Spin it any way you want, the Theater is a load of crap! These guy actually stood there and stated that this design fit in with the Historical Society Guidelines, PLEASE! It looks more like Camden Yards to me!
Then, being very slick, Bill Ahtes & James Gillespie (?) announced they were neutral and not affiliated with any group and or this project. Looks like Ahtes and that Arts Group doesn't want to be recognized for the failure they had at the Boulevard Theater and the scam that went on there.
Nevertheless, this is a BS project and it's simply another attempt to get Waterfront Property for free and or next to nothing. Look at this thing Ladies & Gentlemen, is this what YOU want Downtown?
When I stood up to speak and express I was interested in PURCHASING the building and that I would restore it back to its original state, only TWO Council Members would actually look at me and look me in the eyes. The rest lowered their heads and looked at paperwork, not mine, because I didn't bring any.
You'll notice in today's Daily Times, there's NO mention of my offer. The Tilghman Times Spin Machine is back in full swing Ladies & Gentlemen. DON'T let the Public/Taxpayers know there are any other offers out there and certainly don't let them know those people stood up and spoke out PUBLICLY because that would ruin their scam.
I'll state this FOR THE RECORD. I flat out asked the Council AND Gary Comegys on PAC14, does the property that goes from the Fire House to the river come with the property? Comegys said, NO! Look at these drawings Folks. You Tell Me, WHY would these people go through ALL that trouble having these drawings done IF that property doesn't come with it.
Gary Comegys IS A LIAR and this City will do ANYTHING to SCREW the Taxpayer, ESPECIALLY when it comes to this Fire Department and the BS scams they keep pulling off.