The absurdity of the decision however, is only an extension of the absurdity of a philosophy that considers discrimination to be among the most egregious of all offenses. All organizations that have membership requirements discriminate, which includes nearly every organization that I can think of.
In 2000, the Supreme Court upheld the right of the Boy Scouts, and every private club, not to be forced by government to accept members that it doesn’t want.
Their newest tactic is to tell judges what they’re allowed to do when off the clock. Oh no! A judge might be teaching youth the importance of trustworthiness, courtesy, and thrift, to name just three of the Scouts’ values.
… Organizations that remain in liberals’ good graces are given a pass to discriminate as they see fit.
there's nothing wrong with discrimination. on the other hand I can find lots of things wrong with being politically correct.
there is nothing wrong with discrimination until it is YOU being discriminated against!
10:47 wrong. If I get the job because of my skin color and not my qualifications that's wrong.
People naturally are drawn to others like them it's human nature and to try and curb natural behavior is inhuman.
isn't that affirmative action? discussion here is discrimination. example: a l;android won't rent a house to you because you are a single mother with 3 kids or because you are handicapped. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Virtually every white male in this country has been discriminated against as a result of affirmative action. Any time lessor qualified individuals get a position over more qualified individuals it's discrimination. Guess what it's brought us? Go into any local, county, state or federal office and what do you see? A bunch of inefficient, ineffective, lazy a$$ guvmit workers who couldn't get hired without affirmative action (discrimination). ...PS - a landlord that doesn't rent to a single mother with three kids isn't discriminating, he's making a smart business decision.
As a left handed person I feel discriminated that I am forced to use my right hand when I shake someone's hand. Can I find a lawyer that will get me some money for all my pain and anguish?
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