I know you have had success in finding lost dogs. Our dog managed to weasil his way off of his chain and collar this morning. He is a yellow lab about 115 lbs answers to the name of Max. I live in the Liberty St/Brown/Truitt St. Area. If any of your readers finds or sees this dog, please have them give me a call @ 443.614.2489. He is skiddish to cars and once his name is called he will probably give the look like "uhhu i'm in trouble" Thanks so much!
NARRATIVE: On July 25 at approximately 0120 hours, Maryland State Police and Wicomico Bureau of Investigation Detective’s responded to the Hebron Shore Stop for a reported armed robbery. The lone suspect was described as a Black male, thin build, 6’00”-6’02” tall, wearing blue jeans, dark colored hoody with small white print near the rear neck area, and armed with a small dark colored revolver. The suspect stole an undetermined amount of US currency from the cash register. No one was injured.
If anyone has information in reference to the recent armed robbery’s please contact Detective Nick Gismondi Wicomico Bureau of Investigation @ 410-548-4898 or Crime Solvers @ 410-548-1776
SUSPECTS*: One Suspect; Black male, thin build, 6’00”-6’02” tall, wearing blue jeans, dark colored hoody with small white print near the rear neck area, and armed with a small dark colored revolver.
HARGES: Armed Robbery DISPOSITION: Case Open INVESTIGATING DETECTIVE Detective Nick Gismondi RELEASTING AUTHORITY Sgt. Owens Wicomico Bureau of Investigation DATE: 07/25/09 TIME: 1830
As lawmakers squabble, health care groups focus on how to get ahead
WASHINGTON - A strong force, perhaps as powerful in Congress as President Barack Obama, is keeping the drive for health care going even as lawmakers seem hopelessly at odds. Lobbyists.
The drug industry, the American Medical Association, hospital groups and the insurance lobby are all saying Congress must make major changes this year. Television ads paid for by drug companies and insurers continued to emphasize the benefits of a health care overhaul — not the groups' objections to some of the proposals.
Black Harvard scholar ‘happy to oblige’ in peace-making effort
WASHINGTON - A prominent black Harvard University scholar accepted an invitation to have a beer with President Barack Obama and the white police officer who arrested him in a racially charged case.
Professor Henry Louis Gates said Saturday he was willing to have a peace-making beer with Obama and Cambridge, Mass., police Sgt. James Crowley.
Gates was arrested last week at his home after a neighbor called police to say that a man was breaking into the house. Obama said Cambridge police had "acted stupidly," prompting an outcry from police groups and a resulting media blitz.
Location of Incident: Route 1 and Route 273 in Rehoboth, Delaware, Sussex County
Date of Occurrence: Saturday, July 25, 2009, at approximately 1:00 a.m.
Suspect(s): Sean-Dre McGee, 15, of Rehoboth, Delaware Jamal Duncan, 20, of Estate Drive in Rehoboth, Delaware
Resume: At approximately 1:00 a.m. this morning, two Russian females, who are working in Rehoboth for the summer, were walking home along Route 1. They were confronted by two masked males suspects- Sean-Dre McGee and Jamal Duncan.
One of the suspects was armed with a handgun and they both demanded cash. Because of a language barrier, the suspects became frustrated and forcibly took a purse from one of the females. The suspects then fled the scene on foot to a nearby gas station where their get-away car, a Ford Taurus, was parked.
The suspects fled northbound on Route 1, however, their car became disabled in the center median. A Trooper on route patrol, who was unaware of the robbery, stopped to help. He rendered aid and took note to the suspects’ names. He then cleared the scene and went back on patrol.
A short time later, this very same Trooper learned of the robbery and the suspects’ descriptions. He contacted back-up and responded to Sean-Dre’s residence. Here, the officer spoke with the suspect and his guardian. Through this contact with McGee, he was able to successfully link him to the crime.
