Yesterday, after Charles Jannace decided to actually file, I started calling Joe Carmean at The Daily Times in order to inform them that Charles was in fact serious and was in fact going to run.
I received multiple answering machine messages saying he wasn't there and not once did the receptionist state that he might not be in his office, he was a way from his desk, he was in a meeting,
let alone he was on vacation!Last night I ran into Joe G. from the Daily Times, (a nice guy, mind you) and he informed me that Joe was on vacation and that's why I couldn't get through to him.
I explained how I had called numerous times, (at least 5 to 7 times) without any success and in my opinion this was extremely unprofessional. Or, Dee, Dee, Deeeee!
As I opened my paper early this morning there was no mention of Charles running for anything. I'm sorry Folks but here we go again. This is exactly the reason why Charles wants to bash the crap out of The Daily Times as well, because they're run by Barrie Tilghman.
Can you truly imagine how furious the Mayor is this morning, let alone Ron Alessi? The man has no chance now! Honest to God Folks, I am getting slammed with e-mail messages telling me Charles Jannace has their votes! I read one this morning stating one family is all Democrats and we have the two vites that household can and will offer. I'm getting telephone calls like there's no tomorrow. People wanting to make donations, volunteers, whatever it takes to get Alessi out of there!
Say Goodnight Gracie!