DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, April 16, 2012
Will Wicomico County Be Insolvent: Part 1 of 2
Last week our former Editor GA Harrison confronted County Executive Rick Pollitt in his budget meeting and asked where the amendment was referencing the $14.2 million down to $7 million to meet maintenance of effort. Rick was clearly puzzled when GA said, I have looked everywhere and I cannot find such an amendment.
There was an amendment but it never got passed to get the state to reduce the numbers to help assist the County to meet MOE. Even IF Conway could have made it happen, the County still couldn't come up with enough money to make it work unless they took it out of the County's reserves.
So what does that mean. It means there is absolutely NO WAY the County can pay the state the $14,000,000.00 they are demanding to re base the Board of Education Budget. Now the state will withhold the income tax to assure the BOE gets their money.
Wicomico County only brings in around $36,000,000.00 in income tax and since O'Malley shoved that new law into place, The Comptroller will confiscate Wicomico County's income tax.
The County Council will more than likely turn things over to the state for at least one year.
Since this new bill has come forth it will devastate the county budget for Law Enforcement, Fire Protection, Roads and Public Health, (Health Department). In order to be capable of funding MOE the County would have to force a major reduction in the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department as well as the Detention Center and the rest of the above mentioned departments.
The bottom line, the amount of taxes citizen pay will be determined by THE BOARD OF EDUCATION from this point forward. Do you believe taxing authority should rest within Wicomico County's Charter as expressed by the voters or as Norm Conway would want by turning taxing authority over to the State Board of Education?
I'll add, this is the Bill that Norm Conway sponsored, deal with it. It should be noted that this emergency Bill will NOT end this year. There will be a recurring increase for the BOE each year following.
Oh, and by the way, the Bill give the authority to override the tax cap for education funding. It's time for Norm Conway to go. He has lived off the taxpayers for years and then turns around and does this to the taxpayers. Unreal!
I will have a Part II very soon.
The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Soap Opera: Part II
That's right, the Deputies have the same disability insurance as ANY County Employee. If someone ran over a County Employee's foot with a dump truck, they would get the same disability the Deputies would receive. Now, could it and should it be better, perhaps, I don't know. However, each and every Deputy knew what they signed up for when they took the job, (with all due respect) but to pull this political CRAP and ACT like they have NOTHING is a scam.
Sheriff Lewis and Officer Funk absolutely mislead the public and I can assure you this will be proven in tomorrow's Council Meeting. The THEATRICS need to end. You know, like, we have the DNA Evidence to convict Thomas Leggs for the Death Penalty, BS! Not true, a complete LIE. Sheriff Lewis is starting to make the Department look like a three ring circus. He may be a great speaker but very much so like Obama, he's full of crap.
Because of ALL of the things mentioned above, get this, expect the FOP to withdraw COLLECTIVE BARGAINING IMMEDIATELY. From what I've already heard, it's off the table right here and now. The FOP has agreed to extend the negotiations now until June 15th. They know there is no money at this point and time and before the Council flat out tells them no, they'll table the topic.
In the mean time, in Rick Pollitt's new Budget, he actually wanted to give the Teachers and Sheriff's Department a 2% pay raise! Mind you, Rick Pollitt now knows those raises cannot happen but no other County Employees would have seen a raise.
Know that the three posts tonight on Wicomico County will have a different kind of twist in tomorrow's news. Not truth, twist. The Daily Times liberal agenda will show support towards Norm Conway and Rick Pollitt's views. WBOC will have to answer as to HOW they can claim they're held to a higher standard by investigating their stories, yet they simply produced a disability story that was completely full of crap.
I strongly urge you to either attend tomorrow's County Council Meeting or watch it on PAC 14 at 10:00 AM. It may just be one of the most important meeting you will ever witness.
Glenn: Secret Service Scandal Latest in Bizarre String of Events in Obama Administration
Have there been things that you’ve seen the past few years that you never thought you’d see? For instance, did you ever think the Secret Service would be wrapped up in a sex scandal? Or how about a President that passed judgment before all the facts came in? Glenn spent some time on radio this morning wondering why these once unthinkable things are suddenly happening.
“Can I ask a quick question. Has anybody, has anybody ever seen the Secret Service with hookers before?” Glenn asked as he opened the show.
