
Motorists are reminded that the current speed limit of 35 mph throughout the roadway approach and bridge work zones will remain in effect to protect the safety of workers and the traveling public.
Salisbury Middle School’s Chad Pavlekovich Named 2011-12 Wicomico Teacher Of The Year
Chad Pavlekovich, a science teacher at Salisbury Middle School, was recognized for his outstanding work in the classroom when he was named 2011-12 Wicomico Teacher of the Year March 24. Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen and Board of Education President L. Michelle Wright announced the honor at the end of the annual Wicomico Teacher of the Year Awards Banquet at the Commons at Salisbury University.
His “hands on approach to the concepts he teaches in science inspires his students to learn,” wrote the person who nominated Pavlekovich for Teacher of the Year. “Whether it is astronomy, chemistry, physics or life science, Chad is always going the extra mile to get his students involved in the classroom.”
As Wicomico Teacher of the Year, Pavlekovich represents the county's more than 1,249 teachers. He also represents the outstanding staff of Salisbury Middle, whose roster of educators includes 2004 Maryland Teacher of the Year Aaron Deal, 1996-97 Wicomico Teacher of the Year Bev Elzey, and 1987-88 Wicomico Teacher of the Year Dawn Neville .
Pavlekovich holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Salisbury University, and began working for Wicomico County Public Schools in 2001 as a science teacher at Salisbury Middle School (SMS). His commitment to helping all students understand and appreciate science extends beyond the classroom to events such as the SMS Science Nights (recognized nationally by NNPS and Johns Hopkins), the SMS STEM Academy, the “Blast-Off” Summer Scholars Program at Wor-Wic Community College, the “From Stars to Stegosaurs” Summer Enrichment program for elementary students, and the SMS Punkin Chunkin. He excels as a leader at SMS, acting as Instructional Leadership Team co-chair, team leader, and mentor. He has previously been recognized for M.A.S.T. Excellence in Science Teaching, Salisbury University Outstanding Mentor Teacher, and Wicomico County Environmental Teacher of the Year.
The new Teacher of the Year will begin his year in style, arriving at Salisbury Middle School at 9 a.m. Friday chauffeured in a classic 1949 Buick provided for the occasion by Wicomico music teacher and auto enthusiast Buck Burton. Pavlekovich will be featured, along with this year's 26 other semi-finalists, in a "Working Together for Children" Teacher of the Year special on PAC 14.
Later this year, Pavlekovich will represent Wicomico County Public Schools in the Maryland Teacher of the Year contest. Wicomico is proud to have two former Maryland Teachers of the Year, Bonnie Walston and Deal, working in the school system on behalf of students.
Top Teachers
The annual Teacher of the Year Banquet spotlights not just the year's most outstanding teacher, but all Wicomico educators who demonstrate outstanding leadership, a commitment to excellence, dedication to teaching the children of the community, and professional achievement, said Karen Leimann, coordinator of the Teacher of the Year Program.
Twenty-seven semi-finalists were selected to undergo an interview with a blue-ribbon judging panel of former Wicomico teachers of the year. Based on results from the interview and a writing exercise, the judging panel chose a finalist to represent each school level. Finalists were, in addition to Pavlekovich for the middle school level: Susan Jones, Grade 1 teacher, Fruitland Primary School; Christy Briggs, Grade 5 reading teacher, Fruitland Intermediate School; and Chris Grande, History teacher, Parkside High School.
The other semi-finalists for 2011-12 Wicomico Teacher of the Year were:
Tammy Adams, Grade 3 Reading teacher, East Salisbury Elementary School
Jessica Atkins, Grade 5 teacher, Glen Avenue Elementary School
Donna Bennett, Grade 3 teacher, Northwestern Elementary School
Sheila M. Edwards, Prekindergarten teacher, Pinehurst Elementary School
Jennifer Fenzel, Grade 5 teacher, Westside Intermediate School
Brooke Fleetwood, Kindergarten teacher, Delmar Elementary School
Casey Foltz, Art teacher, James M. Bennett High School
Pam Hall, Special Education teacher/case manager, Wicomico Infants & Toddlers Program
Sherri Harkins, Foreign Language Elementary School (FLES)/French teacher, Pittsville Elementary and Middle School
Jana Hobbs, Band Director, Wicomico Middle School
Rosemarie Leonard, Title I Math teacher, Beaver Run Elementary School
Patrick McGlinchey, History teacher, Wicomico High School
Elizabeth McQuown, Special Education teacher, Wicomico Early Learning Center
Kairlyn Miles-Smith, Science teacher, Choices
DeAnna Richardson, Grade 2 teacher, Prince Street Elementary School
Josefina Rodriguez, Grade 4 teacher, Pemberton Elementary School
Michelle Schlegel, Kindergarten teacher, Charles H. Chipman Elementary
Debbie Simpkins, Grade 2 teacher, Willards Elementary School
Christen Tacka, Grade 6 Reading/English/Language Arts teacher, Mardela Middle and High School
Deb Tobin, Title I teacher, West Salisbury Elementary School
Jeff Williams, Technology Education teacher, Bennett Middle School
Nicole Williams, Grade 1 teacher, Westside Primary School
Teresa Williams, Grade 3 Math teacher, North Salisbury Elementary Magnet
Friend of Education
Each year at the Wicomico County Teacher of the Year Awards Banquet, Wicomico also honors a "Friend of Education" who has generously supported Wicomico schoolchildren and schools. This year’s recipient of the Friend of Education Award was PAC 14. On almost any day of the year, Public Access Channel 14 - better known as PAC 14 -- provides programming that supports the efforts of our students, teachers and staff, and, just as importantly, children and families. Under the leadership of former General Manager Mike Goodson and current Interim Executive Director Creig Twilley, PAC 14 Inc. and its staff have provided encouragement, technical knowhow and feedback for the production of a number of programs that highlight education.
