After 10 months of leading the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, counterintelligence official Peter Strzok had not seen compelling evidence that President Trump or high-level campaign officials colluded with the Russian government, according to a person familiar with his thinking.
That account comports with a May 19, 2017 text exchange between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page that was released earlier this week.
“You and I both know the odds are nothing. If I thought it was likely, I’d be there no question. I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern that there’s no big there there,” Strzok wrote to Page, his mistress.
WATCH: Timeline Of The Mueller Investigation:

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
The Most Important Chart in the World is in Serious Trouble
Love it, or hate it, the $USD is the reserve currency of the world. So what happens to it is of MASSIVE import to the rest of the financial system.
With that in mind, take a look at the below chart. This is looking more and more like a “false breakout.” False breakouts are dangerous developments because they usually lead to violent drops.
In this case, the above chart suggests the $USD could collapse to the high ‘70s in the coming months.
With that in mind, take a look at the below chart. This is looking more and more like a “false breakout.” False breakouts are dangerous developments because they usually lead to violent drops.
In this case, the above chart suggests the $USD could collapse to the high ‘70s in the coming months.
Paul Craig Roberts Warns "In the Western World Lies Have Displaced Truth"
Last year I was awarded Marquiss "Who’s Who In America’s Lifetime Achievement Award."
This did not prevent a hidden organization, PropOrNot, from attempting to brand me and my website along with 200 others “Putin stooges or agents” for our refusal to lie for the corrupt, anti-American, anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, warmonger police state interests that rule the Western World.
The only honest, factual media that exists in the Western World today are the names on the PropOrNot list of “Putin agents.”
The purpose of PropOrNot is to convince Americans that freedom of speech must be halted by destroying fact-based Internet media, such as this website and 200 others that provide factual information at odds with Big Brother’s universal brainwashingas delivered by CNN, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the utterly corrupt presstitute media, a collection of scum devoid of all integrity and all respect for truth.
This did not prevent a hidden organization, PropOrNot, from attempting to brand me and my website along with 200 others “Putin stooges or agents” for our refusal to lie for the corrupt, anti-American, anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, warmonger police state interests that rule the Western World.
The only honest, factual media that exists in the Western World today are the names on the PropOrNot list of “Putin agents.”
The purpose of PropOrNot is to convince Americans that freedom of speech must be halted by destroying fact-based Internet media, such as this website and 200 others that provide factual information at odds with Big Brother’s universal brainwashingas delivered by CNN, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the utterly corrupt presstitute media, a collection of scum devoid of all integrity and all respect for truth.
Gold treasure recovered from 1857 shipwreck to make debut
SANTA ANA, Calif. – More than $50 million worth of gold bars, coins and dust that's been described as the greatest lost treasure in U.S. history is about to make its public debut in California after sitting at the bottom of the ocean for more than 150 years.
The 3,100 gold coins, 45 gold bars and more than 80 pounds (36 kilograms) of gold dust recovered from the wreckage of the S.S. Central America steamship are now sitting in a makeshift laboratory just south of Los Angeles.
Bob Evans, the chief scientist on the original voyage that discovered the shipwreck and its treasure in 1988, is now painstakingly cleaning each piece of gold by hand, soaking it in a solution and brushing off rust and grime that accumulated as the treasure sat 7,000 feet (2,134 meters) below sea level.
The 3,100 gold coins, 45 gold bars and more than 80 pounds (36 kilograms) of gold dust recovered from the wreckage of the S.S. Central America steamship are now sitting in a makeshift laboratory just south of Los Angeles.
Bob Evans, the chief scientist on the original voyage that discovered the shipwreck and its treasure in 1988, is now painstakingly cleaning each piece of gold by hand, soaking it in a solution and brushing off rust and grime that accumulated as the treasure sat 7,000 feet (2,134 meters) below sea level.
Kimberley Strassel: What are Adam Schiff, DOJ and the FBI trying to hide?
Rep. Adam Schiff has many talents, though few compare to his ability to function as a human barometer of Democratic panic. The greater the level of Schiff hot, pressured air, the more trouble the party knows it’s in.
Mr. Schiff’s millibars have been popping ever since the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, on which he is ranking Democrat, last week voted to make a classified GOP memo about FBI election year abuses available to every House member. Mr. Schiff has spit and spun and apoplectically accused his Republican colleagues of everything short of treason. The memo, he insists, is “profoundly misleading,” not to mention “distorted” and “political,” and an attack on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He initially tried to block his colleagues from reading it. Having failed, he’s now arguing Americans can know the full story only if they see the underlying classified documents.
This is highly convenient, given the Justice Department retains those documents and is as eager to make them public as a fox is to abandon the henhouse. Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes had to threaten a contempt citation simply to get permission for his committee to gain access, and even then investigators had to leave Capitol Hill to view them, and were allowed only to take notes. Mr. Nunes has no authority to declassify them. The best he can do in his continuing transparency efforts is to summarize their contents. Only in Schiff land is sunshine suddenly a pollutant.
Mr. Schiff’s millibars have been popping ever since the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, on which he is ranking Democrat, last week voted to make a classified GOP memo about FBI election year abuses available to every House member. Mr. Schiff has spit and spun and apoplectically accused his Republican colleagues of everything short of treason. The memo, he insists, is “profoundly misleading,” not to mention “distorted” and “political,” and an attack on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He initially tried to block his colleagues from reading it. Having failed, he’s now arguing Americans can know the full story only if they see the underlying classified documents.
This is highly convenient, given the Justice Department retains those documents and is as eager to make them public as a fox is to abandon the henhouse. Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes had to threaten a contempt citation simply to get permission for his committee to gain access, and even then investigators had to leave Capitol Hill to view them, and were allowed only to take notes. Mr. Nunes has no authority to declassify them. The best he can do in his continuing transparency efforts is to summarize their contents. Only in Schiff land is sunshine suddenly a pollutant.
Rhode Island, Connecticut and Illinois are 'worst states'
If you live in Illinois, Connecticut or Rhode Island, the chances are you know someone who is not happy. Not happy at all.
Around a quarter of the population living in these regions have described them each as the 'worst possible state to live in', according to a survey.
The map data doesn't explain the nature of the residents' grievances.
Around a quarter of the population living in these regions have described them each as the 'worst possible state to live in', according to a survey.
The map data doesn't explain the nature of the residents' grievances.
Paul Craig Roberts Warns "The Russiagate Stakes Are Extreme"
The Republicans’ delay in releasing the summary of the House Intelligence Committee’s Russiagate investigation is giving weight to the presstitutes’ claim that the report is not being released, because it is a hack attempt at a Trump coverup that is not believable.Only Republicans are stupid enough to put themselves in such a situation.
Readers ask me why the summary memo is not released if it is real. There must be some reasons besides the stupidity of Republicans. Yes, that is so. Among the many reasons that might be blocking release are:
1) Republicans are very national security conscious. They don’t want to provide precedents for the release of classified information.
2) Many Republican congressional districts host installations of the military/security complex. Upsetting a large employer and directing campaign financing to a challenger is a big consideration.
3) The George W. Bush/Dick Cheney regime was a neoconservative regime. One consequence is that Republicans are influenced by neoconservatives who stress the alleged “Russian threat.”
4) The Israel Lobby can unseat any member of the House and Senate. The Israel Lobby is allied with the neoconservatives and this alliance intends to keep the US militarily active against perceived threats to Israel’s hegemony in the Middle East and against Russia, which supports Syria and Iran, countries perceived as threats by Israel.
5) Many Republicans are themselves invested in false Russiagate allegations against Trump and would like to replace him with Pence. Other Republicans believe that Trump is undermining Washington’s expensively-purchased foreign alliances and, thereby, undermining US power.
Readers ask me why the summary memo is not released if it is real. There must be some reasons besides the stupidity of Republicans. Yes, that is so. Among the many reasons that might be blocking release are:
1) Republicans are very national security conscious. They don’t want to provide precedents for the release of classified information.
2) Many Republican congressional districts host installations of the military/security complex. Upsetting a large employer and directing campaign financing to a challenger is a big consideration.
3) The George W. Bush/Dick Cheney regime was a neoconservative regime. One consequence is that Republicans are influenced by neoconservatives who stress the alleged “Russian threat.”
4) The Israel Lobby can unseat any member of the House and Senate. The Israel Lobby is allied with the neoconservatives and this alliance intends to keep the US militarily active against perceived threats to Israel’s hegemony in the Middle East and against Russia, which supports Syria and Iran, countries perceived as threats by Israel.
5) Many Republicans are themselves invested in false Russiagate allegations against Trump and would like to replace him with Pence. Other Republicans believe that Trump is undermining Washington’s expensively-purchased foreign alliances and, thereby, undermining US power.
FBI Mulled Special Counsel For Hillary Email Probe But Feared Her Wrath, New Texts Reveal
Newly released text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal that the agency's top brass was considering appointing former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as a special counsel in the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
The idea is pitched in a March, 2016 exchange between Strzok and Page - relatively early on in their investigation into Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified information. Of note, Attorney General Loretta Lynch or one of her deputies would have had to make the ultimate decision to appoint a special prosecutor to look into the "matter."
"Thought of the perfect person [FBI Director James Comey] can bounce this off of?" Strzok wrote to Page in a March 18, 2016 text. "Pat....You got to give me credit if we go with him....And delay briefing him on until I can get back and do it, Late next week or later."
"We talked about him last night, not for this, but how great he is," Page responded.
"I could work with him again....And damn we'd get sh*t DONE," Strzok wrote.
The idea is pitched in a March, 2016 exchange between Strzok and Page - relatively early on in their investigation into Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified information. Of note, Attorney General Loretta Lynch or one of her deputies would have had to make the ultimate decision to appoint a special prosecutor to look into the "matter."
