There has been much said about the Bridge Tenders and closing the Rt. 50 Draw Bridge to regular traffic. The new rules will be that you have to call 4 hours in advance to get the Draw Bridge raised.
Here's the catch though. You see the number provided on this sign? The Daily Times had been forewarned about this number as it was a vital part of the Tenders story and the Times refused to say anything about it.
OK, let's say you were cruising the Wicomico River and wanted to get past the Bridge to the north end. You pull up to the first bridge tower and you call the telephone number they provided on that huge blue sign, You call, 410-742-7888. Go on, call it
RIGHT NOW!You see Folks, for the past year and a half now, Gary Comegys has been informed that this number IS NO GOOD! It rings alright. However, you see the tower just behind the sign? It rings there and guess what,
NO ONE WORKS THAT TOWER ANY MORE!Even though Gary has been informed of that, he did nothing and the SHA is responsible for fixing it. The Times said nothing about it because they never called the number, Idiots! Oh, maybe I'm wrong? Maybe they have been calling every day and they're still WAITING for someone to answer the line. Yes, it rings. No one is there to answer though.
So that brings us to, just how many times WOULD the Bridge have been raised in the past year and a half since Gary Comegys KNEW the number was no good? Just how interested is the Mayor in that property on the other side of the Bridge? Just what kind of advantage would it be to have less and less traffic traveling throughout there and they refused to change the number to a working number?
You know something Ladies & Gentlemen, no mater what anyone says about Blogs, we're making more of a difference for YOU than any other source around. When you look at all that we have touched on and the Times doesn't do so, there's a LOT of crap going on around Salisbury with far too many screw ups.
It's no wonder we're getting sued by the Mayor. This is a perfect example of on purpose screw up by that administration because I know for an absolute fact that Gary Comegys has known about that number being bad for years and he was regularly reminded of it along the way.
Call the number for the hell of it and watch it ring and ring and ring, just like the Salisbury Zoo and they have Staff there to answer the phones.
UPDATE: The Daily Times has corrected me on this story. It turns out in their second story about this matter they did in fact mention the telephone number. Here's what they said.......
from the story I mentioned --
The drawbridge director said a number of pleasure boats without radios need
the bridge to be opened throughout weekends depending on the tide and can't
get through without an operator standing watch. Right now, these boaters can
call a number posted on a sign that says, "Drawbridge Tenders." But the
phone number does not go to the tower where the operators are. The director
said this is typical of how SHA, which is responsible for the sign's
information, handles things.
When asked about the incorrect phone number, SHA district engineer Donnie
Drewer said fixing the sign must have "just slipped through the cracks." The
number goes to a tower on Main Street that is no longer manned, and hasn't
been for about a year.