My daughter just called me. She was logging on to the Delmarva Power site to pay her bill, and the “word verification” page had changed and changed her log on name. This site stores your credit card # when you make a payment. At this time, she is notifying the Sheriff’s department so they can notify their IT dept. Spread the word, if you will. She works in computers and makes pages like this for a living, so she knows what she’s talking about.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Many Are Questioning, Why So Many Pieces Of Equipment & More
Preppers view - Prepping for your pets survival
We have talked about creating a survival food stash and providing water for oursleves and our families. We haven't talked specifically about making provisions for our four legged family members - and we should.
Pets can be a valuable asset to the prepper. A dog can provide security in the form of protection (German Shepard, Rottweiler, Mastiff, etc), but they can be invaluable as an early alert system. Early alert is a force multiplier. Their bark can also intimidate any would-be intruders into second guessing their decision to victimize you. They can also be the source of additional body heat in case everyone should have to huddle together to stay warm. Dogs have been an asset to civilization since the beginning of recorded history. Cat's......well they're still part of the family and they are excellent at rodent control. Either way, planning ahead for them is about as important as preparing for yourself.
Canned animal food contains fats and oils which will turn rancid if opened. They are also heavy. Dry animal food can be stored for bugging in or bugging out in 5 gallon buckets with handles and air tight lids. You can put oxygen absorbing material in the buckets before sealing the lids to keep the food from forming mold. Sealed plastic buckets will also protect it from rodents. Keep it close to your bug out supplies and cycle it in and out in the same manner you cycle out your own canned goods. FIFO - first in first out.
Water is also a consideration. Although dogs and cats will seemingly drink from nasty puddles before they will drink clean water you provide, it's important to assure that they have water that isn't contaminated with anything harmful. Get to know your pet. Take note of how much they eat and drink a day and stock up accordingly. The last thing you want to have to do is feed them the provisions you set aside for your family because you forgot to plan for your pets.
Also a consideration is your bug out destination. If you plan to take your pet, you need to make sure the location to which your headed accepts pets. Some hotels do accept pets. Most do not. Make sure it is ok with friends or family members with whom you plan to stay that you bring your pets. Some people aren't ok with animals in their homes. Plan well in advance for this. Also, if your home is in someone elses bug out plan, have open communication about their pets, if any, and how they will interact with your pets.
Whether or not you elect to take your pet along with you in a bug out scenario is a very personal decision. I will not be the one to criticize anyone for any decision they make for themselves in this regard because a situation that brings about the need to make the decision is extreme. People need to make the decisions on survival that suit themselves and their families. I may have my opinion but I will not criticize. I would advise everyone to give the matter careful consideration and plan accordingly. Failing to plan is like planning to fail.
Pets can be a valuable asset to the prepper. A dog can provide security in the form of protection (German Shepard, Rottweiler, Mastiff, etc), but they can be invaluable as an early alert system. Early alert is a force multiplier. Their bark can also intimidate any would-be intruders into second guessing their decision to victimize you. They can also be the source of additional body heat in case everyone should have to huddle together to stay warm. Dogs have been an asset to civilization since the beginning of recorded history. Cat's......well they're still part of the family and they are excellent at rodent control. Either way, planning ahead for them is about as important as preparing for yourself.
Canned animal food contains fats and oils which will turn rancid if opened. They are also heavy. Dry animal food can be stored for bugging in or bugging out in 5 gallon buckets with handles and air tight lids. You can put oxygen absorbing material in the buckets before sealing the lids to keep the food from forming mold. Sealed plastic buckets will also protect it from rodents. Keep it close to your bug out supplies and cycle it in and out in the same manner you cycle out your own canned goods. FIFO - first in first out.
Water is also a consideration. Although dogs and cats will seemingly drink from nasty puddles before they will drink clean water you provide, it's important to assure that they have water that isn't contaminated with anything harmful. Get to know your pet. Take note of how much they eat and drink a day and stock up accordingly. The last thing you want to have to do is feed them the provisions you set aside for your family because you forgot to plan for your pets.
Also a consideration is your bug out destination. If you plan to take your pet, you need to make sure the location to which your headed accepts pets. Some hotels do accept pets. Most do not. Make sure it is ok with friends or family members with whom you plan to stay that you bring your pets. Some people aren't ok with animals in their homes. Plan well in advance for this. Also, if your home is in someone elses bug out plan, have open communication about their pets, if any, and how they will interact with your pets.
Whether or not you elect to take your pet along with you in a bug out scenario is a very personal decision. I will not be the one to criticize anyone for any decision they make for themselves in this regard because a situation that brings about the need to make the decision is extreme. People need to make the decisions on survival that suit themselves and their families. I may have my opinion but I will not criticize. I would advise everyone to give the matter careful consideration and plan accordingly. Failing to plan is like planning to fail.
Field Notes By Delegate Mike McDermott

Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
Week 5 February 10, 2012
Judiciary Bill Hearings, Wednesday:
HB-252: Veteran Courts
We reviewed a bill which would create a task force on military service members and veterans having access to a special “Veteran’s” court which would be very similar to the Drug Courts now in existence which offer alternatives and diversions for those who submit to be subjected to the special actions taken by these courts. The idea has merit in that veterans often experience problems resulting from issues which are specific to their jobs and exposure during combat service. Drug Courts have proven successful when used in Maryland and this may also have merit. This bill merely seeks to study the issue.
HB-337 Courtroom Discovery
This bill would provide greater discovery of information for a creditor seeking to collect on a judgment previously rendered by the court. Some of the information often needed to contact for the purposes of collecting a judgment is currently not available through trial discovery.
Judiciary Voting Session, Thursday
The following bills were voted on favorably by the committee and sent to the House:
HB-92 Domestic violence shielding from public web site
HB-111 Specifies a time period on a rental car return where one cannot be charged with theft of a motor vehicle for failure to return the vehicle.
HB-115 Would increase from $500 to $1000 the amount on a theft charge whereby a law enforcement officer may perform a warrantless arrest of the individual.
HB-117 Would simply change the reporting deadline for an annual report of the State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy.
HB-187 This bill would allow for the expungement of certain records for deceased persons when the charges were pending and had not gone to trial or otherwise been adjudicated.
Judiciary Hearings, Thursday
“Caylee’s Law” HB-18/20/122: We heard testimony on several bills which seek to address cases where a child may not be reported missing by the parents, guardians, or caretakers in a timely manner. These are in response to the case involving the disappearance and homicide of Caylee Anthony in Florida. These bills would place time constraints and requirements for various incidents involving missing juveniles and make it a crime to fail to report such a disappearance. Most aspects of these bills are covered by existing law, but it may be wise to address some aspects of reporting which are not covered.
