A VERY close look is required when dealing with 3D (Director Doug Devenyns). Just who is this guy, anyway? He claims years of experience in the Navy, but no one has yet witnessed any Military knowledge out of him. Take a good look at the way he is standing in the photo offered to get here. There's no Military pride or training in him. Was he really in the Military, or could it be 3D isn't who he claims to be?
One of his first actions upon assuming control of WCDC was to throw out all the "books", the rules and regulations, the descriptions of how jobs are to be accomplished while on duty. These have yet to be replaced with anything - except when someone from the Standards or DoJ demand to see one, and then it sort of magically appears out of thin air. Of course, the moment Standards or DoJ leaves, so does that bit of paper, never to be seen until requested by someone else.
Since his appointment as Director of WCDC, inmates have committed suicide and not been found for HOURS, have managed to get cell phones and cell phone batteries into the facility so that they can conduct drug deals or threaten potential witnesses. They conceal their actions behind blankets hung like curtains, and routinely use officers to get contraband smuggled in. Officers have affairs with inmates, which used to be against the rules, but since those rules are gone, there's nothing to stop the practice now. Those who get caught doing wrong wait for months to see whether they'll be punished or not, and most often nothing happens to them. To say that morale is low is a gross understatement. Officers are leaving WCDC in droves. The number of experienced officers is shrinking to an alarming rate, and many of the new officers are so afraid of the inmates that they don't even show up to an ASAP (inmate brawl) to back up their fellow officers.
DDD has never stood a post in a jail and knows almost nothing about security, leadership or support of his staff, yet he has charge of a jail. Who's brilliant idea was this? His ignorance is glaring and, if allowed to continue, will get some officer killed, if not more than one. He's already had one escape, which Dopy and the Seven Dwarves did nothing about. How long before there is a mass break out of U.S.Marshall inmates? The tax payers of Wicomico and the residents of all three states are not safe while Director Doug Devenyns is in charge of the jail.