DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, May 14, 2012
Drop The Cash From Helicopters!
Dominant Social Theme: If only we could print as much money as we want. That would make the banks happy, anyway ...
Free-Market Analysis: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has gotten to the heart of the matter in a recent article on monetary contraction (see above). He rightly points out that less money is circulating but then comes quickly to a Keynesian conclusion that more money will provide the antidote.
Because of all of the conflicting information surrounding this subject, it takes a long time to figure it out. But one thing is for sure: "Printing" money is not the solution.
Unlike many, Evans-Pritchard has gotten the problem right in the past. For a variety of reasons, money is not circulating around the world.
Coulbourne Mill Rd Work Postponed
It's About Time
Government Wants To Fly Unmanned Aircraft Over US
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I will give you ONE warning and this one is it. Either you pull ALL of your Websites within 24 hours or I will expose you to the entire world, including your Wife.
I'm sure the people of Princess Anne will enjoy learning ALL of the nasty things you have said over the years about my Wife and Grandson.
More importantly, should you not completely remove your Anti Albero Blogs right away I will also expose your connection with Chuck Cook and Mayor Jim Ireton as well.
You see Folks, Salisbury News now has all the information necessary to sue Rob & Julie. We have always kept a running record of those people who have defamed my Wife and Grandson over the years as we knew there would come a day when we would find out who these people are. Perhaps F.P. Winters would like to know about your past as well.
Pull those Websites or expect to hire a lawyer because NO ONE attacks my Wife and Grandson like a coward hiding behind fictitious names and gets away with it.
As for Mayor Jim Ireton and Chuck Cook, you screw with me in this upcoming election and I will expose everything. Just remember boys, the depositions will include ALL of you. The information we'll be able to disclose will destroy your political careers forever. I'm sure Governor O'Malley would be very interested in learning what I know as well.
If you think I'm playing, try me. You ALL have 24 hours to shut down or we're filing suit against ALL of you.
Date Set For A Public Airing Of The Secret Service Prostitution Scandal
Tick Removal
"I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes is the best way to remove a tick. This is great because it works in those places where it's sometimes difficult to get to with tweezers: between toes, in the middle of a head full of dark hair, etc.
"Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20); the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away. This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me.
"Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging in any way. I even had my doctor's wife call me for advice because she had one stuck to her back and she couldn't reach it with tweezers. She used this method and immediately called me back to say, "It worked!"
Dog Living Under a School with a Terrible Infection is Rescued
The flesh-eating infection she had would've killed her for sure,
but thank God she was rescued and shown the love she deserves.
This is great.
Disabled Troops Inspire Gary Sinise to Give Back
Everybody, myself included, will tell you meeting the wounded from America's wars is a life-changing experience. That's certainly what happened to the actor Gary Sinise. You may know him as Detective Mac Taylor, the character he plays on the CBS series "CSI: NY," or as "Lieutenant Dan," the gung-ho Army officer who loses both legs in Vietnam in the film classic "Forrest Gump."
Israel Won’t Be at ‘Biggest Summit in NATO History’
Sen. Rand Paul on Obama: 'What Version of the Bible is He Reading?'
Book: Obama Team Tried to Pay Rev. Wright $150K To Keep Quiet Until After 2008 Election
“The Amateur,” author Edward Klein’s unauthorized biography of Obama, has been making waves with explosive claims that former President Bill Clinton called Obama an “amateur” and encouraged Hillary Clinton to quit her secretary of state post and run against him in 2012.
The New York Post on Sunday published a conversation between Wright and Klein, the latest tidbit to come from the book. In it, Wright said once his fiery sermons surfaced during the 2008 campaign, he received an email asking him not to preach until after November:
“Who sent the e-mail?” I asked Wright.
“It was from one of Barack’s closest friends.”
“He offered you money?”
“Not directly,” Wright said. “He sent the offer to one of the members of the church, who sent it to me.”
“How much money did he offer you?”
“One hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” Wright said.
When You Advertise With Salisbury News You Get A Packed House
Talk about a BLAST! I want to thank the huge volume of people who attended the Melson Tractor Pull event this past Saturday night.
