DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, April 04, 2014
Have We Reached Peak Wall Street?
Though the mainstream financial media and the blogosphere differ radically on their forecasts - the MFM sees near-zero systemic risk while the alternative media sees a critical confluence of it - they agree on one thing: the Federal Reserve and the “too big to fail” (TBTF) Wall Street banks have their hands on the political and financial tiller of the nation, and nothing will dislodge their dominance.
Given how easily the bankers bamboozled the Washington establishment into bailing them out in 2008 to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars in backstops, guarantees, subsidies and zero-interest loans, this is a reasonable assumption. Especially when coupled with the free hand the Fed has to reward the banks with zero-interest loans and limitless liquidity.
Add in the unsurpassed political power of the banks’ lobbying and campaign contributions and the hog-tying of regulatory agencies, and it’s no wonder few see any threat to the Fed/financial sector’s dominance.
There’s also a compelling narrative that supports the Fed’s policies of keeping interest rates near-zero by printing money to buy mortgages and Treasury bonds: were the Fed to allow interest rates to normalize back up to the historically average range, credit-based consumption and housing sales would dry up, pushing the nation into a recession or even a depression.
Given how easily the bankers bamboozled the Washington establishment into bailing them out in 2008 to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars in backstops, guarantees, subsidies and zero-interest loans, this is a reasonable assumption. Especially when coupled with the free hand the Fed has to reward the banks with zero-interest loans and limitless liquidity.
Add in the unsurpassed political power of the banks’ lobbying and campaign contributions and the hog-tying of regulatory agencies, and it’s no wonder few see any threat to the Fed/financial sector’s dominance.
There’s also a compelling narrative that supports the Fed’s policies of keeping interest rates near-zero by printing money to buy mortgages and Treasury bonds: were the Fed to allow interest rates to normalize back up to the historically average range, credit-based consumption and housing sales would dry up, pushing the nation into a recession or even a depression.
Ben Carson, Republicans Huddle In Search of Obamacare Replacement
With a major Obamacare sign-up deadline past, Republicans are turning their attention to the “replace” half of their repeal and replace strategy, hoping to make up ground lost over the past four years as they seek to show voters that they have an alternative to the president’s health care overhaul.
Retired surgeon Ben Carson sat down with the House Republican health care caucus Thursday to hash out ideas. The doctor urged lawmakers to set some deadlines of their own for writing a plan.
“It doesn’t do any good to have a lot of good ideas but not to get behind one and really push it,” said Mr. Carson, who has been mentioned as a potential Republican presidential contender.
Retired surgeon Ben Carson sat down with the House Republican health care caucus Thursday to hash out ideas. The doctor urged lawmakers to set some deadlines of their own for writing a plan.
“It doesn’t do any good to have a lot of good ideas but not to get behind one and really push it,” said Mr. Carson, who has been mentioned as a potential Republican presidential contender.
Eating Cabbage, Broccoli Lowers Inflammation: Study
In a study of more than 1,000 Chinese women, those who ate the most cruciferous vegetables had substantially less inflammation than those who ate the fewest.
Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, kale and cauliflower, and eating them is often encouraged as a way to lower risk for heart disease and cancer.
Based on their findings, the study authors say the health benefits of these vegetables may be at least partly a result of their anti-inflammatory effects.
"Our group and others have found that consumption of fruits and vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables, was associated with lower total mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality - however, the potential mechanisms behind this association are not well understood," Dr. Gong Yang told Reuters Health by email.
Yang is a researcher at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, and senior author of the study.
"Chronic inflammation is implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases - we therefore examined whether cruciferous vegetable intake may relate to inflammation," he said.
Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, kale and cauliflower, and eating them is often encouraged as a way to lower risk for heart disease and cancer.
Based on their findings, the study authors say the health benefits of these vegetables may be at least partly a result of their anti-inflammatory effects.
"Our group and others have found that consumption of fruits and vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables, was associated with lower total mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality - however, the potential mechanisms behind this association are not well understood," Dr. Gong Yang told Reuters Health by email.
Yang is a researcher at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, and senior author of the study.
"Chronic inflammation is implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases - we therefore examined whether cruciferous vegetable intake may relate to inflammation," he said.
“The Secret Government is an interlocking network of official functionaries, spies, mercenaries, ex-generals, profiteers and superpatriots, who, for a variety of motives, operate outside the legitimate institutions of government. Presidents have turned to them when they can’t win the support of the Congress or the people, creating that unsupervised power so feared by the framers of our Constitution…”—Journalist Bill Moyers (1988)
Question: How can you tell when a politician is lying? Answer: When he’s moving his lips.
If that didn’t generate a chuckle, how about:
Q: Why is honesty in politics like oxygen?
A: The higher you go, the scarcer it gets.
Then there’s President Obama’s gaffe on the Tonight Show: “We don’t have a domestic spying program,” which is downright laughable in light of this past year’s revelations about domestic spying by the National Security Agency. But if that still doesn’t push you over the edge into near hysterics, here’s one guaranteed to get the biggest laugh of all, at least from those clear-sighted enough to grasp the irony of a politician talking about “trust”:
Question: How can you tell when a politician is lying? Answer: When he’s moving his lips.
If that didn’t generate a chuckle, how about:
Q: Why is honesty in politics like oxygen?