Next, patrol officers and detectives responded to the home of Jamal Duncan. When they arrived on the scene, they knocked on the door several times announcing themselves. Duncan refused to come out. After about an hour, officers made entry into the home where they took Duncan into custody without further incident.
Both of the suspects were transported back to Troop 7 for processing.
Sean-Dre McGee was formally charged with Robbery, Attempted Robbery, Wearing a Disguise during the Commission of a Felony, Possession of a Firearm during the Commission of a Felony and Conspiracy (all felony charges). He was committed to the Stevenson House in lieu of $34,000.00 secured bond.
Jamal Duncan was charged with the same offenses as McGee and was also charged with Resisting Arrest (misdemeanor).
We lost our chocolate lab at 7:30 this morning and we have put up flyer's and there will be a reward to the finder. Our address is 735 Camden Ave Salisbury, MD and our contact numbers are 1-201-259-8237, 1-908-892-4432, 410-749-7743 he got loose from us this morning on a walk he responds to the name Louie and is very friendly, just scared, he was a previous rescue!
A yellow tropical bird residing at the Philadelphia Zoo flew the coop Wednesday but may have returned early afternoon Friday, said Zoo sources.
Officials at the Zoo did not release how or where they may have found the missing Sun Conure bird. They will not be able to verify that the bird found is the correct one until Friday night, sources said.
Basically they captured a bird that they believed could be the bird but they weren't able to tell for sure as of Friday afternoon, said Zoo officials.
A little history first. Karen & Kevin Howe are Albero family friends going back to the 1950's. I grew up with Karen Cunningham, (now Howe) and quite frankly these are by far some of the kindest people I have ever known. Anyhow, even after all of these years we all stay in touch and enjoy each others company whenever we can break away from our abnormal lives but the reunion is always the best.
Anyhow, Chef Kevin Howe entered a contest with Live with Regis and Kelly and WON yesterday! Congratulations Kevin & Karen and HELLO CUNNINGHAM FAMILY!
Chef Kevin Howe makes a delicious pork tenderloin
SPRING HILL, Fla. - It's an announcement that has turned this little restaurant in Spring Hill upside down: Chef Kevin Howe of the County Line Cafe and Grill is the winner of this week's "Live with Regis and Kelly's Ultimate Hometown Grill Off."
The news is spreading fast.
"We have people in Ireland that voted for us because they know somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody that called," says restaurant employee Shane Cunningham. "We have customers that call that said, 'Wow we heard about you'."
Chef Howe's winning dish is a mouth-watering sesame, ginger, and lime grilled pork tenderloin.
"It just melts in your mouth. It's just so good," customer Karen Young says. "I had to try it of course but it's just great. It's fantastic. But of course everything Kevin makes is great."
Young is a regular at the cafe. She was one of thousands who voted for Howe during the contest.
"It's been crazy," Cunnigham says. "It's been absolutely nuts. They're reading. They're hearing. It's been remarkable."
A white board thanks customers for the support, while letting everyone know of the chef's T-V debut Friday, when he gets to show off his "skills on the grill" to the nation.
"When Kevin talks about food you can see the passion," Young says. "He loves the job."
While Howe won this week's contest, there is still a national competition that ends on August 16. To help him win, visit liveregisandkelly.com and click on the "Hometown Grill Off" icon to vote.
The winners of the contest will appear in New York and compete against each other for the best dish.
The overall winner will appear in an upcoming issue of Better Homes and Gardens magazine.
TODAY (7/25) at 5 p.m., the Globe in historic downtown Berlin, Md., will present Vincent Gisriel Jr. as he discusses and signs his book Hearts Away Bombs Away, an epistolary love story that explores the difficulties his father and mother faced being so in love yet so far apart during WWII.
I sent this message to Senators Mikulski, and Cardin and to Congressman Kratovil. I also sent it to a couple newspapers. I am only one voice and more people should be "only one voice" before it is too late and we are unable to speak without retribution.
I can't be silent any more. If it kills me at least I will know I went down fighting.
