During the final budget deliberations there was a lot of discussion about staffing the Salisbury Police Department with additional officers. Listen as those elected to public office deliberate the funding of public safety. If this doesn't make you scratch your head and ask the HOW and WHY, these folks were ever elected/re-elected to office, you must be dead.
Shanie is now an LEO professional, listen as she tells them
how they should be doing their job . Only in Barrieland is Part 1 crime down. According to Shanie the recent murders were unfortunate but
it's not like the shootings were random or anything. After all, SPD is
fully staffed. Is this her brain on chocolates or what? Someone call a paramedic, I think she's overdosed. Oops, Sorry Shanie, no paramedic for you, the city can't afford them either.
Gary Comegys doesn't think
more officers on the street are needed. Chief Webster, have you ever answered Bubba's question,
where did all that money go? If they were doing a line item budget he wouldn't have to ask. The one thing Gary didn't lie about was growth paying for growth. Every developer coming down the pike has been paid for the growth of our city.
Let us not forget Lyin Louise, the princess of concensus. Louise wouldn't cast a vote before Gary if her life depended on it. If she did, she'd screw up, just like Shanie. Low and behold,
Lyin Louise took a position . It only takes seconds to form a decision, after all, shes got a date with the Geritol for lunch bunch. Listen closely Weezie, as one who knows tells you
why YOU and your council majority raised taxes last year.
Realizing their resources are limited, by the mayor and her administration, Debbie and Terry did what most thinking people would do. They took the issue of public safety by the horns, Terry focusing on Fire and Debbie focusing on Police. Having gathered what little information permitted them, from the departments spending time actually speaking with these public servants (who are forbidden to talk to them), they shared their findings and both took a stand for what they know is necessary and right.
Terry Cohen, who has a mind like a steel trap reminded the council of
Chief Websters plan . Terry, then took her
position and stood her ground with Lyin Louise. Terry, I hope you realize, you too will be receiving a letter of reprimand.
Of course, the only solutions offered were that of Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen, their solutions fell on the deaf ears of the council majority and their pre-determined...um shall we call it concensus? It's business as usual in the land of Barrie. Debbie Campbell offered her
position . Then she had the audacity to ask, what is in my opinion, the most important question of all.
What do the taxpayers get ? Shame on Debbie for taking the citizenry into consideration during any deliberations, especially something as important as the annual budget.
I have the deepest gratitude for these two ladies that should have Timex stamped on their foreheads. They take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. Hold their feet to the fire, ladies. Your hard work and efforts do not go unnoticed.