"Thought of the perfect person [FBI Director James Comey] can bounce this off of?" Strzok wrote to Page in a March 18, 2016 text. "Pat....You got to give me credit if we go with him....And delay briefing him on until I can get back and do it, Late next week or later."
"We talked about him last night, not for this, but how great he is," Page responded.
"I could work with him again....And damn we'd get sh*t DONE," Strzok wrote.
Anti-Trump FBI Official Identified As Leaker To WSJ, WaPo Reporter
Newly released text messages between controversial anti-Trump FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal several leaks of confidential information to Wall St. Journal reporter, Devlin Barrett, who is now with the Washington Post.
Following the release of the timestamped texts by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Conservative Treehouse compared the timing of the messages between the agents and tied them to several instances of Barrett breaking news or confirming rumors based on "sources" within the government.
Via the Conservative Treehouse:
On October 28th, 2016 (as above), at the exact time the re-opening of the Clinton investigation hit the media news-cycle, Page and Strzok were texting. From the released messaging we see at 5:19pm Lisa Page is on the phone with “Devlin”:
Page: 5:19pm “Still on the phone with Devlin. Mike’s phone is ON FIRE.”
Strzok: 5:29pm “You might wanna tell Devlin he should turn on CNN, there’s news on.”
Page: 5:30pm “He knows. He just got handed a note.”
Strzok: 5:33pm “Ha. He asking about it now?”
Page: 5:34pm “Yeah. It was pretty funny. Coming now.”
At 5:36pm Devlin Barrett tweets:
Following the release of the timestamped texts by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Conservative Treehouse compared the timing of the messages between the agents and tied them to several instances of Barrett breaking news or confirming rumors based on "sources" within the government.
Via the Conservative Treehouse:
On October 28th, 2016 (as above), at the exact time the re-opening of the Clinton investigation hit the media news-cycle, Page and Strzok were texting. From the released messaging we see at 5:19pm Lisa Page is on the phone with “Devlin”:
Page: 5:19pm “Still on the phone with Devlin. Mike’s phone is ON FIRE.”
Strzok: 5:29pm “You might wanna tell Devlin he should turn on CNN, there’s news on.”
Page: 5:30pm “He knows. He just got handed a note.”
Strzok: 5:33pm “Ha. He asking about it now?”
Page: 5:34pm “Yeah. It was pretty funny. Coming now.”
At 5:36pm Devlin Barrett tweets:
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Program Expands to Six Detention Centers and Five Additional Hospitals
Evidence-based tool helps identify patients who are at risk of substance use disorder
ANNAPOLIS, MD — Following Governor Larry Hogan declaring a State of Emergency to combat the heroin and opioid crisis in March 2017, Maryland’s Opioid Operational Command Center (OOCC) has been working with state agencies and local jurisdictions to address the epidemic, which is ravaging communities across the state. Today, the Maryland Department of Health released its overdose death report for the third quarter of 2017, which shows that, while the largest increases in overdose deaths continue to be related to fentanyl and from cocaine use combined with opioids, there has been a slight decline in the overall number of heroin-related and prescription opioid-related deaths when comparing third quarter data for 2016 and 2017.
"As the opioid epidemic continues to claim Marylanders’ lives, we must not tire in our resolve in combating this crisis," said Clay Stamp, executive director of the OOCC. "Over the past year we have seen the development and expansion of prevention, enforcement, and treatment efforts, which serve as a critical foundation for our fight against this ever-evolving threat."
Funding in Governor Hogan’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget enabled the administration to expand innovative prevention, treatment, and enforcement efforts, including the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) program, and the other initiatives detailed below.
ANNAPOLIS, MD — Following Governor Larry Hogan declaring a State of Emergency to combat the heroin and opioid crisis in March 2017, Maryland’s Opioid Operational Command Center (OOCC) has been working with state agencies and local jurisdictions to address the epidemic, which is ravaging communities across the state. Today, the Maryland Department of Health released its overdose death report for the third quarter of 2017, which shows that, while the largest increases in overdose deaths continue to be related to fentanyl and from cocaine use combined with opioids, there has been a slight decline in the overall number of heroin-related and prescription opioid-related deaths when comparing third quarter data for 2016 and 2017.
"As the opioid epidemic continues to claim Marylanders’ lives, we must not tire in our resolve in combating this crisis," said Clay Stamp, executive director of the OOCC. "Over the past year we have seen the development and expansion of prevention, enforcement, and treatment efforts, which serve as a critical foundation for our fight against this ever-evolving threat."
Funding in Governor Hogan’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget enabled the administration to expand innovative prevention, treatment, and enforcement efforts, including the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) program, and the other initiatives detailed below.
Maryland DOT Survey
Maryland Department of Transportation is launching a widespread effort to find out specifically what Marylanders want in their future transportation system. Take the survey now to help shape the 20-year vision for transportation in the state. #MTP2040
Seaside Christian Academy PRINCE AND PRINCESS BALL
Dear SCA Family,
We have finished half the school year and endured our first winter snow storm. I am concerned about our finances at this time. January and February are traditionally our most difficult times financially, Taxes, utilities, salaries, and building maintenance has taken an extra heavy toll on us this winter and income has dropped dramatically. We are asking for our entire school family to pray for us as we navigate these difficult waters. God has always provided for us through these circumstances in the past, but our faith is always tested in these moments.
One way we hope to address our income deficit is through our next fund raiser which is coming quickly. I am very excited about this event. On Sunday, February 25th, at 2 pm we will celebrate our 4th Annual Prince and Princess Ball at the Holiday Inn on 66th Street in Ocean City. The Ball this year is a Star Wars Themed event, plan to attend the “Galactic Ball”. It will be a semi-formal affair and costumes will be welcomed. We expect Chewbacca of Star Wars fame to attend, with perhaps many other special characters from the Star Wars movies. The cost will be $40 for adults and $25 for children (14 and under). You can help us by finding event sponsors who will come alongside us to support the school. Sponsorships are presently at three levels: Jedi Master for $500; Jedi Knight for $250; and Jedi Padawan for $100. Tickets and sponsorships are available by calling the school office.
The ball is a true family event, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, grandparents, uncles and aunts. We need to invite everyone we can. There will be music, dancing, photo opportunities, and games for the whole family. Food will include such delicacies as Tauntaun burgers, Bantha Dogs, and Tatooine Fries. Like last year there will be special door prizes and gifts you can bid on. I hope all of you will plan to attend and that you will help us by inviting others not only to come but to become sponsors as well. We will honor our sponsors by recognizing them in the program, on our web page, on our facebook page and during the Ball itself.
Again, thank you for your prayers and support. We appreciate all of you and trust that God will continue to provide for Seaside Christian Academy.
Sincerely, In Christ,
Terry L. Davis
We have finished half the school year and endured our first winter snow storm. I am concerned about our finances at this time. January and February are traditionally our most difficult times financially, Taxes, utilities, salaries, and building maintenance has taken an extra heavy toll on us this winter and income has dropped dramatically. We are asking for our entire school family to pray for us as we navigate these difficult waters. God has always provided for us through these circumstances in the past, but our faith is always tested in these moments.
One way we hope to address our income deficit is through our next fund raiser which is coming quickly. I am very excited about this event. On Sunday, February 25th, at 2 pm we will celebrate our 4th Annual Prince and Princess Ball at the Holiday Inn on 66th Street in Ocean City. The Ball this year is a Star Wars Themed event, plan to attend the “Galactic Ball”. It will be a semi-formal affair and costumes will be welcomed. We expect Chewbacca of Star Wars fame to attend, with perhaps many other special characters from the Star Wars movies. The cost will be $40 for adults and $25 for children (14 and under). You can help us by finding event sponsors who will come alongside us to support the school. Sponsorships are presently at three levels: Jedi Master for $500; Jedi Knight for $250; and Jedi Padawan for $100. Tickets and sponsorships are available by calling the school office.
The ball is a true family event, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, grandparents, uncles and aunts. We need to invite everyone we can. There will be music, dancing, photo opportunities, and games for the whole family. Food will include such delicacies as Tauntaun burgers, Bantha Dogs, and Tatooine Fries. Like last year there will be special door prizes and gifts you can bid on. I hope all of you will plan to attend and that you will help us by inviting others not only to come but to become sponsors as well. We will honor our sponsors by recognizing them in the program, on our web page, on our facebook page and during the Ball itself.
Again, thank you for your prayers and support. We appreciate all of you and trust that God will continue to provide for Seaside Christian Academy.
Sincerely, In Christ,
Terry L. Davis
Video: Rand Paul Tells Christian Students 'Government Doesn't Make Us Virtuous'
“Government is best that governs least, so you have more freedom.”
In an engaging speech to 90 Christian students, Senator Rand Paul warned that federal government does little to help morality, but libertarianism goes hand in hand with the principles of faith.
Paul was speaking at the National Association of Evangelicals’ Christian Student Leadership Conference, which seeks to recruit and encourage young, evangelical students to serve in the government.
Paul warned, however, that the system of government on its own does not hold all the keys, far from it.
“Government’s not going to make us a virtuous society. I think that’s very important when we think about what we want from government and where we’re going,” said Paul.
In an engaging speech to 90 Christian students, Senator Rand Paul warned that federal government does little to help morality, but libertarianism goes hand in hand with the principles of faith.
Paul was speaking at the National Association of Evangelicals’ Christian Student Leadership Conference, which seeks to recruit and encourage young, evangelical students to serve in the government.
Paul warned, however, that the system of government on its own does not hold all the keys, far from it.
