Mr. Frampton Said........
"I will admit that I was not a big fan of this 'superhouse' when the idea first came out. But the more I visit and walk through the halls the more I begin to realize that a station like this is long overdue. The recent alterations at Sta. 1 are nice and serve the crews there well.
Salisbury is a busy fire/ems department when looked at by call volume vs. manpower. It will be nice to work in a modern facility with several nice amenities. Things such as the fitness room will do nothing but enhance the health of our most valuable assets, our members. The Heritage room will serve the community, not just local, but tourists as well. Surprisingly the SFD is filled with rich history and tradition and gets many visitors from all over the world on an almost daily basis. It continually amazes me everyday at the visitors to the current Sta. 16 and where they are from.
I encourage all people to come vist the station when it is completed and take a look at what they have paid for, I now believe that it will be well worth their money.
Rob Frampton BS, FF/NREMT-P"
While I respect what Mr. Frampton is trying to say here, my thoughts go out to so many Soldiers serving our Country in a time of War risking and even losing their lives every day. Salisbury is NOT Ground Zero in NYC and quite frankly I'm sick and tired of the local Fire Departments talking as if they are taking those same risks.
For those Paid Professionals, you're paid to do a job and knew the risks going in. Our Soldiers take a far greater gamble, yet don't have the medical attention they deserve after they have been injured and or the proper equipment to better serve our Country.
So while the SFD is PROUD of their new $10,000,000.00 TOY, I feel for our Soldiers much deeper than the SFD. I look at the photos on the Internet every so often of our guys sleeping in tents while the SFD brags about the Heritage Room, Safe Rooms, new Kitchen and brand new Equipment. Oh, let's not forget the Fitness Room!
Perhaps so many locally have forgotten where they came from and need to do a tour in Iraq where they can come home and accept the Old Station 16 while realize just how GOOD they have it. Instead, our local guys enjoy tours of their new Station 16? A renovation of Old Station 16 should have been good enough but instead they have received one of the finest Stations in the entire United States. God Bless America, or better said, God Blessed Salisbury instead.
So while you're inviting people to take tours in the new Station, I welcome you to take a tour in Iraq instead.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Thursday, November 08, 2007
SPD Is Rocking!
November 8, 2007
Vanissa Karen Dashiell, 51yoa, of Salisbury was arrested for being a Fugitive from Colorado. Officers were on patrol in the 400 block of Anne St and observed Dashiell on property posted for no trespassing. Officers detained Dashiell and a wanted check was conducted. Dashiell was found to be wanted by the Arapahoe County, Colorado Sheriff’s Office for a violation of probation. Dashiell was released to the custody of Central Booking.
Laron Eugene Waters, 22yoa, of Salisbury was arrested for 2nd degree Assault, Deadly Weapon with Intent to Injure, and Reckless Endangerment. Officers responded to the 500 block of East Isabella St for a reported assault with an air rifle. Officers met with the 11 year old victim who stated that he was playing in the street with another friend. Waters came outside his residence and yelled at the juveniles for making too much noise and told them to leave the area. Waters returned to his residence and a short time later was observed in the window pointing an air rifle at the juveniles. Two BBs were discharged from the air rifle with one striking one of the juveniles in the stomach causing a small wound. Waters was released to the custody of Central Booking.
Robert Morris Singletary, 27yoa, of Salisbury was arrested for Theft over $500, Theft Scheme over $500, and Conspiracy to commit Theft; Jennie Orelin, 23yoa, of Salisbury was arrested for Theft over $500, Theft under $500, Theft Scheme over $500, and Conspiracy to Commit Theft. Officers responded to Kmart for a reported employee theft. Investigation showed that Singletary and Orelin were hired to stock shelves after store closing. Over a period of nine days Singletary and Orelin removed property from Kmart in excess of $500. Singletary and Orelin were released to the custody of Central Booking.
Lt. Robert Kemp
OK, Whose More Stupider, The County Or The Daily Times?

Allow me to QUOTE,
"250 events were conducted with a total of $40,0000 participants"
Someone, (and I don't know who yet) gets the Dee, Dee, Deeee Award of the Year for that one! No, I didn't make that up and the photo above from today's FRONT PAGE NEWS clearly shows it to be real.
OK, now someone needs to own up to the stupidity here because this is so out of whack it isn't funny.
Sheriff Lewis Delivers Wicomico County More Bang For The Buck Than Expected
Before Sheriff Mike Lewis came on board with the Wicomico County Sheriffs Department he spent years holding seminars around the Country teaching other Officers techniques they had never seen before. Mike was known as an expert in finding hidden compartments in vehicles using major highways to transport drugs. His record for doing so has awarded him the Top Expert in the Country for such and while he was with the State Police he started training Officers in drug interdiction.
