FINALLY, someone in the MSM wants to get to the bottom of Mayor Ireton's phone call three weeks ago and who better than Bryan Russo.
Bryan called this morning to ask if I'd be willing to sit down with him for an in depth interview, I agreed. He stated he'd be speaking with Greg Bassett and hopefully Mayor Jim Ireton. So tomorrow I'll sit down with Bryan and give him the interview Chief Barbara Duncan never asked for, yet completed and closed her investigation.
One thing is for sure, I'll make the firm statement, I spoke with Mayor Jim Ireton for 7 minutes and 38 seconds and that's all there is to it. No one sided investigation. Just remember Folks, Jim Ireton has never refused to return a phone call to me or a text message. Interesting how he has chosen this time to not return a call or text, eh?
Put your seat belts on because the ship it going to hit the fan. Let me close with this. A friend called me earlier today and he said 90% of the people believe what I'm saying. The other 10% are saying I took this one too far. REALLY, too far, eh? I get a phone call from the Mayor, people get fired over it and I've taken things too far. Some have even stated that I'm being charged with filing a false report. HELLO! I never filed ANY report to start with. Secondly, it's already been PROVEN a call was made with Ireton's number.
If there's ANYONE who is innocent here it is me. Think about this as well. It's been well known Jim Ireton, Sarah Lake and Joe Carmean were close friends. WHY on God's Green Earth would THEY want to pull a prank they knew would backfire on their friend Jim Ireton. I rest my case.
Stay Tuned...