Over the weekend, news broke that the Secret Service members advancing President Obama’s trip to Colombia were engaged in heavy drinking, partying, and prostitution. The scandal broke when one agent supposedly refused to pay $47 to the prostitute who had stayed at the hotel overnight.
Growth Of Income Inequality Is Worse Under Obama Than Bush
A better puzzle to wrestle with is why President Obama is able to continue to speak as if his administration has not presided over a significant expansion of income redistribution upward. The data on inequality shows that his policies are not incrementally better than those of his predecessor, or that we're making progress too slowly, as liberal Democrats like to argue. It doesn't even show that the outcome is the same as Bush's. No, look at this table, from Emmanuel Saez (h/t Ian Welsh). Check out those two red circles I added.
Yup, under Bush, the 1% captured a disproportionate share of the income gains from the Bush boom of 2002-2007. They got 65 cents of every dollar created in that boom, up 20 cents from when Clinton was President. Under Obama, the 1% got 93 cents of every dollar created in that boom. That's not only more than under Bush, up 28 cents. In the transition from Bush to Obama, inequality got worse, faster, than under the transition from Clinton to Bush. Obama accelerated the growth of inequality.
Romney: Poor Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside The Home Or Lose Welfare
Romney and allies cried that Democrats had declared "war on moms" after a Democratic strategist said Romney's wife hadn't worked a day in her life. Romney's camp said this meant Democrats don't value stay at home moms and motherhood, while they believe that women who stay home are doing real work.
But for every Romney action, there is an equal and opposite Romney reaction, and this morning, MSNBC's Chris Hayes dug up a video of Romney from just January in which the Republican presidential candidate said he wanted to require women who receive welfare to work outside the home, even if their children are very young. He told a New Hampshire audience:
"I wanted to increase the work requirement," said Romney. "I said, for instance, that even if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, 'Well that's heartless.' And I said, 'No, no, I'm willing to spend more giving day care to allow those parents to go back to work. It'll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work."
Bennett Middle School Is Off The Table
That being said, it amazes me how there is less teen pregnancies, less growth in population and yet the liberals are pushing for $100,000,000.00 schools!
We didn't have tablets, air conditioning and all the technology offered today, yet we got a better education and go figure, we survived. Heck, calculators were just coming into play and frankly I can recall teachers never wanting to see one anywhere near a student. You either did the math on paper or in their eyes you were cheating.
Do you recall the Director of the Library and the Mayor pushing for a new Library in Wicomico county. We recently put up an article showing how, (nation wide) the number of people using the public Library has dropped in massive numbers. Its no wonder they want the homeless there visiting. They have to account for some traffic.
Fortunately because of public pressure the idea was dropped. Well, so should Bennett Middle School. It seems to me that the people here on the Eastern Shore don't just need a brick slammed on the side of their heads, they need cinder blocks slamming them on the head in order to get their attention. THERE'S NO MONEY!!!!! The liberals are stealing everything that is left and don't you dare ever say I didn't warn all of you.
To those people who come on here claiming they want a better education for their children, MOVE TO DELMAR!
CISPA, aka SOPA 2.0, Pushed Forward By For-Profit Spying Lobby
The proposal, H.R.3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011, introduced by Congressmen Mike Rogers (R-MI) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), provides companies and the government "free rein to bypass existing laws in order to monitor communications, filter content, or potentially even shut down access to online services for 'cybersecurity purposes.'" Though the bill has been compared to SOPA given its potential to smother free speech on the Internet, the ill-fated copyright legislation that inspired an intense lobbying battle earlier this year, much of the tech community has has joined with copyright interests to support CISPA.
A full list of companies and trade groups supporting the legislation, from Facebook to AT&T, can be found here. Combing through the lobbyist disclosure forms, Republic Report noticed that two of the top firms spending a lot of money to pass CISPA are major National Security Agency (NSA) contractors:
Frackers Outbid Farmers For Water In Colorado Drought
The drought comes after a record-breaking warm winter that left very low "snowpack levels" in water basins. "Even though the reservoir levels are still strong and northeast Colorado soil moisture is still pretty good, we just don't usually start out quite this warm and dry at this time — so this is very concerning," CSU climatologist Nolan Doesken said. "In 2002, things didn't seem that bad at the end of March, as March had been quite cool, with some snow."
