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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Breaking News ACORN/Obama

News is just breaking on a former member of ACORN testifying and saying Obama spoke with them almost daily and went on about their procedures... More to come.........


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You know, it's beginning to look like the American people are so stupid that it doesn't matter how un-American Obama is with his ties to Acorn, Rev. Wright. Ayres and his endorsement as the "Messiah" by Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakahn. We have a real AMERICAN hero, patriot and long standing senator in John McCain and the ignorant masses seem to be screaming, "Give us Barrabas!"
Polly Markis

Anonymous said...

Sorry being a POW does make you a president. Why don't concentrate on your candidtates strengths?

Oh maybe it's just easier to fabricate things about Senator Obama. Good luck with that!

Unknown said...

Polly, excellent analogy with Barabas! I don't understand how people keep overlooking these issues. 18 years as a friend and mentor of Rev. Jeremiah Wright the most racist guy alive but Obama didn't know he was a racist, STARTING his campaign in Ayers home yet calling him just a neighbor. He was on the Today Show the other day and even responded to the anchor who called him the messiah.
This is the same guy who's number one priority in office is to make abortion legal. What about the economy? Wait... that's right... he's one of the main problems the economy is the way it is! He's received the most contributions from Fannie Mae and others than anyone else. Being the most liberal of all senators, it should be obvious how deep his connections are with these same companies who were giving their top executives million dollar bonus' and then filing for bankruptcy! He is the problem, not the solution!
I also like how he's against gun ownership, yet he'll be guarded 24 hours a day by multiple armed guards. Where the irony there?

-Adam B.

Anonymous said...

I'm just curious...
If I hang an Obama doll from a noose in my front yard and call it a "halloween decoration," is that cool with everyone?
What happened to EQUAL rights?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Sorry being a POW does make you a president. Why don't concentrate on your candidtates strengths?

Oh maybe it's just easier to fabricate things about Senator Obama. Good luck with that!

8:50 PM

So everything about Obama and his ties is fabricated? Go crawl back under that rock you stupid moron.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely everything is fabricated. What has Senator Obama done wrong? Nothing. Has anything been proven? No of course not.

Time and time again Senator Obama has an accurate answers to the garbage. You just don't want to listen.

Try talking up your "candidate" instead of talking down mine. What are Senator McCain's policies? You don't hear much about them not even from Senator McCain.

I wonder why.

Chimera said...

For all those who would call out people against Obama as "racist"-I suggest you check abortion statistics AND Senator Obamas liberal track record regarding abortion.Abortion takes more black lives than any hate group or other faction could hope to.And yet people are still too obtuse to realize that.Liberal politicians like Obama see no problem with the annihilation and disposal of these unborn children.And yes,I consider abortion the taking of a life.It is "legalized lynching" if I dare say so.If you do not like my views I will not apologize for them.Right is right.

Anonymous said...

And My BODY IS MY BODY. sorry have to disagree with you there.

Unknown said...

"No man can lead a public career really worth leading, no man can act with rugged independence in serious crises, nor strike at great abuses, nor afford to make powerful and unscrupulous foes, if he is himself vulnerable in his private character."
Teddy Roosevelt-An Autobiography, 1913

Anonymous said...

Hey, Joe, while you're preaching hate this election and talking about all the ugliness, I thought maybe your readers would like to do a search on YouTube for "Vote However You Like," a musical number by the kids in Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta. They wrote it themselves, and they present both sides of both parties. And their interview is so wise.

They are delightful and much more mature about this election than anyone I've seen here...and most everywhere.

These kids give me hope for America's future. THEY can talk politics without tearing each other to pieces.

Delmar said...

Yes, Bluto right is right. But how about you stop painting us all with the same brush? I'm Roman Catholic, and I consider abortion to be an abhorrent practice. However, I'm also a Democrat, because I believe in social policies which help the least among us-- again, because I'm Roman Catholic.