“Government’s not going to make us a virtuous society. I think that’s very important when we think about what we want from government and where we’re going,” said Paul.
On January 29, 2018, Norman Joseph Fisher, age 39 of Quantico, was convicted of First Degree Assault, Use of a Firearm in the Commission of a Felony, Illegal Possession of a Firearm and related charges in the Circuit Court for Wicomico County. He faces up to 49 years of incarceration at sentencing. Sentencing has been postponed to allow for a pre-sentence investigation.
These charges arise from an incident on February 25, 2017, where Mr. Fisher pointed a rifle at his wife and threatened to kill her. He later expelled his wife and their two minor children from their residence in the middle of the night. Members of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office surrounded Fisher’s residence in response to a 911 call. Fisher was taken into custody after being Tased and struggling with Sheriff’s Deputies at his residence. Police located two firearms in the residence along with various types of ammunition. Mr. Fisher is prohibited from owning any firearms as the result of a prior conviction for Second Degree Assault.
Wicomico County State’s Attorney Jamie Dykes commended members of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office for their work in the investigation and prosecution of this case. State’s Attorney Dykes also thanked Assistant State’s Attorney Jared Monteiro, who prosecuted this case.
These charges arise from an incident on February 25, 2017, where Mr. Fisher pointed a rifle at his wife and threatened to kill her. He later expelled his wife and their two minor children from their residence in the middle of the night. Members of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office surrounded Fisher’s residence in response to a 911 call. Fisher was taken into custody after being Tased and struggling with Sheriff’s Deputies at his residence. Police located two firearms in the residence along with various types of ammunition. Mr. Fisher is prohibited from owning any firearms as the result of a prior conviction for Second Degree Assault.
Wicomico County State’s Attorney Jamie Dykes commended members of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office for their work in the investigation and prosecution of this case. State’s Attorney Dykes also thanked Assistant State’s Attorney Jared Monteiro, who prosecuted this case.
Don’t Miss Next Week’s Incredibly Rare 'Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse'
A blue moon—the second full moon to occur in one calendar month—isn’t as rare as the common saying suggests. But on January 31, skygazers will be in for a much rarer lunar event: For the first time in 35 years, a blue moon coincides with a total lunar eclipse, and as a bonus, the moon will seem bigger than usual, TIME reports.
The "super blue blood moon," as it’s been dubbed, is the result of a perfect storm of celestial conditions. First, it’s the second full moon this month following the first on January 1. Second, the full moon will rise at the part of its monthly orbit that dips closest to Earth, a point called perigee. This causes the moon to appear larger and brighter in the night sky. And finally, all of this is occurring during a total lunar eclipse, which happens when the Earth’s shadow fully blankets the moon.
The "super blue blood moon," as it’s been dubbed, is the result of a perfect storm of celestial conditions. First, it’s the second full moon this month following the first on January 1. Second, the full moon will rise at the part of its monthly orbit that dips closest to Earth, a point called perigee. This causes the moon to appear larger and brighter in the night sky. And finally, all of this is occurring during a total lunar eclipse, which happens when the Earth’s shadow fully blankets the moon.
Florida mayor faces up to FIVE years in jail busted by FBI
Mayor of Hallandale Beach was arrested Thursday on three felony charges following an undercover FBI investigation.
The Broward State Attorney's Office said in a news release Thursday that Mayor Joy Cooper surrendered on the charges and turned herself in to state prosecutors. Subsequently she was booked into Broward County Jail.
A statement released by the Broward State Attorney's Office said Cooper was charged with 'multiple campaign finance violations' stemming from an FBI undercover operation in May of 2012, including three felonies, reported the Miami Herald.
The Broward State Attorney's Office said in a news release Thursday that Mayor Joy Cooper surrendered on the charges and turned herself in to state prosecutors. Subsequently she was booked into Broward County Jail.
A statement released by the Broward State Attorney's Office said Cooper was charged with 'multiple campaign finance violations' stemming from an FBI undercover operation in May of 2012, including three felonies, reported the Miami Herald.
Hillary Clinton shielded aide accused of sexual harassment
Hillary Clinton protected a campaign adviser's job during the 2008 presidential race after he was accused of sexually harassing a 30-year-old female subordinate.
Burns Strider, then 42 and married, was Clinton's 'Director of Faith-Based Outreach' and frequently appeared on religious-themed broadcasts to promote her candidacy.
He was ordered to undergo counseling and docked 'several weeks of pay,' according to The New York Times, but Clinton insisted Strider keep his job even though then-campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle advised her to fire him.
His accuser was moved to a new position.
Strider boasts to this day about his close relationship with the former secretary of state, continuing to call her 'boss', sharing lunches, going to a birthday party and posting a letter from her on Instagram.
Burns Strider, then 42 and married, was Clinton's 'Director of Faith-Based Outreach' and frequently appeared on religious-themed broadcasts to promote her candidacy.
He was ordered to undergo counseling and docked 'several weeks of pay,' according to The New York Times, but Clinton insisted Strider keep his job even though then-campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle advised her to fire him.
His accuser was moved to a new position.
Strider boasts to this day about his close relationship with the former secretary of state, continuing to call her 'boss', sharing lunches, going to a birthday party and posting a letter from her on Instagram.
Virginian Immigration Hawks Outraged as Fairfax County's Gives Illegal Alien Criminals Sanctuary
Fairfax County, Virginia Sheriff Stacey Kincaid’s announcement she would cancel an agreement with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to honor “detainers” for illegal alien criminals and arrestees has prompted pro-American immigration reformers to condemn the move for turning Fairfax into a “sanctuary county.”
In the affluent suburban Washington, DC county, criminals and arrestees who ICE believes are illegal aliens subject to deportation will no longer be held for up to 48 after their release date so federal agents can pick them up.
Virginia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Corey Stewart, who led an effort to force jails to report illegal alien criminals to ICE and help enforce immigration laws as a supervisor in neighboring Prince William County using ICE’s 287(g) program, issued a statement in response Thursday. “It is official — Fairfax County is now a sanctuary jurisdiction,” he wrote, continuing:
In the affluent suburban Washington, DC county, criminals and arrestees who ICE believes are illegal aliens subject to deportation will no longer be held for up to 48 after their release date so federal agents can pick them up.
Virginia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Corey Stewart, who led an effort to force jails to report illegal alien criminals to ICE and help enforce immigration laws as a supervisor in neighboring Prince William County using ICE’s 287(g) program, issued a statement in response Thursday. “It is official — Fairfax County is now a sanctuary jurisdiction,” he wrote, continuing:
ICE HSI Special Agent Celestino Martinez to attend State of the Union Address
NEW YORK — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Supervisory Special Agent Celestino Martinez will attend the State of Union Address as a guest of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump in recognition of Martinez's extraordinary work combatting transnational criminal gangs in New York.
“ICE is honored that the President is recognizing Celestino’s incredible courage and devotion to protecting the citizens of the United States,” said Thomas Homan, ICE Deputy Director. "His exemplary service as an HSI agent has saved lives, and in the process he has risked his own continuously through the years. We find it tremendously gratifying that the President realizes the enormous sacrifices made by Celestino and all ICE personnel on behalf of public safety.”
Martinez is assigned to the HSI New York office, and he recently organized and led a massive anti-gang initiative targeting MS-13. He was chosen for this assignment due to his extensive background in investigating and dismantling MS-13 Cliques in the New York City Metropolitan area. In addition to his 15 years of service to ICE, he is also a veteran and has honorably served the United States in the U.S. Air Force with distinction for 22 years.
In response to the recent spate of extreme violence in communities throughout the United States and specifically in Long Island, New York, at the hands of MS-13 transnational street gang, HSI New York launched a task force under the auspices of Operation Matador May 9, 2017.
The task force is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) interagency endeavor designed to combat the proliferation of MS-13 and its criminal activity in the New York City metropolitan area. Since the inception of the task force, 426 gang members and associates have been arrested. Martinez has been the lead special agent on multiple gang investigations during his 15 year tenure as a special agent and has been responsible for dismantling multiple MS-13 cliques in the New York City metropolitan area.
In his role on the HSI-led task force, Martinez has demonstrated exemplary leadership during the effort by managing representatives from multiple federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in combatting the extreme violence perpetrated by a plethora of transnational gangs on Long Island. Additionally, Martinez has been able to leverage the authorities of multiple federal and state agencies, and most importantly, foster teamwork among special agents and task force officers.
At the State of the Union Address, Martinez will be seated with the First Lady and other special guests.
“ICE is honored that the President is recognizing Celestino’s incredible courage and devotion to protecting the citizens of the United States,” said Thomas Homan, ICE Deputy Director. "His exemplary service as an HSI agent has saved lives, and in the process he has risked his own continuously through the years. We find it tremendously gratifying that the President realizes the enormous sacrifices made by Celestino and all ICE personnel on behalf of public safety.”
Martinez is assigned to the HSI New York office, and he recently organized and led a massive anti-gang initiative targeting MS-13. He was chosen for this assignment due to his extensive background in investigating and dismantling MS-13 Cliques in the New York City Metropolitan area. In addition to his 15 years of service to ICE, he is also a veteran and has honorably served the United States in the U.S. Air Force with distinction for 22 years.
In response to the recent spate of extreme violence in communities throughout the United States and specifically in Long Island, New York, at the hands of MS-13 transnational street gang, HSI New York launched a task force under the auspices of Operation Matador May 9, 2017.
The task force is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) interagency endeavor designed to combat the proliferation of MS-13 and its criminal activity in the New York City metropolitan area. Since the inception of the task force, 426 gang members and associates have been arrested. Martinez has been the lead special agent on multiple gang investigations during his 15 year tenure as a special agent and has been responsible for dismantling multiple MS-13 cliques in the New York City metropolitan area.
