
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nightly News At 6 PM


Unknown said...

You pretty much just broke down what is wrong with government on all levels. The City, County, State and most of all Federal Governments are at the point where they cannot sustain themselves. I think some of the American people are starting to wake up to the fact that government is broken and politicians are crooked, incompetent, idiots. Politicians all spend like drunken sailors. Stop spending money is just something they don't seem to understand.

One thing I think could start to help, which is popular with the teapartiers, is term limits. We need to get rid of career politicians. One maybe two terms and your done. You cannot run for another office. You cannot work for any company that deals with or makes money from the government. That right there would cut a ton of the corruption out of politics.

Btw Joe, great show.

Anonymous said...

Who in the world was gonna argue on the side of the sex offenders?

Tidewaterbound said...

Good broadcast Joe and definitely food for thought for your entire viewership.

Anonymous said...

Nice tie Joe, I love pool.

Anonymous said...

Great show Joe. In reference to the budget, the same local level problem exists.

A Voice said...

The fact that the mother and grandmother weren’t there does hit on some emotions. It doesn’t make me angry but it does make me question why? This was a great message and I hope more people comment. Involvement in the community is part of what makes us human. The emotions I feel about Sarah Foxwell (even though I don’t know her or her family) shows the connection we all have with the community. It is sad to see the state of media in today's society; I’m referring to your comments about The Daily Times. But it is important to notice the cycle of the media and audience the brought about the paper not covering the Foxwell story. There is a major decline in newspaper readership and if less people buy, then they get less money for advertising space, and then less money to spend reporters out to cover stories. The need in today’s society for cultural forum in the form of Blogs is vital and I beg people to comment (informative comments) on everything, because there is no community with just Joe and I.

Anonymous said...

I saw coverage today on Court TV about Bradley. They gave some details pertaining to what he did. I respect the fact you have decided it in everyones best interest not to go into detail, but I also feel it does assist those who are in denial or that refuse to see the magnitude of his actions. I really believe turning the other cheek so to speak is one of the reasons people just don't give a dang about others. So many have lost sight of what life is and try to block the truth so they do not have to face it which allows them to go on as if nothing is happening.

What happened to Sarah is a tragedy and there should have been measures in place to prevent such a crime. The reason people were so involved and wanted to do all they could do is because YOU kept the greater majority of us informed. There were 3 hour delays in information given on other news sources and I know for fact many of us kept your site up and just hit refresh over and over again to see what was happening. If it wasn't for SBYnews there would have been delays in delvering water and food and goodness knows how long it would have taken to find out about memorials and vigils. However, it gives hope that people do care still about others. It gives hope that people do want to do what is right and do not need acknowledgement for doing so.

In my opinion of SBYnews is only able to improve one thing it is the relationship of the people. We will all disagree about one thing or another but that does not mean we cannot be civil and work to improve the lives of every deserving person that may really need someone to reach out and offer a hug or a bag of groceries. Life isn't all that complicated when you break it down. It is really simple and I find it hard to believe the purpose for any of us to be alive is to make as much money as we can and believe life centers around the self. All the material possessions ultimately have no meaning, it is touching the lives of others that make a person great. We need that..all of us need that.

Anonymous said...

Excellent Joe. Right on cue. I love your tie.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I don't know why you call what you do news. Giving an editorial on your thoughts is not news. Your are not Andy Rooney. You have a right on your blog to say anything you want. Please be honest and call what you do your editorial minute, not news because it is not it your opinion.

Anonymous said...

733 am Blow it out of your A$$.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I agree with everything you said here but one thing concerns me. When the internet provides such a wide variety of blogs and "news" providers, the evidence seems to indicate that people gravitate toward a blog or news site that leans toward their political viewpoint. Rather than provide an "alternate view" that might spur discussion or build consensus and compromise, people are moving farther apart and becoming more divisive. I read your site regularly. While I enjoy hearing views and opinions from across the political spectrum, I am dismayed at the number of people here who throw out "facts" and opinions that are obviously uneducated and often misinformed. Disagreement is fine, but at least research and know what you're talking about, then we can have a rational discussion based on facts rather than rumors and opinion. (I am not saying you do this. From everything I read here I can tell that while your political leanings are somewhat evident you really do thoroughly research the issues and consider every aspect before weighing in.)

Anonymous said...

Joe - You are right on many points in this editorial. WHere I disagree is when you talk about politicians like Dunn & Comegys. They don't represent the public. They represent themselves. That's the problem...and the public largely fails to hold them accountable. If you don't believe what I am saying watch Comegys on the most recent council meeting. It airs again this weekend and on Monday night.

Anonymous said...

The sex offender bill coverage is the top story across the front of wednesday's Daily Times.