I have the same problem with you, Joe, making the post about the signs being defaced, and lumping ME in with whoever the criminals were who perpetrated those despicable acts. That's a small-minded way of thinking, man. I detest ANYONE who steals/defaces a political sign. Such acts violate others' constitutional rights, and are utterly WRONG, regardless of which party is on the losing end. Republican, Democrat, whatever-- if you steal/deface someone else's sign, you're a thug, and I have absolutely no respect for you.

So, Joe, maybe you'd like to apologize to Wicomico County Democrats for the vitriolic, reactionary rhetoric of that earlier post?

Anonymous said...

Adam B.

Hate to tell you but aborion IS legal in this country. It has been for a while.

Anon 10:17

A lot of people have sacrificed for this country just as much if not more than Senator McCain. That doesn't make them all qualified to be president. Many of them has endorsed both candidates.

Still you haven't told me anything about Senator McCain other than what we already know. What are his policies that are so much better than Senator Obama's?

No you try to use the same old untruths about Senator Obama to try to make Sentor McCain look better. And you attempt to do it with old untruths; "he's a Muslim", "he's a racist", "he pals around with terorist" he's this and he's that.

All of it is lies and you are going to have to do better than that to get yo candidate elected. How about some issues?

Anonymous said...

10:47 Why???
Because he HAS NO HISTORY. No records of his political background save for the "present" votes in the state senate. THE u.s. SENATOR FOR 143 DAYS BEFORE HE BEGAN CAMPAIGNING TWO years ago.
None of his work while editor of Harvard review, no college theses, none of his clients while a lawyer for aclu groups like ACORN... In short he's a GHOST! Joe the plummer has more history, and he's younger.
If the loser of this election can show just half the grace we've seen from Sarah Palin in response to the media assaults upon her & her family, he really should have won!
The same goes for our new First Lady.

Anonymous said...

5:30, 8:50, and 10:47. You are probably the same person. All I can say is "wheew!" you have really drunk the Kool Aid!
Typical Obamabot tactics. We bring out the facts about the past associations and positions about the Marxist, and you Obamabot just deny!
I see the Obamabots on TV lying thru thier teeth denying things.
You must really think the people in America are stupid.
The next step you Obamabots will do when he looses the elections will be to cry foul, and that the election was ironic from the king of election stealers Mr. ACORN lawyer Obama himself!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Acorn....Bogey Man #199 from the people who brought you Ayers, Rev Wright, Farrikkan, Bin Ladin, Sadam, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Jason, the Mummy, bla bla bla bla bla.

Get over it.

tedh said...

Anon 11:22 you also forgot Rashid Khalidi, Tony Rezko, Raila Odinga, the fact his mother Ann Dunham gave up her U.S. citizenship and Obama is also a citizen of Indonesia. This is the scariest Halloween ever.

Unknown said...

Anon 11:22, you are a freaking moron. As others have mentioned, time and time again, you have been presented with FACTS about your candidate. How can he deny his friend and mentor of 18 years, saying he never knew he was a racist? How can he deny the owner of the home where he STARTED his campaign? How can he deny affiliation with ACORN when members out him like that? Get a grip man!!! Face the facts!
His own wife is proud for the first time in her adult life of America! Because we (well, not me!) elected him as a candidate for the Democratic party? What a freaking joke she is too!
The guy doesn't even respect the American flag, the symbol of our country and our freedoms! Are you blind? Deaf too? You are the kind of person who WOULD vote for a hack like Obama... A smiling face comes on TV preaching about "change" and you bend over backwards for him... Well you better break out the lube because it's gonna be messy if he wins this election!

-Adam B.
(hey 'old fisherman'...)

Anonymous said...

If I were friends with O.J., even after his criminal trial found him innocent(his civil trial did not), I would disassociate myself from him because I, and most other Americans, think he's GUILTY, as charged.
I don't see any differences here. bho is this very morning briefing his White House chief of staff, a representative in the house, Chicago hoodlum. A bit premature, don't you think. Just another pre-presidential acting like he already won.

Anonymous said...


I’m sorry but no of you have proven anything. All we here from sites like this is “I heard this” or “I heard that”. No one has been able to prove anything. Even Fox news only states what it has heard, yet has proven nothing.

Why don’t you point out how good your candidate is? Maybe he’s not so good, huh?