DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Update Shooting in Greenwood, DE
Republicans Say No to Tax Hikes, Look for Other Revenues, Benefits Reform
The debt ceiling debate has stalled over the issue of raising taxes, and the Senate minority leader and his chief whip said Sunday they aren't going to allow that to happen.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is headed to the White House on Monday to meet with President Obama after talks between Vice President Biden and congressional negotiators collapsed last week. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., is also meeting with the president, separately, earlier in the day.
Obama Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has warned that Congress has until Aug. 2 to raise the debt limit or the U.S. risks defaulting on its loans.
"Throwing more tax revenue into the mix is simply not going to produce a desirable result, and it won't pass. I mean, putting aside the fact that Republicans don't like to raise taxes, Democrats don't like to either," McConnell told ABC's "This Week."
Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl said opposition to raising taxes doesn't mean that Republicans have refused to consider any new revenue. Kyl said Republicans have agreed to increase fees, for instance, but do not want to change the tax code.
Watch Out for GMail Scam
If you use GMail, as I do, you may receive the following email from the address – dataverifying@gmail.com:
We have received several complaints from users unable to gain access to their email account, as a result of that, we are upgrading our security systems and making sure each user account is not accessed unauthorised. We do not want you to loose access to your Account since your login information are no longer valid on our database system. Now, the Gmail Account Team need to confirm your profile details below for verification purpose and to confirm that you own this Account:
*Full Name:
*Registered Year:
*Country:We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused but we are glad to let you know that your account security is our ultimate goal.
Thank you for using our email service.
This is obviously a scam, but we still wanted to warn our readers.
Worcester County Bureau Of Investigation
Berlin, Worcester County, Maryland
Shooting In Greenwood, DE
How the Democrats Nearly Destroyed the Economy
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. — Winston Churchill
There is history — a chronicle of human events — and then there is perceived history. So often, the two are wildly at odds.
In 1963, a popular Democratic president was assassinated by a Marxist named Oswald, who had actually defected to the Soviet Union and returned to the U.S. with a Soviet wife, was an active member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, and had attempted to assassinate a right-wing general named Edwin Walker earlier in the year.
Yet those who write history found these facts inconvenient. They created a different history in which the "atmosphere of hate" in the southern city of Dallas, Texas, led to the terrible political violence. In other words, it was political conservatism that led to John F. Kennedy's assassination. This perceived history was recycled as recently as the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. ABC's Christiane Amanpour, interviewing Jean Kennedy Smith, noted that the Kennedy assassination was "eerily relevant" and asked Kennedy to evaluate the "political atmosphere" in the country today.
Starting just a few years after the Kennedy assassination, American liberals began to consider anti-communism a kind of mental disorder. Hostility to communism was akin to racism, sexism and other character flaws. Reagan's description of the Soviet Union as an "evil empire" cemented liberal suspicions that Reagan was a dangerous buffoon. Yet starting in 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell, liberals began to find their anti-anti-communism embarrassing. And so they created a perceived history — one in which the Cold War was a time of consensus, a time when, as former Sen. Bill Bradley put it, "We knew where we stood on foreign policy."
Mona Charen writes for Creators Syndicate. – Ed.
Are Illegal Immigrants A Burden on Our Economy?
On Friday SbyNEWS ran a post about a new North Carolina law that will require all employers with 25 or more employees to use E-Verify to check the residency / citizenship status of all applicants. A pretty straight forward post, but the comments were surprising.
“Are illegal immigrants a burden to our economy?” quickly became the overriding theme of the comment thread. If you take out the snide comments to one another, the comments were pretty thoughtful. They just weren’t as well thought out as they could be. So … I figured that I would take a shot.
As you will see below, we need a NATIONAL solution to this problem. Many claims that illegal immigrants are necessary for our economy use anecdotal evidence from states which have stepped up their own immigration enforcement efforts.
The image of produce rotting in Georgia fields is the latest anecdotal example supporting the claim that we need illegal immigrants. The catch all claim is '”there are certain jobs that we can’t get Americans to do”.
The bottom line is that we need a national solution to this problem. State-by-state solutions merely serve to make one state more competitive than another because the federal government refuses to enforce its own laws. States that crack down on illegal immigration find themselves at a competitive disadvantage in some industries (primarily agribusiness and construction) while other states take advantage of a lower prevailing wage rate.
The single biggest argument AGAINST strong enforcement of immigration laws claims that we have jobs that citizens will not do. Hogwash! We have jobs that Americans won’t do for the prevailing wage.