Dog Bills
HB-278 seeks to require owners of dogs which have been classified as “Dangerous” to be registered as “at-risk” owners by a local government authority. It would also require them to pay a registration fee. It seems the focus of the bill is to place responsibility on the owners rather than to focus on the dog. It would place other restrictions on folks who are classified as “at-risk” owners by the state.
HB-336 Would allow the court require someone convicted of Animal Abuse to be required to pay for the treatment of the animal that was abused. You would think this would already be in the law, but it is not on the books. I think this should be corrected as we heard testimony which reflected great cost associated with the care of these abused animals being absorbed by the state and private individuals.
HB-294/397/400 There were several bills addressing various aspects of Child Support. One attempts to address a fix for a formula on determining the amount of support which must be paid when multiple children are involved. One would provide for support payments for child care when the guardian of the child receiving support must return to school in order to advance or gain employment. Perhaps the most significant of the bills is 397 which would expand the act of criminal non-support and make it easier to go after dead beat parents who refuse to pay their child support when they have the means to do so.
Introduction of Bills in House:
I filed the following bills this week which were on First Reader in the House:
HB-984 Enhanced penalties for DWI on Controlled Dangerous Substances
HB-999 Creating penalties for failure to report Child Abuse
HB-1032 Providing protections for farmers and others involved in Agro-Tourism industry.
Eastern Shore Delegation Meeting:
The agenda was light for the meeting. We met with Linda Prochaska, a Special Assistant to Senator Barbara Mikulski’s office on the Eastern Shore. She reviewed some of the areas of assistance that the senator’s office provides in concert with our local legislative services on the shore.
Secretary Joshua M. Sharfstein of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene came before the delegation and spoke in general about some of the activities of his agency. He was asked about telemedicine (a greater use of conferencing with doctors and other specialists electronically) on the shore and explained how this issue was moving forward successfully. He also addressed the issues of funding in the budget as it relates to prevention services. He disagreed that funding was shifted in the governor’s budget, but I have spoken with various family services which are taking a significant hit.
We heard from the Healthy Families Eastern Shore group (Dir. Shelly Edwards, Dir. Mike Clark, and Dir. Dawn Shur) who are dealing with budget issues which will put many program areas at risk this year that have proven successful. As is often the case with the budget axe, prevention is often the first striking point while treatment is the last.
Combined Hearing of Judiciary and Health/Government Operations Committees:
HB-474/728 Maryland Marriage Protection Act (Defense of Marriage)
HB-438 Civil Marriage Protection Act (Same Sex Marriage)
HB-1239 Straw Ballot on Definition of Marriage
A joint committee hearing was held on the above bills. Hundreds appeared to testify for and against these bills. I will say I was struck by the notion that the burden to change the law falls upon those who do not accept the definition of marriage in Maryland as being between one man and one woman. The burden in the legislature seems to be upon those who simply want the definition to stay the way it has been since Maryland came into existence. Testimony began with Governor O’Malley as the lead off speaker in support of the same sex marriage bill. I did ask the Governor why we simply did not put this issue before all of the voters as a referendum on the ballot…particularly when we thought enough about gambling to put that on the ballot for the people to decide. The governor was reluctant to do so as he seems afraid of what the people may say if given the chance.
Flyer On Gay Choice Stirs Controversy
Flyer was sent home with some HS students
ROCKVILLE, Md. - A flyer sent home with some high school students in Montgomery County, Md., is causing consternation among parents.
The flyer is from a group called PFOX, Parents And Friends Of Ex-Gays And Gays. In the one-page message, the group tells teenagers that no one is "born gay", and people can choose their sexual orientation.
Karen Yount-Merrell, a licensed, clinical social worker, got one of the flyers when her son came home with his report card from Einstein High School.
"I don't like it," Yount-Merrell declared. "Everything in this flyer make its sound like the goal is to be [an] EX-gay, [or an EX]-lesbian. It is not embracing of a different orientation. It reiterates a societal view that there's something 'wrong' with you, if you're not in the norm. If you aren't heterosexual. And teenagers have a hard enough time dealing with who they are and feeling good about themselves."
Supporters of the flyer say their literature simply calls for "tolerance" of a different viewpoint on homosexuality.
ROCKVILLE, Md. - A flyer sent home with some high school students in Montgomery County, Md., is causing consternation among parents.
The flyer is from a group called PFOX, Parents And Friends Of Ex-Gays And Gays. In the one-page message, the group tells teenagers that no one is "born gay", and people can choose their sexual orientation.
Karen Yount-Merrell, a licensed, clinical social worker, got one of the flyers when her son came home with his report card from Einstein High School.
"I don't like it," Yount-Merrell declared. "Everything in this flyer make its sound like the goal is to be [an] EX-gay, [or an EX]-lesbian. It is not embracing of a different orientation. It reiterates a societal view that there's something 'wrong' with you, if you're not in the norm. If you aren't heterosexual. And teenagers have a hard enough time dealing with who they are and feeling good about themselves."
Supporters of the flyer say their literature simply calls for "tolerance" of a different viewpoint on homosexuality.
Patricia A. Cook Dies In Culpeper Police Officer Involved Shooting In VA
CULPEPER, Va. (WUSA) -- An eyewitness to a fatal police shooting in Culpeper, Virginia is contradicting the State Police version of the story.
Kris Buchele says he saw a Culpeper Town Police officer shoot 54-year-old Patricia Cook to death in the Epiphany Catholic School parking lot at around 10 a.m. Thursday, February 9.
Buchele is a carpenter who was working on the house next door. He says he heard loud arguing outside and looked through a window where he had a clear view of the school parking lot. Cook was in her Jeep Wrangler .
Buchele is a carpenter who was working on the house next door. He says he heard loud arguing outside and looked through a window where he had a clear view of the school parking lot. Cook was in her Jeep Wrangler .
Deputy Killed Marine Out Of Fear For Children's Safety, Officials Say
A veteran Orange County sheriff’s deputy feared for the safety of two young girls sitting in a parked car when he shot and killed a Marine sergeant in a dark parking lot near San Clemente High School, authorities said Friday.
Sgt. Manuel Loggins Jr. was shot early Tuesday as he started to get into the SUV where his two daughters -- 9 and 14 -- were sitting, authorities said. Jim Amormino, a spokesman for the department, said the deputy was fearful that Loggins -- who he said appeared to be acting irrationally -- was about to drive off with the girls.