As I know many of you are aware of this special talent he has but I wanted to express a couple of recent stories/events in which Sheriff Mike Lewis has been involved in and how it benefits Wicomico County.
Training Seminars are held all across America, similar to Fire Protection Seminars and so forth. Recently, the WCSO Staff attended two special Seminars, one in Media, PA and the other in Denton, MD.
The one in Media, PA was held by the Mid Atlantic Tactical Officers Association and was a 3 day Seminar. The Wicomico County Sheriffs Emergency Tactical Response Team attended which involved 10 Officers from the WCSO. Mike Lewis taught a 1 day Seminar at this event, allowing ALL 10 of their Officers to attend at NO COST! Sheriff Lewis also negotiated a full One Year Membership for each Officer into this elite group of Nation Wide Special Officers.
The second Seminar held in Denton, MD was a 5 Day Course for K-9 Handlers. 7 Wicomico County Deputies attended this special event again, NO COST! Sheriff Lewis spoke for 1/2 of a day in exchange to waive all fees for Wicomico County for all Officers. Oh, Dogs too! LOL
The morale this kind of status brings to Wicomico County brings a level of prestige and honor to all Sheriffs Deputies because YOU the Taxpayers of Wicomico County overwhelmingly chose Mike Lewis to lead the Sheriffs Department, yet many do not know the Bonus Package this guy actually delivers.
To send Officers out of Town for days at a time. Hotel fees, food, travel and then the actual cost of attending the seminars is a savings like this County has never experienced before.
The end result is the rest of America talking about Sheriff Mike Lewis and his entire Specially Trained Staff as being leaders in drug interdiction like never seen anywhere else before.
The MATOA wants to Co Sponsor with the WCSO a special Seminar in Wicomico County in the near future. This will now allow ALL other local Law Enforcement Officers to take advantage of this very prestigious organization to deliver even more expertise and opportunities for Officer who wouldn't normally be afforded such an opportunity. Ocean City, Berlin, Worcester County Sheriffs Department, Salisbury Police Department, the Maryland State Police and the list goes on and on. All of this will be available because our very own Expert Mike Lewis wants to GIVE BACK to his Brothers & Sisters and more importantly, Wicomico County.
I said it in the past and I'll repeat it again. Wicomico County has been blessed with a once in a life time opportunity with this man. We need more like him and for what it's worth, I believe working under someone as special as this man is, we're going to get a few more of him down the road.
Thanks Mike!
Back By Popular Demand! SPD Press Releases! Yahoo!
Salisbury Police Department
699 W. Salisbury Parkway
Salisbury, Maryland 21801
November 7, 2007
Jamar Leonel Cadejuste, 21yoa, of Salisbury was arrested for 1st degree Burglary, 4th degree Burglary, and Theft over $500. In October of 2007, the Salisbury Police Department began an investigation into a series of burglaries occurring in the south Salisbury area. During this investigation Detectives developed a suspect, Cadejuste, who was selling similar reported property on the EBAY auction site. Detectives were able to locate a computer, that had been previously reported stolen, that had been sold on the site to a buyer in Florida. Through the cooperation of the buyer and EBAY the seller was identified as Cadejuste, who was released to the custody of Central Booking.
Sandra Leigh Walker, 61yoa, of Salisbury was arrested for Theft over $500. Detectives met with officers of the Hebron Savings Bank in reference to embezzlement. It was learned that Walker, over a period of several months, had been removing money from customer accounts. Walker was then writing cashier’s checks to cover her own personal expenses. The investigation is continuing with the cooperation of the financial institution. Walker was released to the custody of Central Booking.
Lt. Robert Kemp
November 6, 2007
Martesha Michelle Spencer, 30 yoa, of Delmar, Delaware was arrested for 1st & 2nd degree assault, reckless endangerment, and conceal a deadly weapon. Officers responded to the IHOP restaurant located on the 2700 block of North Salisbury Boulevard for a report of threats. On arrival, officers met with the victim who advised that she became involved in an altercation with Spencer. During the altercation, Spencer produced a knife and threatened to do harm to the victim. The altercation was broken up by employees of the restaurant. Spencer was released to the custody of Central Booking.
