DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, August 15, 2011
Our Beloved Friend Kathy Mathias Has Passed Away
As Chief DiPino stated just a few minutes ago, Kathy was a "staple of our community" who had more "courage and valiant" than anyone I've ever known.
Kathy has unfortunately lost her battle over the past 20+ years fighting cancer. I can personally tell you that even though there have been many ups and downs over all of those years, there was nothing more exciting than to hear Jim or Kathy talk about how they beat it once again.
This last go around we knew something was different. However, there wasn't a single time Jim didn't say, with the grace of God we'll beat it again Joe.
To my dear friend Jim Mathias, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is truly broken and I wish I could hold the power to change this very sad news.
We will of course keep every one posted on any updates. Kathy passed away around 1:20 PM today.
New Posts will fall below this one for the rest of the evening.
Conspiracy Theory: Iowa Straw Poll Stolen From Ron Paul
I have it from a very good source that virtually all the people involved in Ron's Iowa campaign, and who had worked for other candidates in previous straw polls, believe that Ron actually won, but the GOP establishment fixed the results to give it to the warmonger Bachmann. To the extent the media suspected this, they cheered.I'll tell you the strangest thing I noticed about the pool. I watched the poll results announce live on CNN. This is the way it went down. A GOP official steps onto the podium and says:
Michelle Bachmann has won the Iowa straw poll.No mention of how many votes she received, no mention of Ron Paul coming in second, or how the other candidates performed. Just, "Michelle Bachmann has won the Iowa straw poll."
When the official was then interviewed by CNN, the CNN anchor called him a "man of few words" and referenced his limited remarks at the podium They then went on to talk about Bachmann and Rick Perry.
Change And The Process Of Transformation
We often speak of "change"--as a potent political slogan, as a permanent feature of life, as a "good thing"--but we rarely speak of the often-wrenching process of change. I think the reason is self-evident: change often involves loss.
This is why Kubler-Ross's five stages of grief --denial, anger, bargaining, resignation and acceptance--have become an increasingly mainstream model of the process of coming to terms with the losses of declining asset valuations, a devolving economy and a lower standard of living.
But change is not just about loss and grieving, though it may include those attributes; it's also about transformation. While I am sympathetic to the process of accepting losses, it is the process of transformation which motivates and inspires me.
That the Status Quo--dependent on ever-rising debt and asset values, on cheap, abundant energy, food and other resources--is unsustainable, is self-evident to all not firmly lodged in the cocoon of self-deception and magical thinking known as denial. It follows that the Status Quo will devolve or implode within the next 10-15 years, and be replaced by some other arrangement.
Precisely what that arrangement will be is what I term the Great Transformation. The proper way to think about this great social and economic transformation is to think of personal transformation, for as correspondent Bart D. recently observed, "society is a fractal function of the individuals of which it is composed," which boiled down to its essence means the process of transformation scales up from an individual to a household, group and eventually to an entire culture in a self-same fashion.
In other words, the process of transformation is essentially the same all along the spectrum.
North Carolina University Puts Out List Of 'Gay-Friendly' Churches
BCA Research Finds "QE Is Good For The Rich, Bad For The Poor"
More on this mindblowing conclusion, courtesy of The Guardian
Fruitland Police Department Press Release
INCIDENT: Possession of CDS
LOCATION: S. Fruitland Blvd and Broadway
Fruitland, Md.
CASE NO. 2011-905
AGE: 21
ADDRESS: Aspen Drive, Salisbury, Md.
CHARGES: Possession of CDS
Fugitive from Kent County, Delaware
DISPOSITION: Released to custody of WCDC
On the above date and time, a 2000 Oldsmobile Intrigue was stopped at S. Fruitland Blvd. and Broadway, Fruitland, Md. Routine inquiry by officers revealed the owner/operator, identified as the above subject, was wanted on outstanding warrants from Kent County, Delaware. The subject was taken into custody and a subsequent search incidental to arrest revealed the presence of CDS on his person. The above charges were lodged against the subject and he was transported to WCDC.
Too Much Of A Good Thing Is Not A Good Thing
As it was for the French in the Ardennes, the number of problems – then Germans, now black swans – is becoming overwhelming.