Before any "government sponsored health insurance" is mandated on the public, I think the Congress and Administration should try using it for one year. Then and only then should they consider requiring the citizens of this nation to use it.
I have tried very hard to accept and support this man the people of this great nation elected to be our President. I have held my breath and promised not to condemn himand the Congress for the bills they have passed without reading and the horrible debt they have placed on my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I kept saying to myself "He is your President, give him and them a chance, maybe they can correct some of the wrong." Now, the time has come for words to be spoken; not just by me but from ALL Americans that care what is happening to us.
The "silent majority" can no longer be silent. The past six months have done more damage to our nation than a war on our soil could have done. Our so called representatives in Washington are raping our nation and all of us. If we the people remain silent, we are just as responsible as those committing the crimes. My husband and I have worked all our lives to assure the prosperity of this country and to support those that have gone before us. Now, we are seniors and are threatened with losing the benefits we provided for others and earned the right to have. We have never wanted to own or operate any of the automobile manufacturers or the banks or the investment companies this government has taken control of. We, the people, are what makes this country great not an over powering government. We must speak up, take control and stop the carnage taking place in Washington before it completely devours all we have cherished for generations.
Independent investigator Thomas Daniel has contributed $3,500 in recent years to Democratic causes, including $1,500 to John Kerry's presidential campaign in 2004 and $1,000 to Alaska Sen. Mark Begich's senatorial campaign last year.
The independent investigator who has accused Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin of violating state ethics laws is a major donor to the Democratic Party as well as a partner in a law firm that represented Barack Obama's presidential campaign.
Thomas Daniel was hired by the Alaska Personnel Board in late April to investigate several complaints against Palin, including one filed by an Alaska resident who claims the governor used her official position for personal gain by authorizing the creation of a trust to use as her legal defense fund.
In a July 14 report leaked to The Associated Press and major news organizations, Daniel accused Palin of drawing improper gifts and unwarranted benefits. His report recommended that Palin refuse to accept payment from the defense fund and settle the complaint to avoid a formal hearing before the board.
Palin's supporters say the governor, who will resign on Sunday, needs the legal fund because of a quirk in Alaska law that prevents state officials from defending the state's chief executive against ethics allegations.
"The whole situation is nuts," said John Coale, a prominent Washington attorney who helped set up the legal fund, which so far has accepted $500,000 in donations. "Alaska has an ethics law that is unsustainable."
Coale also accused the personnel board of being "either vicious or idiotic" to hire Daniel, whose law firm is closely tied to the Democratic Party.
The object of the game is to move the red block around Without getting hit by the blue blocks or touching the black walls.
If you can go longer than 18 seconds you are phenomenal. It's been Said that the US Air Force uses this for fighter pilots. They are Expected to go for at least 2 minutes.
I have researched the Chemtrail topic for several years now. Clifford Carnicom has thoroughly documented the phenomenon on his website: www.carnicom.com
Here is a History Channel video on the subject of chemtrails and weather warfare. The Navy has a public policy of wanting to "own the weather by 2025". I believe we are being sprayed almost daily by dangerous chemicals, biological elements, and harmful elements like aluminum and barium. A closely related topic to research is H.A.A.R.P. or High Altitude Auroral Research Project in Anchorage, Alaska. It is the technology bragged about by Exxon Corporation in the commercial which touts their ability to "look into the earth" to find natural gas, oil, etc.
Emily Trout, 22, of Beaver Dam Road in Lewes, was arrested yesterday on 3 counts Conspiracy 3rd for her part in the Prision Contraband Investigation which was reported this week. For her part, Ms. Trout accepted and cashed checks in exchange for tobacco products which were making their way back into SCI. Ms. Trout is the girlfriend of William Weedon III (also arrested). Upon her arraignment, she was released on a $1,500.00 unsecured bond.