In his role on the HSI-led task force, Martinez has demonstrated exemplary leadership during the effort by managing representatives from multiple federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in combatting the extreme violence perpetrated by a plethora of transnational gangs on Long Island. Additionally, Martinez has been able to leverage the authorities of multiple federal and state agencies, and most importantly, foster teamwork among special agents and task force officers.
At the State of the Union Address, Martinez will be seated with the First Lady and other special guests.
Gowdy: FBI's Strzok, Page should testify to answer allegations, questions about 'secret society'
The House Republicans’ top investigator, Rep. Trey Gowdy, said Sunday that text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page show they “hated” then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, but the South Carolina lawmaker suggested the two testify to settle concerns on whether they were powerful enough to take down Trump or protect Democratic rival Hillary Clinton from criminal charges over her emails.
“I can’t prove that they were the final decision makers,” Gowdy, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Affairs, told “Fox News Sunday.” “But I don’t have to. Two really important people hated (Trump); would have done anything to protect” Clinton.
Gowdy pointed out that Strzok interviewed Clinton about her use, as secretary of state, of private servers on which emails with classified information were discovered. And Strzok scrubbed language about Clinton’s “grossly negligent” behavior from the final FBI report on the server-email investigation, he said.
“I can’t prove that they were the final decision makers,” Gowdy, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Affairs, told “Fox News Sunday.” “But I don’t have to. Two really important people hated (Trump); would have done anything to protect” Clinton.
Gowdy pointed out that Strzok interviewed Clinton about her use, as secretary of state, of private servers on which emails with classified information were discovered. And Strzok scrubbed language about Clinton’s “grossly negligent” behavior from the final FBI report on the server-email investigation, he said.
John Kerry In Secret Communications With Palestine For "Alternative Initiative" Circumventing Trump
During the middle of last week a bombshell report hit Israeli media but was largely ignored in major international press. According to theJerusalem Post former Secretary of State John Kerry has been actively undermining President Trump through his own back channel communications with representatives of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
This reportedly included Kerry telling Abbas to "hold and be strong" and to not "yield to President Trump's demands" until Democrats are able to kick Trump out of office, and even included the suggestion that Kerry himself would seriously consider running for president in 2020.
The report comes amidst what has developed into a complete disconnect in relations between the White House and the Palestinian Authority after Trump's early December move to formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which includes plans to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem by the end of 2019. This was also followed by repeat threats from Trump to cut US aid to the Palestinian territories, reiterated as recently as Thursday before reporters at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where Trump indicated he might cut $700 million in annual U.S. aid "unless they sit down and negotiate peace.”
But it appears, according to the Jerusalem Post relying on revelations sourced to the Israeli outlet Maariv, that Kerry is one among the "previous administration" which has "maintained contact with PA officials" and is seeking to secretly jump start a separate peace plan which circumvents the current US administration, and which presumably would come to maturity once Trump is out of office.
The claims center around a recent meeting between John Kerry and a close associate of Abbas named Hussein Agha, who is considered the most senior and veteran negotiator with Israel concerning the peace process.
This reportedly included Kerry telling Abbas to "hold and be strong" and to not "yield to President Trump's demands" until Democrats are able to kick Trump out of office, and even included the suggestion that Kerry himself would seriously consider running for president in 2020.
The report comes amidst what has developed into a complete disconnect in relations between the White House and the Palestinian Authority after Trump's early December move to formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which includes plans to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem by the end of 2019. This was also followed by repeat threats from Trump to cut US aid to the Palestinian territories, reiterated as recently as Thursday before reporters at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where Trump indicated he might cut $700 million in annual U.S. aid "unless they sit down and negotiate peace.”
But it appears, according to the Jerusalem Post relying on revelations sourced to the Israeli outlet Maariv, that Kerry is one among the "previous administration" which has "maintained contact with PA officials" and is seeking to secretly jump start a separate peace plan which circumvents the current US administration, and which presumably would come to maturity once Trump is out of office.
The claims center around a recent meeting between John Kerry and a close associate of Abbas named Hussein Agha, who is considered the most senior and veteran negotiator with Israel concerning the peace process.
JUST IN: 'Glee' Actor Mark Salling Dies at 35
The actor recently pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography.
Mark Salling has died, an official with knowledge of the situation confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter on Tuesday. He was 35.
The cause and manner of death are not clear. The Los Angeles County Coroner's office could not confirm the death because the next of kin has not yet been notified. L.A. police referred all questions to the coroner's office.
TMZ reported that the actor died of an apparent suicide.
Mark Salling has died, an official with knowledge of the situation confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter on Tuesday. He was 35.
The cause and manner of death are not clear. The Los Angeles County Coroner's office could not confirm the death because the next of kin has not yet been notified. L.A. police referred all questions to the coroner's office.
TMZ reported that the actor died of an apparent suicide.
BREAKING NEWS A Hawaii emergency worker did not send the missile alert accidentally, mistaking an internal drill for a real threat, the F.C.C. said
The state worker in Hawaii who sent a false wireless alert warning of an inbound ballistic missile on Jan. 13 issued the message intentionally, thinking the state faced an actual threat, the Federal Communications Commission said on Tuesday.
Officials had previously described the episode as an accident.
Officials had previously described the episode as an accident.
Cherokee Woman Blasts Elizabeth Warren: 'We've Asked Her to Stop' Claiming Our Ancestry
A Cherokee woman joined Jesse Watters to criticize Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) for refusing to back down on her claim of Cherokee ancestry.
Watters said Warren was recognized by Harvard University as their first minority female faculty member after the 68-year-old applied to the job as a Native American.
"As a mixed Native woman, I get to relive the stereotypes that Warren perpetuates every day," Rebecca Nagle of Oklahoma told Watters.
"I'm not 'part-Cherokee', I am Cherokee," she said. "[We're] not bit fractions of imagined Indians that used to exist. [Warren should] take responsibility for her false claim."
Watters pointed out that Trump too has called out Warren for claiming Cherokee ancestry.
Watters said Warren was recognized by Harvard University as their first minority female faculty member after the 68-year-old applied to the job as a Native American.
"As a mixed Native woman, I get to relive the stereotypes that Warren perpetuates every day," Rebecca Nagle of Oklahoma told Watters.
"I'm not 'part-Cherokee', I am Cherokee," she said. "[We're] not bit fractions of imagined Indians that used to exist. [Warren should] take responsibility for her false claim."
Watters pointed out that Trump too has called out Warren for claiming Cherokee ancestry.
Gowdy Drops Big Hints About FISA Memo: Dossier Funding, FBI Misuse, And Hillary's Relationship To Chris Steele
While lawmakers have been incredibly mum over the specifics of a four-page "FISA memo" containing allegations of FBI and DOJ malfeasance against then-candidate Donald Trump and his team, Rep. Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox News Sunday where he dropped the most telling breadcrumbs about the contents of the memo to date.
“If you think your viewers want to know whether or not the dossier was used in court proceedings, whether or not it was vetted before it was used, whether or not it’s ever been vetted — if you are interested in who paid for the dossier, if you are interested in Christopher Steele’s relationship with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, then, yes, you will want the memo to come out,” -Trey Gowdy
“Do you want to know that the Democratic National Committee paid for material that was never vetted, that was included in a court proceeding?” Gowdy asked rhetorically.
“Do you want to know whether or not the primary source in these court proceedings had a bias against one candidate? Do you want to know whether or not he said he’d do anything to keep that candidate from becoming president?”
“If you think your viewers want to know whether or not the dossier was used in court proceedings, whether or not it was vetted before it was used, whether or not it’s ever been vetted — if you are interested in who paid for the dossier, if you are interested in Christopher Steele’s relationship with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, then, yes, you will want the memo to come out,” -Trey Gowdy
“Do you want to know that the Democratic National Committee paid for material that was never vetted, that was included in a court proceeding?” Gowdy asked rhetorically.
“Do you want to know whether or not the primary source in these court proceedings had a bias against one candidate? Do you want to know whether or not he said he’d do anything to keep that candidate from becoming president?”
Lies, Deceit, and the Violation of International Law
After reading this book (as a military veteran and northerner) it would seem that no one can conclude other than that Lincoln intentionally started the War. How many realize that armistices existed with South Carolina (December 6th, 1860 involving Ft Sumter) and Florida (January 29th, 1861 involving Ft Pickens)? To violate any part of the terms of an armistice means that a state of war exists. Lincoln apparently violated both before Ft Sumter was fired upon by the South but this has been covered up by court and gatekeeper historians. It was asserted unequivocally, that the election of 1860 empowered Lincoln’s ‘party’ to enforce their political theories on the country, regardless of the Constitution, the laws, the rights of the States, or the decisions of the Supreme Court; and that Lincoln would do so.
However, five days before Lincoln was inaugurated Congress passed a Resolution pronouncing the practice of pushing political theories using “legalized” force exercised by the Federal Government (as promulgated by Sam Chase and several Northern States), to be violations of the Constitution. The new Congress (elected Nov 1860) was more favorable to the Constitution being upheld than the outgoing Congress. Knowing this Lincoln ordered an army of 75,000 men to be organized and equipped without Congress’s approval and prevented Congress from convening until July 1861 when War was assured. Read Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address. He cared much more about His tariff that supported the Federal Government (paid about 80% by the South) than anything WRT slavery (see Robert DiLorenzo’s books among others on this).