Consider just a little of what we as investors, and as individuals looking forward to retirement in accommodations more commodious than a shipping box, must contend with:
- The Euro-Stone. Despite all the bailouts and bluster flying about Europe, the yields in the wounded “piiglets” of Greece, Portugal, etc. have failed to soften to more tolerable levels. Worse, yields in the fatter PIIGS of Spain and Italy are hardening. This is of no small import to the German and French banks, which together are owed something like US$2 trillion by the porkers. At this point, it is becoming clear that the eurozone’s systematic flaws doom the euro to continue trending down until it ultimately takes its place in the pantheon of failed monies.
- The Yen Has Lost Its Zen. This week the Japanese government again began intervening in currency markets because, remarkably, the yen has been pushed to highs against the dollar. This in a nation with a government debt-to-GDP ratio that is better than twice the also horrible ratio sported by these United States.
Buffett Touches A Nerve With Plea For More Taxes
The article was an instant hit on Internet, with Buffett rising to No. 3 on Google's list of top trends, and the article's headline "Stop Coddling the Super-Rich," a trending topic on Twitter.
Buffett, who ranks as the world's third-richest person with a personal net worth of $50 billion, according to Forbes magazine, said his federal taxes were 17.4 percent of his taxable income last year, a lower percentage than "any of the other 20 people in our office," who paid an average 36 percent tax rate.
Three Years Ago Today
Deborah Barkley Somerset County District Court Commissioner Indicted For Misconduct In Office Friday
Case Information |
Court System: | Circuit Court for Somerset County - Criminal System |
Case Number: | 19K11009722 |
Title: | State of Maryland vs Deborah A Barkley |
Case Type: | IndictmentFiling Date:08/12/2011 |
Case Status: | Open/Active |
Defendant Information
(Each Alias, Address, and Attorney for the Defendant is displayed)Name: | Barkley, Deborah A |
Race: | African American |
Sex: | FHeight:Weight:0DOB:06/18/1954 |
Address: | 31433 Eden Allen Road |
City: | EdenState:MDZip Code:21822 |
Court Scheduling Information
Event Type: | HearingNotice Date: |
Event Date: | 08/12/2011Event Time:09:30 AM |
Result: | Held/ConcludedResult Date:08/12/2011 |
Event Type: | Criminal Jury TrialNotice Date: |
Event Date: | 12/13/2011Event Time:09:30 AM |
Result: | Result Date: |
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)Charge No: | 1CJIS Code:250000Statute Code:CL |
Charge Description: | Hindering/Obstructing |
Offense Date From: | 06/13/2011To: 06/16/2011 |
Arrest Tracking No: | 11-7019-00039-4Citation: |
Charge Amend No: | 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:M |
Plea: | Plea Date: |
Disposition: | Disposition Date: |
Charge No: | 2CJIS Code:2 0645Statute Code:CL |
Charge Description: | Misconduct In Office |
Offense Date From: | 06/13/2011To: 06/16/2011 |
Arrest Tracking No: | 11-7019-00039-4Citation: |
Charge Amend No: | 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:M |
Plea: | Plea Date: |
Disposition: | Disposition Date: |
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)Name:State Of Maryland |
Party Type:Plaintiff |
Address:Somerset County Detention Center |
Address:30474 Revells Neck Rd |
City: | WestoverState:MDZip Code:21871 |
Attorney(s) for the Related Person |
Name: | Powell, Esq, Daniel W |
Address: | 30500 Prince William St |
City: | Princess AnneState:MDZip Code:21853 |
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Motion No./Sequence No. order)Doc No./Seq No.: | 2/0 |
File Date: | 08/12/2011Close Date: |
Document Name: | Criminal Indictment, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 3/0 |
File Date: | 08/12/2011Close Date:08/12/2011 |
Document Name: | State's Automatic/Request for Discovery, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 4/0 |
File Date: | 08/12/2011Close Date:08/12/2011 |
Document Name: | Notice of Advise of Right to Counsel, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 5/0 |
File Date: | 08/12/2011Close Date:08/12/2011 |