I read your article on Old Growth Tree that fell on a car. You should ride to the intersection of E Gordy rd and Beaglin Park Drive. On the NW corner of the intersection are 2 Oak trees. I presume they are dead being they have no leaves on them. If you look at the trees you will notice they have had a chainsaw cutting on them. One tree has a cut all the way around it. The other does also and has a notch cut in it but they didnt knock the notch out. These 2 trees have been weakend by the cutting and one will probably fall into the intersection when it drops. I dont ride throught the intersection because of that. I dont know if they will fall on their own due to the cuts but the property owner is irresponsible for leaving them that way. The county public works probably cant do a thing about it being it is on private property. I say that but if you have an untagged car on your lot they are quick to put an orange sticker on it and call it a nuisance. Maybe some "publicity" on your site can help bring these 2 hazards to the ground.
Parents, students, community members, and school staff are invited to participate in one of the community awareness meetings scheduled for August 11 - 13. These meetings will introduce participants to the revised and updated Code of Conduct as well as the Wicomico County Board of Education's Bullying Policy. Click here to see the schedule of meetings. Please come to learn how the schools, families and community can partner to benefit our children.
Just 32, he's accused of joining long list of corrupt New Jersey politicians
HOBOKEN, N.J. - Even in a state where corruption seems institutionalized, the arrest of a neophyte mayor in office a mere three weeks stands out.
Voters might wonder how Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, no grizzled politician but a 32-year-old lawyer with a promising political career, could be accused of taking $25,000 in bribes after watching so many politicians follow the same road to jail.
Authorities said that what he told a government witness wearing a wire — a purported real-estate developer whom Cammarano assured he would treat "like a friend" — not only led to his arrest but also added a new chapter to New Jersey's culture of corruption.
Families of Wicomico County school students may get needed school supplies at the 4th Annual NAACP Back to School Rally on Thursday August 6, 2 - 4 pm. The rally will be held at the Westside Salvation Army Richard Hazel Youth Center. Refreshments will be served. Entertainment is by the Prince Street and Bennett Middle School Steppers. See below for more information.
On August 6 from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. the Wicomico County NAACP will present its Fourth Annual Back-to-School Rally at the Westside Salvation Army Richard Hazel Youth Center, 429 North Lake Park Drive in Salisbury.
Rev. Mark Thompson will be the Master of Ceremonies for a program including an inspirational presentation by award winning teacher Aaron Deal. The Prince Street Elementary and Bennett Middle Step Team under the leadership of Tana Ellis will provide entertainment. Sherman, the Shorebirds mascot will also be on hand to greet the three hundred school children from grades kindergarten through eighth grade who will be encouraged to begin the school with a commitment to attend classes and succeed in all their course work and activities. Bags of school supplies will be given to each of the students as material incentives to be ready and prepared for another step on their way to become educated and responsible members of society.
After the program and before the school supplies are distributed refreshments of hot dogs, chips, and beverages will be served to the school children.
Civic officials and community leaders have been invited to be present as testimony of their support for the children's success as they go back to school for the 2009-2010 academic year.
Contributing sponsors are the Westside Salvation Army, Pepsi-Cola Bottling of
Salisbury, Food Lion, Giant Food Stores, Westside Revitalization Partnership and the Mental Health Association of the Lower Shore.
Location of Incident: 28000 block of Seaford Road (aka US13a), approximately 1 mile north of Laurel, Delaware, Sussex County
Date of Occurrence: Friday, July 24th, 2009 at approximately 9:47 p.m.
Resume: The DSP Collision Reconstruction Unit in Sussex County is investigating a fatal crash from last night.
Just prior to 10:00 p.m., a 2000 Dodge Dakota pick-up was traveling northbound on Seaford Road, approximately 1 mile north of Laurel, at a high rate of speed. The Dodge proceeded to pass a car ahead, on this two lane road, and lost control when attempting to return to the proper lane.
The Dakota slid sideways for over 250’ before striking a large oak tree on the driver’s side. The impact with the tree, which occurred just off the east edge of the roadway, caused the Dodge to split into two pieces.
