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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Six Facts About Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns

After weeks of refusals and equivocation, Mitt Romney finally released his tax returns last night to a handful of media outlets, showing that he made $21.7 million in 2010 and $20.9 million last year. He only actually released one year of returns, 2010, and his estimated return for 2011, even though many have called on him to follow the precedent set by his father and release many more years of returns.

Nonetheless, there is much to learn from the astonishing 550 pages of returns Romney released:

1. Romney paid a lower tax rate than many middle-class Americans: Romney’s returns reveal that he paid an effective tax rate of 13.9 percent, lower even than the low rate of 15 percent he estimated he paid last week. While this is far less than what many middle-class Americans pay, it’s also well below what wealthy people pay. The average effective tax rate for someone in Romney’s income bracket is 25 percent.

2. Romney makes more in a day than the average American makes in a year, and becomes a 1 percenter every week: As Bloomberg News notes, “In 2008, according to the IRS, the median adjusted gross income was $33,048, which Romney made in less than a day. Reaching the top 1 percent of taxpayers required $380,354 in adjusted gross income, about Romney’s earnings in a week.”

3. Romney likely paid $0 in payroll taxes: Romney likely didn’t contribute a penny to Social Security or Medicare in 2010 via the payroll tax because the tax is only assessed on earned wages, but all of Romney’s income came from investments.

4. Romney has accounts in countries notorious for tax dodging: By now, it’s well known by now that Romney invests in funds based in the Cayman Islands, but Romney’s returns were “crammed with information about foreign holdings” and reveal that he held accounts in Switzerland and Luxembourg, countries famous for hiding money thanks their low taxes and strict banking secrecy laws. Aides said he closed his Swiss account in 2010 because it might have been “politically embarrassing.”

5. Romney and Gingrich’s tax plans would slash Romney’s taxes: Romney already pays less than many middle class Americans, but under his proposed tax plan, his rates would be slashed in half. Meanwhile, under challenger Newt Gingrich’s plan, Romney would pay almost nothing, since Gingrich has proposed cutting the capital gains tax rate to zero and Romney earns almost all of his money from investments.

6. Romney needs four lawyers, including the former IRS commissioner to defend his tax plan: Romney’s campaign held a conference call with reporters this morning to defend and explain his tax returns, and apparently felt the need to have former IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg, along with three other top lawyers and his campaign communications director to explain the returns. At one point, the call had to be interrupted so officials could confer with mega accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.



TideRunner said...

While not a high rate he did in fact pay what he is required by law to pay and he is in fact releasing more that he is required by law to release.

Gingrich on the other had has a history of trying to dodge taxes. That is why he was censured by Congress. It's amazing how such a supposedly great historian likes to forget his own history.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what he makes. He's a smart man to manage his income correctly. Get over it!

Anonymous said...

You forgot about his 3 million dollars paid to the Mormon church, which turns around and uses that money to influence elections in various states.

Anonymous said...

God help us if Newt gets the nomination!

Anonymous said...

Don't hate the player, hate the game. That's all he was required to pay by the IRS!

Anonymous said...

mitt is a rino, who cares how much money he has. but I must admit I have never seen a 200 page tax return. On the other hand Newt is the smartest man in the room. I don't care how many wives he's had, we are not electing the pope! so the choice is another lukewarm moderate tax raising obamacare rino or someone who scares the hell out of the libs, knows the system and where all the bodies are buried! that's why everyone in washington is scared of him! I'll go with the latter any day!

Anonymous said...

Mitt paid three million in taxes Obama paid 450,000 using Obamath Obama needs to pay his fair share.

Anonymous said...

Obama paid a higher percentage of his income than Romney did.

Anonymous said...

How can Obama pay a higher percentage then Romney when the tax rate increases the more you make?

Anonymous said...

This is extremely slanted and not always accurate. The money he originally invested for which he made his millions was taxed at the rate at that time, only investments are taxed at 15%. If we all had the ability to earn and work for that kind of money, we would have the same tax rate as he does. And as far as giving 3 million to his church and equating it to lobbying his same causes, it is no different than other organizations that do the same, such as unions or educational organizations. Admire him for his abilities, don't envy him.