Today the Daily Times, (once again) partnered up with the OCPD in an attempt to discredit Earl Campbell. The funniest part about their article, (to me) is as follows. #1, they published it on a Saturday, the worst day circulation wise because their article is crap. #2, they once again went on the attack against Salisbury News. Yeah, they never used our name but every one knows how big we are "local gossip site".
Well, call us what you like. The fact that they're throwing punches and then running away simply tells me we're doing our job and THEY are forgetting, no matter what the outcome is, Earl Campbell came to us with a story that even they ran but we had it weeks before they did. I was asked by Mr. Campbell from day one to HOLD the story, (in which I did) until he formerly resigned.
Now, here's the kicker. Below are just a couple of remarks that came out from the OCPD. With all due respect, I must challenge it and you'll see why.
DiPino said she asked her department to research where the surgery took place, and police contacted veterinarians across Maryland, Delaware and Virginia.
Officers looking for proof the dog had surgery came back empty-handed, according to DiPino.
OK, can any one of YOU tell me what right DiPino and her Department had using up ALL of those resources to investigate an animal that was no longer in their possession or their property? Can you tell me what Veterinarian would PROVIDE such information without a subpoena? Did the OCPD LIE to ALL of these Veterinarians claiming the dog was still theirs?
One way or the other, I'd say the OCPD absolutely violated the law by doing what they did and Mr. Campbell, (IMHO) has every right to go after Ocean City. Nevertheless, Earl's neighbors can attest for a fact that Charlie did in fact recently have the surgery. One thing is for sure, based on ALL the hype about Charlie, the Veterinarian that performed the surgery would NOT give ANYONE any answers about Charlie. USE YOUR HEADS PEOPLE.
Now, one thing I know to be a FACT and the Daily Times even admitted it, Earl Campbell is more than willing to provide the information and receipts to the Council IF they are wiling to give him the meeting he has been asking for since day one. His intent is to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for future K-9 Dogs down the road. Funny how the Council has NOT taken Earl up on that offer.
Anyone with eyes can see that Charlie is shaved and has had the surgery THEY are challenging didn't happen. In my honest opinion, if attention is distracted AWAY from the COMMENTS from our original Post on this matter, the OCPD wins. IF people go back and see what was said in the hundreds of comments, well, it doesn't look very good on the Department even if only a fraction of them are true and accurate. There are 365 comment on this Post, HERE.
I have received hundreds of comments today and several e-mail messages concerning this matter. I hope this clears everything up. Now I have some final shopping to do and I look forward to looking at comments when I return.
In closing, shame on you Daily Times. You're a propaganda piece for the municipalities and you can no longer be trusted as a Newspaper. You have NO evidence the surgery wasn't done and you have attempted to discredit an honorable man and his Family.
Merry Christmas Charlie and the Campbell Family.