However, five days before Lincoln was inaugurated Congress passed a Resolution pronouncing the practice of pushing political theories using “legalized” force exercised by the Federal Government (as promulgated by Sam Chase and several Northern States), to be violations of the Constitution. The new Congress (elected Nov 1860) was more favorable to the Constitution being upheld than the outgoing Congress. Knowing this Lincoln ordered an army of 75,000 men to be organized and equipped without Congress’s approval and prevented Congress from convening until July 1861 when War was assured. Read Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address. He cared much more about His tariff that supported the Federal Government (paid about 80% by the South) than anything WRT slavery (see Robert DiLorenzo’s books among others on this).
Post-Presidency Benefits at Michigan State
Critics scrutinize post-employment benefits, but Simon's case could be another piece of a long-unfolding discussion about the college president as CEO.
Lou Anna Simon could have the option of collecting her full presidential salary for two years, plus perks, after resigning as president of Michigan State University in the wake of the Larry Nassar sexual abuse scandal.
Simon’s employment contract gives her the option of returning to the faculty after she steps down as university president. She would be entitled to a one-year research leave, in which she would be paid her full presidential base salary of $750,000. After returning to the faculty, she would then be paid another year at her full presidential salary.
Thereafter, her pay would dip to 75 percent of her presidential base salary, or about $563,000. It would be subject to annual review, salary increases and fringe benefits, according to her employment contract.
Simon announced late Wednesday that she was resigning from Michigan State after she faced fierce criticism for the university’s handling of the Nassar scandal. In herresignation letter, she apologized to victims and said she loves Michigan State.
“As tragedies are politicized, blame is inevitable,” Simon wrote. “As president, it is only natural that I am the focus of this anger. I understand, and that is why I have limited my personal statements. Throughout my career, I have worked very hard to put Team MSU first. Throughout my career, I have consistently and persistently spoken and worked on behalf of Team MSU. I have tried to make it not about me. I urge those who have supported my work to understand that I cannot make it about me now. Therefore, I am tendering my resignation as president according to the terms of my employment agreement.”
Lou Anna Simon could have the option of collecting her full presidential salary for two years, plus perks, after resigning as president of Michigan State University in the wake of the Larry Nassar sexual abuse scandal.
Simon’s employment contract gives her the option of returning to the faculty after she steps down as university president. She would be entitled to a one-year research leave, in which she would be paid her full presidential base salary of $750,000. After returning to the faculty, she would then be paid another year at her full presidential salary.
Thereafter, her pay would dip to 75 percent of her presidential base salary, or about $563,000. It would be subject to annual review, salary increases and fringe benefits, according to her employment contract.
Simon announced late Wednesday that she was resigning from Michigan State after she faced fierce criticism for the university’s handling of the Nassar scandal. In herresignation letter, she apologized to victims and said she loves Michigan State.
“As tragedies are politicized, blame is inevitable,” Simon wrote. “As president, it is only natural that I am the focus of this anger. I understand, and that is why I have limited my personal statements. Throughout my career, I have worked very hard to put Team MSU first. Throughout my career, I have consistently and persistently spoken and worked on behalf of Team MSU. I have tried to make it not about me. I urge those who have supported my work to understand that I cannot make it about me now. Therefore, I am tendering my resignation as president according to the terms of my employment agreement.”
Aussie PM: Trump Leadership, Economic Reforms Benefiting the World
U.S. President Donald Trump’s sweeping tax cuts combined with reforms in corporate regulation are benefiting the global economy, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said.
Mr. Turnbull pointed to the International Monetary Fund’s strong predictions of global economic growth in the wake of the Trump tax cuts as testament to his economic drive.
Speaking during a radio interview, Mr. Turnbull happily declared: “Donald Trump is delivering on economic leadership, that’s for sure” before outlining his own close personal relationship with the president.
“You’ve only got to look at the IMF to see they regard the American tax cuts as being very pro-growth,” he said. “And, of course, because the US is such a big part of the global economy, that has lifted global growth forecasts as well.
“You get plenty of criticism in public life, I think you’ve got to expect it, I’m sure he expected it,” he said.
Mr. Turnbull’s warm regard for U.S. economic reform was matched by his personal regard for the president.
[Well, there goes the media narrative about Trump's 'Strained Relationship' with the Australian Prime minister. --Editor]
Mr. Turnbull pointed to the International Monetary Fund’s strong predictions of global economic growth in the wake of the Trump tax cuts as testament to his economic drive.
Speaking during a radio interview, Mr. Turnbull happily declared: “Donald Trump is delivering on economic leadership, that’s for sure” before outlining his own close personal relationship with the president.
“You’ve only got to look at the IMF to see they regard the American tax cuts as being very pro-growth,” he said. “And, of course, because the US is such a big part of the global economy, that has lifted global growth forecasts as well.
“You get plenty of criticism in public life, I think you’ve got to expect it, I’m sure he expected it,” he said.
Mr. Turnbull’s warm regard for U.S. economic reform was matched by his personal regard for the president.
[Well, there goes the media narrative about Trump's 'Strained Relationship' with the Australian Prime minister. --Editor]
Migrants In Italy Will Be Taught Not To Beat Women When They Say 'NO'
Thank the Lord for Italy’s education system
Modena, the cooperative “Red Lion” had the fantastic idea to start a courtship course for migrants, teaching them how to behave with Italian women and how to react to a refusal.
We are truly living in surreal times.
Apparently, the people we are welcoming in our continent must be taught not to hurt women in case they refuse to have any kind of relationship with them. The “anti-racist” front in Italy has officially lost its mind.
The same cooperative has been aiding “refugees” and migrants for a long time and is proud supporters of multiculturalism. A truly lovely progressive story.
Read more
Modena, the cooperative “Red Lion” had the fantastic idea to start a courtship course for migrants, teaching them how to behave with Italian women and how to react to a refusal.
We are truly living in surreal times.
Apparently, the people we are welcoming in our continent must be taught not to hurt women in case they refuse to have any kind of relationship with them. The “anti-racist” front in Italy has officially lost its mind.
The same cooperative has been aiding “refugees” and migrants for a long time and is proud supporters of multiculturalism. A truly lovely progressive story.
Read more
Rep. Pete Sessions: No Pathway to Citizenship; Make Dreamers Guest Workers
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) is among the conservatives who opposes a pathway to citizenship for the 690,000 people who were brought to this country illegally as children but who received temporary legal status under President Barack Obama's DACA program.
Sessions told CNN on Monday it is an issue that needs to be dealt with, but he favors guest worker status, not eventual citizenship:
"I am for them receiving what we've called a long time as guest worker status. That is what (Rep.) Bob Goodlatte has -- that's the bill that we are pushing in the House."
Sessions told CNN on Monday it is an issue that needs to be dealt with, but he favors guest worker status, not eventual citizenship:
"I am for them receiving what we've called a long time as guest worker status. That is what (Rep.) Bob Goodlatte has -- that's the bill that we are pushing in the House."
China’s Communist Party extends reach into foreign companies
American and European companies involved in joint ventures with state-owned Chinese firms have been asked in recent months to give internal Communist Party cells an explicit role in decision-making, executives and business groups say.
It is, they say, a worrying demand that threatens to put politics before profits, and the interests of the party above all other considerations. It suggests that foreign companies are no longer exempt from President Xi Jinping’s overarching vision of complete control.
“The creeping intrusion by the party apparatus into the boardrooms of foreign-invested enterprises has not yet manifested itself on a large scale, but things are certainly going down that path,” said James Zimmerman, a managing partner of the law firm Sheppard, Mullin, Richter and Hampton and former chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, who is instructing clients to “push back.”
It is, they say, a worrying demand that threatens to put politics before profits, and the interests of the party above all other considerations. It suggests that foreign companies are no longer exempt from President Xi Jinping’s overarching vision of complete control.
“The creeping intrusion by the party apparatus into the boardrooms of foreign-invested enterprises has not yet manifested itself on a large scale, but things are certainly going down that path,” said James Zimmerman, a managing partner of the law firm Sheppard, Mullin, Richter and Hampton and former chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, who is instructing clients to “push back.”
Judge: Illegals have constitutional right to 'say goodbye' to family...
Illegal immigrants snared by deportation officers have “the freedom to say goodbye” to their families, a federal judge in New York ruled Monday, ordering the government to release a prominent activist to his family.
Judge Katherine B. Forrest, whom President Obama appointed to the bench, said the government was following the law when it picked up Ravidath Lawrence Ragbir, the illegal immigrant. But she said “larger, more fundamental” rights were at stake.
“In sum, the court finds that when this country allowed petitioner to become a part of our community fabric, allowed him to build a life with and among us and to enjoy the liberties and freedom that come with that, it committed itself to allowance of an orderly departure when the time came,” she wrote. “By denying petitioner these rights, the government has acted wrongly.”
She becomes the latest federal district judge to delve deeply into immigration — an area Congress has said belongs to the separate immigration court system and to appellate judges, not district court judges.
Judge Katherine B. Forrest, whom President Obama appointed to the bench, said the government was following the law when it picked up Ravidath Lawrence Ragbir, the illegal immigrant. But she said “larger, more fundamental” rights were at stake.
“In sum, the court finds that when this country allowed petitioner to become a part of our community fabric, allowed him to build a life with and among us and to enjoy the liberties and freedom that come with that, it committed itself to allowance of an orderly departure when the time came,” she wrote. “By denying petitioner these rights, the government has acted wrongly.”
She becomes the latest federal district judge to delve deeply into immigration — an area Congress has said belongs to the separate immigration court system and to appellate judges, not district court judges.
Voters Say Health Care Is Top Issue For 2018 Midterm Elections
Voters are saying health care is a top issue that should be discussed by candidates in the 2018 midterm elections, according to a poll from Kaiser Family Foundation.