A: The higher you go, the scarcer it gets.
Then there’s President Obama’s gaffe on the Tonight Show: “We don’t have a domestic spying program,” which is downright laughable in light of this past year’s revelations about domestic spying by the National Security Agency. But if that still doesn’t push you over the edge into near hysterics, here’s one guaranteed to get the biggest laugh of all, at least from those clear-sighted enough to grasp the irony of a politician talking about “trust”:
Obama Spent Hours At Chicago Fundraisers Before Turning Attention To Ft. Hood Shooting
President Obama was a little busy doing something not too unusual for a president when news broke of the shootings at Fort Hood. Obama, in his sixth year in office, had embarked on a quiet fundraising trip that is typically an overlooked event by the press pool who must follow around the commander in chief and report on the seemingly trivial details — but the day in the life of a journalist is a piece of information most Americans may wish they were aware of.
While last night’s trip to Chicago fundraising parties may not have fazed the press pool, the trip gives a different angle of President Obama’s daily agenda; one that Americans following Wednesday’s shooting may be surprised to know was not cut short despite the crisis on a Texas military base.
The president was in Ann Arbor, Mich. Wednesday afternoon, where he discussed the economic benefits of raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.
See More
While last night’s trip to Chicago fundraising parties may not have fazed the press pool, the trip gives a different angle of President Obama’s daily agenda; one that Americans following Wednesday’s shooting may be surprised to know was not cut short despite the crisis on a Texas military base.
The president was in Ann Arbor, Mich. Wednesday afternoon, where he discussed the economic benefits of raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.
See More
(PIKESVILLE, MD) – While April is designated National Distracted Driver Awareness month, troopers across the state will focus their efforts on distracted driving using intense traffic enforcement initiatives.
Motorists across the state are reminded that April is National Distracted Driver Awareness month. Maryland State Police will be using a combination of traditional and innovative strategies to target motorists who use cell phones illegally while driving. Extra patrols of troopers will be out specifically looking for distracted drivers. This effort is part of a high-visibility enforcement initiative that combines intense enforcement with further educating the public of the dangers of distracted driving. The ultimate goal is to save lives by convincing motorists to obey the law.
“Driver distraction presents a serious and potentially deadly danger to everyone on Maryland roads,” Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police said. “When motorists text while driving, they take their eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, and mind off the task of driving, which puts everyone’s lives in danger.”
Motorists across the state are reminded that April is National Distracted Driver Awareness month. Maryland State Police will be using a combination of traditional and innovative strategies to target motorists who use cell phones illegally while driving. Extra patrols of troopers will be out specifically looking for distracted drivers. This effort is part of a high-visibility enforcement initiative that combines intense enforcement with further educating the public of the dangers of distracted driving. The ultimate goal is to save lives by convincing motorists to obey the law.
“Driver distraction presents a serious and potentially deadly danger to everyone on Maryland roads,” Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police said. “When motorists text while driving, they take their eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, and mind off the task of driving, which puts everyone’s lives in danger.”
Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant ignored political correctness and immediately signed a bill called the Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act on Thursday. The bill, which becomes law July 1, states that the government of Mississippi cannot make the practice of religion unreasonably burdensome.
An example of this would be to restrict the construction of religious buildings by using zoning laws to keep them out, while welcoming secular businesses. The bill also states that “In God We Trust” will be added to the state’s seal.
The bill was submitted after a previous bil,l which emulated Arizona’s failed attempt to protect religious rights, was shelved. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed her state’s religious rights bill.
An example of this would be to restrict the construction of religious buildings by using zoning laws to keep them out, while welcoming secular businesses. The bill also states that “In God We Trust” will be added to the state’s seal.
The bill was submitted after a previous bil,l which emulated Arizona’s failed attempt to protect religious rights, was shelved. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed her state’s religious rights bill.
More Marylanders than ever before are graduating from STEM programs, preparing them for new technology and cybersecurity jobs
ANNAPOLIS, MD -- Governor Martin O’Malley announced that Maryland college students are graduating from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) degree programs at record rates. From 2006 to 2013, the number of STEM graduates from Maryland colleges and universities increased by 37.1% from 9,544 in 2006 to 13,082 in 2013.
In September 2008, Governor O’Malley created the Governor’s STEM Task Force to make recommendations aimed at establishing Maryland as a global leader in the development of its future workforce and its STEM-based research and economic development infrastructure. One of the recommendations of the Task Force was to increase the number of STEM college graduates in Maryland by 40 percent by the year 2015. Governor O’Malley accepted these recommendations and included them in hissixteen strategic policy goals. Especially in light of today’s announcement, Maryland is on track to meet that goal.
ANNAPOLIS, MD -- Governor Martin O’Malley announced that Maryland college students are graduating from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) degree programs at record rates. From 2006 to 2013, the number of STEM graduates from Maryland colleges and universities increased by 37.1% from 9,544 in 2006 to 13,082 in 2013.
In September 2008, Governor O’Malley created the Governor’s STEM Task Force to make recommendations aimed at establishing Maryland as a global leader in the development of its future workforce and its STEM-based research and economic development infrastructure. One of the recommendations of the Task Force was to increase the number of STEM college graduates in Maryland by 40 percent by the year 2015. Governor O’Malley accepted these recommendations and included them in hissixteen strategic policy goals. Especially in light of today’s announcement, Maryland is on track to meet that goal.