Colorado's hydrofracking boom — a technology that heavily relies on water — only adds additional strain as farmers and drillers bid for a scarce resource:
That JetBlue Pilot Who Freaked Out Was Indicted
Beware "Vanishing Deductibles" In Car Insurance
We Said 'So Long' To SOPA -- Should We Be Worrying About CISPA Now?
Own GE Appliances? Get To Work On Your Upper Body Strength
The Supermarket Tricks You Need To Avoid To Save While Shopping
Get Kicked Out Of NFL Game And You'll Have To Take A Class If You Ever Want Back In
On This Day in 1962: Cronkite Takes Over 'Evening News'
WASHINGTON - The "most trusted man in America" debuted as the anchor of the CBS Evening News on April 16, 1962. Walter Cronkite held the post for 19 years, becoming one of the most iconic broadcast journalists in the world.
He died in 2009 at the age of 92.
Watch one of Cronkite's original broadcasts Here
Help Wanted
We are looking for a Transmission Builder/Mechanic at our shop located in Salisbury. Must have own tools, transportation, and must be reliable. This is a position where you can be your own boss. This a 50/50 split on labor rates. For further details please contact Cecil Snyder @ 410-804-6721
City of Salisbury FY13 Budget
Citizens, Taxpayers and Salisbury City Council:
Citizens of Salisbury deserve a comprehensive assessment of the financial state of the City. This FY 2013 budget message explains the impact of assessable base losses over the past 3 years, the reduction in the size of the city government to offset those losses, the fiscally conservative spending directions of this administration, and the amount of surplus savings the City has banked in the recent past.
Fiscal Year Ended
% Change from
Previous Year
2012 (EST)
2013 (EST)
The chart above shows citizens the decrease in property values the City has experienced in 2011, and what the estimated losses are for the remainder of 2012 and 2013. Since FY 2011 there has been a decrease of $221 Million in assessable base. This equates to $1.728 million dollars in lost property tax revenue to the City. Our assessable base has shrunk 16.4% in 3 years.
In this FY 2013 budget, it is clear that my administration continues to shrink the size of government. Department heads have slashed $1.6 million from their operating budgets during the period of FY10-FY13. Again, our employees, through General Fund budget cuts, furlough days, and frozen or unfunded positions have saved taxpayers $4.622 million. City government is operating, this year, at 2008 levels with fewer employees yet with identical dollars.
I will not ask City employees to take furlough days again this year. I am proposing a 3% increase in health insurance costs to our employees.
Though the City is slowly emerging from the economic downturn, my priority continues to remain in the most critical areas of importance to our citizens: Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, Infrastructure and Neighborhood Integrity.
In the area of taxes and fees there will be no increase in water and sewer rates from the City this year. There will be no increase in landlord registration fees. After 4 consecutive years of no property tax increases, I am proposing a 1.5¢ increase on the property tax rate from 81.9 cents to 83.4 cents per $100 dollars of assessed property value.
This FY 2013 budget invests in city priorities in the following ways:
Law Enforcement
168K – 5 Police Vehicles and Equipment
31K – Police Officer 1 and Police Officer 1st class rank advancement
Emergency Medical Services
48K – 1 Ambulance
25K – Portable Radio Replacement (1/2 of radios)
Infrastructure and Neighborhood Integrity
50K – City-wide dam safety repairs
15K – S. Division Street bridge repairs
40K – 1 Sanitation Vehicle (Trash Truck)
35K – Waste Removable Vehicle (Dump Truck)
750K – Street Maintenance Program
512K – Street paving
201K – Street sweeping
864K – Street lighting
50K – Structural Inspection and repairs on Salisbury Marina piers/bulk heading
7.5K – City Wide Playground Maintenance
The City of Salisbury maintains, on behalf of its taxpayers, a budget surplus in both its General Fund and in the Water and Sewer utility. Since 2007 the City has put an average of $887K in General Fund surplus each year. The chart below indicates the calendar year and the amount of tax dollars put into surplus by the city.
General Fund
Change in Surplus
Average addition to surplus for the last 5 years.
