Tuesday, September 14 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Dear Joe,
Election day is only one day away!
I'd like to thank you personally for your support and for your vote in tomorrow's election. Our campaign is strong because of the dedication of people like you. Thank you!
Having great volunteers and a strong message is why we are going to win!
It is crunch time in the campaign. There are a few important things that you can do to help me in the last hours of our campaign.
Spread the word. If you know of anyone who lives in District 38A please call them or send them a note and a link to http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=yq79pxdab&et=1103684449491&s=160&e=0014zTZyVsAVBNfiW_tZDyAi9Di7veUN9nDSPoIv8uGxJCI9fm33cp74lH-z2kmOoosV0OfJA9cN-G1UNPlxQAoBJbdBFv_vtkDKc2SSQdY_g_J276u745ammOg0N1yuMfH and ask them to vote for me. We have made over 2,500 phone calls to voters and this personal contact is making a tremendous difference.
Promote us online.
Share our Phoebus for Delegate facebook page with your friends
Change your profile picture to our campaign sign
Put words of support for mein your status message.
Repost or share our TV message Doing any of this is like putting up an "online yard sign" and it makes a big difference.
Help us work the polls. Before work, during lunch hour, and after work are the busiest time at the polls. If you have even a half hour to wave signs or hand out literature, let us know. Email leslie@electjohnphoebus.com for materials and locations.
Vote!. If you haven't already early voted, please remember to vote tomorrow. Absentee ballots can still be picked up in person at the Princess Anne or Salisbury offices of the boards of election. Here is a link to the forms.
Thank you for your support of my campaign. If any of you have any questions or want to know how to help, please do not hesitate to call me at 410-430-6201.
John Phoebus
House of Delegates
District 38A - Somerset & Wicomico Counties
District 38A - Somerset & Wicomico Counties
I will -- for Charles Otto.
I will tell you one thing I am annoyed at... those darn phone calls from politicians waking me up in the morning and all day long!! If it was at least the real person might be different but to be woken up by a recording really ticks me off. They should not be allowed to do this under the junk mail call law. Anyone else feel the same?
I hang up on telamarketers..Now they have recorded music or dial tones when I answer OR a recorded message. They always ask for the OWNER. I wonder just how many owners break their necks to get to the phone. Not many. Looks like they would get the message!!
I answer my business phone and they tell me they are looking for the owner! I tell them we are two we need the paychecks signed LOL
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