ATF director: Undercover agents targeted mentally disabled people by accident
Federal agents who convinced mentally disabled people to commit crimes and then arrested them may have done so because they didn't realize the people they were targeting had special needs, according to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Director Todd Jones.
"We do not target the developmentally disabled," Jones told House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., adding that ATF learned of that the people were disabled as "the result of defense pleadings" in court.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that ATF targeted developmentally disabled people during undercover drug and gun-buying operations throughout the country. "In Wichita, Kan., ATF agents referred to a man with a low IQ as 'slow-headed' before deciding to secretly use him as a key cog in their sting," according to the Journal Sentinel.
"We do not target the developmentally disabled," Jones told House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., adding that ATF learned of that the people were disabled as "the result of defense pleadings" in court.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that ATF targeted developmentally disabled people during undercover drug and gun-buying operations throughout the country. "In Wichita, Kan., ATF agents referred to a man with a low IQ as 'slow-headed' before deciding to secretly use him as a key cog in their sting," according to the Journal Sentinel.
Washington Post: ‘Cat’s Out of the Bag’ on IRS Targeting Scandal
What’s the difference between “targeting” and using “inappropriate criteria” to select certain organizations for review?
The Washington Post says it’s just “bureaucratese” in fact checking IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, who told Congress the tax collecting agency was never accused of targeting tea party organizations and other conservative groups from 2010 through 2012.
Koskinen testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on March 25, but the Post on Thursday, said it spent several days fact checking his testimony before giving it three Pinocchios. The newspaper’s fact check column has a maximum of four Pinocchios
The Washington Post says it’s just “bureaucratese” in fact checking IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, who told Congress the tax collecting agency was never accused of targeting tea party organizations and other conservative groups from 2010 through 2012.
Koskinen testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on March 25, but the Post on Thursday, said it spent several days fact checking his testimony before giving it three Pinocchios. The newspaper’s fact check column has a maximum of four Pinocchios
Chicago's Winter of 2013-14: The Coldest Four Months on Record
On the first day of April, Chicago suffered through bitingly cold winds and unseasonably cold temperatures, seemingly another cold spate that threatened to set temperature records. But April first aside, the Windy City has set a greater Winter record. December to March became the Windy City’s coldest four-month period ever recorded.
The Winter of 2013-14 set records all across the country and the National Weather Service (NWS) says that Chicago has experienced its coldest period since records were first kept.
The weather service put out a press release saying that the average temperature for Chicago since December was only 22 degrees, "which is the coldest such period on record for Chicago dating back to 1872!"
The Winter of 2013-14 set records all across the country and the National Weather Service (NWS) says that Chicago has experienced its coldest period since records were first kept.
The weather service put out a press release saying that the average temperature for Chicago since December was only 22 degrees, "which is the coldest such period on record for Chicago dating back to 1872!"
Networks Snub Obama On Primetime Health Care Address
WASHINGTON — White House officials sought valuable primetime air for a rare, impromptu Tuesday night address to tout the accomplishment of signing up more than 7 million people under the Affordable Care Act.
But network officials refused to make the kind of accommodation they did previously for the announcement that Osama Bin Laden had been killed, for instance, and Obama was left instead cutting into the much smaller audiences of Ellen and other daytime shows.
Three sources familiar with the request confirmed the White House asked for the primetime slot in their effort both to emphasize a bright moment following the challenging roll out and, more important, to try to reintroduce the country to a law that remains unpopular. One top White House official referred BuzzFeed to another top official for comment on the conversation with networks, but the second official did not respond to a request for comment.
But network officials refused to make the kind of accommodation they did previously for the announcement that Osama Bin Laden had been killed, for instance, and Obama was left instead cutting into the much smaller audiences of Ellen and other daytime shows.
Three sources familiar with the request confirmed the White House asked for the primetime slot in their effort both to emphasize a bright moment following the challenging roll out and, more important, to try to reintroduce the country to a law that remains unpopular. One top White House official referred BuzzFeed to another top official for comment on the conversation with networks, but the second official did not respond to a request for comment.
Baywater Animal Rescue Executive Director to Retire in June
“Suzette Stitely has been a very strong leader and one who has managed this organization through challenging times,” said Jerilyn Gibbs, chairman of the board. “The board is grateful for her innumerable contributions to the rescue and the animals we serve.”
During Stitely’s tenure as executive director, Baywater Animal Rescue successfully transitioned to a No Kill shelter, improved facilities for the animals and increased support to record levels.
“I’ve been privileged to lead the premiere No Kill shelter on the shore for the past 4.5 years,” Stitely said. “I’m proud of the contributions I have made to animal welfare in our community and I intend to stay involved with Baywater Animal Rescue on a volunteer basis.”
The board of directors will conduct the process to choose Stitely’s successor. For more information about Baywater Animal Rescue, visit www.baywateranimalrescue.org.
Fox News’s Megyn Kelly Declines To Utter The Name Of The Fort Hood Shooter
Last night on her Fox News program, star anchor Megyn Kelly kicked things off with a lesson in journalism ethics:
Some points here:
*This is a noble pursuit. It is genuinely good that a program, in whatever channel, would seek to withhold assistance to others who seek infamy through bloodshed.
