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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

President Obama Goes On The Attack, To Democrats’ Delight

There is a noticeably more aggressive, confrontational President Obama roaming the country these days, selling his jobs plan and attacking Republicans for standing in the way of progress by standing up only for the rich.

In Texas on Tuesday, the president went after a leading Republican by name: “Yesterday the Republican majority leader in Congress, Eric Cantor, said that right now he won’t even let this jobs bill have a vote in the House of Representatives,” Obama said. “I would like Mr. Cantor to come here to Dallas and explain what exactly in this jobs bill does he not believe in, what exactly he is opposed to. Does he not believe in rebuilding America’s roads and bridges? Does he not believe in tax breaks for small businesses or efforts to help our veterans?”



Anonymous said...

Senate democrats blocked the vote

Anonymous said...

Obsama Obama is on a sinking ship and he cannot do anything to stop it.

Anonymous said...

We need more solar panels.

Anonymous said...

Whats funny is, this is the guy and the prty inwhich blocked everything the repubs did, good or bad, but blocked it becasue they could and had the marjority...

NOw the foot is on the other hand, and you see how they handle it... They call people racist or terrorist... They say this and that...

The way I feel about it, f* obama, f* the democratic party or any party for that matter...

They got and will get what they deserve for what they did while they held all the power in the house and senate while the repubs had no way to stop all the spending...

IF obama bin laden would have giving us a jobs bill first or given the people money instead of the banks then we wouldn't be here...

Whats funny is, how the banks say they cant operate or will fault or close if they didn't get a bailout... well the way i figure it is, if it was tax payers money whom bailed them out, then the tax payers debt they said cause this, should have been wiped clean...

No we have to pay back everything, even on money that doesn't exist...

So f* it all and anyone who is in any form of govt or whom is corrupt, or whom takes money from the govt to live outside of UN-employment or insurance... Other than that your just like the govt for thinking YOUR OWED MONEY...

Anonymous said...

"Chicago Gangster" says it allrent

WAH my diaper is WET! said...

Obama's diaper needs to be changed again; typical crying from a baby when their diaper is wet!

Anonymous said...

A jobs bill that only subsidizes the continued overpaid employment of union teachers, union cops, union firemen, and would borrow money to hire union construction workers to build taj mahal schools, that won't make a whit of difference in the learning of unmotivated children, who often can't read or do basic arithmetic, but that;s ok because they have "self esteem". That's what is wrong with it--morevote buying for Barry's base, unions.
should federal taxpayers on Delmarva subsidoze the average union teacher salary of $90,000 in the District of Columbia?, Where over $10000 per year per student is spent, but half drop out before graduation, even though the taxpayer also feeds them breakfast, lunch, and dinner at school, even thoughh 75% come from households that already get generous foodstamps/EBT to feed them, too?
Sorry, when I hire people, it isn't because they have self esteem, but rather because they can read and write and speak in grammatical sentences--a fancy new building doesn't create that ability.
My first grade class had 50 kids in it, and each and every one learned to read because our parents made sure we spent the time to do the work, and didn't expect school "work" to be "fun".

Anonymous said...

"Does he not believe in rebuilding America’s roads and bridges? Does he not believe in tax breaks for small businesses or efforts to help our veterans?”

It would be nice if this was actually in the bill.

Anonymous said...

6:44 SPOT ON. as an employer; i totally agree. as a nation we need to stop coddling these babies. bo and his marxists/socialists cohorts continue to promote the welfare state to our nations demise. it must be stopped and turned around now !!!!!!