Jose Rodriguez, 28 yoa, of Salisbury was arrested for Distribution of cocaine, possession of cocaine, possession of marihuana and possession of paraphernalia. Officers responded to the 500 block of Wailes Street for a reported domestic disturbance. Officers met with the victim who advised that she was in an altercation with Rodriguez. During the interview of the victim it was learned that Rodriguez was in possession of a quantity of illegal narcotics. Rodriguez overheard this and attempted to dispose of the contraband in front of the officer. Rodriguez was arrested and found to be in possession of cocaine in a quantity to indicate distribution. Rodriguez was also found to be in possession of scales used to weigh out the suspected narcotics. Rodriguez was released to Central Booking.
Phillip Daniel Thomas, 23 yoa, was arrested for theft greater than $500, attempted theft, tampering with motor vehicle, malicious destruction of property and possession of a concealed deadly weapon. Officers were on patrol in the Goliath Center parking lot and observed Thomas inside a vehicle that did not belong to him. Further investigation found that Thomas had removed two amplifiers from the vehicle. Thomas was found to have a screwdriver on his person as well as “brass knuckles” which he threw to the ground upon seeing the officers approach him. Thomas was released to the custody of Central Booking.
Shawn Roy Simon, 18 yoa, of Salisbury was arrested for 4th degree burglary, possession of cocaine, possession of paraphernalia and trespass on posted property. Officers were on patrol in the area of Anne Street and observed Simon on property clearly posted “no trespassing.” Simon was also observed by the officers to open the door to a residence located on the property and step partially inside then step back out. Simon was detained and officers made contact with the residents at the address who advised that they did not know Simon or invite him inside the residence. In addition, Simon attempted to hide an amount of suspected cocaine inside the residence. Simon was released to the custody of Central Booking.
Lt. Robert Kemp
Your $10,000,000.00 Hard At Work
While the Old Mall continues to come down, the new $10 Mil Fire Station continues to be erected, exciting some and disappointing others.
As you can see, new pavement is being installed because the IDIOTS who designed the project FORGOT that heavy Fire Trucks would be traveling these streets. From my lips to your ears, Bull Sh*t! No one forgot a thing. They simply slammed this idea after the fact, (as they always do) because they didn't want you to know about this huge expense ahead of time.
Trailways is LOVING it because their huge buses across the street didn't have to fork up a penny for upgrades, NOR did the Cit Council and or Mayor ask them to pony up for it. Nope, it's all about taxpayer money and how quickly they can spend it.
Harris Attacks Collins Letter On Tax Hikes As Intimidation
Go Here to see the article. Sorry, don't mean to act like Duvaflies.
Sbynews Visitors Are Mainly From Salisbury

I have been asked many times in the past where I get most of my hits from. I've always replied that the majority of my hits are local but not everyone wanted to believe it. I decided the other day at random to take a couple of shots of my screen showing just where our hits are coming from and that's what you're seeing above. Yes Barrie Tilghman, sbynews is being visited by the taxpayers of Salisbury. Thanks for bringing all of them to my Site. You're the best!!!!!
WMDT 47 News Draws Attention
Parents, Check This Out!!!!!!!!!

Opening Soon
Coco’s Funhouse is Salisbury’s newest children’s entertainment center. Coco’s is a 7,500+ sq ft facility located in the Twilley Shopping Centre with large inflatable bounce houses, an obstacle course, giant slides, a rock wall, video games, snack bar, toddlers area, parents lounge with cable tv and 2 large party rooms. Have your next party at Coco's! It’s easy and economical to have your child’s birthday party at Coco’s. They do all the work for you by providing entertainment for your guests, setting up the party room and cleaning up after your party. Coco's is also the perfect place for church groups, daycare outings and special events. For more information visit our website or call us to book your party at 410-860-0404
Chiefy Webster Is Acting Like A Child

If you take the time to visit the SPD Website you'll see that ever since I started posting their Press Releases, the Chiefy has decided to pull that information from their Site.
I had truly hoped he'd get over acting like a little baby but this is exactly what I have been saying ALL ALONG about this man. He's a VERY poor leader and IMO is very immature for a grown man. Especially a man in his position.
The Taxpayers have received a service with this On Line Information and the Chief needs to bring it back. 10 days have passed since their last Press Release and I personally believe the Citizens deserve to know just how fine a job their Officers have been doing while serving and protecting.
Perhaps he doesn't wear a Uniform because he doesn't act like a Cop?
Maryland Politics Today Shuts Down
Our Western Shore Connection has closed down his Blog Site. It seems to be a trend lately. Delmarva Dealings has failed to keep his Site going as well. Some of it is based on time. Some of it is based on finances.