Breaking tonight. Fort Hood, Texas on lockdown. A suspected shooter is reported dead. This is ‘The Kelly File’ and I’m Megyn Kelly. We’re expecting the first news conference from Fort Hood to begin any moment, Fox News confirming four people are dead, including the shooter. Fourteen people are wounded. Authorities are identifying the shooter. If you are interested, you can get his name on other shows like the one that preceded this one and online, but we have decided not to name these mass killers as a policy here on “The Kelly File.” Too often it is infamy they seek and we decline to help.
Some points here:
*This is a noble pursuit. It is genuinely good that a program, in whatever channel, would seek to withhold assistance to others who seek infamy through bloodshed.
March Was First Month Without U.S. Fatalities in Iraq or Afghanistan
There were no American troop casualties in Afghanistan or Iraq in March, for the first time since February 2003, ending 133 straight months when at least one U.S. service member was killed. U.S. deaths in Iraq peaked in November 2004, and in Afghanistan in August 2011.
For the first month since February, 2003, no U.S. troops died in Afghanistan or Iraq last month. That’s 133 months, more than a decade.
Read more
For the first month since February, 2003, no U.S. troops died in Afghanistan or Iraq last month. That’s 133 months, more than a decade.
Read more
A Koch Brother Responds To Harry Reid — And Harry Reid Responds To The Koch Brother
In a new op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, one of the Koch brothers -- Charles -- responds to a torrent of criticism from Democrats.
Koch says he and his brother are fighting for a free society, while their opponents prefer big government and "collectivism."
Here's the key part, in which Koch responds semi-directly to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) repeated criticisms that the Koch brothers are trying to "buy America":
Koch says he and his brother are fighting for a free society, while their opponents prefer big government and "collectivism."
Here's the key part, in which Koch responds semi-directly to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) repeated criticisms that the Koch brothers are trying to "buy America":
Democrats and Republicans Are Driving America off the Fiscal Cliff
Watching congressional Democrats and Republicans wrestle over the budget is a little like watching Thelma and Louise. Democrats want to stomp on the gas pedal and race to the edge of the cliff at top speed, while Republicans want merely to set the cruise control. Neither approach addresses the fiscal realities of the situation.
America has a debt of $17 trillion. That’s more than $54,000 for every man, woman, and child in the United States. It is unsustainable and has to stop. Failure to do so will leave generations of Americans strapped with a crushing load of debt that jeopardizes their prosperity and that of the nation.
America has a debt of $17 trillion. That’s more than $54,000 for every man, woman, and child in the United States. It is unsustainable and has to stop. Failure to do so will leave generations of Americans strapped with a crushing load of debt that jeopardizes their prosperity and that of the nation.
SFD Calls For Service 4-3-14
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 20:39:42Nature: SeizureCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 18:48:59Nature: Abdominal PainCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 16:56:05Nature: Medical AssistAddress: 4693 Snow Hill Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 16:55:59Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 16:50:02Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 16:21:52Nature: Abdominal PainCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 15:02:19Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 14:43:48Nature: Pi AccidentAddress: Hammond St and caroline St Salisbury, MD 21802
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 14:19:52Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 14:14:31Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 13:47:01Nature: Medical AssistAddress: 2414 Northgate Dr Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 12:44:25Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 11:15:58Nature: Automatic AlarmAddress: 710 Buckingham Cir Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 11:12:25Nature: Unconscious SubjectCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 10:19:12Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 10:13:11Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 10:11:23Nature: Psychiatric EmergencyCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 09:55:34Nature: Medical AssistAddress: 1340 S Division St Salisbury, MD 21801
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 09:55:28Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 07:35:53Nature: Non BreathingCity: Salisbury
- Thursday April, 3 2014 @ 06:14:28Nature: Pro Qa EmsCity: Salisbury
Christie doubles down on Muslim judge appointment to Jewish audience
Christie shut down the GW Bridge, now he’s selling one to Jews. via Christie deftly defends appointment of Muslim Judge at RJC meeting | The Daily Caller.
Speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s meeting in Las Vegas on Saturday, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie responded calmly, but strongly, to a question about Sharia Law, taking the occasion to address lingering concerns about a Muslim judge he appointed in 2011.
“Sohail Mohammed knows as much about jihad as I do, being an Irish-American kid from Newark, New Jersey,” Christie said of the Indian-American judge who immigrated to America as a child.
Speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s meeting in Las Vegas on Saturday, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie responded calmly, but strongly, to a question about Sharia Law, taking the occasion to address lingering concerns about a Muslim judge he appointed in 2011.
“Sohail Mohammed knows as much about jihad as I do, being an Irish-American kid from Newark, New Jersey,” Christie said of the Indian-American judge who immigrated to America as a child.
Congressman Andy Harris Encourages Participation in Congressional Art Competition
Winner’s Art Will Be Displayed for a Year in the Capitol
Washington, D.C.—Congressman Andy Harris would like to remind all high school students in his district that the deadline to submit their artwork for the 2014 Congressional Art Competition is Monday, April 14. Each spring, the House of Representatives sponsors the competition to recognize the artistic talents of high school students in each congressional district throughout the country.
The competition is open to all high school students from Maryland’s First Congressional District. Each congressional district will select one winner and that student will have the opportunity to display his or her artwork for one year in the U.S. Capitol building, alongside the work of other contest winners from around the country.
