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Sunday, October 07, 2018
Salisbury’s Democratic Mayor Jake Day Endorses Governor Larry Hogan
Hogan for Governor today announced that Salisbury’s Democratic Mayor Jake Day is proud to endorse Governor Larry Hogan’s re-election. Mayor Day’s endorsement underscores the historic level of support for Governor Hogan from a coalition of current and former Democratic leaders, public sector and private sector unions, and business groups. Salisbury is the eight largest city in Maryland. Governor Hogan has also received the support of the sitting Democratic mayors of Bowie and Gaithersburg.
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Hogan is leaning to the left lately. I'm retired and they will be taking away our prescription plan for those of us who retired under the state employment.
It would seem logical that the people who can afford it would be the people who are still working. Those of us who have retired will have to pay our way after December 2018. Hogan sucks.
A glimmer of hope that he didn't endorse Ben Jealous!
Maybe he has one or two active brain cells!
Really - maybe the one or two brain cells told him he has no chance of getting reelected if he endorses another obama-like socialist turd!
Suck up during election time much jake. Dont let that fool you people. Democrats are still out to fleece your wallet. They can endorse anyone but yet they dont VOTE to support republican ideals. So Dont forget to vote republican!!!
Josh Nordstrom, candidate for Worcester County Commissioner, heartily endorses Ben Jealous. Go figure.
ha ha ha, who cares. makes no difference to me what this guy thinks of anyone.
Well with that endorsement I will be voting for the democrat
OUCH!! This won't sit well with Caroline O'Hare and husband Dan. They are fanatical Jealous supporters
Well we have no choice. Obama endorsed Jeaulous. Maryland is in a sad state (no pun) of affairs.
Did you know that with Jakes endorsement and a buck 59 you can get a large coffee at WaWa .
"Josh Nordstrom, candidate for Worcester County Commissioner, heartily endorses Ben Jealous. Go figure."
7:45- So the hell what?! I know Josh. I know the Nordstrom's. Good people. They have the same freedom as you to vote for whoever they want. Welcome to America, idiot!
Until maryland pulls thier political face from the progressive arse we are doomed. The moonbats across the bay unfortunatly dictate MD politics. So expect many future Knee jerk reactions to any liberal causes supported by the likes of Hogan's Rino republican view. I hold my nose around the likes of his ilk. But cannot vote democrat
Yes he does. But it was your democratic legislators like Mathias that took the prescription plan away.
Jake knows how popular Hogan is. Don't be fooled by this manouver. This is for Hogan supporters to vote for this little phoney. After the election he will go back to his liberal agenda.
Day must feel guilty for involving Hogan and his wife in the failure of the National Folk Festival and is sucking up for next years failure fest. Maybe Day believes he can finagle some state funding for the disastrous downtown Main Street construction project.
Jakie needs to worry more about his city than endorsing anyone!
It is ok to be cynical but Perdue Inc and Jake Day's father owe Hogan a favor. Remember when previous Governor O'Malley went after the poultry industry by doing things like supporting the environmental group that went after that family farm near Berlin, Hogan reversed that policy. So here we are.
7:16 With you, my husband retired from the state and this prescription change is not something we ever saw coming. Day nor Hogan will not get retired state employee votes. Give us someone to remove both of them from office.
October 6, 2018 at 7:16 AM:
My, weren't retired state employees special? State prescription plan, at state taxpayer expense, while all other retirees have to buy a retirement drug plan, or part D of Medicare (and WE know that sucks). Now state retirees will have to buy into a drug plan, LIKE ALL OTHER RETIREES! Hard to feel sorry for you. You are just joining all the other Maryland retirees, and our generous (sar.) federal retirement health "benefits" that we paid for all of our working years through medicare taxes withheld from our paychecks. Maryland is near the top of the list for the worst state to retire. Heck, Maryland even taxes social security benefits.
Democrats for Hogan. Its the only way he gets a second term. Hogan couldn't care less about Republicans. He is way more Democrat, than Republican. He is a true RINO. My ballot will be one of thousands that leaves the choice for governor blank. I'll let the Democrats re-elect him. I'll vote for every other Republican on the ballot, but not him. He does not earn my vote this time around.
Oh but the irony is that Jake Day just went to a function featuring Ben Jealous and other Demoncrats at the Civic Center.
Jake Day is only doing this because Liberal Larry has been giving money for Jakey Boi's pet projects in da Ghetto 'Bury.
October 6, 2018 at 9:31 AM:
Leave your choice for Governor blank on your ballot. That will register your dissatisfaction with Hogan, while allowing his Democrat supporters to re-elect him. No vote for Jealous, and no vote for Hogan. Hogan has already sidled up to enough Baltimore Democrats during his first term to earn their votes for a second term. We already know that Baltimore democrats dominate Maryland politics. Your vote for Hogan (or Jealous) will not make one lick of difference. AS a Republican, I'm making my vote a protest vote, by not voting for either.