Document Name: | Unsigned Election of Court or Jury Trial, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 6/0 |
File Date: | 08/12/2011Close Date: |
Document Name: | Request for Issuance of Warrant, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 8/0 |
File Date: | 08/12/2011Close Date:08/12/2011 |
Party Type: | DefendantParty No.:1 |
Document Name: | Warrant Issued as Directed Copy Filed and delivered to the State's |
Attorney to be served by the Maryland State Police as per copy filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 9/0 |
File Date: | 08/15/2011Close Date:08/15/2011 |
Document Name: | Sheriff's Return - Warrant served 8/12/11, /s/ TFC Laird, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 10/0 |
File Date: | 08/15/2011Close Date: |
Document Name: | Bail Bond Posted/Professional. Faxed copy of Bail Bond papers with the |
Defendant's signature, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 11/0 |
File Date: | 08/15/2011Close Date:08/15/2011 |
Document Name: | Sealed/Secret Status Removed on 08/15/11 |
Case Information |
Court System: | Circuit Court for Somerset County - Criminal System |
Case Number: | 19K11009692 |
Title: | State of Maryland vs Ashira Mykia Jones |
Case Type: | IndictmentFiling Date:07/15/2011 |
Case Status: | Open/Active |
Defendant Information
(Each Alias, Address, and Attorney for the Defendant is displayed)Name: | Jones, Ashira Mykia |
Race: | African American |
Sex: | FHeight:Weight:0DOB:09/19/1992 |
Address: | 6743 Charles Cannon Road |
City: | Marion StationState:MDZip Code:21838 |
Attorney(s) for the Defendant |
Name: | DiPietro, Esq, Angela B |
Practice Name: | Law Office Of Angela B. Dipietro, LLC |
Address: | PO Box 653 |
City: | SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21803 - 0653 |
Court Scheduling Information
Event Type: | HearingNotice Date: |
Event Date: | 07/15/2011Event Time:09:30 AM |
Result: | Held/ConcludedResult Date:07/15/2011 |
Event Type: | Arraignment/Initial AppearanceNotice Date: |
Event Date: | 07/21/2011Event Time:04:00 PM |
Result: | Held/ConcludedResult Date:07/21/2011 |
Event Type: | Bail reviewNotice Date: |
Event Date: | 07/21/2011Event Time:04:00 PM |
Result: | Held/ConcludedResult Date:07/21/2011 |
Event Type: | Criminal MotionsNotice Date:07/27/2011 |
Event Date: | 10/17/2011Event Time:01:30 PM |
Result: | Result Date: |
Event Type: | Criminal Jury TrialNotice Date: |
Event Date: | 11/09/2011Event Time:09:30 AM |
Result: | Result Date: |
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)Charge No: | 1CJIS Code:2 0920Statute Code:CR.2.206 |
Charge Description: | Attempted Second Degree Murder |
Offense Date From: | 06/11/2011To: 06/11/2011 |
Arrest Tracking No: | 11-7019-00032-4Citation: |
Charge Amend No: | 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:F |
Plea: | Plea Date: |
Disposition: | Disposition Date: |
Charge No: | 2CJIS Code:1 1420Statute Code:CR.3.202 |
Charge Description: | Assault-First Degree |
Offense Date From: | 06/11/2011To: 06/11/2011 |
Arrest Tracking No: | 11-7019-00032-4Citation: |
Charge Amend No: | 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:F |
Plea: | Plea Date: |
Disposition: | Disposition Date: |
Charge No: | 3CJIS Code:1 1415Statute Code:CR.3.203 |
Charge Description: | Assault-Second Degree |
Offense Date From: | 06/11/2011To: 06/11/2011 |
Arrest Tracking No: | 11-7019-00032-4Citation: |
Charge Amend No: | 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:M |
Plea: | Plea Date: |
Disposition: | Disposition Date: |
Charge No: | 4CJIS Code:1 1430Statute Code:CR.3.204.(a)(2) |
Charge Description: | Reckless Endangerment From Motor Vehicle |
Offense Date From: | 06/11/2011To: 06/11/2011 |
Arrest Tracking No: | 11-7019-00032-4Citation: |
Charge Amend No: | 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:M |
Plea: | Plea Date: |
Disposition: | Disposition Date: |
Charge No: | 5CJIS Code:2 0920Statute Code:CR.2.206 |
Charge Description: | Attempted Second Degree Murder |
Offense Date From: | 06/11/2011To: 06/11/2011 |
Arrest Tracking No: | 11-7019-00032-4Citation: |
Charge Amend No: | 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:F |
Plea: | Plea Date: |
Disposition: | Disposition Date: |
Charge No: | 6CJIS Code:1 1420Statute Code:CR.3.202 |