“I appreciate this opportunity to recognize the gifted young artists of Maryland’s First District,” said the Congressman. “I will be honored to again display the art of First District runners-up in my offices, and I eagerly anticipate seeing the winning piece hanging on the winding wall of the U.S. Capitol.”
The Congressional Art Competition began in 1982 to provide an opportunity for members of Congress to showcase the talents of their young constituents. Since then, over 650,000 high school students have been involved with the competition.
For full competition guidelines and the student release form, please visit Congressman Harris’ website at harris.house.gov. Go to the “Serving You” tab at the top of the screen and click on “Art Competition.”
Washington, D.C.—Congressman Andy Harris would like to remind all high school students in his district that the deadline to submit their artwork for the 2014 Congressional Art Competition is Monday, April 14. Each spring, the House of Representatives sponsors the competition to recognize the artistic talents of high school students in each congressional district throughout the country.
The competition is open to all high school students from Maryland’s First Congressional District. Each congressional district will select one winner and that student will have the opportunity to display his or her artwork for one year in the U.S. Capitol building, alongside the work of other contest winners from around the country.
“I appreciate this opportunity to recognize the gifted young artists of Maryland’s First District,” said the Congressman. “I will be honored to again display the art of First District runners-up in my offices, and I eagerly anticipate seeing the winning piece hanging on the winding wall of the U.S. Capitol.”
The Congressional Art Competition began in 1982 to provide an opportunity for members of Congress to showcase the talents of their young constituents. Since then, over 650,000 high school students have been involved with the competition.
For full competition guidelines and the student release form, please visit Congressman Harris’ website at harris.house.gov. Go to the “Serving You” tab at the top of the screen and click on “Art Competition.”
The War on Poverty — $21 Trillion Later
Fifty years and trillions of dollars after the “War on Poverty” was launched, poor Americans aren’t much better off, according to a study published by Republican reformers in Congress.
The War on Poverty has barely made a dent in actual poverty, states the 205-page report unveiled last month by the House Budget Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.).
The paper, created in the hope of starting a discussion in Congress about reforming America’s bungled poor-relief programs, came out before Ryan released the GOP’s new budgetary blueprint yesterday that lays out how to balance the budget in 10 years. That document calls for reducing federal government spending by $5.1 trillion over a decade largely by getting a grip on out-of-control social programs. The House Budget Committee could vote on the fiscal plan as soon as Friday. Leadership in the Democrat-dominated Senate, which hasn’t even tried to adopt a budget in recent years, isn’t planning to craft a fiscal blueprint this year, either.
The War on Poverty has barely made a dent in actual poverty, states the 205-page report unveiled last month by the House Budget Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.).
The paper, created in the hope of starting a discussion in Congress about reforming America’s bungled poor-relief programs, came out before Ryan released the GOP’s new budgetary blueprint yesterday that lays out how to balance the budget in 10 years. That document calls for reducing federal government spending by $5.1 trillion over a decade largely by getting a grip on out-of-control social programs. The House Budget Committee could vote on the fiscal plan as soon as Friday. Leadership in the Democrat-dominated Senate, which hasn’t even tried to adopt a budget in recent years, isn’t planning to craft a fiscal blueprint this year, either.
Beach Brawl Suspects Wanted After Missing Court Date

Two of the four suspects charged in the incident last July, including Dalima Palmer, 25, of Dumfries, Va., who was nine months pregnant at the time and ultimately needed an emergency C-section following the brawl, along with her fiancé, Musa Seisay, 25, of Garrisonville, Md., were found guilty of second-degree assault in February and each was sentenced to 30 days in jail.
Palmer and Seisay quickly filed appeals, forwarding their cases to Worcester County Circuit Court. The appeals filed by attorney Bruce Johnson on behalf of Palmer and Seisay temporarily stayed the suspects’ 30-day sentences as the appeal process was initiated in Circuit Court.
Premiums Increase $2,900 per Family per Year
One of the Tea Party's top stars in Congress has penned an Obamacare op-ed co-bylined by Nebraska Senate candidate Ben Sasse.
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sasse argue that Obamacare's failures offer an opportunity for conservatives to be a movement that represents solutions and stands on the side of working-class Americans.
"Republicans cannot win the healthcare debate until we effectively communicate our solutions to the problems that plague working families," they write in Thursday op-ed in the Washington Examiner.
The article comes two days after Obama took what was considered a "victory lap" to tout the 7.1 million Americans who have enrolled in Obamacare. "If we are unwilling or unclear, the president will continue to mislead, government will continue to grow, and our healthcare system will continue to unravel," the two Republicans write.
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sasse argue that Obamacare's failures offer an opportunity for conservatives to be a movement that represents solutions and stands on the side of working-class Americans.
"Republicans cannot win the healthcare debate until we effectively communicate our solutions to the problems that plague working families," they write in Thursday op-ed in the Washington Examiner.
The article comes two days after Obama took what was considered a "victory lap" to tout the 7.1 million Americans who have enrolled in Obamacare. "If we are unwilling or unclear, the president will continue to mislead, government will continue to grow, and our healthcare system will continue to unravel," the two Republicans write.
