We know how much you appreciate receiving your subscription to The Daily Times and the enjoyable reading experience it provides you every day.
The Daily Times is your trusted source for everything you love about our community and the nation. As a member, you get in-depth coverage and unlimited access to local news. Our watchdog journalists expose wrongdoing and uncover government corruption. Our sports insiders bring you the stories behind the scores. The Daily Times' commitment to the public good through balanced, objective journalism never wavers. Our employees live and work within your community. And our journalists are proud to serve our local markets, ensuring that all sides of the story are told. We are committed to providing you the daily printed reading experience you have enjoyed over the years, but we need your support. As of 12/1/2017, the rate for your subscription to The Daily Tines will be $41.00 per month (plus applicable taxes). We promise to remain committed to serving your needs and keeping you informed every day with news you can trust. And our commitment doesn't stop there. As a member of The Daily Times family, you will continue to receive the many benefits included with your subscription.
Thanks. I needed a good laugh this morning!
We "PROMISE" to remain committed to serving your needs, with a paper product worthy of use during all your future crab feasts!!!
Good grief no matter how you cut it, TGIF cannot get here FAST enough!!!!!!!
This is a joke, right?
Just go to any 24 hr store late at night and you can get a copy with just the header removed. That's how they keep track of all the ones not sold, they always have plenty they throw out!
Got to pay for that new building!!!
Imagine the money they would save if they would stop littering mine and everyone else's yard with that weekly free paper.
"We are committed to providing you the daily printed reading experience you have enjoyed over the years, but we need your support. As of 12/1/2017, the rate for your subscription to The Daily Tines will be $41.00 per month (plus applicable taxes)."
"The Daily Tines", asking readers to fork over more money.
We are paying $24.48 with applicable taxes included. What is the taxes total price to the $41.00? That should be double in ONE INCREASE.
They need a little of The NFL love from us.
cancelled!! Can get a 'big city" paper delivered for less. Check out the rates--sent right to your home. Local news through Joe's blog.
"Our watchdog journalists expose wrongdoing and uncover government corruption."
How funny is that? That rag is the HEART of the corruption, LOL!
Not worth 41 cents a month.
In-depth coverage? Government corruption and wrongdoing exposés and balanced, objective journalism? The Daily Times???? The one in Salisbury, Maryland???
Somebody's been eating the moldy rye bread again.
"As a member of The Daily Times family, you will continue to receive the many benefits included with your subscription."
Please, DT, provide us with a list of those "many benefits".
The Dialy Times is delusional. They’re not even worth $1 a day as sold in the Dollar Stores. No one buys it there either!
$500 per year for a daily ten minute read.
Some people read more slowly than others.
Our monthly bill went from 28.00 to 40.00/month as of October 1..I sent the bill Nack on Sept 18 with " cancel ad of Oct 1..I also emailed them..they emailed back that they can't cancel via email or mail..Thai I " have to contact by phone". I refuse to do that as it will be a sales pitch..they continue to send bills and I send back...most recent with a letter. They continue to put their trash in our box.i told them 3 times by email that it is unacceptable that they will not cancel by email in this day of technology and that we are finished!
I canceled with their LAST rate increase (after over 40 years of non-stop home delivery). The paper doesn't even vaguely resemble the local paper I delivered as a young boy. I have found that I don't miss it. Easy to live without. Obituaries are a public notice and everyone has access to them online, and the website can't charge for access to them. All other local news can be found in other places that serve the local area.
Just called the Daily Times to cancel my on line subscription $10.00 per month, which has now gone up to 14.00 per month. I was told that there is a 45
minute wait time, so leave your number and we will call you back. Must be alot of people calling to cancel also. Can't wait for them to call back. Just a big bunch of losers that work there, from the bottom to the top. They just need to go away.
sorry, forgot what year it is.
We cancelled immediately with the increase!
My current subscription price is $21.75 including taxes. I have been a customer for over 30 years and have the paper mailed to Towson. After the current subscription expires on 12/31/17 I will be cancelling. Get more reliable news from the Salisbury News anyway.
I cancelled my subscription in 1993 when they stopped printing anything of value.
I got a belly laugh from that one. thanks.
At the beach, we have all those free newspapers full of ads to get our charcoal grills lit.
November 20, 2017 at 9:51 AM:
Don't pay them. They will stop delivering on their own. You don't have to call. Paying is renewing your subscription and accepting their terms. So, just don't pay them.
If the subscription cost is going up, it's probably the case that the advertising dollars are going down.
"We promise to remain committed to serving your needs and keeping you informed every day with news you can trust. And our commitment doesn't stop there. As a member of The Daily Times family, you will continue to receive the many benefits included with your subscription."
My needs? You don't have a clue about my needs.
Trust? You've fed us so much baloney over the years at the orders of the local rich and powerful that we've finally choked on it.
Commitment? Check your parent company's mission statement and get back to us.
Benefits? Give us a list.
They have to make rent one way or another. Devco isn't going to let them live there rent-free like the county let's Salisbury government live rent-free at the GOB.
"As a member of The Daily Times family..."
Don't for a second consider me a family member of yours, you spineless and ethically challenged cretins.
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