Survey respondents were asked what they thought was the most important issue for candidates to talk about. Twenty-nine percent of respondents said health care, 27 percent said the economy and jobs, 24 percent said immigration, 24 percent said the situation with North Korea, and 19 percent said taxes and tax reform.
There was a higher share of Democrats who said health care was a top issue (39 percent) compared with 13 percent of Republicans and 32 percent of independents.
Voters who live in areas with more competitive House, Senate, and gubernatorial races are less concerned with health care and more concerned about jobs and the economy (34 percent).
Survey respondents were asked what they thought was the most important issue for candidates to talk about. Twenty-nine percent of respondents said health care, 27 percent said the economy and jobs, 24 percent said immigration, 24 percent said the situation with North Korea, and 19 percent said taxes and tax reform.
There was a higher share of Democrats who said health care was a top issue (39 percent) compared with 13 percent of Republicans and 32 percent of independents.
Voters who live in areas with more competitive House, Senate, and gubernatorial races are less concerned with health care and more concerned about jobs and the economy (34 percent).
6-year graduation rates at many HBCUs lower than 20 percent
In analyzing federal data for an in-depth examination of the nation’s historically black colleges and universities, the Atlanta Journal Constitution found that the six-year graduation rates at 20 schools were 20 percent or lower in 2015.
This means that four of five beginning freshmen at those schools didn’t earn a degree within six years.
A handful of HBCUs are graduating more than 50 percent of new freshmen within six years. Spelman College in Atlanta, for example, led all HBCUs, with a rate of 76 percent. Others, however, are struggling.
Here’s a sampling:
This means that four of five beginning freshmen at those schools didn’t earn a degree within six years.
A handful of HBCUs are graduating more than 50 percent of new freshmen within six years. Spelman College in Atlanta, for example, led all HBCUs, with a rate of 76 percent. Others, however, are struggling.
Here’s a sampling:
California bill would make it illegal for servers to hand out plastic straws unless asked
Sacramento, CA (KGTV) — A California lawmaker is facing criticism for a bill that, if passed, would make it illegal for servers to offer plastic straws unless asked.
The law makes providing a straw without being asked punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.
The bill was introduced by Majority Leader Ian Calderon last week.
The law wouldn’t apply to bars or fast-food restaurants, but only to sit-down restaurants.
Calderon said the law would eventually be amended to eliminate the extremely harsh penalties.
The law makes providing a straw without being asked punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.
The bill was introduced by Majority Leader Ian Calderon last week.
The law wouldn’t apply to bars or fast-food restaurants, but only to sit-down restaurants.
Calderon said the law would eventually be amended to eliminate the extremely harsh penalties.
*Traffic Advisory* State Police Investigating Crash-Laurel
Laurel – The Delaware State Police are currently on the scene of a crash on Laurel Road between Christ Church Road and Old Stage Road.
The incident occurred at approximately 8:54 a.m. today, January 30, 2018 on Laurel Road with a reported truck striking a bridge and leaking diesel fuel. Injuries are unknown at this time.
Laurel Road between Christ Church and Old Stage Road is currently shut down. Commuters should expect delays in the area and find alternate routes of travel.
The incident occurred at approximately 8:54 a.m. today, January 30, 2018 on Laurel Road with a reported truck striking a bridge and leaking diesel fuel. Injuries are unknown at this time.
Laurel Road between Christ Church and Old Stage Road is currently shut down. Commuters should expect delays in the area and find alternate routes of travel.
US Lifts Ban on Refugees From 11 Countries
The United States announced Monday it was lifting its ban on refugees from 11 "high-risk" countries, but said those seeking to enter the US would come under much tougher scrutiny than in the past.
Applicants from 11 countries, unnamed but understood to include 10 Muslim-majority nations plus North Korea, will face tougher "risk-based" assessments to be accepted.
"It's critically important that we know who is entering the United States," said Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
"These additional security measures will make it harder for bad actors to exploit our refugee program, and they will ensure we take a more risk-based approach to protecting the homeland."
The 11 countries, hit with a ban in October in the Trump administration's revised refugee policy, have not been identified officially.
But refugee groups say they comprise Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.
Applicants from 11 countries, unnamed but understood to include 10 Muslim-majority nations plus North Korea, will face tougher "risk-based" assessments to be accepted.
"It's critically important that we know who is entering the United States," said Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
"These additional security measures will make it harder for bad actors to exploit our refugee program, and they will ensure we take a more risk-based approach to protecting the homeland."
The 11 countries, hit with a ban in October in the Trump administration's revised refugee policy, have not been identified officially.
But refugee groups say they comprise Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.
Michael Wolff Is the Misogynist the Left Loves
Conservative women who work for the Trump administration just can’t catch a break.
“Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff displayed the worst kind of misogyny toward U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley last week, suggesting on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” that Haley engaged in an extramarital affair with President Donald Trump.
“I was absolutely sure [of the affair],” Wolff said. But “it was so incendiary.”
Wolff said he chose not to publish the account because he “didn’t have the blue dress,” referencing President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Wolff didn’t name Haley during the interview, but dropped a trail of clues for readers to all but conclude he was referring to Haley.
“You just have to read between the lines,” he said. “It’s toward the end of the book. … Now that I’ve told you, when you hit that paragraph, you’re gonna say, ‘Bingo.’”
“Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff displayed the worst kind of misogyny toward U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley last week, suggesting on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” that Haley engaged in an extramarital affair with President Donald Trump.
“I was absolutely sure [of the affair],” Wolff said. But “it was so incendiary.”
Wolff said he chose not to publish the account because he “didn’t have the blue dress,” referencing President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Wolff didn’t name Haley during the interview, but dropped a trail of clues for readers to all but conclude he was referring to Haley.
“You just have to read between the lines,” he said. “It’s toward the end of the book. … Now that I’ve told you, when you hit that paragraph, you’re gonna say, ‘Bingo.’”
World's oldest man dead at 113 - Francisco Nunez Olivera passes away in Spain having attributed his long life to a glass of red wine a day
THE world’s oldest man has died just over a month after celebrating his 113th birthday.
Francisco Nunez Olivera passed away at around 10.30 last night at his home in the village of Bienvenida in Badajoz, south-west Spain.
He is due to be buried in his native village around 5.30 this afternoon.
Bienvenida mayor Antonio Carmena confirmed Francisco’s death this morning, describing it as a “shame for the entire village and the whole world.”
Francisco Nunez Olivera passed away at around 10.30 last night at his home in the village of Bienvenida in Badajoz, south-west Spain.
He is due to be buried in his native village around 5.30 this afternoon.
Bienvenida mayor Antonio Carmena confirmed Francisco’s death this morning, describing it as a “shame for the entire village and the whole world.”
He told local media: “In recent years he has meant a lot to us, he has represented our village and he has helped make us known and loved.”
Local officials declared a day of mourning to mark Francisco’s death.
Local officials declared a day of mourning to mark Francisco’s death.
Pelosi Refers to Workers’ Bonuses as ‘Crumbs’ Once Again
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) once again referred to bonuses and wage increases, given out as a result of Republican tax cuts, as "crumbs" on Friday.
Pelosi tweeted a cartoon of an individual with "middle class" written on his back staring into a mouse trap with a morsel of food on the trip. Above the individual is an elephant in a suit saying, "We added a 2% increase to your crumb."
At the bottom of the cartoon in minuscule letters is the punch line of the joke: "We'll take it out of your retirement, which will be brief."
Along with the cartoon, Pelosi tweeted that she believes it is "obnoxious" that the Republican Party would think "workers should be weak-kneed with gratitude" because corporations are raising wages and giving out bonuses as a result of tax reform.
"Pretty obnoxious the GOP thinks workers should be weak-kneed with gratitude for corporations giving them pennies while pocketing a multi-billion dollar tax break stolen from the future of the middle class. #GOPTaxScam" Pelosi tweeted.
Pelosi tweeted a cartoon of an individual with "middle class" written on his back staring into a mouse trap with a morsel of food on the trip. Above the individual is an elephant in a suit saying, "We added a 2% increase to your crumb."
At the bottom of the cartoon in minuscule letters is the punch line of the joke: "We'll take it out of your retirement, which will be brief."
Along with the cartoon, Pelosi tweeted that she believes it is "obnoxious" that the Republican Party would think "workers should be weak-kneed with gratitude" because corporations are raising wages and giving out bonuses as a result of tax reform.
"Pretty obnoxious the GOP thinks workers should be weak-kneed with gratitude for corporations giving them pennies while pocketing a multi-billion dollar tax break stolen from the future of the middle class. #GOPTaxScam" Pelosi tweeted.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg Announces She Won't Sleep Through State Of The Union — At Least Not In Person
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not attend President Trump's first State of the Union address on Tuesday. Instead, on a day when the sitting president delivers one of his most important speeches to a joint gathering of Congress — a tradition stretching back to George Washington — Ginsberg will be giving a talk to a rinky-dink college in Rhode Island.
But maybe it's just as well. Ginsberg, 84, famously slept through former president Barack Obama's SOTU speech in 2015. She later admitted she wasn't "100 percent sober."
But maybe it's just as well. Ginsberg, 84, famously slept through former president Barack Obama's SOTU speech in 2015. She later admitted she wasn't "100 percent sober."
Haley Slams Grammys ‘Fire and Fury’ Skit Involving Clinton: ‘Don’t Ruin Great Music With Trash’
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley ripped a skit at Sunday night's Grammys where celebrities read excerpts of the new book Fire and Fury, tweeting, "Don't ruin great music with trash."
In a planned segment, host James Corden had different musicians read portions of Michael Wolff's new book that is heavily critical of the Trump White House in an attempt to win a Spoken Word Grammy.