Charge Description: | Assault-First Degree |
Offense Date From: | 06/11/2011To: 06/11/2011 |
Arrest Tracking No: | 11-7019-00032-4Citation: |
Charge Amend No: | 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:F |
Plea: | Plea Date: |
Disposition: | Disposition Date: |
Charge No: | 7CJIS Code:1 1415Statute Code:CR.3.203 |
Charge Description: | Assault-Second Degree |
Offense Date From: | 06/11/2011To: 06/11/2011 |
Arrest Tracking No: | 11-7019-00032-4Citation: |
Charge Amend No: | 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:M |
Plea: | Plea Date: |
Disposition: | Disposition Date: |
Charge No: | 8CJIS Code:1 1430Statute Code:CR.3.204.(a)(2) |
Charge Description: | Reckless Endangerment From Motor Vehicle |
Offense Date From: | 06/11/2011To: 06/11/2011 |
Arrest Tracking No: | 11-7019-00032-4Citation: |
Charge Amend No: | 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:M |
Plea: | Plea Date: |
Disposition: | Disposition Date: |
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)Name:Barkley, Deborah |
Party Type:Bond Remitter/Bondsman |
Address:31433 Eden Allen Road |
Address:P.O. Box 39 |
City: | EdenState:MDZip Code:21822 |
Name:Tilghman, Shawn Tony |
Party Type:Co-Defendant |
Address:306 Broadway |
City: | CrisfieldState:MDZip Code:21817 |
Name:State Of Maryland |
Party Type:Plaintiff |
Address:Somerset County Detention Center |
Address:30474 Revells Neck Rd |
City: | WestoverState:MDZip Code:21871 |
Attorney(s) for the Related Person |
Name: | Powell, Esq, Daniel W |
Address: | 30500 Prince William St |
City: | Princess AnneState:MDZip Code:21853 |
Name:London, Tfc. A. |
Party Type:Police Officer |
Address:30581 Perry Road |
City: | Princess AnneState:MDZip Code:21853 |
Name:Pruitt, Tpr. J. |
Party Type:Police Officer |
Address:30581 Perry Road |
City: | Princess AnneState:MDZip Code:21853 |
Name:Laird, Tpr. W. |
Party Type:Police Officer |
Address:30581 Perry Road |
City: | Princess AnneState:MDZip Code:21853 |
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Motion No./Sequence No. order)Doc No./Seq No.: | 2/0 |
File Date: | 07/15/2011Close Date:07/15/2011 |
Document Name: | Criminal Indictment, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 3/0 |
File Date: | 07/15/2011Close Date:07/15/2011 |
Document Name: | State's Automatic/Request for Discovery, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 4/0 |
File Date: | 07/15/2011Close Date:07/15/2011 |
Document Name: | Notice Of Advice Of Right To Counsel, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 5/0 |
File Date: | 07/15/2011Close Date: |
Document Name: | Unsigned Election of Court or Jury Trial, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 6/0 |
File Date: | 07/15/2011Close Date: |
Document Name: | Request for Issuance of Warrant, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 8/0 |
File Date: | 07/15/2011Close Date:07/15/2011 |
Party Type: | DefendantParty No.:1 |
Document Name: | Warrant Issued as Directed Copy Filed and delivered to the State's Attorney to |
be served by the Maryland State Police as per copy filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 9/0 |
File Date: | 07/20/2011Close Date:07/20/2011 |
Document Name: | Sheriff's Return - Warrant-Served 7-20-11, /s/ Tfc. Pruitt, 4927, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 10/0 |
File Date: | 07/20/2011Close Date:07/20/2011 |
Party Type: | DefendantParty No.:1 |
Document Name: | Commitment Pending Further Action Issued and hand delivered to an Officer of |
the Somerset County Detention Center for the Warden as per copy filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 11/0 |
File Date: | 07/20/2011Close Date:07/20/2011 |
Document Name: | Sealed/Secret Status Removed on 07/20/11 |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 15/0 |
File Date: | 07/25/2011Close Date: |
Document Name: | Property Bond Posted in the amount of $75,000.00 by Deborah Barkley, |
31433 Eden Allen Road, Eden, MD 21822. Defendant released on property bond. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 16/0 |
File Date: | 07/27/2011Close Date:07/27/2011 |
Party Type: | DefendantParty No.:1 |
Document Name: | Cover Letter dated July 26, 2011, Defense Attorney Appearance and Certificate |