Business Sponsors of the Wicomico Teacher of the Year Program
The Wicomico County Teacher of the Year Banquet is sponsored or supported by a number of generous businesses and organizations.
Gold Level: CareFirst
Silver Level: Association of Public School Administrators & Supervisors, Atlantic Pumping Inc., Bank of Delmarva, Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, W. R. McCain & Associates, Salisbury University Alumni Association
Bronze Level: Becker Morgan Group, Davis, Bowen, & Friedel, Dr. Carolyn Elmore, First Shore Federal Savings & Loan, Gordy Tiger Mart, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goslee, Princess Anne Chapter of The Links, Inc., and Wicomico County Council of PTAs
In-kind Donors: Acorn Market, Among Friends, Barb’s Gift & Hallmark Shop, Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Bubba’s Place, Buck Burton, Chick-fil-A, Chipotle Mexican Grill, City Florist, Classic Cakes, Clear Channel Outdoor, Culinary Arts Students of Parkside High School CTE, Dell Computers, Delmarva Shorebirds, Eastside Deli, Educational Supplies, Inc. , Fancy Fingers, Fractured Prune the Donut Shop, G. B. Heron & Co., Goin’ Nuts Café, Greene Turtle, Instructional Resource Center, Kitty’s Flowers, Kuhn’s Jewelers, La Tolteca Mexican Restaurant, LORA: Local Owner Restaurant Association, Old West Steakhouse, Olive Garden, PAC 14, Plaza Tapatia, Quizno’s, Red Door Sub Shop, Rise Up Coffee, Route 12 Pizza, Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, Salisbury University, Specific Gravity, Subside Deli, Twisted Pretzel, The Daily Times, and Viva Espresso
His “hands on approach to the concepts he teaches in science inspires his students to learn,” wrote the person who nominated Pavlekovich for Teacher of the Year. “Whether it is astronomy, chemistry, physics or life science, Chad is always going the extra mile to get his students involved in the classroom.”
As Wicomico Teacher of the Year, Pavlekovich represents the county's more than 1,249 teachers. He also represents the outstanding staff of Salisbury Middle, whose roster of educators includes 2004 Maryland Teacher of the Year Aaron Deal, 1996-97 Wicomico Teacher of the Year Bev Elzey, and 1987-88 Wicomico Teacher of the Year Dawn Neville .
Pavlekovich holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Salisbury University, and began working for Wicomico County Public Schools in 2001 as a science teacher at Salisbury Middle School (SMS). His commitment to helping all students understand and appreciate science extends beyond the classroom to events such as the SMS Science Nights (recognized nationally by NNPS and Johns Hopkins), the SMS STEM Academy, the “Blast-Off” Summer Scholars Program at Wor-Wic Community College, the “From Stars to Stegosaurs” Summer Enrichment program for elementary students, and the SMS Punkin Chunkin. He excels as a leader at SMS, acting as Instructional Leadership Team co-chair, team leader, and mentor. He has previously been recognized for M.A.S.T. Excellence in Science Teaching, Salisbury University Outstanding Mentor Teacher, and Wicomico County Environmental Teacher of the Year.
The new Teacher of the Year will begin his year in style, arriving at Salisbury Middle School at 9 a.m. Friday chauffeured in a classic 1949 Buick provided for the occasion by Wicomico music teacher and auto enthusiast Buck Burton. Pavlekovich will be featured, along with this year's 26 other semi-finalists, in a "Working Together for Children" Teacher of the Year special on PAC 14.
Later this year, Pavlekovich will represent Wicomico County Public Schools in the Maryland Teacher of the Year contest. Wicomico is proud to have two former Maryland Teachers of the Year, Bonnie Walston and Deal, working in the school system on behalf of students.
