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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

He Said He Would Call His Own Shots

A month after being crowned the darling of national conservatives, Republican Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts is being branded "Benedict Brown" for siding with Democrats in favor of a jobs bill endorsed by the Obama administration.

Like the four other GOP senators who joined him, the man who won the late Democrat Edward Kennedy's seat says it's about jobs, not party politics. And that may be good politics, too.

The four other GOP senators who broke ranks — Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, George Voinovich of Ohio and Christopher "Kit" Bond of Missouri — also were criticized on Tuesday. But Brown was the big target on conservative Web sites, talk shows and even the Facebook page his campaign has promoted as an example of his new-media savvy.

"We campaigned for you. We donated to your campaign. And you turned on us like every other RINO," said one writer, using the initials for "Republican-In-Name-Only."

The conservative-tilting Drudge Report colored a photo of Brown on its home page in scarlet.

The new senator responded by calling into a Boston radio station.

"I've taken three votes," Brown said with exasperation. "And to say I've sold out any particular party or interest group, I think, is certainly unfair."

The senator said that by the time he seeks re-election in two years, he will have taken thousands of votes.

"So, I think it's a little premature to say that," he said.



Anonymous said...


Just what we talked about yesterday. A political party trying to brow beat a party member to tow the party line. Whether or not I disagree with his vote or how he feels about a specific issue is of little consequence for the purposes of this comment. My point is that Scott Brown DOES get it. He is not being just another party hack towing a party line. He makes a decision on how best to represent the people in HIS district and the only people he is beholden to are his constituents. The time for standing by a candidate regardless of their decisions because of their party affiliations is OVER. THAT was the lesson learned in Mass. It just goes to show that the majority of the elected officials STILL don't hear what the people are saying. The people want to be heard - not ignored. The people want their representative to represent THEM - not a political party.

How can they not get this?

If elected representatives fail to represent the people in their districts by refusing to carry their voice to Washington, but rather continue to be party hacks and create new taxes, fees, etc. against the will of the people, we once again have Taxation without Representation. And we see how well that worked out in 1776.

Political parties and those who blindly follow the party and support it, regardless of whether or not they act on behalf of their constituents, are part of the problem - NOT part of the solution.

It's high time we remove these party line politicians from office. It's time we collectively shout from the roof tops....Enough Is Enough! We have to turn this ship around before it's too late. No More! Replace these people with those who will bend to the will of the PEOPLE - not the party. Eliminate the political elitists - on both sides of the isle!

Anonymous said...

Any use of independent thought or comment sense is considered treason to the hard core conservatives. Hey guys, you are NOT right on every issue.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to DC Senator Brown. Everyone loves you until you vote your conscience.

Seems like the Tea Party is just like everyone else after all.

Anonymous said...

8:58 it is no different for Democrats. Just ask Joe Lieberman. Ask Frank Kratovil. Politicians have to change their mentalities or WE have to change their faces.

Anonymous said...

12:28 I AGREE! But Dems do it to a lesser extent (if it matters).

- 8:58am

Anonymous said...

well 8:58 i can see the point but would counter with this....I one murderer kills 2 people and another kills one any better than the other?

Anonymous said...

Brown voted for Massachussetts state run health care also...if that makes a difference. Didn't anybody look at his voting record before he was put in office? Seems all the republicans were jumping for joy over nothing. And probably why the Democrats weren't sweating it too much.

bkight13 said...

Brown said he was an independent leaning Republican. He is very conservative on many major issues, but more liberal on others. What he did was true to his word. The GOP embraced Brown because he could kill Obamacare and ignored the rest. We need more pols like Brown who truly vote their conscience and do not just vote the party line.

Anonymous said...

Just another typical lying politician. Did anyone expect something different? He is a politician (a professional liar).

Anonymous said...

People, this is not a High School football game. This "red team" vs. "blue team" mentality has become toxic. Real issues affecting real people are being treated like game pieces instead of being thoughtfully considered on merits. For better or worse, Brown is a of course a politician, but at least he is able to look at issues with singularity, and not blindly following talking points. Good for him. Maybe other pols will begin to think for themselves and their constituents by governing instead of continuing to campaign after they've been elected.