"The real threat that was perceived was the safety of the children," Amormino said.
"The deputy formed an opinion that he had a deep concern for the children, that he would not allow Mr. Loggins to drive away with the kids," Amormino said.
Sgt. Manuel Loggins Jr. was shot early Tuesday as he started to get into the SUV where his two daughters -- 9 and 14 -- were sitting, authorities said. Jim Amormino, a spokesman for the department, said the deputy was fearful that Loggins -- who he said appeared to be acting irrationally -- was about to drive off with the girls.
"The real threat that was perceived was the safety of the children," Amormino said.
"The deputy formed an opinion that he had a deep concern for the children, that he would not allow Mr. Loggins to drive away with the kids," Amormino said.
Marijuana Nearly Doubles Risk Of Collisions
Cannabis Affects Spatial Location, Study Finds
(CNN) -- We hear a lot about the hazards of drunk driving, but here's something else to put on your radar: A study in the British Medical Journal found that marijuana nearly doubles the risk of vehicle collisions.
Researchers conducted a systematic review of nine studies on the subject of marijuana and driving accidents, which incorporated almost 50,000 participants.
Alcohol impairs drivers' speed and reaction time, while cannabis affects spatial location, said Mark Asbridge, associate professor in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
(CNN) -- We hear a lot about the hazards of drunk driving, but here's something else to put on your radar: A study in the British Medical Journal found that marijuana nearly doubles the risk of vehicle collisions.
Researchers conducted a systematic review of nine studies on the subject of marijuana and driving accidents, which incorporated almost 50,000 participants.
Alcohol impairs drivers' speed and reaction time, while cannabis affects spatial location, said Mark Asbridge, associate professor in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Brothers Create Superhero To Defend Eastern Shore
SNOW HILL, Md. - Batman defends Gotham City. Superman keeps Metropolis safe from criminals.
"The Fall," a new superhero created by brothers Mat and Josh Shockley, patrols the small towns and beaches of a less glamorous place -- Maryland's Eastern Shore.
The two Snow Hill artists -- who began drawing comics more than two decades ago -- run PLB Comics, an independent, six-year-old enterprise centered on a mystical character who defends a real place that rarely appears in comic stores.
"You hear about superheroes in big cities all the time and we just wanted to put (The Fall) down here," said Mat Shockley, a 29-year-old high school art teacher. "It's kind of easier to write about the area you know."
"The Fall," a new superhero created by brothers Mat and Josh Shockley, patrols the small towns and beaches of a less glamorous place -- Maryland's Eastern Shore.
The two Snow Hill artists -- who began drawing comics more than two decades ago -- run PLB Comics, an independent, six-year-old enterprise centered on a mystical character who defends a real place that rarely appears in comic stores.
"You hear about superheroes in big cities all the time and we just wanted to put (The Fall) down here," said Mat Shockley, a 29-year-old high school art teacher. "It's kind of easier to write about the area you know."
Georgetown Woman Dies After Fatal Crash
Location: US Rt. 9 (Lewes-Georgetown Highway) 1 mile west of Prettyman Road, west of Harbeson, DE
Date and Time of Occurrence: Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 7:51 p.m.
Operators and Vehicles:
Operator #1: Corey A. Ortwein, 20, Lewes, DE
Vehicle #1: 2008 Pontiac G-5
Operator #2: 49 year old Georgetown, DE female
Vehicle #2: 1995 Honda Accord
Other Injured:
Kara B. Leonardo, 44, Georgetown (passenger in vehicle #1)
Harbeson- The Delaware State Police Crash Reconstruction Unit is currently investigating a fatal motor vehicle crash that occurred last night west of Harbeson.
The incident happened at approximately 7:51 p.m. on Saturday as Corey A. Ortwein, 20, of Lewes, DE was operating a 2008 Pontiac and was traveling eastbound on US Rt. 9 approximately one mile west of Prettyman Road. For an unknown reason Ortwein’s vehicle drifted into the westbound lane of Rt. 9 and narrowly missed striking a westbound vehicle which swerved to avoid a collision. However, Ortwein continued traveling eastbound in the westbound lane where his vehicle then struck the front of a 1995 Honda Accord which was being operated by a 49 year old Georgetown, DE female.
The female operator of the Honda, who was properly restrained, was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash. Her name is being withheld pending the notification of her next of kin.
Corey Ortwein, who was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the collision, was removed from the scene by EMS and transported to the Beebe Memorial Hospital. He was subsequently transported to the Christiana Hospital where he is being treated for serious non-life threatening injuries. A passenger in his vehicle, Kara B. Leonardo, was also removed from the scene by EMS and transported to the Beebe Memorial Hospital. She was then also transported and admitted to the Christiana Hospital with serious injuries. Leonardo was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash.
US Rt. 9 between Prettyman Road and Gravel Hill Road was closed as the crash was investigated and cleared. It has since been re-opened.
The investigation by the Delaware State Police Crash Reconstruction Unit is continuing at this time. Investigators are asking anyone who may have witnessed this crash to contact Corporal Jay Burns at Troop 7 at 302-644-5020 ext. 112. Citizens may also provide information by texting keyword “DSP” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). Tipsters may also provide information through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333. Callers can also submit information via the internet at
Date and Time of Occurrence: Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 7:51 p.m.
Operators and Vehicles:
Operator #1: Corey A. Ortwein, 20, Lewes, DE
Vehicle #1: 2008 Pontiac G-5
Operator #2: 49 year old Georgetown, DE female
Vehicle #2: 1995 Honda Accord
Other Injured:
Kara B. Leonardo, 44, Georgetown (passenger in vehicle #1)
Harbeson- The Delaware State Police Crash Reconstruction Unit is currently investigating a fatal motor vehicle crash that occurred last night west of Harbeson.
The incident happened at approximately 7:51 p.m. on Saturday as Corey A. Ortwein, 20, of Lewes, DE was operating a 2008 Pontiac and was traveling eastbound on US Rt. 9 approximately one mile west of Prettyman Road. For an unknown reason Ortwein’s vehicle drifted into the westbound lane of Rt. 9 and narrowly missed striking a westbound vehicle which swerved to avoid a collision. However, Ortwein continued traveling eastbound in the westbound lane where his vehicle then struck the front of a 1995 Honda Accord which was being operated by a 49 year old Georgetown, DE female.
The female operator of the Honda, who was properly restrained, was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash. Her name is being withheld pending the notification of her next of kin.
Corey Ortwein, who was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the collision, was removed from the scene by EMS and transported to the Beebe Memorial Hospital. He was subsequently transported to the Christiana Hospital where he is being treated for serious non-life threatening injuries. A passenger in his vehicle, Kara B. Leonardo, was also removed from the scene by EMS and transported to the Beebe Memorial Hospital. She was then also transported and admitted to the Christiana Hospital with serious injuries. Leonardo was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash.
US Rt. 9 between Prettyman Road and Gravel Hill Road was closed as the crash was investigated and cleared. It has since been re-opened.
The investigation by the Delaware State Police Crash Reconstruction Unit is continuing at this time. Investigators are asking anyone who may have witnessed this crash to contact Corporal Jay Burns at Troop 7 at 302-644-5020 ext. 112. Citizens may also provide information by texting keyword “DSP” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). Tipsters may also provide information through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333. Callers can also submit information via the internet at
Co-Author Of Arizona Immigration Law Says 'Self-deportation' Working
Immigration crackdowns in Arizona and Alabama are succeeding in persuading illegal immigrants to voluntarily leave the country, the co-author of tough immigration laws in both of those states said Saturday.
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an ardent opponent of illegal immigration who has endorsed Mitt Romney, said jobs are opening up for Americans and school budgets flourishing thanks to tough new policies.
"If you want to create a job for a U.S. citizen tomorrow, deport an illegal alien today," Kobach said to boisterous applause at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Since Arizona passed the Legal Arizona Workers Act in 2007 requiring Arizona employers to use the E-Verify system, "people started self-deporting by the tens of thousands," Kobach said.
He also argued that Arizona's primary and secondary education system had seen a "surprise surplus" of almost $50 million.
"Why? Because so many had self-deported," Kobach said.
More here
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an ardent opponent of illegal immigration who has endorsed Mitt Romney, said jobs are opening up for Americans and school budgets flourishing thanks to tough new policies.
"If you want to create a job for a U.S. citizen tomorrow, deport an illegal alien today," Kobach said to boisterous applause at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Since Arizona passed the Legal Arizona Workers Act in 2007 requiring Arizona employers to use the E-Verify system, "people started self-deporting by the tens of thousands," Kobach said.
He also argued that Arizona's primary and secondary education system had seen a "surprise surplus" of almost $50 million.
"Why? Because so many had self-deported," Kobach said.
More here
Former DEA Chief: Others Knew About 'Furious'
While criticism surrounding Operation Fast and Furious has so far focused on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, three other federal agencies knew about the operation and some of their agents tried to stop it, according to the former chief of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in Tucson.
Tony Coulson, the DEA’s agent in charge of Southern Arizona during Fast and Furious, says many federal field agents knew the ATF was walking guns to Mexico, but supervisors told them to back off when they objected.
“Clearly, we went too far,” Coulson said. “The question we had among rank and file law enforcement was, ‘When is someone going to call ATF on this, when is someone going to tell them to stop?’”
Coulson’s remarks jibe with what is already known about the operation. The DEA, the FBI and ICE, also known as Immigration Customs and Enforcement, all played roles in the investigation.
Coulson said those agencies share the blame since top officials knew, but did little to stop, the gunrunning effort. Coulson is among the first senior public officials, current or former, who admit knowing about the botched operation.
Coulson claims he raised objections to then-DEA chief Elizabeth Kempshall, but was told it was taken care of. After attending a meeting with ATF agent in charge Bill Newell, Coulson said that’s when he and other agents “knew (Fast and Furious) was not some sort of benign, pie-in-the-sky publicity stunt. Guns were actually getting in the hands of criminals.”
According to Congressional testimony and documents obtained by Fox News, the other agencies involved include:
Tony Coulson, the DEA’s agent in charge of Southern Arizona during Fast and Furious, says many federal field agents knew the ATF was walking guns to Mexico, but supervisors told them to back off when they objected.
“Clearly, we went too far,” Coulson said. “The question we had among rank and file law enforcement was, ‘When is someone going to call ATF on this, when is someone going to tell them to stop?’”
Coulson’s remarks jibe with what is already known about the operation. The DEA, the FBI and ICE, also known as Immigration Customs and Enforcement, all played roles in the investigation.
Coulson said those agencies share the blame since top officials knew, but did little to stop, the gunrunning effort. Coulson is among the first senior public officials, current or former, who admit knowing about the botched operation.
Coulson claims he raised objections to then-DEA chief Elizabeth Kempshall, but was told it was taken care of. After attending a meeting with ATF agent in charge Bill Newell, Coulson said that’s when he and other agents “knew (Fast and Furious) was not some sort of benign, pie-in-the-sky publicity stunt. Guns were actually getting in the hands of criminals.”
According to Congressional testimony and documents obtained by Fox News, the other agencies involved include:
KUHNER: End Of The Constitution
Is America sliding toward autocratic rule? This is the essential question of Barack Obama’s presidency.
Mr. Obama vowed to “fundamentally transform” the United States. Despite his incompetence and economic failure, the president is making good on his central promise: the destruction of our constitutional republic. He is trying - piece by painful piece - to reverse the legacy of the Founding Fathers. Conservatives have underestimated him at their peril. For Mr. Obama is not simply an inept, liberal president in the mold of Jimmy Carter. He is an ideological revolutionary who seeks to sweep away traditional America.
The American war of independence did not just overthrow British imperial domination. The Founders forged something almost unique in history: a nation devoted to individual liberty, Christian civilization and federalism. The rule of men was replaced bythe rule of law. The linchpin was constitutional government based on the separation of powers and checks and balances. The American system is entirely predicated on the Constitution. Once the Constitution becomes meaningless or just an inconvenient piece of paper, the American experiment is over. The republic is dead.
This is what’s at stake. Mr. Obama is acting like an arbitrary tyrant. He is running roughshod over the Constitution, egregiously, repeatedly and deliberately violating its restraints and clear limits on federal power. He has publicly admitted that he finds Congress a nuisance, an “obstacle” to his secular socialist project. He has said that he often thinks about “going it alone.” In fact, this is what he has done - so far, largely with impunity.
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Mr. Obama vowed to “fundamentally transform” the United States. Despite his incompetence and economic failure, the president is making good on his central promise: the destruction of our constitutional republic. He is trying - piece by painful piece - to reverse the legacy of the Founding Fathers. Conservatives have underestimated him at their peril. For Mr. Obama is not simply an inept, liberal president in the mold of Jimmy Carter. He is an ideological revolutionary who seeks to sweep away traditional America.
The American war of independence did not just overthrow British imperial domination. The Founders forged something almost unique in history: a nation devoted to individual liberty, Christian civilization and federalism. The rule of men was replaced bythe rule of law. The linchpin was constitutional government based on the separation of powers and checks and balances. The American system is entirely predicated on the Constitution. Once the Constitution becomes meaningless or just an inconvenient piece of paper, the American experiment is over. The republic is dead.
This is what’s at stake. Mr. Obama is acting like an arbitrary tyrant. He is running roughshod over the Constitution, egregiously, repeatedly and deliberately violating its restraints and clear limits on federal power. He has publicly admitted that he finds Congress a nuisance, an “obstacle” to his secular socialist project. He has said that he often thinks about “going it alone.” In fact, this is what he has done - so far, largely with impunity.
Read more here
WOLF: Time For A Romneycare Mea Culpa
Conservative voters have a message for the Republican establishment: Not so fast. The Washington-knows-best GOP insiders who gave us John McCain, George W. Bush, Bob Dole and George H.W. Bush are now pushing Mitt Romney. Conservative voters are pushing back. Hard.
Self-described conservatives outnumber liberals in America two to one - 42 percent to 21 percent, according to Gallup polling - so it’s no surprise that Republican candidates describe themselves as conservative. Heck, even Barack Obama once described former president and New Dealer Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Mr. Big Government himself, as an “economic conservative.” (Of course, compared to himself, President Obama is almost right, but that’s another matter.)
Yet, for all these “conservatives,” our out-of-control government continues to metastasize into every area of our lives, from choosing our light bulbs to choosing our doctors.
The word “conservative” is at risk of losing its meaning. Liberals like Mr. Obama have launched a calculated assault on the word, falsely claiming the mantle in an effort to disguise their march toward statism. What’s far worse, however, is when conservatives - or at least people who genuinely believe themselves to be so - erode conservatism from within.
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist,” said French poet Charles Baudelaire. The greatest trick statists could ever pull would be convincing the voters they are conservatives.
Witness columnist Ann Coulter, who until recently was an unapologetic voice for the conservative principles of limited government and the free-enterprise system. There’s a conservative case to be made for Mr. Romney, at least for his recent conversion to conservatism, but Ms. Coulter instead chooses to undercut conservatism to benefit her candidate. She claims that Romneycare, the blueprint for Obamacare, the most dramatic lunge toward socialism in our lifetime, is “a massive triumph for conservative free-market principles.”
Does she have any idea the damage she does to the conservative cause with those words? Shielded by the Coulter seal of approval for government-run universal health care, liberals will have little problem labeling as “conservative” any of their statist agenda - from food stamps to free mortgages.
More here
Self-described conservatives outnumber liberals in America two to one - 42 percent to 21 percent, according to Gallup polling - so it’s no surprise that Republican candidates describe themselves as conservative. Heck, even Barack Obama once described former president and New Dealer Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Mr. Big Government himself, as an “economic conservative.” (Of course, compared to himself, President Obama is almost right, but that’s another matter.)
Yet, for all these “conservatives,” our out-of-control government continues to metastasize into every area of our lives, from choosing our light bulbs to choosing our doctors.
The word “conservative” is at risk of losing its meaning. Liberals like Mr. Obama have launched a calculated assault on the word, falsely claiming the mantle in an effort to disguise their march toward statism. What’s far worse, however, is when conservatives - or at least people who genuinely believe themselves to be so - erode conservatism from within.
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist,” said French poet Charles Baudelaire. The greatest trick statists could ever pull would be convincing the voters they are conservatives.
Witness columnist Ann Coulter, who until recently was an unapologetic voice for the conservative principles of limited government and the free-enterprise system. There’s a conservative case to be made for Mr. Romney, at least for his recent conversion to conservatism, but Ms. Coulter instead chooses to undercut conservatism to benefit her candidate. She claims that Romneycare, the blueprint for Obamacare, the most dramatic lunge toward socialism in our lifetime, is “a massive triumph for conservative free-market principles.”
Does she have any idea the damage she does to the conservative cause with those words? Shielded by the Coulter seal of approval for government-run universal health care, liberals will have little problem labeling as “conservative” any of their statist agenda - from food stamps to free mortgages.
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Obama To Unveil Budget With Higher Taxes, More Deficits
President Obama’s budget request to Congress Monday will forecast a deficit of $1.33 trillion in the current fiscal year and calls for $1.5 trillion in tax increases over the next decade, senior administration officials said Friday night.
The spending plan for fiscal 2013 also anticipates a deficit of $901 billion next year and includes more than $350 billion in spending on short-term measures to create jobs.
Much of that spending is unfinished business from last year’s jobs bill that the president has been pushing, such as $30 billion for states to hire new teachers and first responders, and extending the payroll tax cut an unemployment benefits through the end of this year. As Mr. Obama seeks reelection this year, he is railing against congressional Republicans to approve more of his spending proposals to create jobs and stimulate the economy.
The budget would also spend $476 billion for a six-year reauthorization of the surface transportation bill.
The projected deficit in the current fiscal year is higher than the $1.29 trillion deficit in 2011. Last week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the fiscal 2012 deficit would be $1.15 trillion.
Tax increases will feature prominently in the new budget, which Mr. Obama will unveil at 11 a.m. Monday at the Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, Va. Consistent with the proposal he made to Congress in September, the president will call for an end to the Bush-era tax cuts for families earning more than $250,000 annually. Over the next decade, that proposal would raise $866 billion.
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The spending plan for fiscal 2013 also anticipates a deficit of $901 billion next year and includes more than $350 billion in spending on short-term measures to create jobs.
Much of that spending is unfinished business from last year’s jobs bill that the president has been pushing, such as $30 billion for states to hire new teachers and first responders, and extending the payroll tax cut an unemployment benefits through the end of this year. As Mr. Obama seeks reelection this year, he is railing against congressional Republicans to approve more of his spending proposals to create jobs and stimulate the economy.
The budget would also spend $476 billion for a six-year reauthorization of the surface transportation bill.
The projected deficit in the current fiscal year is higher than the $1.29 trillion deficit in 2011. Last week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the fiscal 2012 deficit would be $1.15 trillion.
Tax increases will feature prominently in the new budget, which Mr. Obama will unveil at 11 a.m. Monday at the Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, Va. Consistent with the proposal he made to Congress in September, the president will call for an end to the Bush-era tax cuts for families earning more than $250,000 annually. Over the next decade, that proposal would raise $866 billion.
