This is taken from a letter written by Former Republican Congressman J.D. Hayworth who is challenging John McCain in Arizona
ObamaCare 3.0 - The Worst Bill Ever
It's a Half Baked, Half Hearted, Sloppy Mess that Will Cost Over $1 Trillion!
The President released his own version of the twice-rejected healthcare reform bill, aka ObamaCare 3.0. The American people took to the streets, invaded town halls, flooded the Capitol switchboard with phone calls and even elected a Republican in Ted Kennedy's Senate Seat to STOP ObamaCare 1.0 and ObamaCare 2.0.
So, what makes ObamaCare 3.0 any different?
NOTHING! It is Still a Government Takeover of Health Care. This new scheme defrauds America with a plan that repackages the same approach already taken by the U.S. Senate. A scheme that Americans have already rejected in the Latest Rasmussen Poll - as 56% Oppose ObamaCare!!!!
What makes it even worse, this bill is a slopped together, hasty, half-hearted mess. This bill is simply designed to trick Americans into believing that the bill is a bipartisan bill that reconciles the House and Senate bills.
The President had not put forward actual bill language, but rather has re-branded and made changes to the Senate-passed bill, H.R. 3590, in order to gain the support of more liberal House members.
Honestly, this White House should be ashamed of itself for not even trying to respond to the public's demand for affordability, choice and transparency The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) cannot even score the latest ObamaCare scheme because it lacks enough substance and detail to do so.
White House spokesman Dan Pfeiffer said, "We took our best shot at bridging the differences (in the House & Senate Bills)." If this is the "best shot" the White House has to offer, then it is time for the President Obama to admit he is not up to the task. Time to hit the Reset Button and START OVER.
The Wall Street Journal reported ObamaCare is the Worst Bill Ever with epic new spending and taxes, pricier insurance, rationed care, and dishonest accounting.
The President's proposal still contains:
Mandates and Higher Premium The proposal maintains the individual mandate and the Senate's "free-rider" employer mandate that will increase individual premiums by up to 30 percent according to the Congressional Budget Office DEEP Cuts to Medicare and HEFTY tax increases to pay for the expansion and creation of new entitlement programs: Specifically the proposal increases cuts Medicare Advantage plans, cuts what doctors and hospitals are paid to treat seniors, raises the Medicare payroll tax even higher (adding it to a tax on earned income in addition to a tax on "high income individuals") and adds a new tax on every American who owns stocks or bonds.
No real medical liability reform: No changes to the insufficient medical liability provisions as passed in the Senate bill.
New bureaucratic boards that dictate how doctors practice medicine and gives government agencies control over what new technologies health plans can provide. : Maintains provisions such as the comparative effectiveness research board (Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, the Independent Medicare Advisory Board (IMAB) or "MedPAC on steroids", and more. Americans will be forced to select from health plans with benefits restricted by government bureaucrats.
A form of a government-run plan: The proposal allows the federal government to shut down private health plans and replace them with public health coverage
Sweetheart deals for Every State: It extends the "Louisiana Purchase", various provisions of the "Cornhusker kickback", carve outs for unions, and many more to every state.
Broken promises: Obama set several parameters, including that the bill would cost under $900 billion, not raise taxes on those making under $250,000, families' health insurance premiums will go down by $2,500 a year, and if individuals liked what they had they could keep it - however none of these promises are kept.. They are broken twice over by President's rewrite of the Senate bill.
Charles Krauthammer points out: "the plan that the administration unveiled really a travesty masquerading as outreach to the Republicans.
In effect, what you have here is a $2 trillion-dollar expenditure at a time when the president is hypocritically calling for deficit reduction.... it is entirely a farce."
So what is the real end game for the Big Government Gang?
Pelosi said, "We (Liberal Democrats) will go through the gate," "If the gate is closed, we will go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we will pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we will parachute in. But we are going to get health care reform passed for the American people for their own..." (GOOD?)
White House spokesman Dan Pfeiffer recently tipped his hat on Obama plans to utilize the reconciliation process to pass ObamaCare in the Senate on a party-line vote.
This is in sharp contrast to the much-touted "bipartisan health care summit" concept. Pfeiffer said Obama's bill - largely modeled after the Senate-passed bill - should get an "up-or-down" vote, and added, "This package is designed to provide us the flexibility to achieve that if the Republicans decide to filibuster healthcare reform."
"Reconciliation" in Barack Obama's terminology does not mean "reconciling" the Democrats and Republicans on health care. "Reconciliation" to Obama Reid and Pelosi means -- MAKING IT A PART OF A BUDGET BILL, SO THAT ONLY 51 VOTES ARE NEEDED TO PASS!