We arrived right at 5 PM and as you can see from the pictures above, there wasn't just a line for people to get in, hundreds of people had already shown up and finding a parking space was not easy, especially as the evening went on.
As I stated earlier, we arrived at 5 PM and didn't leave until around midnight, it was that much fun. They had lawn mower pulling events for the kids, tractor pull events, truck pull events and mud races as well.
If you've never been, trust me, this is a fantastic time for the entire Family for only $5.00 a head. The event happens every 2nd weekend of the month. One thing is for sure, we'll be there next month too.
Newsweek: Obama ‘First Gay President’
The cover pictures Obama with a rainbow-colored halo over his head. The New Yorker's cover for this week, likewise, is an image of the White House, with the iconic columns on its South portico arranged in the colors of the rainbow — a prominent symbol for gay rights.
The Newsweek cover goes a step further by adding the religious symbol of a halo above Obama's head.
Obama said this week that he is personally comfortable with same-sex marriage — the first time a sitting president has taken that position.
Out Of Step With The World: Juvenile Life Without Parole In The United States
While the Supreme Court ruled in Graham v. Florida that it is “cruel and unusual” punishment to sentence children who commit nonhomicide offenses to life without parole — and this year may decide that the Constitution prohibits such a sentence for children 14 and under who commit homicide offenses — U.S. courts have thus-far rejected challenges to the practice of sentencing children to life without parole for homicide offenses. Today, the United States is the only country in the world that that allows child offenders to be locked away for life.
Having been unsuccessful in their efforts before U.S. courts, in 2006, Matthew and 31 other individuals serving life without parole sentences in Michigan for crimes committed when they were children sought to challenge their sentences under international human rights law. Earlier this month, we were pleased to learn that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights announced that it will hear their case. This decision gives the commission the green light to consider whether the United States violated international human rights law — specifically its obligations under the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man — by sentencing children to life without parole.
Report Says 230,000 Unemployed Losing Benefits Over Weekend
The Revolution Governments World Wide Don’t Want You To Know About
In Iceland, the people have made the government resign, the primary banks have been nationalized, it was decided to not pay the debt that these created with Great Britain and Holland due to their bad financial politics and a public assembly has been created to rewrite the constitution.
And all of this in a peaceful way. A whole revolution against the powers that have created the current global crisis. This is why there hasn’t been any publicity during the last two years: What would happen if the rest of the EU citizens took this as an example? What would happen if the US citizens took this as an example.
This is a summary of the facts:
2008. The main bank of the country is nationalized.
The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market stops. The country is in bankruptcy
2008. The citizens protest in front of parliament and manage to get new elections that make the resignation of the prime minister and his whole govenment.
The country is in a bad economic situation.
Lawmakers Stay Largely Silent Over Chinese Takeover of US Bank Branches
Leave Your Kids In Public School
Here are some of the reasons parents give as to why they decide to home school:
Concern about the school environment (safety, drugs, negative peer-pressure, etc.)
Dissatisfaction with academic instruction
To provide religious and/or moral instruction
for mental or physical health accommodation
I actually don’t think home schooling solves the problems parents think it does (omitting mental or physical health conditions). Well, individually it may, but long-term and for society, it does little. For example, home schooling your children isn’t necessary in order to provide religious education (83% of home schooling parents cite religious reasons for their choice to home school). That can and should be done at home anyway, and could be done instead of watching television or some other activity. And concern for the school environment? I don’t see it as a big problem either since most who home school are in rural and suburban areas (as opposed to urban areas). I think the concerns that parents have about the environment (in many, if not most) of the schools is over-blown. Many parents have the belief that the world is much more dangerous than when they were children, which is simply not true.
The one reason I find both legitimate and self-imposed is their dissatisfaction with the academic instruction. I say it’s self-imposed because it really is, in a non-direct way.
What Kind Of Society Do Americans Want?
On 7 May 2012 a new study came out on healthcare in the United States. Based on research carried out by the Urban Institute, the report is published in the journal Health Affairs. Here are some of its findings:
– There is a prevailing “trend toward private insurance policies with larger deductibles and higher co-payments…”
– “Employers [are] shifting more [heath care] costs onto workers.”