The Anti Albero Blogs have pretty much disappeared as well. There's one or two stragglers lying around but they've pretty much died out and even I have decided to refuse to visit their Sites any more and I removed their links from my computer.
Less selection means more work. There were some complaints about yesterday being a slow day on sbynews. I wanted the Mayor Post to get all the mileage it could get and what made it great, (take notes Barrie) we surpassed our best day by 2 additional visitors, that's how close it was!
So the same people keep coming back on a regular basis. I crack up whenever I hear certain people say they'll never come back, yet the numbers stay the same. A perfect example is the Fire Department. It doesn't matter if I have a story up about them or not. The exact same amount of Fire Fighters come here each and every day. How do I know? Because the numbers are so close each and every day it's scary. After all this time, it's no coincidence.
Hopefully we'll see some new Blogs come into the area to replace some of the quality ones that have disappeared? Perhaps, (if you're a good writer) you may want to join forces. That being said, if you're interested in co writing pieces that interest you, drop me a note and let's see what we can work out. It's time to expand sbynews and give The Daily Times a run for their money.
Hopefully Kenny Burns, (Maryland Politics Today) is just too busy with his education right now.
The Anti Albero Blogs have pretty much disappeared as well. There's one or two stragglers lying around but they've pretty much died out and even I have decided to refuse to visit their Sites any more and I removed their links from my computer.
Less selection means more work. There were some complaints about yesterday being a slow day on sbynews. I wanted the Mayor Post to get all the mileage it could get and what made it great, (take notes Barrie) we surpassed our best day by 2 additional visitors, that's how close it was!
So the same people keep coming back on a regular basis. I crack up whenever I hear certain people say they'll never come back, yet the numbers stay the same. A perfect example is the Fire Department. It doesn't matter if I have a story up about them or not. The exact same amount of Fire Fighters come here each and every day. How do I know? Because the numbers are so close each and every day it's scary. After all this time, it's no coincidence.
Hopefully we'll see some new Blogs come into the area to replace some of the quality ones that have disappeared? Perhaps, (if you're a good writer) you may want to join forces. That being said, if you're interested in co writing pieces that interest you, drop me a note and let's see what we can work out. It's time to expand sbynews and give The Daily Times a run for their money.
Hopefully Kenny Burns, (Maryland Politics Today) is just too busy with his education right now.
Dave White, (Pittsville Diner) Sees Even More Competition

As many of you know, I own some property in Pittsville, therefore I go there from time to time to make sure everything is in order. As I drove through last week I noticed another restaurant getting ready to open up. It appears to be an Italian restaurant called "Good Fellows". I think it's good to see some more competition in the area.
For the longest time Dave Whites Pittsville Dinette was the only game in town. When Station 7 opened up people from other areas started to come to Pittsville to try something new. Dave White still won't talk to me because I sold my building to the Wamplers but I don't know why. Station 7, although it has excellent food on the menu and a unique atmosphere fitting for it's location, hasn't taken any business from the Pittsville Dinette. Dave White has a loyal following and with all due respect, when people want to see the bluish gray meat of a muskrat with it's four legs sticking straight up in the air, they go to Dave's - peo ple say he's got the best in town (even though I'll never be able to speak from experience). No ;) He does have other good fare on the menu as well an impressive display of NASCAR and Coca Cola memorabilia, but having one restaurant in town is hardly enough to choose from.
How long before you've eaten at every restaurant within 30 minutes of where you live? I look forward to having another restaurant to choose from. When Good Fellows opens up, everyone should try to go there just once to see if you like it. Italians really know how to bring good food to the table and I'm not just saying that because - well, you know. Pittsville is really starting to have attractions to bring people to the area. When people start coming regularly, more businesses will want to locate there.
To the owner of Good Fellows - Benvenuto Paisan
Here's The Difference Between A Fire Fighter & A MAN!
The SFD doesn’t have a place for blacks who speak their own language or hold their pants up with one hand. Around the fire station we usually say hello not yo man. Women make great wheel chocks in the fire service since they can’t seem to do much else. Thanks Joe for helping us out.
Ok, I have tried to refrain from commenting on your sight Jo but I can't take it anymore. Don't worry, unlike the coward who posted that comment, I'll put my name to this at the end. First of all Jo, I am not hear to attack you because I respect your right to free speech and opinions no matter if I agree with them or not. That is what this great country is all about so more power to you. I would however like to shed an opinion of my own respectfully. You say that Lt. Cropper, who is career is the ONLY BLACK PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTER in the Salisbury Fire Department. That I believe is not true. The word professional has many definitions from one who is paid for doing a certain job, to a person doing a job that needs special training. But I like to think that it has a deeper meaning such as one with good morals, character, tradition, respect, integrity, attitude etc, etc.... all of which Lt. Cropper portrays and so do the other BLACK PROFESSIONAL VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS for the Salisbury Fire Department. Thats is all I have to say about that.