‘Capital Budget Passes - McDermott Votes Against…
Mathias Votes In Favor’
(ANNAPOLIS) The Maryland House of Delegates passed a Capital Budget of $1.17 billion and another $300 million taken from the General Fund. The $300 million is supposed to be covered by property tax revenues, so there may be a very large increase in those taxes for Marylanders in the future. Delegate Michael McDermott (R - Worcester & Wicomico) voted against the Capital Budget (Senate Bill 171), while Senator Mathias (D - Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset) voted to support it and, thus, a further increase in Maryland’s state debt far beyond the taxpayer’s ability to pay.
There have been over eighty major tax, fee, and toll increases since 2007. Borrowing money over and over again will put Maryland in a place where it is impossible to cover its debt payments. Without any other supplements from the General Fund, Maryland’s only option will be to further increase state taxes. “There are many good projects in the Capital Budget, but quite frankly, voting for the Capital Budget is irresponsible with this state’s economy. Making your grandchildren pay for their parents playground is immoral.” Delegate McDermott told the House during the debate, “You’re using a credit card with your kids name on it.”
The Capital Budget included many earmarks far outside the scope of what taxpayers should be funding. For instance, it included $50,000 for the pro-amnesty illegal immigrant group Casa de Maryland. Another earmark included an appropriation the Community Forklift Facility, which may not have been vetted through the normal Bond Bill process. The Capital Budget also included extensions for some projects that have been going on for a decade, and requests to exempt many of these organizations from required matching fund requirements.
As he has done for the past 8-years, Senator Mathias voted in favor of growing our state debt. He has also guaranteed that Property Tax rates will rise in the future for all shore residents. “His vote goes to support extremist liberal groups like Casa de Maryland who receive funding for their illegal alien advocacy at the expense of Eastern Shore families struggling to live paycheck to paycheck. This must stop!” concluded McDermott.
1/5 of the Middle Class Disappeared Under Obama
The middle class doesn’t own a lot of banks, solar power panel manufacturers or sensitivity training centers so they haven’t done too well under Obama Inc.
A sense of belonging to the middle class occupies a cherished place in America. It conjures images of self-sufficient people with stable jobs and pleasant homes working toward prosperity.
Since 2008, the number of people who call themselves middle class has fallen by nearly a fifth, according to a survey in January by the Pew Research Center, from 53 percent to 44 percent. Forty percent now identify as either lower-middle or lower class compared with just 25 percent in February 2008.
A sense of belonging to the middle class occupies a cherished place in America. It conjures images of self-sufficient people with stable jobs and pleasant homes working toward prosperity.
Since 2008, the number of people who call themselves middle class has fallen by nearly a fifth, according to a survey in January by the Pew Research Center, from 53 percent to 44 percent. Forty percent now identify as either lower-middle or lower class compared with just 25 percent in February 2008.
Jon Stewart On HFT: "It's Not American; It's Not Even Capitalism. It's Cheating"
Jon Stewart is stunned by the world of HFT (where "stock exchanges sell the right to advance information to high frequency traders [by locating their computers closest to the exchange]") and the mainstream media's immediate jump to defend it "as good for us", but as Michael Lewis explains "anyone whose livelihood is dependent on Wall Street [from CNBC, FOX and even the SEC] is invested in this... it sounds like a conspiracy."
In this excellent interview, The Daily Show doubter asks "we have set a standard for share buying (you can't but 1/100th of a share) so why not set a standard for frequency of trading?" Lewis stoic response sums up our world perfectly, "in a sane world, we would... but the money is too big," and adds that indeed that is what IEX is doing. The HFTs "function on volume and volatility" alone and "they know the prices before you do... which is illegal if it's a person, but as a computer, meh?"
Michael Lewis and Jon Stewart Part 1: What is HFT? "HFT is a middle-man in a transaction they have no business being in.. it is totally unnecessary Wall Street intermediation" How does it work? "The stock exchanges in this country sell the right to advance information to high frequency traders [by locating their computers closest to the exchange]" What is front-running? "front-running as a person is illegal, but as a computer, meh"
In this excellent interview, The Daily Show doubter asks "we have set a standard for share buying (you can't but 1/100th of a share) so why not set a standard for frequency of trading?" Lewis stoic response sums up our world perfectly, "in a sane world, we would... but the money is too big," and adds that indeed that is what IEX is doing. The HFTs "function on volume and volatility" alone and "they know the prices before you do... which is illegal if it's a person, but as a computer, meh?"
Michael Lewis and Jon Stewart Part 1: What is HFT? "HFT is a middle-man in a transaction they have no business being in.. it is totally unnecessary Wall Street intermediation" How does it work? "The stock exchanges in this country sell the right to advance information to high frequency traders [by locating their computers closest to the exchange]" What is front-running? "front-running as a person is illegal, but as a computer, meh"
Common Core Survey Results Released, But Show Discrepancy
Last week, the State Board of Education was shown the results of a survey about Common Core curriculum standards which found “Many Md. teachers, principals unprepared for Common Core,” as reported here.
Other than a black-and-white copy given to a reporter of the color-coded PowerPoint presentation, the results of the survey were not available online or in color and still are not. However, MarylandReporter.com has obtained the full-color version of the report available here.
The report, Maryland Common Core State Standards Transition Survey Analysis Briefing, was published by the Center for Application and Innovation Research in Education (CAIRE) at Towson University in partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education.
Other than a black-and-white copy given to a reporter of the color-coded PowerPoint presentation, the results of the survey were not available online or in color and still are not. However, MarylandReporter.com has obtained the full-color version of the report available here.