Why should they? If the government pays you NOT to work, why should you take a job that is difficult AND pays less or only marginally more than you can collect on the dole. Growing up in a family of small business owners it never ceased to amaze me how people of seemingly poor education could quickly calculate how many hours they could work without losing X welfare benefit. If you ever examined the welfare system and the byzantine system of benefits, you would realize that it takes someone of above average intelligence to navigate. I always wondered what many of these people could accomplish if they put their sizable talents to entrepreneurship rather than scamming the system.
If Employer X paid $20 an hour to clean toilets or $30 an hour to pick produce AND if welfare benefits were cut back to only those actually unable to work and genuinely in need, there would be an ample labor pool.
However, this would only work if NATIONAL immigration laws were enforced. It’s pretty obvious that a farmer in Georgia can’t pay a significantly higher wage rate for pickers than his neighbors in Florida do. We also have to accept the fact that prices would rise. Therein lies the problem.
Are you willing to pay higher prices for food, rent, etc. in order to assure border security?
This brings us back to the original question. Obviously the answer isn’t simple. Opponents of enforcing our laws argue that they pay taxes and don’t receive any government benefit. Any person who has been around a hospital emergency room or stood in line at Wal-Mart knows that illegal immigrants DO receive government benefit. Marylanders also know that their state tax dollars go to fund organizations like CASA de Maryland.
Yes, illegals do USUALLY pay taxes. They primarily pay the payroll tax (FICA and Medicare), but don’t pay income taxes.
Do the benefits illegal immigrants receive outweigh what they pay in? No one can know for sure. We won’t even take the extra space to discuss the negative economic implications of large segments of our society who cannot or refuse to learn English.
Ultimately, we have to conclude that illegal immigration is an economic bag of mixed results. It results in lower prices. It’s difficult to quantify the costs of illegal immigration. However, we know that a porous border is good for neither our national security or nor our national sovereignty.
I would argue that our country would be better off if we cut back on welfare benefits (necessary to fill jobs that many illegals do now), secured our borders, AND deported every illegal immigrant. If they have anchor babies, then the child could return when he or she reached majority. However, simply having a relative who is a citizen should allow family to live here legally.
Your thoughts?
G. A. Harrison is the Managing Editor of “Salisbury News”. “Delmarva Dealings” appears each Wednesday and Sunday at SbyNEWS.com.
US Veteran Faces Legal Action for Flying American Flag
A retired U.S. Army chaplain is being threatened with legal action for flying the American flag in his front yard, the Daily Mail reports.
Fred Quigley, 77, of Macedonia, Ohio, a minister who served active duty during the Vietnam War, has been told by the homeowners’ association that his flag violates the property rules.
The association has offered to fly the flag at the entrance of the building development, but Quigley refused the offer.
“If they can dictate to me that I cannot fly an American flag in America, then, to me, the country is lost,” Mr. Quigley told the paper.
Quigley's lawyer Gerald Patronite said the association has no right to stop his client.
According to the Mail, Joseph Migliorini, the representative for the homeowners’ association and former mayor of Macedonia, which is between Cleveland and Akron, said he plans to take Quigley to court if the flagpole is not removed.
Romney, Bachmann Lead in Iowa GOP Poll
A new Iowa Poll shows national Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney and tea party favorite Michele Bachmann leading among the state's likely GOP caucus-goers.
The poll conducted for The Des Moines Register shows Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, with support from 23 percent in Iowa. Bachmann is right on his heels. The Minnesota representative who plans to launch her campaign in Iowa on Monday has support from 22 percent.
Romney was the No. 2 finisher in the caucuses in his bid for the 2008 GOP nomination. Bachmann is a three-term congresswoman and newer face in the 2012 White House mix.
Cardin’s Energy Misfire
Maryland’s junior U.S. senator, Ben Cardin, has become a regular contributor of letters to the editor of the (Hagerstown) Herald-Mail newspaper. Cardin deserves praise for this; it would be easy for the Democrat to ignore heavily Republican Western Maryland. Instead, he shows respect for his constituents by sharing with them his thoughts on policy.
He’d deserve greater praise if his letters didn’t contain the flawed thinking shown in his most recent submission, on U.S. energy policy.
By “flawed,” I don’t mean that Cardin follows a different political philosophy than I do. Rather, his letter shows ignorance of the basics of energy policy and economics.