of Service, filed. Enter the appearance of Angela B. DiPietro, panel attorney, on behalf of the Defendant for the Office of the Public Defender. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 17/0 |
File Date: | 07/27/2011Close Date: |
Document Name: | Defendant's Motions Pursuant To Maryland Rule 4-252, Request For Hearing, and |
Certificate Of Service, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 17/1 |
File Date: | 07/27/2011Close Date:07/27/2011 |
Document Name: | State's Response to Defendant's Pre-Trial Motions Pursuant to Maryland |
Rule 4-252, Certificate of Service, and Signed Order, with the following notation from Judge Long, 27th July, within 15 days, set for a hearing, /s/ Daniel M. Long, filed. Copy of Response and signed Order with the Judge's notation mailed to the Defendant's Attorney, Angela B. DiPietro and a copy delivered to the State's Attorney. Second notation on Order-"Send another copy of the Court's Order to Defense Counsel-/s/ Daniel M. Long, 8/15/11", filed. Copies delivered to Angela DiPietro and to the State's Attorney. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 18/0 |
File Date: | 07/27/2011Close Date: |
Document Name: | Defendant's Request For Discovery And Motion To Produce Documents and |
Certificate Of Service, filed. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 19/0 |
File Date: | 07/27/2011Close Date:07/27/2011 |
Party Type: | DefendantParty No.:1 |
Document Name: | Criminal Notice of Hearing/Trial issued and copies mailed to the Defendant, |
the Defendant's Attorney, Angela B. DiPietro, and Surety and a copy delivered to the State's Attorney as per copy filed along with a copy of the Addendum attached to the Defendant's and Surety's copy of the Notice. |
Doc No./Seq No.: | 20/0 |
File Date: | 07/29/2011Close Date:07/29/2011 |
Document Name: | Original Papers from District Court-Bond Papers, filed. |
Property bond in the amount of $75,000.00 posted by surety: Deborah A. Barkley, 31433 Eden Allen Road, Eden, MD 21822. Defendant released on bond. |
Journalist's Death Ruled Homicide
Police said they originally responded to the report of an unconscious person, and when they arrived at Drath’s home they found no signs of life and pronounced her dead. But by Saturday, D.C.’s Chief Medical Examiner ruled that Drath’s death was a homicide.
Verizon Workers Continue To Picket In Salisbury This Morning
Panic In DC As Starbucks' Schultz Calls For CEO Boycott Of Campaign Donations, Urges Americans To Go On Strike Against Their Politicians
Should Schultz' proposal gain traction, this could be the most revolutionary proposal to leadership reform since the advent of the corporatocracy. Yet as optimistic and idealistic as we are, we fail to see how corporations will all join into this mass game theory experiment, where the benefits for defection get exponentially greater as more and more people join and decide to cooperate. Oh well, it was a great idea while it lasted. And as for Schultz' own donation record, here is Politico: Schultz’s most recent donation was the $2,500 maximum to Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) in March. He’s also given thousands in previous cycles to Democrats including President Barack Obama, and one-time Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and John Edwards. He’s also given to Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Max Baucus (D-Mont.)." At least some democrats are certainly sweating it if Schultz decideds to proceed unilaterally with this threat (unless of course it is nothing more than a PR stunt).
Justice For President Obama
Another excellent monologue from Pat Condell. Actually the ending is the best as I’m still laughing at what he says we should have done with Osama bin Laden’s body.
Get Your Christmas Creep Gift Cards At Sam's Club
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Restaurant Requires You To Sign Contract Forbidding Use Of Phones & Cameras
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School District Bans Sherlock Holmes Novel for Anti-Mormon Themes
A Virginia school district has banned a book on the legendary sleuther for how it portrays the Mormon faith.