The report, Maryland Common Core State Standards Transition Survey Analysis Briefing, was published by the Center for Application and Innovation Research in Education (CAIRE) at Towson University in partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education.
NASA employees cannot travel to Russia
Citing tensions over Ukraine, NASA cuts most ties with Russia. It suspends all activities except the International Space Station. NASA employees cannot travel to Russia or host Russian visitors. The agency forbids them from emailing or holding teleconferences with Russian counterparts. In a statement, NASA says it is laser focused on a plan to launch human space flights on American soil and end its reliance on Russia to get into space. Given its budget, the agency says that will happen in 2017. Since ending the space shuttle program, NASA has paid Russia nearly $71 million for a seat on its rocket to the International Space Station.
Lost Dog 4-4-14: UPDATE
Missing since 4/3/14 @8pm Crockett Ave area of Fruitland (behind Foodlion ). Dug out under the fence. Microchipped but no tags. Pit bull mix name is Ace or answers to little male. Very friendly.
Aroma Therapy
"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian."
Henry Ford
Henry Ford
Police departments conducting warrantless spying
'Stingray' device mimics cell tower, sweeps info from all phones that connect
(DigitalJournal) As the battle over the notion of warrantless spying rages on Capitol Hill, it was revealed that local police departments are engaging in similar dragnets and refusing to disclose that the technology was used, even to judges during court proceedings.
Local police departments across the country have been using a device known as a “Stingray” to mimic a cell phone tower and trick cell phones in the surrounding area into reporting information such as text messages, call log information, exact locations, and other data. The device receives information from all phones that report to it, not just a specific phone authorized by a search warrant. In the process of using the device for one reason, the police are spying on all citizens in the area.
(DigitalJournal) As the battle over the notion of warrantless spying rages on Capitol Hill, it was revealed that local police departments are engaging in similar dragnets and refusing to disclose that the technology was used, even to judges during court proceedings.
Local police departments across the country have been using a device known as a “Stingray” to mimic a cell phone tower and trick cell phones in the surrounding area into reporting information such as text messages, call log information, exact locations, and other data. The device receives information from all phones that report to it, not just a specific phone authorized by a search warrant. In the process of using the device for one reason, the police are spying on all citizens in the area.
Rand Study: Vast Majority of Obamacare 'Enrollees' Already Had Insurance
An unreleased study by the Rand Corporation reportedly reveals that only "about one-third" of the 7.04 million Obamacare enrollees the White House is claiming were people who were previously uninsured.
The Los Angeles Times reported on the study and is the only news outlet so far that has seen the secret Rand study.
Moreover, a McKinsey & Co. study says that just 53% of the previously uninsured have paid their first premium and activated their coverage. That would mean that just 1.2 million of those the White House calls "enrollees" are actually paying Obamacare customers who were previously uninsured.
Obamacare's purported purpose was to provide coverage for America's 48.6 million uninsured people. Based on the Rand study, Obamacare has provided private insurance for only 2.5% of America's uninsured.
The Los Angeles Times reported on the study and is the only news outlet so far that has seen the secret Rand study.
Moreover, a McKinsey & Co. study says that just 53% of the previously uninsured have paid their first premium and activated their coverage. That would mean that just 1.2 million of those the White House calls "enrollees" are actually paying Obamacare customers who were previously uninsured.
Obamacare's purported purpose was to provide coverage for America's 48.6 million uninsured people. Based on the Rand study, Obamacare has provided private insurance for only 2.5% of America's uninsured.
State Leaders Reach Agreement On Minimum Wage, Pay For Caregivers
Ending a standoff that had stalled the governor's top legislative priority, General Assembly leaders said Wednesday that they have reached a deal to raise Maryland's minimum wage, while also boosting the pay of workers caring for the developmentally disabled.
Under terms unveiled by Sen. Thomas M. Middleton and approved by the Senate Finance Committee, the minimum wage would rise incrementally to $10.10 by July 2018, two years later than Gov. Martin O'Malley proposed.
At the same time, funding for state-paid workers who care for the developmentally disabled would increase by about $30 million a year starting in fiscal 2016, Middleton said. The funding would provide raises to about 18,000 caregivers at community-based providers
Under terms unveiled by Sen. Thomas M. Middleton and approved by the Senate Finance Committee, the minimum wage would rise incrementally to $10.10 by July 2018, two years later than Gov. Martin O'Malley proposed.
At the same time, funding for state-paid workers who care for the developmentally disabled would increase by about $30 million a year starting in fiscal 2016, Middleton said. The funding would provide raises to about 18,000 caregivers at community-based providers
Homeland Security Chief's Priority: Domestic 'Violent Extremism
A priority at the Department of Homeland Security in protecting the nation is to address the threat of domestic "violent extremism," Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said on his 100th day in office.
Toward that effort, Johnson told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday that his department would conduct a series of outreach programs to help counter domestic terror threats.
"This is a priority. And I actually plan to personally participate in one or two of these programs in the next month or two," he said.
Story continues below video.
Toward that effort, Johnson told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday that his department would conduct a series of outreach programs to help counter domestic terror threats.
"This is a priority. And I actually plan to personally participate in one or two of these programs in the next month or two," he said.
Story continues below video.