Some lowlights from Cardin’s letter:
- He opens by worrying about the high cost of oil, but then calls for the “deployment of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar.” He seems not to realize that solar and wind-powered generation are not substitutes for oil. Oil fuels transportation; solar and wind are (very minor) fuels for the stationary power grid.
- He also calls for greater development of biofuels. He seems unaware that ethanol is more expensive, has more volatile supply, and is arguably environmentally dirtier than oil.
Bomb Threat Charges Dropped, Will Be Re-Filed In Wicomico Court
Patrick Earl McCready, 23, of Mardela Springs, was charged with making a bomb threat April 7 against the daughter of his former girlfriend, who is a student at Showell Elementary School on Route 589. The threat resulted in the evacuation of around 600 students and staff members while police searched the school and the grounds. No bomb or explosive device was found.
During a hearing in Snow Hill District Court last Friday, Assistant State’s Attorney Julie Guyer dismissed the bomb threat charges against McCready because she said Worcester County was not the proper jurisdiction for the crime. She said the charges will be refiled in Wicomico County, because that is where McCready was when he allegedly made the threat.
Hotel Housekeeping: Do You Tip?
"Let's say I'm going into a hotel for three nights, do I leave something every night, do I do it only at the end? Does the housekeeper at the end -- is it the same one that did it the other night?" wonders Logan, a New Jersey business development director who spends about 50 nights a year in hotels.
Gay Marriage: A Bittersweet Victory?
I had spent part of the night in Greenwich Village with the crowds outside the Stonewall Inn celebrating the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York state. I proposed to several passersby but every single one laughed. The thumping of "Y.M.C.A." on an adjacent boombox killed any possibility of romance. (Why is that song always played at weddings?)
California, the largest state in the Union, had that distinction for a few months before electoral and judicial jiu jitsu tied marriage up in knots there. There are 44 more states to go and a rowdy presidential campaign season that is bound to roil a whole range of political bases. And who knows if the legalization of gay marriage in New York, because it is New York, will actually work against marriage equality across the country. Could an exodus of gay people from the rest of the U.S. to the Empire State sap the will (and pocketbooks) of campaigns to legalize marriage in, say, Missouri or Minnesota or Kansas? Just saying.
Hagerstown's Carlie Colella Crowned Miss Maryland
Why Do Parents And Coaches Lose It At Youth Sporting Events?
A few days later, a youth baseball parent-coach in Stevensville dropped several choice expletives in front of his 7- and 8-year-old players while arguing a call with an umpire.
The league suspended him and barred his entire team from playing in the tournament's championship game.
Around the nation, parents have brawled on the sidelines at T-ball games and chased referees to their cars after soccer matches. A father even beat another dad to death in 2000 while his children played hockey in Massachusetts.
What is it about youth sports that makes these otherwise normal people snap?
"This stuff doesn't happen in ballet," said Jim Adams, a veteran youth baseball coach who helped start the Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball league on Kent Island. Almost every year, he must deal with an out-of-control parent complaining about an umpire's strike zone or their child's playing time.
"The large percentage of parents know how to handle themselves ... but some just aren't able to control it," said Adams, who coached varsity baseball last season at St. Mary's High School in Annapolis.
"There are times I've even gotten upset and had to turn around and apologize to my parents," said Mark Gibson, the football commissioner for Green Hornets Athletics.
The problem, experts said, is that most parents view their children as an extension of themselves.
Could Your Pillow Be Making You Sick?
The findings come from a study of pillows used by patients in British hospitals. The Daily Mail reports the study compared hospital pillows with a medical pillow developed by a private company.
Some tips for keeping your pillows - and not just the pillow covers - clean:
- Wash your pillows regularly. Good Housekeeping suggests once every three months on a delicate cycle.
- Wash the pillows in hot water, or put them in a freezer for 24 hours.
- If you suffer from allergies, consider synthetic pillows.
Trial Begins: Did New Orleans Media Contribute To Police Violence After Hurricane Katrina?
Salisbury News Is Now A Proud Member Of The Salisbury Chamber of Commerce
Networking with such organizations brings us one step closer to our strong beliefs in Paying It Forward as well as participating in giving back to our community.
Being a Member will allow us to exclusive Members Only Meetings with different Candidates running for Office and or dignitaries sharing important messages and information that effect our area of America.
Most importantly, we look forward to other Members getting to know who we truly are and our personal quest to make a positive difference in Salisbury, Maryland.
Gas Mileage Math
Soros And Liberal Groups Seeking Top Election Posts In Battleground States
Known as the Secretary of State Project (SOSP), the organization was formed by liberal activists in 2006 to put Democrats in charge of state election offices, where key decisions often are made in close races on which ballots are counted and which are not.
