Barrie Tilghman has figured out the perfect way to resolve releasing critical information without having to actually be accountable.
Last night Public Works Director Jim Caldwell announced yet ANOTHER sewage spill at the Salisbury WWTP. This was done in the beginning of the meeting while Public Comment isn't allowed till the end of the meeting, hours later.
I want to explain something to ALL of you, including Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen. I am one of the very few people that know the WWTP like the back of my hand and I'd like to explain something to ALL of you.
Where they are doing this construction, IMO, it is impossible to them to have a spill of 4 minutes, 10 minutes or whatever bullsh!t they want to give you and it find its way all the way to the River. I'll repeat, it's impossible for that to happen.
So I'm telling you, there are pipes heading to that River in which when and if they have a spill, I'd say they know what's about to happen and they discharge overflow into those pipes and they knowingly leak into the River.
IMO, this is not accidental. The photo above shows you just how far away the main part of the Plant is from the River and a 4 minute spill isn't going to go there. It's time for some NEW accountability and get them to explain how this is so possible.
I'll add, along the way to the river the are old sludge pits along the way. ANY overflow should hit those pits before they hit the River and that too isn't happening. The photo just above is one of those abandoned pits that is between the actual Plant and the River. If they had a spill, one would believe that spill would make its way into one of these pits. As a matter of fact, if I worked for the MDE, I'd make damn sure that's where everything actually went so there was some real accountability towards just how large the spill actually was.
Let's see if this raises any attention from the MDE and IF they're willing to consider such a plan? It sure it's a lot better to have it where you could recycle it and not ever and up in the River again. Then again, this makes too much sense and probably cost next to nothing to actually make happen. Remember, this pit has nothing in it and is still there today. No additional land is necessary and again, this is where everything should head anyway, before getting to the River. What say you now Mayor I Have No Accountability Tilghman?