The operator, Roderick Conn, 54 years of age of Seaford, was pronounced dead at the scene. He was wearing his seatbelt.
The Eastern Shore Iris Society will host its annual Iris Sale on Saturday, July 25th, at Boscov’s at the Centre at Salisbury. The sale will begin at 10:00 AM and will continue until 1:00 unless sold out earlier. This is a fabulous opportunity for local gardeners to purchase interesting and hard to find varieties of iris including Siberian, Japanese, Spuria, and tall bearded and miniature tall bearded iris will be among the offerings. The sale offers an opportunity to add unique varieties as well as old standards to your garden at a fraction of their retail cost and talk with experienced growers about cultivation of these hardy and beautiful plants. Some iris bloom several times a year, others bloom early-, mid-, or late-season. Spurias are gaining attention for their qualities as cut flowers that last up to a week or longer (the look much like a very large Dutch iris). Japanese Iris are highly sought after, especially as plants for pond settings. Now, iris lovers can plant various cultivars and have iris blooming in their garden for virtually the entire Spring and early season with some bonus blooms in the Fall. For questions about the sale or to become a member please contact Ann at 410-742-5410.
Colleagues accuse use one another of lying, ‘empowering the Republicans’
WASHINGTON - House Democrats feuded openly over health care Friday before shaking hands on a deal that guaranteed only that they would keep negotiating, wrapping up a week in which consensus on a sweeping overhaul of the nation's health-care system seemed to diminish by the day.
White House aides announced a week ago that President Obama was ready to "take the baton" for his biggest domestic campaign initiative, and indeed Obama campaigned for his proposals nearly nonstop this week, including taking an hour to make his case directly to the American public on prime-time television.
Despite the president's attentions, Congress was further Friday from passing health-care legislation than it was on Monday, with only days left before lawmakers leave Washington for their August recess.
School Supply Lists for the 2009 - 2010 School Year for PreK to 5th Grade Students Available Online
Parents of PreK to 5th grade students can begin to gather needed supplies for the upcoming school year. School staff have created primary and intermediate lists (available in English and Spanish). They are available for download from the Parents Page - click here for a full listing of supplies needed in the classroom.
Deadly Baghdad clash underscores rift over interpretation of U.S.-Iraq deal
ABU GHRAIB, Iraq - When insurgents attacked an American convoy with AK-47 rounds and a couple of grenades on a dusty highway in a Baghdad suburb this week, U.S. soldiers returned fire, chased the suspects through narrow alleyways and raided houses.
Tuesday's clash killed two Iraqi adults and a 14-year-old and wounded four people, including two children.
When the shooting subsided, another confrontation began. A senior Iraqi army commander who arrived at the scene concluded that the Americans had fired indiscriminately at civilians and ordered his men to take the U.S. soldiers into custody. The U.S. military said the soldiers had acted in self-defense and had sought to avoid civilian casualties; U.S. commanders at the scene persuaded the Iraqis to back down.
The possibility of mandatory vaccines is very real. It has been discussed by the World Health Organization, and members of our own government. Vaccines in general, are a very controversial subject matter. Real understanding of the subject requires much research. I think it a good idea to encourage people to give some thought to vaccines now, while there is no "mandate". Once the time comes for the vaccine, it is a little late to give it some thought. How do people feel about vaccines? Are they safe? Are they related to Gulf War Illness? Are they related to Autism? I think the subject could be a very good one for the commenters.
Obama Invites Cop, Professor to White House for Beer
NATICK, Mass. (July 23) -- President Barack Obama concedes his words — that a white police officer "acted stupidly" when he arrested a black university scholar in his own home — were ill-chosen. But, while he invited both men to visit him at the White House, Obama stopped short of publicly apologizing for his remark.
The president personally telephoned the two men, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge, Mass., police Sgt. James Crowley, in an effort to end the rancorous back-and-forth over what had transpired and what Obama had said about it. Trying to lighten the situation, he even commiserated with Crowley about reporters on his lawn.