– “Poor and uninsured adults [there are presently 41 million such people in the U.S.] had greater difficulties not just with health care costs, but finding doctors who would see them.” In addition, “too few providers are taking Medicaid” patients.
– One consequence of this trend is that “one in five American adults under 65 had an ‘unmet medical need’ because of costs in 2010, compared with one in eight in 2000.”
What all this means is that health care in the U.S. has deteriorated in the first decade of the 21st century. That was also reflected in a 2005 study by the World Health Organization that ranked the United States (supposedly the richest of nations) as 141st in government spending on health. Perhaps not unrelated, the U.S. ranks number 1 in the world when it comes to anxiety disorders.
Time For Elizabeth Warren To Fess Up
She did not deny the facts that I established but immediately changed the subject, claiming that the story was simply “politics as usual.” “I think what this is about is Scott Brown trying to change the subject,” the Boston Herald reports she said. “He just wants to find a way to talk about something else, and I think it’s wrong. I think this is why people are turned off on Washington politics.”
To the contrary, my story addresses a question fundamental to every political campaign in the country today: the credibility and integrity of the candidate. It was developed independent of any political campaign and has been confirmed by numerous reputable genealogical sources, including Paul Reed, who the Boston Herald describes as “a Utah genealogist who is a fellow at the American Genealogical Society.”
Reed, the Herald continues, “said he found primary documentation that shows Warren’s great-great-great grandfather Jonathan Crawford served in a Tennessee militia unit that rounded up Cherokees before they were force-marched to Oklahoma in the infamous Trail of Tears.”
“Jonathan H. Crawford did serve in the Indian wars,” said Reed. “He is listed as serving in the company that rounded up Cherokees.”
In addition to Mr. Reed, several amateur genealogists have either contacted me directly or posted comments on Breitbart News stories confirming the accuracy of my claim.
Businessman Says He Lost Hundreds of Customers After Attacks by Obama Campaign
Greece headed into 'out of control bankruptcy' - California Follows in Footsteps Of Greece - Maryland Right on the Footheels of California As Pension Fund Proposed to Shift to MD Counties
Back in the USA, the state of California is accelerating toward much the same outcome.
Suffocated by the terminal financial burden of leftist social programs, welfare handouts, runaway social services and health care costs for its millions of undocumented residents, California is also headed for its own financial implosion.
"We are now facing a $16 billion hole, not the $9 billion we thought in January," said Gov. Jerry Brown in a recent New York Times article. "This means we will have to go much further and make cuts far greater than I asked for at the beginning of the year."
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035858_Greece_bankruptcy_California.html#ixzz1urojUjq3
Maryland - although not in as dire shape as California - it does show signs of progressing down the same path as California. With Maryland's proposed MOE spending formulas, social programs, underfunded State pensions, may also be headed for its own implosion.
Mike Krieger: "Six Months Left. Can They Do It?"
- John Kenneth Galbraith
Today what we are doing is modernizing the financial services industry, tearing down those antiquated laws and granting banks significant new authority.
-Bill Clinton at the signing of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999 (which ended Glass-Steagall and gave banks full control of the United States of America)
Obama delivered heated rhetoric, but his actions signaled different priorities. Had Obama wanted to strike real fear in the hearts of bankers, he might have appointed former special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald or some other fire-breather as his attorney general. Instead, he chose Eric Holder, a former Clinton Justice official who, after a career in government, joined the Washington office of Covington & Burling, a top-tier law firm with an elite white-collar defense unit. The move to Covington, and back to Justice, is an example of Washington’s revolving-door ritual, which, for Holder, has been lucrative–he pulled in $2.1 million as a Covington partner in 2008, and $2.5 million (including deferred compensation) when he left the firm in 2009.
Gallup: Obama's Gay Marriage Endorsement Hurts More Than Helps
Results Here
But to quote my good friend Sportin’ Life, who is almost always on the mark, that ain’t necessarily so!
Not long ago Venable engaged Peter C. O’Malley not as a regular lawyer but rather "of counsel" capacity. That’s noteworthy because he has little if any experience as a practicing lawyer after he finished law school in 2000. Since then he seems to have "practiced" mostly as a political operative – according to his bio on the Venable website:
In addition to his government and private sector work, Mr. O’Malley has been an active force in Maryland politics and campaigns. He played key roles in the campaigns of his brother, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, serving as campaign manager for his 1999 and 2003 mayoral campaigns and senior advisor in his 2006 and 2010 gubernatorial campaigns. Mr. O’Malley also chaired the Maryland Democratic Party.
