Red Alert
Wicomico County Officials Declare War on TaxpayersHitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, had the German people convinced that they were still winning the war as the Russians were rolling into Berlin. On Saturday November 21, 2009, County Executive, Rick
Pollitt, unleashed his Propaganda Czar, Jim
Fineran, on a campaign to convince
Wicomico Taxpayers that they are not giving enough of their hard earned tax dollars to the county government.
We have seen in the past how they have tried to convince us that we were all duped into signing
petitions that put the Revenue Cap on the ballot for the citizens to vote on. They tried to make it
appear that we didn't really know what we were signing. Amazing! They were trying to be polite
about calling us stupid. Right Mr.
Pollitt, like we believed it when we were told that the county was really concerned and looking out for our tax dollars after the "Landfill Oversight".
During the next several months Mr.
Pollitt will be sending his Propaganda Czars out into the
communities to any venue that will accept them to start the brainwashing. They'll be putting up
more smoke screens than the California brush fires and using every sleigh of hand trick to
convince you that they have been "Good Stewards" of your tax dollars. Here comes the "Hook".
They will try to convince you to either repeal or "Modify" the Revenue Cap so that the "Good
Stewarts", but only in times of declared Emergencies, can "Temporarily" raise your
property taxes. You know, kind of like when the
Piggyback-Tax Rate was temporarily raised - ten years ago.
We ask all county residents to be on the lookout for the County’s paid Propagandist and expose
them for what they really are, Poor Managers of our tax dollars. You have formidable weapons to use against them. . . . .
FACT: In 2001
Wicomico County had the fourth highest Property Tax Rate in Maryland. In 2009
Wicomico County had the fourth lowest Property Tax Rate. (Source: Maryland Association of Counties, pg 25, Table4.1).
TRUTH: The financial problems in
Wicomico County are not caused by the taxpayers not paying enough of their hard earned money in taxes but by the overspending of county government. (Source: From the mouths of hard working
Wicomico Citizens).
Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, committed suicide before he could be brought to
justice. We believe that County Executive, Rick
Pollitt, will be committing political suicide if he
chooses the path of going against the will of the People.
VOICE will meet with any organization armed with only FACTS and TRUTH and let you decide
on how you want your tax dollars spent.
John Palmer Jr.
9024 Star Road
Delmar, MD - President,
410 896-3670 VOICE