America was founded and established because the British were taxing us too much. We fought and won our independence and look how bad the liberals have screwed us up.
Between O'Malley and Obama, they're raising taxes and forcing local municipalities to raise taxes to the maximum level, just as Wicomico County is now preparing to do this budget session.
Wayne mentioned today, the rest of the state doesn't realize the special problems we have in Wicomico County and the taxpayers simply cannot afford these increases.
With all due respect Wayne, THEN STOP SPENDING. STOP THE PAY RAISES. Tell Mike Lewis to drive his Durango for another year or two, (as an example). Tell Rick Pollitt to STOP making all those trips to Annapolis. Please, I beg of you, tell us how those trips are working out for us!
I have a strong feeling that there's going to come a point where the citizens are going to revolt. Cable Companies are demanding $200.00 a month for cable access. A gallon of milk is through the roof. Groceries are just too expensive for far too many people. People will learn soon enough, either most become completely dependent on our government OR they'll take up arms and fight once again for our independence.
I, (for one) want my America back. Screw the entitlements. That's right, screw them all. Force the Churches to either pay it forward or pay taxes on ALL of their income. Its time for serious change in America.