The group’s website said it wants to stop Republicans from “manipulating” election results.
“Any serious commitment to wresting control of the country from the Republican Party must include removing their political operatives from deciding who can vote and whose votes will count,” the group said on its website, accusing some Republican secretaries of state of making “partisan decisions.”
SOSP has sought donations by describing the contributions as a “modest political investment” to elect “clean candidates” to the secretary of state posts.
Named after Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, so-called 527 political groups — such as SOSP — have no upper limit on contributions and no restrictions on who may contribute in seeking to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office. They generally are not regulated by the Federal Election Commission (FEC), creating a soft-money loophole.
While FEC regulations limit individual donations to a maximum of $2,500 per candidate and $5,000 to a PAC, a number of 527 groups have poured tens of millions of unregulated dollars into various political efforts.
SOSP has backed 11 winning candidates in 18 races, including such key states as Ohio, Nevada, Iowa, New Mexico and Minnesota.
“Supporting secretary of state candidates with integrity is one of the most cost-efficient ways progressives can ensure they have a fair chance of winning elections,” SOSP said on its website, adding that “a relatively small influx of money — often as little as $30,000 to $50,000 — can change the outcome of a race.”
More here
Top 10 Examples Proving Obama Wants High Energy Prices
It shouldn’t be a surprise, as Obama has made it clear all along that higher gas prices can help usher in his green utopia of windmills, solar panels and unicorns—all for the sake of his environmental backers.
Here are the Top 10 Examples Proving Obama Wants High Energy Prices:
White House Said To Be Locked In 'Huge' Debate Over Rapprochement With Iran
Administration sources said the White House has been debating a proposed initiative in which Obama would visit Iran and declare rapprochement with the mullah regime according to a report by Middle East Newsline citing sources who requested anonymity.
The sources said Obama's leading advisers have argued that such a dramatic move would mark a legacy for a president whose prospects for re-election in 2012 appeared to be rapidly fading.
"The idea is that the president does with Iran what [President Richard] Nixon did with China — a reconciliation and dialogue that would recognize Teheran as the leader of the region," a source familiar with the debate said, according to the report.
The sources said opponents of the proposed initiative toward Iran included senior officials in the National Security Council as well as the Defense Department and State Department. They argued that Iran, which refused to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency, has not demonstrated any willingness to halt such objectionable programs as uranium enrichment and long-range ballistic missile development.
At this point however, many of Obama's closest aides were said to support a U.S. reconciliation with Iran that would allow the Middle East regime to continue with a civilian nuclear program.
The sources cited such administration advisers as Valerie Jarret, Samantha Power and U.S. envoy to the United Nations Susan Rice, who want a U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan to pave the way for a rapprochement with Teheran.
The sources said the president's wife, Michelle, has also endorsed the reconciliation proposal. They said proponents have argued that this was Obama's only option to achieve a breakthrough in U.S. foreign policy before the 2012 elections.
"There is a huge debate in the White House on this," one source said.
The sources said the White House has been alarmed by the failure to raise funds for Obama's re-election campaign. They said Jewish members of the Democratic Party, once deemed the biggest supporters of Obama, were donating at a rate of no more than eight percent of that in 2008.
A political consultant involved in White House fundraising efforts said Obama's foreign policy could veer sharply from the status quo if he becomes convinced that he would lose in 2012.IHT
Parents See Political Slant In 3rd-Grade Textbook
The county’s Board of Education met Wednesday to discuss “Social Studies Alive! Our Community and Beyond,” a book the county has used since 2004 but has come under fire in recent months.
The book examines culture, government and public service in the U.S. and other countries, but some parents have pointed to passages in the text they believe subtly promote foreign political systems while disparaging the U.S.
“The entire slant of the book is you're getting used to the idea of government running your life,” said Cindy Rose, a parent who requested that the book be removed from the county's curriculum.
“Government is setting the rules. We're all going to live by it and we're all a collective society,” she said.
Board members chose Wednesday not to eliminate the book from the county curriculum, instead allowing it to come up for review next school year as part of a mandatory eight-year review cycle for all books.
Mrs. Rose was the lone parent to testify during the public comment portion of Wednesdays meeting, after which board members discussed the text for more than an hour.
Mrs. Rose has taken issue with several chapters in the book, including one that explains how many Americans struggle to pay for health care while countries such as Canada and Sweden provide care free of charge or for a small fee.