Now for the sorry SOB's (thats SORRY SONS OF BITCHES FOR YOU STUPID ASSES) that have posted bad shit about Cropper. I have no doubt that some of you are so called "brothers" in the fire service but like every family, there are bad apples. You are no brother of mine and you are not welcome in our family. I have known Cropper for nearly 10 yrs. and I consider him a good friend who I have much respect and admiration for. I have spoke with Cropper about all this shit going on and it pains me to see my friend betrayed by the "brotherhood" he has been a part of for so long. He is no longer the same and I doubt he ever will be and I can't say I blame him. He stated to me he feels like he can't trust anyone in the SFD and painfully that means me as well. And to be honest that pisses me off. I do not know if he is but if I were him, I would be looking for other employment. That would be a huge loss to the SFD and not because he's BLACK but because he is the definition of PROFESSIONAL. It's time to lay off the man and stop taking cheap shots at him. Enough with the Haz-Mat incident!!!! Lets not forget there was a Incident Commander, Safety Officer and numerous other individuals that let him enter that Hotzone like that!!! Where is there resposibility and blame? I have been in the fire service long enough to know that nobody is perfect and your shit does stink.
As for the "women make good wheel chocks" comment. WTF is that? You Mr. Anonymous are an idiot and are a perfect example of a person that should have been a sperm stain in your daddys sock!! No more time needs to be wasted on you.
Thats all I have to say so Jo thanks for allowing me to state my opinions. And if anyone of the anonymous assholes have a problem with my post, you know where to find me.
Chris O'Barsky
Admin. Captain
Salisbury Fire Department
Joe Albero
The SFD doesn’t have a place for blacks who speak their own language or hold their pants up with one hand. Around the fire station we usually say hello not yo man. Women make great wheel chocks in the fire service since they can’t seem to do much else. Thanks Joe for helping us out.
Ok, I have tried to refrain from commenting on your sight Jo but I can't take it anymore. Don't worry, unlike the coward who posted that comment, I'll put my name to this at the end. First of all Jo, I am not hear to attack you because I respect your right to free speech and opinions no matter if I agree with them or not. That is what this great country is all about so more power to you. I would however like to shed an opinion of my own respectfully. You say that Lt. Cropper, who is career is the ONLY BLACK PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTER in the Salisbury Fire Department. That I believe is not true. The word professional has many definitions from one who is paid for doing a certain job, to a person doing a job that needs special training. But I like to think that it has a deeper meaning such as one with good morals, character, tradition, respect, integrity, attitude etc, etc.... all of which Lt. Cropper portrays and so do the other BLACK PROFESSIONAL VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS for the Salisbury Fire Department. Thats is all I have to say about that.
Now for the sorry SOB's (thats SORRY SONS OF BITCHES FOR YOU STUPID ASSES) that have posted bad shit about Cropper. I have no doubt that some of you are so called "brothers" in the fire service but like every family, there are bad apples. You are no brother of mine and you are not welcome in our family. I have known Cropper for nearly 10 yrs. and I consider him a good friend who I have much respect and admiration for. I have spoke with Cropper about all this shit going on and it pains me to see my friend betrayed by the "brotherhood" he has been a part of for so long. He is no longer the same and I doubt he ever will be and I can't say I blame him. He stated to me he feels like he can't trust anyone in the SFD and painfully that means me as well. And to be honest that pisses me off. I do not know if he is but if I were him, I would be looking for other employment. That would be a huge loss to the SFD and not because he's BLACK but because he is the definition of PROFESSIONAL. It's time to lay off the man and stop taking cheap shots at him. Enough with the Haz-Mat incident!!!! Lets not forget there was a Incident Commander, Safety Officer and numerous other individuals that let him enter that Hotzone like that!!! Where is there resposibility and blame? I have been in the fire service long enough to know that nobody is perfect and your shit does stink.
As for the "women make good wheel chocks" comment. WTF is that? You Mr. Anonymous are an idiot and are a perfect example of a person that should have been a sperm stain in your daddys sock!! No more time needs to be wasted on you.
Thats all I have to say so Jo thanks for allowing me to state my opinions. And if anyone of the anonymous assholes have a problem with my post, you know where to find me.
Chris O'Barsky
Admin. Captain
Salisbury Fire Department
Joe Albero
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