Last week, the Albemarle County School Board removed Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's first Sherlock Holmes novel, A Study in Scarlet, from its sixth-grade reading list. Several former middle school students opposed the removal of the Victorian-era text, one calling it “the best book I have read so far,” but the mystery novel was nonetheless booted.
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
ARRESTED: Robert Lee Jefferson, Jr., 20 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Malicious destruction of property
Wicomico Co. District Court –
Bench Warrant – Failure to follow conditions
of probation
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201100031491/201100031497
On August 12, 2011 at approximately 12:06 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant received by Salisbury Detectives for a series of credit card frauds and thefts that occurred in December of 2010. During that time it was found that the suspect, who worked in the victim’s residence, had taken a number of credit cards from a victim and had used them to make purchases throughout the Salisbury area. The total amount of the theft was in excess of $ 2,500.00.
ARRESTED: Sheila Jean Jones, 45 years of age
Powellville, Maryland
CHARGES: Credit card impersonation – 36 counts
Use of another’s credit card – 36 counts
Theft scheme – 3 counts
ID Fraud – 3 counts
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201100044827
On August 12, 2011 at approximately 8:36 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the nine hundred (900) block of Eastern Shore Drive for a complaint of a theft from two (2) vehicles. Upon arrival the officers found that an unknown suspect had entered two (2) vehicles and had stolen property from both. A witness advised the officers that the suspect responsible for the thefts had been observed fleeing from the area southbound on Eastern Shore Drive.
On the same date at approximately 1:20 pm, Officers responded to the area behind the Giant Food Store for the report of a theft from a motor vehicle. Upon arrival the officers met with a victim who advised that an unknown suspect had entered his work truck.
The victim had chased the suspect without success. Additional officers located the suspect in the area of Smith Street and witnesses positively identified the suspect as the person seen entering the victim’s vehicles. The suspect was arrested and a search incident to arrest resulted in the recovery of a portion of the stolen property and a quantity of suspected "crack"/cocaine.
ARRESTED: Carlos Montrose Ellis, 48 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Rogue and Vagabond
Theft (under $ 1,000)
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/Paraphernalia
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201100031546
On August 12, 2011 at approximately 6:43 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant for the illegal purchase of a handgun in June of 2011. During that time, Detectives of the Salisbury Police became involved in the investigation of a burglary and subsequent theft of a handgun. The investigation revealed that the burglary had been falsely reported and the handgun was actually illegally sold by the owner to the below suspect.
ARRESTED: Leroy (nmn) Yuman, 28 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Illegal possession of a regulated firearm
Straw purchase of a firearm
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201100028422
On August 12, 2011 at approximately 11:40 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police were on routine patrol in the area of Isabella Street and observed the below listed suspect unconscious in the front area of a residence on the two hundred (200) block. Officers were not able to revive the victim and notified the Salisbury Emergency Medical Service. The suspect was finally awakened and contact with the suspect revealed that he was currently wanted on an outstanding Wicomico Co. Circuit Court Bench Warrant for violation of probation. The suspect was arrested and a search of his person, incident to arrest, revealed a quantity of suspected marijuana in his pants pocket.
ARRESTED: Robert Dorsey Handy, 19 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Possession of marijuana
Wicomico Co. Circuit Court Bench Warrant –
Violation of probation
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201100031615/201100031632
On August 13, 2011 at approximately 11:19 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant for credit card fraud and theft that occurred on August 10, 2010. At that time, officers took a report of a theft and use of credit cards from a victim that exceeded $ 390.00. The investigation revealed that the below listed suspect, who was related to the victim, had taken the victims credit cards and had used them to make purchases in the Salisbury area. The suspect was also wanted on two (2) additional warrants.
ARRESTED: Vanity Danielle Parker, 24 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Credit Card Fraud – 24 counts
Theft – 11 counts
Wicomico Co. District Court-
Bench Warrant – Failure to appear in court
Baltimore City Arrest Warrant
Body Attachment – Non Support
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201100033844/201100031726/201100031727
Playboy Playmate Shanna McLaughlin Arrested In Fla. On Gun Charge

(CBS/AP) ORLANDO, Fla. - Playboy Playmate Shanna McLaughlin is in trouble after police say she tried to bring a .45 caliber revolver loaded with six hollow-point bullets through an Orlando airport security checkpoint in a duffel bag.