Employers: Obamacare to cost $5,000 more per employee
'Could in turn affect how – and even whether – they provide health care'
(Freebeacon) Obamacare will cost large companies between $4,800 and $5,900 more per employee and add hundreds of millions to their overhead, according to a new survey.
The American Health Policy Institute conducted a confidential survey of 100 large employers—those with 10,000 or more employees—asking what costs they expect to incur from Obamacare over the next decade.
Factoring in the health care law’s added mandates, fees, and regulatory burdens, employers anticipate cost hikes between $163 million and $200 million in 2016, a 4.3 percent increase. By 2023, employers will be paying 8.4 percent more than “what they would otherwise be spending” for their employees’ health care.
(Freebeacon) Obamacare will cost large companies between $4,800 and $5,900 more per employee and add hundreds of millions to their overhead, according to a new survey.
The American Health Policy Institute conducted a confidential survey of 100 large employers—those with 10,000 or more employees—asking what costs they expect to incur from Obamacare over the next decade.
Factoring in the health care law’s added mandates, fees, and regulatory burdens, employers anticipate cost hikes between $163 million and $200 million in 2016, a 4.3 percent increase. By 2023, employers will be paying 8.4 percent more than “what they would otherwise be spending” for their employees’ health care.
Sea Gulls to host Lax for Leukemia Youth Day on Saturday
In its next home game on Saturday, April 5th, the No. 2 Salisbury University men’s lacrosse team will be hosting its Lax for Leukemia Youth Day, as the Sea Gulls will take the field in Capital Athletic Conference action against St. Mary’s College of Maryland; the opening faceoff is set for 3 p.m.
Issa Sets Contempt Vote on Former IRS Official
The chairman of the House Oversight Committee has scheduled a contempt vote for next week on a former Internal Revenue Service official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy.
Lois Lerner directed the IRS division that processes applications for tax-exempt status.
Last May, after providing an opening statement, she refused to answer questions at a committee hearing about IRS agents improperly singling out tea party applications for extra scrutiny. She again refused to answer questions at hearing last month.
Read More
Lois Lerner directed the IRS division that processes applications for tax-exempt status.
Last May, after providing an opening statement, she refused to answer questions at a committee hearing about IRS agents improperly singling out tea party applications for extra scrutiny. She again refused to answer questions at hearing last month.
Read More
Yard Sale 4-5-14
Huge Multi-Family Yard Sale-Raise $ for Cystic Fibrosis
Huge Yard Sale this Saturday, April 5, 2014, during the Nithsdale Community Yard Sale in Salisbury, MD.
Proceeds from this garage sale will go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, TEAM KELLER.
To learn more about TEAM KELLER go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUGLGf1v6aE
Something for Everyone....including lots and lots of children items!
Snacks and refreshments will be available....
Help find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis!
8:00 am - until
5788 N Nithsdale Dr
Salisbury, MD 21801-2443
Huge Yard Sale this Saturday, April 5, 2014, during the Nithsdale Community Yard Sale in Salisbury, MD.
Proceeds from this garage sale will go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, TEAM KELLER.
To learn more about TEAM KELLER go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUGLGf1v6aE
Something for Everyone....including lots and lots of children items!
Snacks and refreshments will be available....
Help find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis!
8:00 am - until
5788 N Nithsdale Dr
Salisbury, MD 21801-2443
Friday, April 4, 2014
Recycling Advisory Committee
1:00 PM at the City Yard
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Planning Commission
1:30 PM at the Government Office Building, Rom 301
Friends of Poplar Hill Mansion Board of Directors
5:30 PM at the Poplar Hill Mansion
Marina Committee
5:00 PM at the Marina
City Park Committee
6:00 PM at the Government Office Building, Room 306
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Historic District Commission
7:00 PM at the Government Office Building, Room 301
Friday, April 4, 2014
Recycling Advisory Committee
1:00 PM at the City Yard
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Planning Commission
1:30 PM at the Government Office Building, Rom 301
Friends of Poplar Hill Mansion Board of Directors
5:30 PM at the Poplar Hill Mansion
Marina Committee
5:00 PM at the Marina
City Park Committee
6:00 PM at the Government Office Building, Room 306
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Historic District Commission
7:00 PM at the Government Office Building, Room 301
Husband’s Message (by cellphone):
Honey, a car has hit me out of the office. Paula brought me to the Hospital.
They have been making tests and taking X-rays. The blow to my head has been very strong, fortunately it seems that did not cause any serious injury, but I have three broken ribs, a compound fracture in the left leg, and they may have to amputate the right foot.
Wife’s Response:
Who is Paula?
Wife’s Response:
Who is Paula?
Delegate Mike McDermott Keynote Speaker
Worcester County Tea Party Meeting
April 10, 2014
Ocean Pines Community Center
Assateague Room
6:30pm Doors Open
7:00pm Meeting Begins
Topic: Observations & Reflection - Legislative Session 2014
All Worcester County Primary Candidates for County Commissioner and Worcester County School Board have been invited to make a short platform introduction and meet their constituents. District #5 Commissioner Candidates will not be speaking at this meeting as they were invited to speak at a previous meeting.
Light snacks are provided
WCTP is a non-partisan group
Admission is free
For more information call 443-614-7214.
Structure Fire Berlin
Berlin, Showell, Ocean Pines, on scene, residential structure fire, fully involved, Williams St. near Downtown Berlin. All occupants escaped. One cat deceased.
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