The fiscally conservative and responsible way the City departments spend taxpayer dollars has allowed us to return unspent monies to the City surplus each year. Due to general accounting rules of budgeting the amount of surplus is not officially known until after the City audit is completed, a full 8 months after the budget for the next fiscal year is approved. If the audited financial statements for June 2012, which the city does not receive until December 2012, reflects a general fund surplus addition that meets or exceeds the 1.5¢ property tax increase that I recommend this year, I propose to refund city property owners the amount of the tax increase or lower the tax rate by the same amount in the FY2014 budget year. Of the $9.5 Million that Salisbury has in surplus presently, I am proposing that we spend $1.24 Million on capital improvements, city-wide paving projects and as an offset to the loss in property tax revenue.
Mayor James Ireton, Jr.
City of Salisbury
Publishers Notes: Tax hike, hitting surplus, budgeting based on one of the years of highest revenue (2008) yet revenues from real property are down significantly and worse next year, less employees yet same cost as 2008…leaves one scratching their head.
The Mayor does have veto power, so whatever budget is passed will probably be on the heads of Jim Ireton, Shanie Shields and Laura Mitchell. Whatever they want, they will ultimately get.
On a side note: Laura Mitchell says that she fought hard for the flush tax and wished it had been more. For those of you who voted for her, Idiots!
Look Who's Really Guilty in Trayvon Martin Case
Poll: 75% of Americans lay blame in not-so-surprising place
Editor’s note: This is another in a series of WND/WENZEL POLLS conducted exclusively for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies.
Americans already have delivered a judgment in the death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, not so much on whether the blame falls on the black teen or on defendant George Zimmerman, but on the media’s coverage of the case.
A new Wenzel Poll conducted exclusively for WND by the public-opinion research and media-consulting company Wenzel Strategies, shows three in four registered voters believe the media’s coverage of the story has made the nation more racially divided.
In the national telephone poll, conducted April 9-12 with a margin of error of 3.42 percent, some 77 percent said the way the media has covered the case has produced a “more polarized nation.”
Only 11 percent of voters said the coverage increased racial harmony, and 12 percent said there was no effect.
The Biggest Tech Breakthrough In 50 Years
And every last one is about to become obsolete.
Sorry, but yes, that goes for the computer you're using to read this.
It's a fundamental redesign of computing power that has been 50 years in the making.
You could probably manage to hang on to your current computer for a year or two, if you're patient.
But once your friends and neighbors start showing off the incredible speed and power of their new gadgets, or it turns out that incredible new software you've been eyeing won't run on your current computer, well, it's only a matter of time until you'll sign up this game-changing upgrade.
And consumer upgrades are just the beginning.
Obama in Colombia: ‘Part of My Job Is to Scout Out Where I May Want to Bring Michelle Back Later for Vacation’
Obama was speaking on a panel with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff when he made the remarks. The panel was moderated by Chris Matthews of MSNBC.
Gannett Stock Plummets - The Daily Times Parent Company

Cheney: Obama "Has Been An Unmitigated Disaster To The Country"
"He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said of President Barack Obama.
Tobacco Cos. Make Payments Under State Settlement
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - The nation's top cigarette companies have made their payments as part of the 25-year settlement in which some cigarette makers are paying states for smoking-related health care costs.
Philip Morris USA, the nation's largest cigarette maker owned by Altria Group Inc., said Monday that it made its full annual payment of about $3.5 billion as part of the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement.
The Richmond-based maker of Marlboro, Virginia Slims and Parliament cigarettes said the payment includes about $206 million that it says it doesn't owe that was deposited into a separate account and will try to get back through negotiations or arbitration.
Insight: Top Justice Officials Connected To Mortgage Banks
The firm, Covington & Burling, is one of Washington's biggest white shoe law firms. Law professors and other federal ethics experts said that federal conflict of interest rules required Holder and Breuer to recuse themselves from any Justice Department decisions relating to law firm clients they personally had done work for.
Both the Justice Department and Covington declined to say if either official had personally worked on matters for the big mortgage industry clients. Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said Holder and Breuer had complied fully with conflict of interest regulations, but she declined to say if they had recused themselves from any matters related to the former clients.
Reuters reported in December that under Holder and Breuer, the Justice Department hasn't brought any criminal cases against big banks or other companies involved in mortgage servicing, even though copious evidence has surfaced of apparent criminal violations in foreclosure cases.
The evidence, including records from federal and state courts and local clerks' offices around the country, shows widespread forgery, perjury, obstruction of justice, and illegal foreclosures on the homes of thousands of active-duty military personnel.