Trump's 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton made a "surprise" appearance at the end, reading a portion about President Donald Trump's fondness for fast food.
In a planned segment, host James Corden had different musicians read portions of Michael Wolff's new book that is heavily critical of the Trump White House in an attempt to win a Spoken Word Grammy.
Trump's 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton made a "surprise" appearance at the end, reading a portion about President Donald Trump's fondness for fast food.
US Savings Rate Hits Crisis Lows Amid Soaring Credit Card Debt
Amid soaring credit card use, the tumble in Americans' savings rate continued in December with a modestly better than expected 0.4% MoM rise in incomes and as expected 0.4% rise in spending (but upward revisions in spending).
For the inflation waters, the Fed's favorite price indicator, the Core PCE, saw a one-tenth gain to 0.2%, matching consensus, and was up 1.5% Y/Y.
Income is growing at 4.1% YoY - the most since Nov 2015 - but spending continues to outpace that growth.
Income growth is dominated by private worker gains, which are rising at an impressive clip, up 5.2% YoY, the highest since Nov 2015.Meanwhile, government workers arent' doing too bad either, with average wages and salaries rising 3.1% Y/Y.
For the inflation waters, the Fed's favorite price indicator, the Core PCE, saw a one-tenth gain to 0.2%, matching consensus, and was up 1.5% Y/Y.
Income is growing at 4.1% YoY - the most since Nov 2015 - but spending continues to outpace that growth.
Income growth is dominated by private worker gains, which are rising at an impressive clip, up 5.2% YoY, the highest since Nov 2015.Meanwhile, government workers arent' doing too bad either, with average wages and salaries rising 3.1% Y/Y.
HUD Emails Raise Questions About Bureaucrats Skewing Bidding Process
A contractor that managed a sizable portion of Housing and Urban Development's Section 8 program claims that numerous HUD officials illegally threw away a competitive bidding process for contracting that work, claiming internal emails show repeated instances of high-ranking HUD officials skirting court rulings while operating with a bias against their company and others like them in the years that followed.
Navigate Affordable Housing Partners is a nonprofit based in Alabama that originally won a contract to administer somewhere between five to ten percent of HUD's Section 8 housing program in 2000. For low-income citizens who qualify, Section 8 housing provides housing assistance by subsidizing a portion of the fair-market rent to the landlord of the property.
HUD began contracting the management of Section 8 work at that time as a response to numerous scandals from the previous decades and in an effort to modernize HUD’s mission and operations.
HUD relied on a competitive bid process for the contracting and by most standards, the efforts led to success: Better administration of the program for fewer dollars.
Navigate Affordable Housing Partners is a nonprofit based in Alabama that originally won a contract to administer somewhere between five to ten percent of HUD's Section 8 housing program in 2000. For low-income citizens who qualify, Section 8 housing provides housing assistance by subsidizing a portion of the fair-market rent to the landlord of the property.
HUD began contracting the management of Section 8 work at that time as a response to numerous scandals from the previous decades and in an effort to modernize HUD’s mission and operations.
HUD relied on a competitive bid process for the contracting and by most standards, the efforts led to success: Better administration of the program for fewer dollars.
Air Force One Needs New Refrigerators. They Cost $24 Million
Air Force One needs new refrigerators, an upgrade that will cost taxpayers nearly $24 million.
Their high cost is the latest example of just how expensive it is to build the heavily modified 747 jumbo jets that fly the president of the United States. Experts say the reason isn’t price gouging by Boeing, which makes the jets and handles the presidential modifications, but instead the result of bespoke equipment requirements put in place by the White House Military Office and the Air Force.
“It’s not a contractor issue, it is a requirements issue,” said Richard Aboulafia, vice president of analysis at the Teal Group consulting firm. “It’s not getting people rich.”
The new refrigerators aren’t your kitchen Frigidaires, or even a typical jetliner’s cabin-feeding coolboxes. The requirement for Air Force One is the ability to feed passengers and crew for weeks without resupplying. That means storing about 3,000 meals in massive refrigerators and freezers below the passenger cabin. Five “chillers” cool a total of 26 climate-controlled compartments, according to the Air Force.
Their high cost is the latest example of just how expensive it is to build the heavily modified 747 jumbo jets that fly the president of the United States. Experts say the reason isn’t price gouging by Boeing, which makes the jets and handles the presidential modifications, but instead the result of bespoke equipment requirements put in place by the White House Military Office and the Air Force.
“It’s not a contractor issue, it is a requirements issue,” said Richard Aboulafia, vice president of analysis at the Teal Group consulting firm. “It’s not getting people rich.”
The new refrigerators aren’t your kitchen Frigidaires, or even a typical jetliner’s cabin-feeding coolboxes. The requirement for Air Force One is the ability to feed passengers and crew for weeks without resupplying. That means storing about 3,000 meals in massive refrigerators and freezers below the passenger cabin. Five “chillers” cool a total of 26 climate-controlled compartments, according to the Air Force.
University of Virginia Betrays the Legacy of Its Founder, Thomas Jefferson
The Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, which is located in Charlottesville and is dedicated to “the defense of free expression in all its forms,” gives out annual awards called the “Jefferson Muzzles” to individuals and organizations responsible for “especially egregious or ridiculous affronts to free expression.”
The center’s first such award this year should go to the Jefferson-founded University of Virginia (which has close ties to the center) and Patrick D. Hogan, the university’s executive vice president and chief operating officer.
Hogan might also benefit from sitting in as an observer at one of the University of Virginia School of Law’s classes explaining the basic tenets of the First Amendment.
On Jan. 19, Hogan sent out a “community advisory” in an email to all students, faculty, and staff, warning them that the university was “aware of reports of solicitations by national organizations to encourage distribution of offensive flyers and memes at colleges and universities across the country during the upcoming weekend.”
The center’s first such award this year should go to the Jefferson-founded University of Virginia (which has close ties to the center) and Patrick D. Hogan, the university’s executive vice president and chief operating officer.
Hogan might also benefit from sitting in as an observer at one of the University of Virginia School of Law’s classes explaining the basic tenets of the First Amendment.
On Jan. 19, Hogan sent out a “community advisory” in an email to all students, faculty, and staff, warning them that the university was “aware of reports of solicitations by national organizations to encourage distribution of offensive flyers and memes at colleges and universities across the country during the upcoming weekend.”
Man Accused in Terror Plot Asked for Deportation over Prison
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A man accused of plotting an attack on a federal medical facility in Texas asked a judge in December to deport him instead of sending him to prison, saying he didn't deserve to spend time behind bars, records show.
Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud told federal Judge Michael Watson that he didn't want to leave his family but called his proposal "completely fair and just."
"I truly don't believe I deserve prison at all," Mohamud said in the Dec. 12 letter, filed in the official court record on Thursday.
He added: "So if the concern is risk assessment then deportation would set everyone's hearts at ease."
Mohamud, who was born in Somalia and came to the U.S. at 2 years old, may eventually get his wish.
After Mohamud was sentenced to 22 years in prison last week, the local Homeland Security Investigations office said it would seek to strip him of his citizenship and deport him to Somalia.
Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud told federal Judge Michael Watson that he didn't want to leave his family but called his proposal "completely fair and just."
"I truly don't believe I deserve prison at all," Mohamud said in the Dec. 12 letter, filed in the official court record on Thursday.
He added: "So if the concern is risk assessment then deportation would set everyone's hearts at ease."
Mohamud, who was born in Somalia and came to the U.S. at 2 years old, may eventually get his wish.
After Mohamud was sentenced to 22 years in prison last week, the local Homeland Security Investigations office said it would seek to strip him of his citizenship and deport him to Somalia.
Trump Administration Strikes a Blow Against Identity Politics
Americans who are sick of identity politics and yearn for a return to the unifying notion of “e pluribus unum” will cheer the Census Bureau’s recent move to reject changes to the decennial survey that were proposed by the Obama administration.
Briefly put, the Obama administration had proposed artificially creating yet another pan-ethnic grouping, for Americans of Middle East and North African descent. The administration also proposed reducing the choices of Americans of Latin American or Caribbean descent (the bureaucratically invented pan-ethnic group the census calls “Hispanics”) to identify themselves by a real race (such as black or white).
The Obama administration made this proposal in late September 2016, no doubt fully expecting an incoming Clinton administration to rubber-stamp it (pasted below is the balkanizing census question that was proposed). Then history got in the way.
Briefly put, the Obama administration had proposed artificially creating yet another pan-ethnic grouping, for Americans of Middle East and North African descent. The administration also proposed reducing the choices of Americans of Latin American or Caribbean descent (the bureaucratically invented pan-ethnic group the census calls “Hispanics”) to identify themselves by a real race (such as black or white).
The Obama administration made this proposal in late September 2016, no doubt fully expecting an incoming Clinton administration to rubber-stamp it (pasted below is the balkanizing census question that was proposed). Then history got in the way.
This viral video caught a California high school teacher’s ugly rant about military recruiters
A California high school teacher is facing severe criticism after a video posted to social media recorded him making offensive comments towards a student wearing a Marine Corps sweatshirt.
Officials at the school confirmed the voice in the video is of Gregory Salcido, a teacher at El Rancho High School, out of Pico Rivera, California, The Orange County Register reported on Saturday.
“Don’t you ever freaking bring the freaking military into this classroom,” Salcido can be heard saying in the video. “I don’t understand why we let the freaking military guys come over here and recruit you at school. We don’t have pimps come into school.”
Officials at the school confirmed the voice in the video is of Gregory Salcido, a teacher at El Rancho High School, out of Pico Rivera, California, The Orange County Register reported on Saturday.
