Similar to the shenanigans at The Salisbury Zoo back when the Jaguar "escaped," The Salisbury Zoo did everything they could to lie and skirt around the fact that a Zookeeper made TWO HUGE mistakes and was not properly trained before being in charge of that Exhibit. He not only left the door open from the den into the exhibit, he also left the gate open that takes you from the exhibit to the outside world.
Some are questioning the actual physical ability of such an animal at the SF Zoo to take such a leap and if there's one thing Zoo's are notorious for, it's lying. It was Christmas Day, the Zoo was open. More than likely the normal Professional Staff wasn't there and someone more than likely let this animal out. Oh, let me rephrase that the way we do it locally. The animal ESCAPED.
The Salisbury Zoo Staff lied by stating they had the drugs to dart the animal and
THEY DID NOT. They claimed the Police were there, yet they never entered the grounds and stayed outside the gates. That day, the Salisbury Zoo was closed and young children had just been in that area on a private tour. Several people were very lucky they didn't lose their lives and or get badly hurt that day as well.
To this day the Salisbury Zoo is still without a Director, Vet Tech. and is being run by a shoestring. They're so desperate they hired yet another Security Guard to become a Zookeeper.
I'm sad for those people who lost their life and or were hurt by this Wild Animal. However, I'm just as sad for the animals life being taken at the expense of someone who could have been hung over or inexperienced doing someone else's job. We'll see what the investigation brings but my guess is that the AZA will do everything possible to cover up the truth.