Thank God she didn't try to bring any hairspray or over 3.4 ounces of liquid!
The 26-year-old model, perhaps better known to many as Playboy Playmate of the Month for July 2010, was arrested Monday and charged with carrying a firearm in a place prohibited by law.
Expert: BP Spill Likely Cause Of Sick Gulf Fish
Expert: BP spill likely cause of sick Gulf fish
More than a year after the largest oil spill in U.S. history, researchers studying the Gulf of Mexico are finding that more fish are sick, and they're trying to figure out exactly why.
CBS News Correspondent Dr. Debbye Turner Bell took a trip to the Gulf recently to speak with scientists and fishermen about what's happening there.
Bell reported Lucky Russell is convinced his days as a commercial fisherman are numbered.
"I don't think we'll be fishing in five years," he said. "My opinion."
He, like many others that fish the Gulf waters, have started catching fish with sores, fin rot, and infections at a greater frequency than ever before.
Iowa Man Tries To Lure Teen And Gets Mom's Fist Instead
Polk County police sources say that Robert C. Harding tried to lure a 13-year-old girl into an alley near where she was playing with friends outside her home. Instead the smart-thinking teenager went to get her mom who confronted Harding, according to CBS affiliate KCCI.
Gold Standard Or Nixon Standard
What he abolished was not a gold standard. It was a government promise standard. There was never a gold standard in the nineteenth century or early twentieth century. It was always a government promise standard. It was as reliable as government promises.
Governments always announce and defend by monopolistic violence their legal sovereignty over money. They say that they will control the terms of exchange. All monetary standards are based on government promises and IOUs called government bonds. These contracts are always broken by governments. The only major exception in history was Byzantium for about 800 years, beginning in the early fourth century under the emperor Constantine.
What Nixon destroyed was called the gold-exchange standard. It was first adopted by governments at the Genoa Conference of 1922. It was an agreement to avoid returning to the pre-World War I gold coin standard, which had been independently but almost simultaneously revoked by European governments when war broke out in August. They all then resorted to monetary inflation. This was a way to conceal from the public the true costs of the war. They imposed an inflation tax, and could then blame any price hikes on unpatriotic price gouging. This rested on widespread ignorance regarding economic cause and effects regarding monetary inflation and price inflation. They could not have done this if citizens had possessed the pre-war right to demand payment in gold coins at a fixed rate. They would have made a run on the banks.
Governments could not have inflated without reneging on their promises to redeem their currencies for gold coins. So, they reneged while they still had the gold. Better early contract-breaking than late, they concluded.
Boy's $50K In Doubt After Amazing Hockey Shot
Nate Smith, of Owatonna, walked on the ice for a shot at a very small hole as part of a raffle last week.
His 89-foot, wobbly shot went right through, which was barely wider than the puck.
"I was, like, shocked," Nate said.
"It was like a one-in-a-million chance," Nate told CBS affiliate KEYC-TV in Mankato, Minn.
But -- the name on the raffle ticket drawn was Nick Smith, Nate's identical twin.
Officers met with an adult female victim and numerous witnesses. The victim related that she and another female acquaintance later identified as Jennifer Nicole Douglas, 26, of Fort Washington, MD, became involved in an argument over keys to a vehicle that escalated into a physical confrontation. During the physical confrontation, Douglas allegedly produced a star shaped badge and handgun and pointed the handgun at the victim’s head.
Douglas left the scene in a vehicle and was later located by Ocean City Police in the area of 42nd Street. At the time of the stop, Douglass identified herself as a Prince Georges County Maryland Sheriff’s Deputy. Police recovered a .40 caliber, Glock handgun. Officers confirmed Douglas was a Deputy Sheriff.
As a result of the OCPD investigation involving Douglas’s use of a firearm she was arrested.
Douglas has been charged with:
1st Degree Assault (Felony)
2nd Degree Assault (Misdemeanor)
Reckless Endangerment (Misdemeanor)
Douglass was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and held on $150,000 bond. Douglas was transferred to the Worcester County Jail.