Don't Wait for Social Security Check in the Mail
The federal government, which issues 73 million payments a month, is phasing out paper checks for all benefit programs, requiring people to get payments electronically, either through direct deposit or a debit card for those without a bank account.
Can The Daily Times Be Any More Desperate?

SALISBURY — A local blogger pleaded guilty in Wicomico County District Court on Thursday to a charge of failure to control speed to avoid a collision.
Joe Albero, a 49-year-old Delmar resident, received probation before judgment for causing a Jan. 31 two-vehicle crash that sent a 57-year-old man to the hospital. The victim was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center and treated for non-life threatening injuries.
Albero was issued a traffic citation and requested a trial in late February. On Thursday, he was ordered to pay a $97 fine and $33 in court costs.
Have you ever been made to feel a criminal for being in an accident? Were you published in the Daily Times for an accident?
The Daily Times fails to mention I have no points on my license. They failed to mention this is the first accident I've been in over the 35 years I've been behind the wheel.
Oh well, obviously I'm a bigger celebrity that I ever felt I deserved to be but hey, it's whatever.
Keeping The News In Perspective
1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.
2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country.
3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country, and who are very good at crossword puzzles.
4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but don't really understand The New York Times. They do, however, like their statistics shown in pie charts.
5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn't mind running the country, if they could find the time - and if they didn't have to leave Southern California to do it.
6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country.
7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren't too sure who's running the country and don't really care as long as they can get a seat on the train.
8. The New York Post is read by people who don't care who is running the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably while intoxicated.
9. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country but need the baseball scores.
10. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren't sure if there is a country or that anyone is running it; but if so, they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if the leaders are handicapped, minority, feminist, atheist dwarfs who also happen to be illegal aliens from any other country or galaxy, provided, of course, that they are not Republicans.
11. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the grocery store.
12. The Salisbury Daily Times is read by people who have recently caught a fish and need something to wrap it in.
Optical Illusion

If you take a look at the following picture, let me tell
you .... it is not animated. Your eyes are making it move. To test
this, stare at one spot for a couple seconds and everything will
stop moving. Or look at the black center of each circle and it will
stop moving. But move your eyes to the next black center and the
previous will move after you take your eyes away from it Weird ?
Tax Deadline Delayed
This year’s tax deadline is tomorrow, April 17th, two days later than the typical April 15th deadline.
House Panel Kicks off Wave of Hearings on GSA Spending Controversy
Congress will kick off a wave of what are likely to be contentious hearings Monday on the spending habits of the General Services Administration, as lawmakers try to uncover how the agency blew through $820,000 on a Las Vegas conference.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, one of four panels probing the incident, has set the first hearing for Monday afternoon. The panel has called some of the top current and former GSA officials to testify, though at least one is expected to invoke his Fifth Amendment right not to answer questions.
Key In Ignition Of Parked Car Ruled Enough For Drunken-Driving Charge
Alexandria police officers found Jean Paul Enriquez apparently asleep behind the wheel of a Toyota, illegally parked in a bus zone, early in the morning on Sept. 18, 2009. Knocking on the driver’s side window, sun roof and roof did not arouse him — nor did a flashlight shined in his face.
When he finally was roused and got out of the car, Officer Aloysius Asonglefac “could smell a strong odor of alcoholic beverage” and “a strong odor of marijuana” coming from the car. Mr. Enriquez appeared “confused,” “didn’t seem to [k]now where he was,” thought “he was in Arlington,” was “going to see his girlfriend” but was not sure “as to where his girlfriend was,” according to court documents. He failed field sobriety tests and was placed under arrest.
A drunken driving conviction was upheld by the state Court of Appeals.
This Day In History
In Basel, Switzerland, Albert Hoffman, a Swiss chemist working at the Sandoz pharmaceutical research laboratory, accidentally consumes LSD-25, a synthetic drug he had created in 1938 as part of his research into the medicinal value of lysergic acid compounds. After taking the drug, formally known as lysergic acid diethylamide, Dr. Hoffman was disturbed by unusual sensations and hallucinations. In his notes, he related the experience:
"Last Friday, April 16, 1943, I was forced to interrupt my work in the laboratory in the middle of the afternoon and proceed home, being affected by a remarkable restlessness, combined with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant, intoxicated-like condition characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed (I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring), I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours this condition faded away."
Obama Raises $53 Million In March
The campaign, now required to report fundraising figures to the Federal Election Commission each month, featured individual, small donors in a video announcing the March figure.