Also worthy of note: the Venable firm is renowned for influence peddling. The "Influence 50" survey published by the National Law Journal ranked Venable’s Legislative and Government Affairs group – of which Peter O’Malley is a member -- 15th among law firm lobbying practices and 21st among all lobbying firms for 2011. Again, this is from the Venable website. It is involved in more than just practicing law.
Is there any doubt why he became part of the team?
It’s not illegal and seems prudent to hire the Governor’s brother if you are in the business of furnishing influence at the highest level for those in need of such service who can afford to pay in order to have it. And we understand that the younger O’Malley is very good at what he does.
Income Tax Hike Worries Some Business Groups
While the governor has touted Maryland’s comparatively low tax burden on its high-income populace, some groups are concerned that the income tax hikes proposed for this week’s special session will harm Maryland’s national rankings on taxes and business climate.
Gov. Martin O’Malley on Wednesday cited various national rankings for Maryland’s income, sales and corporate taxes to show they were not as high as some opponents portray. But Larry Hogan, chairman of the pro-business Change Maryland, said the legislature’s own fiscal analysts say the state already has the second-highest income tax burden in the nation.
In its 2012 Issue Papers (page 27), the Department of Legislative Services says Maryland ranks No. 2 in the nation on its reliance on the personal income tax, according to 2009 Census data.
House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist
Maya Wiley of the Center for Social Inclusion, whose statements were distributed at a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus, cynically called conservative messages “racially coded … right-wing rhetoric has dominated debates of racial justice – undermining efforts to create a more equal society, and tearing apart the social safety net in the process” for over 25 years.
Wiley was invited to the caucus by Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif to run the Democrats "through their strategy and how they message and talk about stuff" pertaining to race and fiscal policy.
Wiley’s evidence of racism bordered on the ludicrous. Citing Newt Gingrich’s jab at President Obama for being the “food-stamp president,” Wiley whined, “Calling a black man 'the food stamp president' is not a race-neutral statement, even if Newt Gingrich did not intend racism.” She also cited Rick Santorum for racism in this statement criticizing Obama: “Give them more food stamps, give them more Medicaid is the administration's approach, rather than creating jobs.” But she wasn’t done; she also cited House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., about raising taxes to fund government programs: “I've never believed that you go raise taxes on those that are paying in, taking from them, so that you just hand out and give them to someone else.”
The Next Battle In Mythical "Taxpayer-Subsidized Abortions:" Women Seeking Hospital Care Should Be Forced To Report Abortion
Anti-choice activists have honed in on that fact to use it as an excuse to demand that those who provide abortions need to have admitting privileges in nearby emergency rooms, a practice that isn't mandated for other outpatient procedures. The purpose of the rule is to make it so fewer providers can perform abortions, although they claim it's an issue of a woman's safety.
But now, a new line is being introduced, and it's the greatest example of twisted logic yet. A provider who terminates pregnancies must have admitting privileges so that the costs of care that could be associated with addressing complications will not be transferred onto the E.R., and hence taxpayers who do not support abortion.
Did you follow that? Sort of? Well, a theory that complicated and convoluted can only be proposed by one person.
Yes, it's Phyllis Schlafly.
Autopsy Results Reveal Murdered College Student Shot 7 Times, Then Cuffed By Police
Maryland Young Republicans Chairman's: "O'Malley, Miller And Busch Are Completely Feckless"
"When the Maryland General Assembly returns to Annapolis tomorrow, it will serve as a reminder of the Democrats failure to lead in this state.
"For far too long Democrats have been trying to avoid the consequences of their reckless spending. For too long they have ignored the warning signs that prove that their philosophy of governance is unsustainable, even more so in the current economic climate. And the inability of Maryland's Democratic leaders to effectively govern our state came to a head with their inability to balance the state budget during our regular General Assembly Session.