Anonymous said...
Well with that endorsement I will be voting for the democrat
October 6, 2018 at 8:15 AM
Can you say MORON!
Jason Hinman said...
"Josh Nordstrom, candidate for Worcester County Commissioner, heartily endorses Ben Jealous. Go figure."
7:45- So the hell what?! I know Josh. I know the Nordstrom's. Good people. They have the same freedom as you to vote for whoever they want. Welcome to America, idiot!
October 6, 2018 at 9:27 AM
Oh Big F'n Deal Jason Hinmon that you know that Big Fat A$$ lazy Socialist Josh. That's not going to get anyone to vote for that idiot.
Josh Nordstrom has never ever had a real job because he hates to work. His daddy couldn't even get him to work at Midway.
Jason Hinman said...
"Josh Nordstrom, candidate for Worcester County Commissioner, heartily endorses Ben Jealous. Go figure."
7:45- So the hell what?! I know Josh. I know the Nordstrom's. Good people. They have the same freedom as you to vote for whoever they want. Welcome to America, idiot!
October 6, 2018 at 9:27 AM
Let's all remember that the idiot Josh was the campaign Treasurer for Jim Ireton.
That speaks volumes.
Anonymous said...
Jake knows how popular Hogan is. Don't be fooled by this manouver. This is for Hogan supporters to vote for this little phoney. After the election he will go back to his liberal agenda.
October 6, 2018 at 10:27 AM
Anonymous said...
Day must feel guilty for involving Hogan and his wife in the failure of the National Folk Festival and is sucking up for next years failure fest. Maybe Day believes he can finagle some state funding for the disastrous downtown Main Street construction project.
October 6, 2018 at 10:54 AM
He was only sucking up to Larry Hogan then because he needed the support from the State of Maryland.
He is only doing it now because Larry Hogan gave him money for that stupid rails to trails Bull Sh!th through the ghetto.
Jake Day already said he was going to "endorse" Hogan as long as he kept giving Salisbury funding.
I don’t recall Jake day ever declaring a party affiliation
Since Maryland State employment is so financially lucrative, what precisely prevented you from obtaining a state job?
But Ben Jealous just announced in a speech he was running for Gov. of....wait for it...……...Virginia!
Wrong conclusion. He is backing the candidate that is the obvious winner. That's it plain and simple.
When have you ever known a liberal to feel guilt over anything?
October 6, 2018 at 1:23 PM Don't vote for either? And leave it to Baltimore to choose our next governor? What an idiotic statement. Why even get off your sofa?
Ben Jealous hasn't stepped across the pond to the eastern shore. He doesn't give a lick about this side of the state. You are a moron to think your strategy will work.
I expect stupid statements from the ignorance that lives here but your idiotic logic wins the prize and gives us no doubt why east maryland is a cesspool.
Even though I continue praying for Governor Hogan, he is doing enough things to disappoint without having this guy's endorsement.
Umm....taking away entitlements is usually a right leaning thing.
October 7, 2018 at 8:28 AM;
Sorry to pop your bubble, but....
Whether you like it or not, Baltimore and the metropolitan area will choose our next Governor, just like they chose Hogan the last time. If you think Eastern Shore Republicans put him in office, you are sorely mistaken. We only put him on the ballot. The masses in Baltimore, predominately Democrat, elected him, and will always be the ones that pick our governor. And they will do it again this time around. If they want Jealous, they'll pick Jealous. No matter what you put on your ballot, Baltimore's choice will win, every time. Lucky for you, Baltimore will pick Hogan, because he's one of them, and not one of us. Hogan is the biggest of RINOs, and has earned the Democrat votes for a second term. As a Republican, I will not participate in Hogan's farce.
See how I did that without calling you any names? Grow up and act like an adult!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well with that endorsement I will be voting for the democrat
October 6, 2018 at 8:15 AM
Whoever made that comment is an idiot!
11:56 AM I don't have a problem calling you an idiot if you don't think the Ben Jealous socialist give away promises aren't going to get him elected over Hogan.
I will hit you up in November when it happens.
Jake needs no introduction; his shortcomings are legion. But he clearly feels endorsing the governor will be personally beneficial or else he'd be silent or endorse the SocialistDemocrat candidate.
Likewise all the TV blitz for Liberal Jim has him gushing over his working with the governor, and nary a mention of the other gubernatorial candidate. A stranger might conclude Liberal Jim is a Republican after seeing the commercials.
Our governor isn't perfect when viewed through Republican eyes but in a Blue state some compromise is needed in order to be re-elected.
Not being able to pay for entitlements is a left leaning thing
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