“Don’t you ever freaking bring the freaking military into this classroom,” Salcido can be heard saying in the video. “I don’t understand why we let the freaking military guys come over here and recruit you at school. We don’t have pimps come into school.”
If You Want To FINE People, This Is Done On Purpose!
And we always point to the WWTP as the only cause of how funky the Wicomico River is.
This is a quick picture of one of the river's tributaries, just one street outside of the city at East Road and Westover Road.
There are adjacent areas where people are hard-filling the stream bed with construction debris. It's a mess.
This is a quick picture of one of the river's tributaries, just one street outside of the city at East Road and Westover Road.
Other pictures are more of the same.
There are adjacent areas where people are hard-filling the stream bed with construction debris. It's a mess.
More than a Photo: Obama's Close Associations with Notorious Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan
TEL AVIV — Amid reports that a 2005 photograph of Barack Obama posing with Louis Farrakhan, the notorious anti-Semitic, anti-American leader of the Nation of Islam, was deliberately suppressed, it may be instructive to recall the former two-term president’s larger ties to Farrakhan, radical associations that run deeper than one picture from 13 years ago.
On January 20, the Trice Edney News Wire published the 2005 photo of Obama with Farrakhan. The news agency quoted photographer Askia Muhammad as saying that after the picture was snapped at a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, Muhammad was approached by a caucus member who asked him not to use the image.
“I gave the original disk to him and in a sense swore myself to secrecy because I had quietly made a copy for myself,” Muhammad told Fox News. Muhammad further said that the Congressional Black Caucus expressed concern the photo could harm Obama’s future presidential aspirations.
On January 20, the Trice Edney News Wire published the 2005 photo of Obama with Farrakhan. The news agency quoted photographer Askia Muhammad as saying that after the picture was snapped at a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, Muhammad was approached by a caucus member who asked him not to use the image.
“I gave the original disk to him and in a sense swore myself to secrecy because I had quietly made a copy for myself,” Muhammad told Fox News. Muhammad further said that the Congressional Black Caucus expressed concern the photo could harm Obama’s future presidential aspirations.
TEMPICHUR: ALL Local Meteorologists Bastardizing The English Language
It really doesn't matter if you are watching WBOC or WMDT, ALL of the meteorologists flat out refuse to properly say TEMPERATURE. Every one of them say TEMPICHUR.
It goes without saying, each one of them are college graduates and I can absolutely say, without any doubt, every one of them bastardize this word, the most important and frequently used word in their vocabulary.
Man, Trump is going to have such a difficult time Making America Great Again when these Idiots with college degrees can't even talk. I can't wait for the millennials come back here making excuses for this crap.
I'm going to make up the new word, "WHITEBONICS". You heard it here first.
It goes without saying, each one of them are college graduates and I can absolutely say, without any doubt, every one of them bastardize this word, the most important and frequently used word in their vocabulary.
Man, Trump is going to have such a difficult time Making America Great Again when these Idiots with college degrees can't even talk. I can't wait for the millennials come back here making excuses for this crap.
I'm going to make up the new word, "WHITEBONICS". You heard it here first.
Breaking News: Three corporate giants -- Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase -- are forming a company that could disrupt U.S. health care
Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase announced on Tuesday that they would form an independent health care company to serve their employees in the United States.
The three companies provided few details about the new entity, other than saying it would initially focus on technology to provide simplified, high-quality health care for their employees and their families, and at a reasonable cost. They said the initiative, which is in the early planning stages, would be a long-term effort “free from profit-making incentives and constraints.”
The three companies provided few details about the new entity, other than saying it would initially focus on technology to provide simplified, high-quality health care for their employees and their families, and at a reasonable cost. They said the initiative, which is in the early planning stages, would be a long-term effort “free from profit-making incentives and constraints.”
Some are asking if comments are back. Yes, comments are flying in once again, without the delays we've all been experiencing over the last month.
Walmart to Face Discrimination Suit Over Hair Products: Atty
She was also claiming the Walmart employee would not let her touch the products until she purchased them
Walmart was set to face a discrimination lawsuit Friday after a woman claimed African American hair products were locked behind glass at a California store.
Prominent attorney Gloria Allred held an afternoon news conference Friday.
"It was something I had to stand up for," the mom said. "I would like the glass to go down, and for things to go back to the way it was, where it's not segregated and everything is where everyone can get what they need."
Essie Grundy said she was discriminated against based on her race at a Walmart located at 1800 N. Perris Blvd. in Perris on Jan. 12.
Walmart was set to face a discrimination lawsuit Friday after a woman claimed African American hair products were locked behind glass at a California store.
Prominent attorney Gloria Allred held an afternoon news conference Friday.
"It was something I had to stand up for," the mom said. "I would like the glass to go down, and for things to go back to the way it was, where it's not segregated and everything is where everyone can get what they need."
Essie Grundy said she was discriminated against based on her race at a Walmart located at 1800 N. Perris Blvd. in Perris on Jan. 12.
CEO: Watch Fox? You’re An Idiot. Now Give Me Your Money.
As a marketer and guy who worked in the media for years … there’s nothing more cringe-worthy than watching a company collapse in a PR nightmare of its own making.
Of course, there’s also that little part of me that enjoys it in a sick and twisted way.
The latest? A company called “SCOTTeVEST.”
The company’s CEO announced on LinkedIn last week (drunken post?) that if you watch Fox News, you’re a “f—— idiot” that he likes getting rich off of. He also said you are extremely gullible and that makes you easy to sell to.
Of course, there’s also that little part of me that enjoys it in a sick and twisted way.
The latest? A company called “SCOTTeVEST.”
The company’s CEO announced on LinkedIn last week (drunken post?) that if you watch Fox News, you’re a “f—— idiot” that he likes getting rich off of. He also said you are extremely gullible and that makes you easy to sell to.
Multi-Agency Crime Blitz Results in Mass Arrests
New Castle County and Kent County – A multi-agency operation conducted on Thursday, January 25, 2018, at targeted locations in both counties has resulted in the arrest of 44 individuals on criminal charges.
This crime blitz covered several jurisdictions and areas including Middletown, Odessa, Townsend, Smyrna, Southern New Castle County and Northern Kent County. The operation was initiated in these areas to target ongoing criminal activity and to address quality of life issues.
During the eight hour enforcement blitz, police arrested 44 individuals for either a criminal charge or outstanding capiases. The following were seized: four firearms (1 stolen), over 140 grams of Cocaine, 251.88 grams of Marijuana, .602 grams of Heroin, 3.5 Prescription Pills, over $3,500.00 in United States Currency and 124 ammunition rounds. We made 31 traffic arrests, 33 criminal arrests and 3 civil citations during the crime blitz.
This initiative was a collaborative effort between the Delaware State Police, Probation and Parole, New Castle County Police Department, Middletown Police Department, Smyrna Police Department, Newport Police Department, Capital Police Department, Department of Corrections and Justice of the Peace Courts.
This combined effort highlights how the cooperation of multiple law enforcement agencies can effectively combat crime which in turn increases the quality of life for the communities we serve.
This crime blitz covered several jurisdictions and areas including Middletown, Odessa, Townsend, Smyrna, Southern New Castle County and Northern Kent County. The operation was initiated in these areas to target ongoing criminal activity and to address quality of life issues.
During the eight hour enforcement blitz, police arrested 44 individuals for either a criminal charge or outstanding capiases. The following were seized: four firearms (1 stolen), over 140 grams of Cocaine, 251.88 grams of Marijuana, .602 grams of Heroin, 3.5 Prescription Pills, over $3,500.00 in United States Currency and 124 ammunition rounds. We made 31 traffic arrests, 33 criminal arrests and 3 civil citations during the crime blitz.
This initiative was a collaborative effort between the Delaware State Police, Probation and Parole, New Castle County Police Department, Middletown Police Department, Smyrna Police Department, Newport Police Department, Capital Police Department, Department of Corrections and Justice of the Peace Courts.
This combined effort highlights how the cooperation of multiple law enforcement agencies can effectively combat crime which in turn increases the quality of life for the communities we serve.
How to Whistle With Your Fingers
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve wanted to know how to give a commanding whistle with my fingers in my mouth. You know. The kind you see people give in old movies when they’re hailing a taxi or trying to get the peanut guy’s attention at the ballpark. It just seemed like a cool skill to have. But alas, I’ve spent my entire young and adult life frustrated that I couldn’t uncover the secret to this age old trick.
Many of you out there reading the blog feel the same way. Believe it or not, covering how to whistle with your fingers has been one of our most requested articles. Most of the emailers shared how they had a grandpa or dad who knew how to give a loud, forceful whistle with their fingers (in my case, my mom was the master of this kind of whistle). Like me, they thought it was a cool skill, but one which unfortunately hadn’t been passed onto them.
So I finally made it a goal to once and for all figure out how to whistle with my fingers, so that I could create an AoM tutorial on the subject. After just forty minutes of annoying my wife with intense practice, I finally mastered the skill that had eluded me since I was eight years old. Achievement unlocked!
Below, I show how you too can whistle with your fingers.
Many of you out there reading the blog feel the same way. Believe it or not, covering how to whistle with your fingers has been one of our most requested articles. Most of the emailers shared how they had a grandpa or dad who knew how to give a loud, forceful whistle with their fingers (in my case, my mom was the master of this kind of whistle). Like me, they thought it was a cool skill, but one which unfortunately hadn’t been passed onto them.
So I finally made it a goal to once and for all figure out how to whistle with my fingers, so that I could create an AoM tutorial on the subject. After just forty minutes of annoying my wife with intense practice, I finally mastered the skill that had eluded me since I was eight years old. Achievement unlocked!
Below, I show how you too can whistle with your fingers.
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