The book states that those countries’ “communities pay the rest of the bill,” and asks the reader whether he or she believes health care should be a public service.
Critics have argued the text endorses expanded government but fails to fully explain that its public services are paid for by taxpayers.
“Do you get much pushback from an 8- or 9-year-old?” said board member James C. Reeder Jr. “It seems to me either we're leading them in a certain direction or we're trying to get them to evoke a certain response.”
Read more here
Our MD politicians voted to give illegals in-state tuition to our Maryland colleges and Universities.
We, the Maryland tax-payers, will be supplementing the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition rates.
100,000 signatures are needed by June 30th. Get them mailed today! Because of "dirty politics" we need more names. The ACLU has threatened to sue to remove as many signatures as they can. Lawyers for Casa de Maryland have already contacted the Board of Elections. It looks like they are planning to comb through every approved signature in an effort to throw out as many as possible. The ACLU and Casa de Maryland will play every legal trick to throw out your signature and to disenfranchise the thousands of people who have already signed. Go to www.mdpetitions.com & sign up. Forward the address to your friends and family in Maryland TODAY! Go on Facebook! Get involved! We want to be able to vote on this in 2012 Election! |
Proposed Republican House Cuts
Come Meet U.S. Senate Candidate Dan Bongino
Come meet U.S. Senate Candidate Dan Bongino (http://www.bongino.com/) at the next WCRC Meeting.
June 27 , 2011
Refreshments 6:30 pm Meeting Starts 7:00 pm
Location: Salisbury Chamber of Commerce
144 East Main Street, Salisbury, MD
Ocean City Celebrates July 4th
The Fourth of July will be filled with family fun in Ocean City, Maryland with two great places to celebrate the holiday, both presenting free concerts beginning at 8 p.m. and fireworks to follow.
At Northside Park, 127th Street and the bay, the Groove Train starts the evening there off with an exciting blend of music from the days of disco. The spectacular fireworks display will be shot from the west side of the park at 9:30 p.m. You’ll hear the oohs and aahs throughout the park as the colorful displays light up the evening sky. Get there early to claim the best location to view the fireworks.
Meanwhile, on the south end of town, you can head to Ocean City’s famous Boardwalk with its bright lights, assortment of food, family fun and more fantastic fireworks. Bring your beach chair or blanket and claim a spot on the beach at North Division Street for a free concert at 8 p.m. with The United States Army Band Downrange. Fireworks will also fill the sky over the ocean beginning at 9:30 p.m.
Parking is extremely limited at both locations. It is recommended that you take the bus. Bus service is $3 ride all day or $1 per boarding.
The West Ocean City Park & Ride on Route 50 is just west of the Route 50 Bridge and offers free parking and $1 round-trip shuttle service to downtown.
For more information about July 4th activities, call the Ocean City Recreation and Parks Department
Deceased Man Recovered In Submerged Vehicle, C&D Canal
Unhappy Target Customer Makes Point with Bat
There are so many ways to express one's outrage with a retail store's policies. You can complain to the company, start a grassroots campaign, write to Consumerist, or just take your business elsewhere. But for one displeased Target shopper in Pennsylvania, the answer was clear: baseball bat.
More precisely, baseball bat and store window.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports:
According to McCandless Police Chief Gary Anderson, a female customer, incensed over Target's return policy, armed herself with a baseball bat and smashed in the store's windows before security guards managed to subdue her.
Police arrived soon after and transported the woman to a holding cell, where she awaits the filing of formal charges.
Police say the woman will most likely be facing charges of criminal mischief at the very least.
Unhappy returns: Woman targets Target with baseball bat [Post-Gazette.com]
Newsprint Scented Candles
If you're nostalgic for the days when print ruled the world, but don't want to be bothered with actual newspapers, the late designer Tobias Wong's "Times of New York" candle, inspired by The New York Times, may be for you.
According to Project No. 8, "Wong proposed producing a candle with the fragrance of newsprint inspired by The New York Times, an institution he greatly admired."
HP Laptop Shields Soldier from Enemy Fire
We get a lot of complaints from readers about their HP computers and the company's customer service. But one person who won't be complaining is the U.S. soldier whose HP notebook took six bullets intended for him.
The soldier who sent these images to HP was stationed in Afghanistan when he came under enemy fire. Two bullets hit his shoulder but the other six bullets that hit him were stopped by the notebook in his backpack.
HP sent the soldier a new one and, at his request, let him keep the one pictured here.