New Health-Care Mandate: Send Parents to Doctor
There’s a potential new health-care mandate developing in the state of California, where lawmakers want to crack down on parents to have concerns over the state-required vaccine injections for their children.
Unrelated to Obamacare, but instead coming from a state health-care push, the proposal, AB 2109 by Assemblyman Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, “seeks to rein in parents who object to mandatory vaccines for students,” according to officials with the Pacific Justice Institute.
British Member Of Parliament Puts $16 Million Bounty On Obama, George W. Bush
Nazir, who is of Pakistani heritage and a member of the British House of Lords, reportedly made the comments while at a reception in Haripur, a Pakistani city 4o miles north of Islamabad. Nazir told the audience that he was putting the bounty out for the capture of the American leaders in response to the bounty placed on Hafiz Muhammad Saeed by the United States.
“If the U.S. can announce a reward of $10 million for the captor of Hafiz Saeed, I can announce a bounty of 10 million pounds on President Obama and his predecessor George Bush,” Nazir reportedly said.
What If The Prostitutes Were Male?
I’m confused about this scandal developing over Secret Service and U.S. military personnel paying for sex in a country where prostitution is legal.
Would it be all right with U.S. authorities and the media if the same personnel had non-commercial consensual sex with women in their hotel rooms?
What if the prostitutes were male?
Exactly what is the current ethos for sexual impropriety among Secret Service agents and U.S. military personnel in 2012?
For instance, is it all right for U.S. military service members to fool around with members of the same sex, but not the opposite sex?
Is the exchange of money the problem?
The Hatch Act
Irene Officially Retired
The Agriculture Department To Back Off Poultry Plants
Secret Service Scandal Deepens; 11 Placed on Leave
CARTAGENA, Colombia (AP) - An embarrassing scandal involving prostitutes and Secret Service agents deepened Saturday as 11 agents were placed on leave, and the agency designed to protect President Barack Obama had to offer regret for the mess overshadowing his diplomatic mission to Latin America.
The controversy also expanded to the U.S. military, which announced five service members staying at the same hotel as the agents in Colombia may have been involved in misconduct as well. They were confined to their quarters in Colombia and ordered not to have contact with others.
Former GSA Officials To Appear Before House Committee Today
Maryland Metal Scrap Law May Still Have Holes
Brian Sclar, the president of the metal recycling business Frederick Reliable, has his workers follow the law, viewing and recording full identification of sellers and photographing all the scrap they’re selling, but said it doesn’t seem to have put a dent in the problem.
“I don’t think it has been a huge deterrent,” he said, referring to the number of copper thefts in Maryland. “But I do think it has been very effective in solving a number of copper theft crimes.”
In February, six men were arrested for the theft of about $31,500 worth of copper wire belonging to Verizon in Aspen Hill, the most recent in a long string of copper thefts in Maryland. The suspects were caught in the act, using a bucket truck to take more than 1,800 feet of copper wire from telephone poles.
Simple Tax Advice For Filing Late
Just file an extension.
"Rather than stressing to make sure you get it in on time and make mistakes, file an extension," says Eva Rosenberg, known on the Internet as TaxMama.
Weak Job Numbers Raise Pressure on Fed to Consider New Stimulus
Disappointing jobs data is driving fresh speculation over whether the Federal Reserve might take extra moves to boost the economy.
If recent reports are an indication that the economy may be losing steam, the central bank could feel compelled to act with another policy move that could boost markets but also expose it and its chairman, Ben Bernanke, to even more political scrutiny.
The Labor Department reported earlier this month that the economy added just 120,000 jobs in March, well below expectations and snapping a three-month streak of strong job gains.
Gay Marriage Referendum: Churches, Politics, And Tax Exempt Status In Maryland
In Maryland, the Democrats have always and continue to utilize the black churches as a platform, while churches outside of Baltimore City and the most liberal districts cower under the threat of losing tax exempt status. How this polarity came to pass in one-party Maryland can only be surmised, but this year may see the start of a closing of that partisan gap in pastoral fear.
The Maryland Marriage Alliance (MMA), which is not a tax-exempt organization, has partnered with MDPetitions.com to lead the referendum petition against the Gay Marriage bill in the state. Its primary strategy has been to work through the churches across Maryland to hold petition training and signing events after masses and at other church functions. It has reached black churches which have been out-of-reach to the Republican Party for decades, although blacks very often agree with conservative issues, especially in the religious black community.