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LaPierre: Obama Out To Erase Second Amendment
Should President Barack Obama secure a second term as president it will “break the back of the Second Amendment” and excise the right to bear arms from the Constitution, the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre told Newsmax.TV.
The executive vice president of the NRA, in an exclusive interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, said the GOP candidates for president are all solid in their support of the Second Amendment.
“People have to keep in mind out there that if President Obama gets one more term it will break the back of the Second Amendment in this country,” LaPierre said. “He is out to erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights, excise it from the Constitution of the United States.
This is the most dangerous election of our lifetime if you are a supporter of the Second Amendment. And the truth really is if he gets reelected we will go to our grave mourning the freedom that will be lost.”
The executive vice president of the NRA, in an exclusive interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, said the GOP candidates for president are all solid in their support of the Second Amendment.
“People have to keep in mind out there that if President Obama gets one more term it will break the back of the Second Amendment in this country,” LaPierre said. “He is out to erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights, excise it from the Constitution of the United States.
This is the most dangerous election of our lifetime if you are a supporter of the Second Amendment. And the truth really is if he gets reelected we will go to our grave mourning the freedom that will be lost.”
Prepper's Commentary About Storing Up For National Emergency
I believe the feature articles by Prepper regarding preparation for a pending national calamity are very valuable to SBYnews readers. I have been rethinking my own household - not that I'm a pessimist - but because it is the only prudent thing to do in light of what is happening here in Maryland. With so many festering problems; run-a-way government debt, rising gas prices, unemployment, banking crisis, rumors of wars - etc.
Thank Prepper for the valuable advice and encourage her or him to keep it coming. I firmly believe that something dramatic is definitely going to happen. It is not a question as to will it happen - but when.
Thank Prepper for the valuable advice and encourage her or him to keep it coming. I firmly believe that something dramatic is definitely going to happen. It is not a question as to will it happen - but when.
Congress To Investigate Botched Chinese Defection
Obama administration rebuffed a senior Chinese police official in southern China who sought to defect, turning him away after his presence became known to Chinese security forces.
An administration official familiar with China affairs said the botched defection of Wang Lijun, a vice mayor and chief crime investigator in Chongquing, was mishandled not only by local American officials in China but also by White House and State Department officials in Washington unwilling to upset China by granting Wang refuge in the consulate.
An administration official familiar with China affairs said the botched defection of Wang Lijun, a vice mayor and chief crime investigator in Chongquing, was mishandled not only by local American officials in China but also by White House and State Department officials in Washington unwilling to upset China by granting Wang refuge in the consulate.
Malkin: ‘To Stop The Multiplication Of The Unfit’
If you aren’t creeped out by the No Birth Control Left Behind rhetoric of the White House and Planned Parenthood, you aren’t listening closely enough. The anesthetic of progressive benevolence always dulls the senses. Wake up.
When a bunch of wealthy white women and elite Washington bureaucrats defend the trampling of religious liberties in the name of “increased access” to “reproductive services” for “poor” women, the ghost of Margaret Sanger is cackling.
As she wrote in her autobiography, Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916 “to stop the multiplication of the unfit.” This, she boasted, would be “the most important and greatest step towards race betterment.”
While she oversaw the mass murder of black babies, Sanger cynically recruited minority activists to front her death racket. She conspired with eugenics financier and businessman Clarence Gamble to “hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities” to sell their genocidal policies as community health and welfare services.
Outright murder wouldn’t sell. But wrapping it under the egalitarian cloak of “women’s health” — and adorning it with the moral authority of black churches — would. Sanger and Gamble called their deadly campaign “The Negro Project.”
In other writings, historian Mike Perry found, Sanger attacked programs that provided “medical and nursing facilities to slum mothers” because they “facilitate the function of maternity” when “the absolute necessity is to discourage it.” In an essay included in her writing collection held by the Library of Congress, Sanger urged her abortion-clinic colleagues to “breed a race of thoroughbreds.” Nationwide “birth control bureaus” would propagate the proper “science of breeding” to stop impoverished, non-white women from “breeding like weeds.”
Speaking with CBS veteran journalist Mike Wallace in 1957, long after her racist views had supposedly mellowed, Sanger again revealed her true colors: “I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world — that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin — that people can — can commit.”
Sanger also elaborated on her anti-Catholic animus, telling one of Wallace’s reporters that New York Catholics had no right to protest the use of their tax dollars for city birth-control programs: “It’s not only wrong, it should be made illegal for any religious group to prohibit dissemination of birth control — even among its own members.” When Wallace pressed her (“In other words, you would like to see the government legislate religious beliefs in a certain sense?”), Sanger laughed nervously and disavowed the remarks.
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When a bunch of wealthy white women and elite Washington bureaucrats defend the trampling of religious liberties in the name of “increased access” to “reproductive services” for “poor” women, the ghost of Margaret Sanger is cackling.
As she wrote in her autobiography, Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916 “to stop the multiplication of the unfit.” This, she boasted, would be “the most important and greatest step towards race betterment.”
While she oversaw the mass murder of black babies, Sanger cynically recruited minority activists to front her death racket. She conspired with eugenics financier and businessman Clarence Gamble to “hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities” to sell their genocidal policies as community health and welfare services.
Outright murder wouldn’t sell. But wrapping it under the egalitarian cloak of “women’s health” — and adorning it with the moral authority of black churches — would. Sanger and Gamble called their deadly campaign “The Negro Project.”
In other writings, historian Mike Perry found, Sanger attacked programs that provided “medical and nursing facilities to slum mothers” because they “facilitate the function of maternity” when “the absolute necessity is to discourage it.” In an essay included in her writing collection held by the Library of Congress, Sanger urged her abortion-clinic colleagues to “breed a race of thoroughbreds.” Nationwide “birth control bureaus” would propagate the proper “science of breeding” to stop impoverished, non-white women from “breeding like weeds.”
Speaking with CBS veteran journalist Mike Wallace in 1957, long after her racist views had supposedly mellowed, Sanger again revealed her true colors: “I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world — that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin — that people can — can commit.”
Sanger also elaborated on her anti-Catholic animus, telling one of Wallace’s reporters that New York Catholics had no right to protest the use of their tax dollars for city birth-control programs: “It’s not only wrong, it should be made illegal for any religious group to prohibit dissemination of birth control — even among its own members.” When Wallace pressed her (“In other words, you would like to see the government legislate religious beliefs in a certain sense?”), Sanger laughed nervously and disavowed the remarks.
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Why Obama Loves Ginsburg Best
In a choice between the Constitutions of the United States and South Africa, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg gives South Africa home court advantage.