Safety Inspections
Vehicle safety inspections are a case in point. Many states require you to waste an hour or more (in some cases a lot more) of your time every year – for every vehicle you own – waiting in line to have the vehicle given a once-over at an Officially Authorized service station. In return for your time (and money) you get an ugly little sticker for the windshield, your permission slip (well, one of them) to continue operating the vehicle.
The argument, as presented by Clovers, is that people would never check their brakes, or drive around on bald tires, were it not for these annual safety inspections. In other words, people (in the Clovers’ worldview) are just too dumb to keep track of such things for themselves. And in a way, they’re right. But not for the reasons they think.
Tax Hike On The Rich Would Impact Just 3% Of Taxpayers
President Obama and many of his fellow Democrats continue to call for higher taxes on the wealthy. And, according to results of a CNN/ORC International Poll released Wednesday, many Americans agree that it's the only way the country can dig itself out of its current economic mess.
Delmar Maryland Wants Alan Jackson
1. Find Your City and Demand it!
2. One Demand Per Person Per City
3. Spread the word
The Revolution Is Underway
Second is not first. Bachmann’s and Dr. Ron Paul’s 28.6% and 27.7%, respectively – less than a percentage apart, is a great horse race. Bachmann won by a nose, they would say. If this were the Kentucky Derby, we’d be on the edge of our seats focused entirely on Paul and Bachmann, not focusing excessively about horses at the back of the back, or those hoping to race later.
Real horse races start off at the same point in time and space. Bachmann may have had a bit of a head start in Iowa – although familiarity may also breed contempt, so the degree of that advantage is not known. The Bachmann campaign’s purchase and distribution of 6,000 straw poll voting tickets (where a third of those went uncast) also sheds real light on the fundamental power of the very different Paul strategy, and the wide and compelling appeal of his liberty, peace, and small government message.
The omission and outright denial of the intense and growing Ron Paul phenomenon is useful because it tells us many things – some we knew, and some we may not realize.
Mainstream media and the GOP itself seems to be ignoring that the Iowa Straw poll showed, for the first time in this poll’s history, a whopping 56% of the voters chose budget hawks, with a proven record of voting "No" on more borrowing. The Cut, Cap, and Balance baloney was pushed by the Republicans in Name Only on every other party member. Paul and Bachmann were among a handful that resisted. Iowa voters, in a state as heavily subsidized and dependent on federal largesse as any other state, seem to appreciate the need for Washington to spend less, borrow less, promise less, receive less.
Deep Dish Tuesday For Special Olympics
Fruitland, Md. – Uno Chicago Grill in Fruitland is all about families, great food, fun and giving back to the community!
It’s the twinkle in the eye, the smile on the face and the hug a caring volunteer gives to an athlete that is conjured up when thinking of the Special Olympics.
Help Uno Chicago Grill in supporting the Lower Shore Special Olympics on Sept. 20 with a donation and you too will walk away with a smile on your face.
"We are excited to be hosting the second annual Deep Dish Tuesday for the Lower Shore Special Olympics," says Joe Rosales general manager of UNO Chicago Grill. "Last year we raised more than $1,000 and made 545 pizzas in one day! We invite the community to come out and enjoy their favorite pizza and support this worthwhile organization."
Uno Chicago Grill is offering a choice of four kinds of personal pizzas: Cheese, Pepperoni, Numero Uno and Classic, each for a $2 donation.
The event will be held all day from 11am-11pm. Uno’s employees will don special shirts that were made by a representative of the Special Olympics. Uno will also have volunteers with great smiles and warm personalities greeting guests at the front door and thanking them for coming. Businesses who want to participate as a group are asked to place orders ahead the day before the event.
Special Olympics of Maryland (SOMD) is the third largest non-profit organization in the state. SOMD is a year-round sports organization dedicated to providing quality sports training and competition opportunities to Maryland’s children and adults with intellectual disabilities and/or closely related development disabilities. SOMD currently serves 10,000 athletes statewide, and offers 28 sports, all at no cost to the athletes or their families.
For more information about Lower Shore Special Olympics visit http://www.somd.org/program-locator/lowershore.html. Uno Chicago Grill is at 100 East Cedar Lane in Fruitland, Maryland 21826. For more information on renting the banquet facility call 410-334-6565.
Who Actually Uses Quick Read Codes
Wisconsin & Gov Scott Walker