Filipino Aactivists Deface Entrance of US Embassy
MANILA, Philippines (AP) - Left-wing protesters in the Philippines have splattered paint on the seal of the U.S. Embassy to demand a pullout of American troops taking part in annual war games.
About 70 student activists took police and embassy guards by surprise early Monday when they threw blue-and-red paint at the seaside mission's main gate and scrawled "U.S. troops out now." They also chipped away letters from the bronze signage and burned a mock American flag.
No arrests were made as protesters outnumbered police and later walked away.
Yesterday's Daily Times Article Whereby The DT Endorses Severe Tax Increases For Wicomico Residents
One can visually see the liberal agenda emanating from The Daily Times editorial staff.
Once again - The Daily Times holds true to their liberal bias - read on
Report: Labour Probes Lord Over Obama Bounty Claim
LONDON (AP) - Britain's Press Association and other British media say a Labour Party member of the House of Lords has been suspended while the party investigates reports that he offered a 10 million pound ($16 million) bounty for the capture of President Barack Obama.
Nazir Ahmed has denied making the comments, which were reported by press in Pakistan during a visit to that country.
17 Wicomico Teams To Compete In Destination ImagiNation State Tournament At UMBC Saturday, April 14
You will see many clever solutions to this year’s challenges. Teams that finish on top at states can then earn the right to advance to represent the state of Maryland at Global Finals in May at the University of Tennessee. Destination ImagiNation (DI) is a student centered, technology friendly, international organization for kindergarten through college students. It teaches life skills and expands imaginations through team-based creative problem solving. Destination ImagiNation emphasizes creativity, teamwork and problem solving.
Maryland Delegate Wants Special Judges for Traffic Offenses
WASHINGTON - The District led the way. Maryland almost followed suit.
Hearing officers control the fate of people in D.C. when it comes to almost all traffic cases, including red light and speed camera tickets.
Tiffany Alston, a Prince George's delegate to the General Assembly, sponsored a bill calling for special masters in Maryland to judge non-jailable traffic offenses.
"Right now in the state, we have a deficit in judges," she said.
A podcast of the game is on-line at SFMsports.net. Here’s a recap of the action.
Salisbury's Matt Cannone scored his fourth goal of the game with just 11 seconds remaining to cap an 8-1 rally, as the No. 1-ranked Sea Gulls rallied from a six-goal deficit over the final 15:45 to post an 11-10 victory over fourth-ranked Stevenson Saturday night at Mustang Stadium.
Stevenson led 9-3 with 52 seconds remaining in the third quarter following the second goal of the game from freshman Stephen Banick off an assist from sophomore defender Warren Pumphrey.
However, Salisbury (15-0, 7-0 CAC) scored the next three goals in a span of just 1:01, including two from Tony Mendes, to pull within three at 9-6. Mendes, Matt Cannone and Ryan Clarke combined to score the last eight goals for the Sea Gulls with three each coming from Cannone and Mendes. Cannone also had a game-high five points with four goals and one assist while Mendes also netted four goals. Clarke had two goals and two assists.
Salisbury outscored the Mustangs 6-1 in the fourth quarter while winning 6 of 7 face-offs and holding a 13-2 edge in shots. For the game, the Sea Gulls won 14 of 21 face-offs and outshot Stevenson 39-28, including 24-11 in the second half.
The game featured 18 penalities including for a total of 16:30, but neither team could capitalize as they went a combined 3-17 on extra-man opportunities. The two teams also combined for three man-down goals.
Stevenson sophomore Chris Dashiell (Salisbury, Md./Parkside High School) had two goals for the Mustangs.
Dole Recalls Bagged Salad for Salmonella Risk
MONTEREY, Calif. - Dole Food Co. said late Saturday that its fresh vegetables division is recalling 756 cases of bagged salad, because they could be contaminated with salmonella.
The bags of Seven Lettuces salad are stamped with a use-by date of April 11, 2012, UPC code 71430 01057 and product codes 0577N089112A and 0577N089112B, the company said.
The product code and use-by date are located in the upper right-hand corner of the package, while the UPC code is on the back of the package, below the barcode.
The salads were distributed in Alabama, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin.