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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama's Drama

"Dear Joe-

You may not know, or particularly care, but I am a registered democrat, although I consider myself to be a conservative one. For years, I have watched Fox News from time to time and have read/watched other republican media outlets and mostly laughed at their whining over the “unfair liberal bias of the media”.

But, you know, I have to freely admit that it is VERY different this year. The vast majority of the media outlets are not objectively reporting the election campaign - they are trying to get Obama elected. He is clearly their darling. Here is a concept (shades of Selma) that Obama has attempted to tie in to and the media has embraced: Obama is the new Kennedy, albeit the “Black Jack” Kennedy! I remember all the fawning over JFK and Jackie and family football games out in the yard and PT-47 and Camelot and the first Roman Catholic President…blah, blah, blah. Truth to tell, JFK and his family had more than their fair share of problems and skeletons. He was not a great president; it is well known that before and while in office he was a drug user, sex addict and made lots of mistakes. I am sure we all know today about his millionaire, bootlegging father. But JFK and Jackie made for great copy, over and over. They sold lots of papers and magazines. Back then the media kept mum about a male politician’s personal life!

It seems like the same thing is happening once again, to a large extent. The media is clearly pushing for Obama to win. Once again, they are keeping mum or giving a male democratic presidential candidate a free pass- this time about his many connections to extremely dubious individuals and organizations:

- ACORN (massive voter fraud and CRA {sub-prime mortgage} abuses)

-Richard Ayers (Weathermen Underground leader/ bomber/terrorist/ adviser/friend/fellow board_s_ member/political supporter/ radical alternative schools supporter and Chicago’s Annenberg Challenge BOD = $110 million wasted)__

-Bernadine Dohrn (same as above)

-Joe Biden ($1 million per year (average) last 5 years donations from lawyers and lobbyists/supporter of credit card companies’ rights/recipient of large credit card company donations, including employees’ contributions)

- Hunter Biden (Joe’s son/lobbyist/$320K lobbying fees St. Xavier’s/Obama earmark requests/his company does work for Dad)

-Franklin Raines (Fannie Mae CEO 1998-2003/misleading financial statements/ hidden golden parachute= $50 million/Obama political adviser)

-Jim Johnson (Fannie Mae CEO 1991-98/ $21 million compensation/Obama supporter and VP search committee)

-Rev.Wright (Goddamn America! {And so much more!})

-Tony Rezko (convicted felon/longtime friend/Illinois political fixer/Obama next-door-neighbor and Obama‘s $1.6 million house purchase assistant)

-Raila Odinga- corrupt Kenyan Muslim dictator/murderer/close Obama family ally)

-Rashid Khalid (known PLO supporter/Woods Fund recipient/Arab-American Action Network)

-Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam Leader/Obama “the Messiah!”)

-Frank Davis (early Barack Obama mentor/ Communist Party USA Member)

I wasn’t aware of it until recently, but it is now becoming obvious that Illinois, and in particular, Chicago, are the biggest hotbeds of radical/socialist/communist thought and action in the United States. Closely tied to all of this radicalism are greed and corruption, especially when they are conjoined with resentment, manipulation and exploitation. It is obvious that Illinois and Chicago are tragically corrupt . At the beginning of this year, I was going to vote for Obama. I despised Hilary and her naked lust for power. I thought; “Hey, he is a good orator, having a black man could help soothe some racial animosity, he is obviously intelligent, etc…..” Then something began to make me have a question about Obama’s friends and connections. Once I began looking, I couldn’t help but look more…and more. The more I looked, the uglier things around Obama looked.

And far too little national attention has been paid to his actual citizenship status. Philip Berg may or may not be a discredited political provocateur, but he raises questions that Obama is avoiding and avoiding and avoiding. It makes him look bad, like he IS hiding something. I urge all concerned voters to think long and well before they cast their ballots. How ominous would the course of our ship of state look with Obama at the helm?

-Paul Bradshaw"


tedh said...

LA Times Refuses to Release Tape of Obama Praising Controversial Activist

Here is one for the bias media!!!!!

Anonymous said...

NoOne is talking about his birth cerificate because its currently a pending court case. Pretty sad it can go this far without proof, can you imagine what he'll do to our constitution, our flag? It's as though a vote for this person is not unlike spitting on the graves of all who died fighting for our country and that which it was founded for. I predict the next election that Osama will offer a rebate of 2 or 3 times what Obama has offered, in exchnge for your patriotisum and a chain to your ankle for socialisum.

Anonymous said...

If you are still voting for democrats you are stuck on stupid!

Anonymous said...

PT 109, not PT47

Anonymous said...

You are no more a Democrat than I am Peter Pan. Give me a break. Keep drinking that Kool Aid buddy. McCain gets negative press due to running a negative and incompetent campaign that has no direction. That's not bias, that's the facts.

Big Jerk said...

Maybe... just maybe... all these outlets are looking out for their own economic interests and maybe... just maybe... the bulk of these journalists make less than 250,000/year like the rest of us.

Just maybe.

Anonymous said...

right on...they wish to be viewed by a larger audience with all their "firsts".
as the election draws to a close, the polls(all come from the media) will close the gap so you'll watch the "ones who brought it to you first" thereby increasing their audience. this election of "firsts" has been the most media biased of all time!
Outrageous and uniformed media bias...Quite the joke.

Anonymous said...

what was that? louis farrakhan for secratary of state? jeramiah wright, propaganda minister and speech writer?