Top Teachers
The annual Teacher of the Year Banquet spotlights not just the year's most outstanding teacher, but all Wicomico educators who demonstrate outstanding leadership, a commitment to excellence, dedication to teaching the children of the community, and professional achievement, said Karen Leimann, coordinator of the Teacher of the Year Program.
Twenty-seven semi-finalists were selected to undergo an interview with a blue-ribbon judging panel of former Wicomico teachers of the year. Based on results from the interview and a writing exercise, the judging panel chose a finalist to represent each school level. Finalists were, in addition to Pavlekovich for the middle school level: Susan Jones, Grade 1 teacher, Fruitland Primary School; Christy Briggs, Grade 5 reading teacher, Fruitland Intermediate School; and Chris Grande, History teacher, Parkside High School.
The other semi-finalists for 2011-12 Wicomico Teacher of the Year were:
Tammy Adams, Grade 3 Reading teacher, East Salisbury Elementary School
Jessica Atkins, Grade 5 teacher, Glen Avenue Elementary School
Donna Bennett, Grade 3 teacher, Northwestern Elementary School
Sheila M. Edwards, Prekindergarten teacher, Pinehurst Elementary School
Jennifer Fenzel, Grade 5 teacher, Westside Intermediate School
Brooke Fleetwood, Kindergarten teacher, Delmar Elementary School
Casey Foltz, Art teacher, James M. Bennett High School
Pam Hall, Special Education teacher/case manager, Wicomico Infants & Toddlers Program
Sherri Harkins, Foreign Language Elementary School (FLES)/French teacher, Pittsville Elementary and Middle School
Jana Hobbs, Band Director, Wicomico Middle School
Rosemarie Leonard, Title I Math teacher, Beaver Run Elementary School
Patrick McGlinchey, History teacher, Wicomico High School
Elizabeth McQuown, Special Education teacher, Wicomico Early Learning Center
Kairlyn Miles-Smith, Science teacher, Choices
DeAnna Richardson, Grade 2 teacher, Prince Street Elementary School
Josefina Rodriguez, Grade 4 teacher, Pemberton Elementary School
Michelle Schlegel, Kindergarten teacher, Charles H. Chipman Elementary
Debbie Simpkins, Grade 2 teacher, Willards Elementary School
Christen Tacka, Grade 6 Reading/English/Language Arts teacher, Mardela Middle and High School
Deb Tobin, Title I teacher, West Salisbury Elementary School
Jeff Williams, Technology Education teacher, Bennett Middle School
Nicole Williams, Grade 1 teacher, Westside Primary School
Teresa Williams, Grade 3 Math teacher, North Salisbury Elementary Magnet
Friend of Education
Each year at the Wicomico County Teacher of the Year Awards Banquet, Wicomico also honors a "Friend of Education" who has generously supported Wicomico schoolchildren and schools. This year’s recipient of the Friend of Education Award was PAC 14. On almost any day of the year, Public Access Channel 14 - better known as PAC 14 -- provides programming that supports the efforts of our students, teachers and staff, and, just as importantly, children and families. Under the leadership of former General Manager Mike Goodson and current Interim Executive Director Creig Twilley, PAC 14 Inc. and its staff have provided encouragement, technical knowhow and feedback for the production of a number of programs that highlight education.
Business Sponsors of the Wicomico Teacher of the Year Program
The Wicomico County Teacher of the Year Banquet is sponsored or supported by a number of generous businesses and organizations.
Gold Level: CareFirst
Silver Level: Association of Public School Administrators & Supervisors, Atlantic Pumping Inc., Bank of Delmarva, Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, W. R. McCain & Associates, Salisbury University Alumni Association
Bronze Level: Becker Morgan Group, Davis, Bowen, & Friedel, Dr. Carolyn Elmore, First Shore Federal Savings & Loan, Gordy Tiger Mart, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Goslee, Princess Anne Chapter of The Links, Inc., and Wicomico County Council of PTAs
In-kind Donors: Acorn Market, Among Friends, Barb’s Gift & Hallmark Shop, Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Bubba’s Place, Buck Burton, Chick-fil-A, Chipotle Mexican Grill, City Florist, Classic Cakes, Clear Channel Outdoor, Culinary Arts Students of Parkside High School CTE, Dell Computers, Delmarva Shorebirds, Eastside Deli, Educational Supplies, Inc. , Fancy Fingers, Fractured Prune the Donut Shop, G. B. Heron & Co., Goin’ Nuts Café, Greene Turtle, Instructional Resource Center, Kitty’s Flowers, Kuhn’s Jewelers, La Tolteca Mexican Restaurant, LORA: Local Owner Restaurant Association, Old West Steakhouse, Olive Garden, PAC 14, Plaza Tapatia, Quizno’s, Red Door Sub Shop, Rise Up Coffee, Route 12 Pizza, Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, Salisbury University, Specific Gravity, Subside Deli, Twisted Pretzel, The Daily Times, and Viva Espresso
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