"Martin O'Malley, Mike Miller, and Mike Busch are completely feckless. They have proven to be incapable of leading their party, and unwilling to lead Maryland in the direction it needs to be successful in the modern age. These feckless leaders are insistent on raising taxes on middle and working class Marylanders so that they can continue to grow the size of government and to provide handouts to their special interest supporters. Such irresponsible measures will continue to create a climate that makes it harder and harder for young professionals to live and work in Maryland.
"If the Governor and the General Assembly truly wish to improve the plight of Marylanders, particularly our young professionals, they will work to cut spending and lower our taxes in order to help jump start our job market and our economy. The Maryland Young Republicans are looking forward to working hard to send more common sense leaders to Annapolis in 2014."
The Maryland Young Republicans are the leading organization of Republican youth in the Old Line State. We are Maryland's officially chartered affiliate of the Young Republican National Federation. But we are so much more than that. Our clubs consist of active members of our communities. They are members of local central committees, active in community leadership, and running campaigns for office across Maryland. All young professionals who wish to help us in this cause are invited to join us at our 2012 Convention being held in Annapolis on June 2nd.
Some Ala. Farmers Cut Back Crops, Citing Crackdown
ONEONTA, Ala. (AP) — Some Alabama farmers say they are planting less produce rather than risk having tomatoes and other crops rot in the fields a second straight year because of labor shortages linked to the state's crackdown on illegal immigration.
Keith Dickie said he and other growers in the heart of Alabama's tomato country didn't have any choice but to reduce acreage amid fears there won't be enough workers to pick the delicate fruit.
Some farmers lacked enough hands to harvest crops because immigrants fled the state after Gov. Robert Bentley signed the immigration law last fall, and some told The Associated Press they fear the same thing could happen this year.
"There's too much uncertainty," said Dickie, who farms with his brother on a ridge called Straight Mountain, about 40 miles northeast of Birmingham.
Criminal Charges Should Be Brought Against the Democratic Controlled Legislators. Maryland Taxpayers Are Being Duped!
Look on Page 11 - the Maryland Legislature - in anticipation of potential litigation as a result of BRFA's enactment - has proposed a funding mechanism to try and offset a Court reversal of this legislation.
'Requires local boards of education to budget the costs to satisfy any final court judgments; prohibits the county government from reducing funds in the school budget dedicated to satisfying a final court judgment; and that, if it becomes necessary for the State to make payment, the amount will be deducted from State education aid due to that board of education in the following fiscal year
Provides an additional State grant to a county board of education to ensure that direct education aid in fiscal 2013 does not decrease by more than 5% compared to fiscal 2012'
Look on Page 19 - at how the BOE is to be funded under the newly proposed method. In my humble opinion - the MOE should not be increased, but instead, be decreased each year by the additional pension cost liability imposed on each County. The taxpayers are being 'set-up' to be enjoined by this action.
The required maintenance of effort amount paid by counties increases each year by the additional pension costs during the phase-in period.
Take a look at Page 19 of the Proposed BRFA - (Budget Reconciliation Financing Act 2012) - My Question - what makes you think the State is going to cover the liabilities - their track record shows that they are incapable of controlling losses & maintaining adequate funding levels. Moody's, Fitch, S&P have already ripped the State apart for letting the fund drop to dangerously low levels. Will not the County become culpable by withholding and advancing payment into this already underfunded account? What makes any of the localities think that the State is going to act differently this time around. The State has already lost credibility by not funding the account in 2009, 2010, and 2011.
State maintains responsibility to pay for unfunded accrued liabilities and reinvestment, as well as a portion of the normal cost and any costs above the estimates during the phase-in period.
New Posts to fall below.
Galaxy 501C Motorcycle Helmets Recalled Due To Sub-Standard Protection
Found Dog

Officials: Maryland Company Distributed Tainted Starter
ASHEVILLE, N.C. — Officials say a Maryland company distributed an ingredient that triggered a salmonella outbreak that’s made almost 60 Buncombe County residents sick.
The Asheville Citizen-Times reported the state Department of Health and Human Services confirms that a culture starter for tempeh had the type of salmonella that caused the outbreak.
Authorities say Tempeh Online sold the starter culture to Smiling Hara Tempeh, which made the bean product in Candler. Tempeh Online is based in Rockville, Md.