Ginsburg took a taxpayer-funded trip to Egypt where she advised Egyptians to look elsewhere than the U.S. Constitution in drafting their own. She urged them to be "aided by all Constitution-writing that has gone on since the end of World War II."
So much for the test of time and reality.
Ginsburg prefers the Constitution of South Africa (CSA), the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the European Convention on Human Rights for today. Anyone who's read her opinions and speeches knows her penchant for wandering off our constitutional reservation to find enlightenment in international and foreign laws.
Ginsburg is an advocate of abortion rights and gender equality as expressly guaranteed in the CSA. In 1977 Ginsburg and feminist Brenda Feigen-Fasteau co-authored a report titled Sex Bias in the U.S. Code for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, advocating sex integration of the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and in prisons; for reducing the age of consent for sexual acts to persons who are "less than 12 years old" and a comprehensive program of government-supported child care," to name a few.
Ginsburg took a taxpayer-funded trip to Egypt where she advised Egyptians to look elsewhere than the U.S. Constitution in drafting their own. She urged them to be "aided by all Constitution-writing that has gone on since the end of World War II."
So much for the test of time and reality.
Ginsburg prefers the Constitution of South Africa (CSA), the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the European Convention on Human Rights for today. Anyone who's read her opinions and speeches knows her penchant for wandering off our constitutional reservation to find enlightenment in international and foreign laws.
Ginsburg is an advocate of abortion rights and gender equality as expressly guaranteed in the CSA. In 1977 Ginsburg and feminist Brenda Feigen-Fasteau co-authored a report titled Sex Bias in the U.S. Code for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, advocating sex integration of the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and in prisons; for reducing the age of consent for sexual acts to persons who are "less than 12 years old" and a comprehensive program of government-supported child care," to name a few.
How Incompetence And Malfeasance Infect The Voting Process
Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department, a recent book by J. Christian Adams, provides shocking evidence of DOJ racial bias toward minorities and the failure to apply federal law in a race-neutral fashion. A five-year DOJ Voting Rights Section veteran, Adams cites his firsthand experience with officials who sought to promote a radical racialist agenda and who knowingly violated the National Voting Rights Act (NVRA). Adams sounds an alarm, arguing that the values and actions pursued by the DOJ jeopardize our constitutional republic and endanger America's core principles of government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Violations of the voting process depicted in Adams' book are manifold and include incompetence, fraud, partisanship, and intimidation or thuggery. These rampant and pervasive problems warrant serious interventions to curb abuses of a right Americans hold sacrosanct. Fortunately, citizens' groups are becoming more involved in elections and have recognized the need to do more to protect the rights of the electorate under the law.
Problems with elections begin with poorly trained poll workers. The quality of training varies from district to district, which can significantly impact election integrity. Myriad government regulations and complicated logistical procedures create confusion among well-meaning poll workers as these people attempt to manage election operations. Incompetence can include poll workers improperly turning away legitimate voters or inadvertently admitting illegitimate voters. In states where voter IDs are not required or permitted, determining who is a legitimate voter can be a daunting if not impossible task.
Other problems include failure to properly administer provisional ballots, which are used when questions arise about a voter's eligibility, and failure to provide adequate instruction to voters requiring assistance. Handling of spoiled ballots is also a source of errors, with remedies left to individual districts, counties, and states.
Further, no methodology exists in Maryland, and perhaps other states, to update voter rolls when residents sell their homes, move, or change residences, according to Cathy Kelleher, president of Election Integrity Maryland, a nonprofit grassroots organization dedicated to cleaning up voting rolls and training volunteers to be poll watchers. Although voters may submit a form, it may or may not be used to make the necessary changes, says Kelleher. She cites examples of multiple families listed as residing and voting at one address. She has found cases in which registered voters' addresses were actually an open field or a parking lot, in which property demolitions were not taken into account, and in which voter lists contained the names of deceased persons who formerly resided at a local nursing home.
Voter fraud is widespread and has played a critical role in many close races. Abuses include registering more than once and voting multiple times; forced "assistance" of voters; suppression of the military vote; voting by felons, non-citizens, and the underaged; and voting using names of deceased voters or fictional people -- including cartoon characters and dogs.
In the case of the voter registration group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) -- renamed AHCOA (Affordable Housing Centers of America) -- and its affiliate, Project Vote, federal investigators found misappropriated funds from a federal grant; registration of nearly 12,000 non-citizens in Colorado alone; a report from Philadelphia officials of over 8,000 improper voter registrations; and several thousand fraudulent registrations in Indiana, with names and addresses pulled from telephone books and forged signatures.
Although FBI investigative reports delineate serious allegations of corruption and voter registration fraud by ACORN, the Obama administration in 2009 shut down a criminal investigation of the group without filing criminal charges.
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Violations of the voting process depicted in Adams' book are manifold and include incompetence, fraud, partisanship, and intimidation or thuggery. These rampant and pervasive problems warrant serious interventions to curb abuses of a right Americans hold sacrosanct. Fortunately, citizens' groups are becoming more involved in elections and have recognized the need to do more to protect the rights of the electorate under the law.
Problems with elections begin with poorly trained poll workers. The quality of training varies from district to district, which can significantly impact election integrity. Myriad government regulations and complicated logistical procedures create confusion among well-meaning poll workers as these people attempt to manage election operations. Incompetence can include poll workers improperly turning away legitimate voters or inadvertently admitting illegitimate voters. In states where voter IDs are not required or permitted, determining who is a legitimate voter can be a daunting if not impossible task.
Other problems include failure to properly administer provisional ballots, which are used when questions arise about a voter's eligibility, and failure to provide adequate instruction to voters requiring assistance. Handling of spoiled ballots is also a source of errors, with remedies left to individual districts, counties, and states.
Further, no methodology exists in Maryland, and perhaps other states, to update voter rolls when residents sell their homes, move, or change residences, according to Cathy Kelleher, president of Election Integrity Maryland, a nonprofit grassroots organization dedicated to cleaning up voting rolls and training volunteers to be poll watchers. Although voters may submit a form, it may or may not be used to make the necessary changes, says Kelleher. She cites examples of multiple families listed as residing and voting at one address. She has found cases in which registered voters' addresses were actually an open field or a parking lot, in which property demolitions were not taken into account, and in which voter lists contained the names of deceased persons who formerly resided at a local nursing home.
Voter fraud is widespread and has played a critical role in many close races. Abuses include registering more than once and voting multiple times; forced "assistance" of voters; suppression of the military vote; voting by felons, non-citizens, and the underaged; and voting using names of deceased voters or fictional people -- including cartoon characters and dogs.
