Mr. Brad Bellacicco has contacted the Jannace Campaign asking us to please make posts on our Blog Sites telling everyone they think they're going to be overwhelmed with people tonight at the Chamber and can we try to slow it down or stop such a huge crowd from attending?
Charles, YOU'RE THE MAN!
So please, everyone, make sure you don't attend this meeting, (yeah right) and leave it for the "young professionals" to attend. Do you get the feeling they don't want us there? I thought the Chamber was a community organization?
There Brad, are you happy now? Did we do what you asked? It's a funny thing Folks. The Republican Committee has voted to have the links to the Blog Sites removed from their Web Site, (BECAUSE OF RON ALESSI) yet now these organizations are asking for our help??????
OK, so here's what we're going to do. At 7:00 p.m. we're ALL going to meet at Break Time Billiards and we invite everyone from the Chamber to meet us there for fun and fellowship. Yes Ron Alessi, that means you too. I think they can serve warm milk and cookies too. Break Time Billiards can take care of all of us and they'll appreciate our business. Maybe we'll see you at both places, maybe we'll see you at Break Time Billiards? See you there.