In the case of the voter registration group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) -- renamed AHCOA (Affordable Housing Centers of America) -- and its affiliate, Project Vote, federal investigators found misappropriated funds from a federal grant; registration of nearly 12,000 non-citizens in Colorado alone; a report from Philadelphia officials of over 8,000 improper voter registrations; and several thousand fraudulent registrations in Indiana, with names and addresses pulled from telephone books and forged signatures.
Although FBI investigative reports delineate serious allegations of corruption and voter registration fraud by ACORN, the Obama administration in 2009 shut down a criminal investigation of the group without filing criminal charges.
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Poll: Santorum Takes 15-Point National Lead
Rick Santorum has taken the lead nationally in the Republican presidential race for the first time, a new poll showed.
Less than a week after besting Romney in primary contests in three states, Rick Santorum has a 15-point lead on the former Massachusetts governor, according to a national poll released Saturday by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling. Recent polls had shown Romney up about 10 points on Newt Gingrich, his nearest rival.
Santorum leads Mitt Romney 38 percent to 23 percent in the new poll, while Gingrich is in third place with 17 percent. Ron Paul comes in last with 13 percent.
This is the first major national poll to show Santorum in the lead. The closest he had come previously was after his surprise win in Iowa the first week of January, but even then, Romney performed 10 points better than Santorum nationally.
But Santorum has been riding a wave of momentum since his surprise performance on Tuesday, when he defeated the front-runner not only in Minnesota and Missouri, but also in Colorado, a supposed Romney stronghold. Santorum's campaign has said he has raised more than $2 million since Tuesday, and he was the biggest attraction on Saturday when about 10,000 activists packed the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.
Some of Santorum's success in the new poll may be attributed to declining support for both Romney and Gingrich. Romney's favorability rating has declined substantially in PPP's polling and now stands at 44 percent — just one percentage point higher than the 43 percent who say they disapprove. Santorum remains highly popular, with 64 percent saying they approve and just 22 percent viewing him negatively. Gingrich's numbers are almost identical to those of Romney.
Less than a week after besting Romney in primary contests in three states, Rick Santorum has a 15-point lead on the former Massachusetts governor, according to a national poll released Saturday by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling. Recent polls had shown Romney up about 10 points on Newt Gingrich, his nearest rival.
Santorum leads Mitt Romney 38 percent to 23 percent in the new poll, while Gingrich is in third place with 17 percent. Ron Paul comes in last with 13 percent.
This is the first major national poll to show Santorum in the lead. The closest he had come previously was after his surprise win in Iowa the first week of January, but even then, Romney performed 10 points better than Santorum nationally.
But Santorum has been riding a wave of momentum since his surprise performance on Tuesday, when he defeated the front-runner not only in Minnesota and Missouri, but also in Colorado, a supposed Romney stronghold. Santorum's campaign has said he has raised more than $2 million since Tuesday, and he was the biggest attraction on Saturday when about 10,000 activists packed the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.
Some of Santorum's success in the new poll may be attributed to declining support for both Romney and Gingrich. Romney's favorability rating has declined substantially in PPP's polling and now stands at 44 percent — just one percentage point higher than the 43 percent who say they disapprove. Santorum remains highly popular, with 64 percent saying they approve and just 22 percent viewing him negatively. Gingrich's numbers are almost identical to those of Romney.
Superintendent John Fredericksen Will Not Receive Board Of Ed Vote Tuesday

While most had been under the understanding that Superintendent of the Wicomico County Board of Education John Fredericksen would be voted yes or no to hire him for another term would be this Tuesday, the Board has chosen to delay that vote until next month.
Salisbury News has learned that the entire Board will not be present on Tuesday, therefore they have delayed the vote.
So what does this mean. Well, it means we have more time to deliver information, (good or bad) for another month. If you have information you feel is important I strongly suggest you get that information/documents to us.
America's textbook prelude to war
Since the 60's those in the positions of power have manipulated our military, our intelligence network, and our media to garner public support for war. Most of us were none the wiser. It seems that hasn't changed. None of it. Our government is still manipulating the media to garner public support and many of us are still believing the nonsense. Sadly, until we see the errors of the past, we're destined to repeat them. Once we learn of these things it's easy to recognize that they are still going on.
I recently read some documents that clearly indicate this. In February, 1962, Robert Kennedy ordered a stop to all anti-Castro efforts but the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs decided that the only choice was to trick the American Public into war. Chairman Lemintzer developed a plan called Operation Northwoods which would lay the groundwork for carrying out false flag attacks against our own interests and personnel and blame it on the Cuban government in order to justify acts of war against Cuba. Get this....the plans included creating protests in Havanna AND in many cities in Florida. Doesn't that sound familiar? We've seen protests in EVERY country that has recently overthrown their government. Every one of them carried out atrocities against it's people. Then we "helped" the people by using cruise missiles, etc. We fed our military industrial complex by borrowing money to use our defensive weapons on an offensive manner creating massive collateral damage bringing harm to innocent children. Don't get me wrong. If a war is truly justified, I couldn't care less about the make up of the casualties on the enemies side. But for oil? To put someone in power who will burden their citizens with taxation to pay back the world banks? No. This has to end.
Below is a link to the documents relating to Operation Northwoods. Most of you will be amazed that this corrupt behavior is all right there in black and white. Read them and then compare them to what's going on in the middle east right now.
I recently read some documents that clearly indicate this. In February, 1962, Robert Kennedy ordered a stop to all anti-Castro efforts but the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs decided that the only choice was to trick the American Public into war. Chairman Lemintzer developed a plan called Operation Northwoods which would lay the groundwork for carrying out false flag attacks against our own interests and personnel and blame it on the Cuban government in order to justify acts of war against Cuba. Get this....the plans included creating protests in Havanna AND in many cities in Florida. Doesn't that sound familiar? We've seen protests in EVERY country that has recently overthrown their government. Every one of them carried out atrocities against it's people. Then we "helped" the people by using cruise missiles, etc. We fed our military industrial complex by borrowing money to use our defensive weapons on an offensive manner creating massive collateral damage bringing harm to innocent children. Don't get me wrong. If a war is truly justified, I couldn't care less about the make up of the casualties on the enemies side. But for oil? To put someone in power who will burden their citizens with taxation to pay back the world banks? No. This has to end.
Below is a link to the documents relating to Operation Northwoods. Most of you will be amazed that this corrupt behavior is all right there in black and white. Read them and then compare them to what's going on in the middle east right now.
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