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Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Another Bogus Academic Study Creates Bogus Headlines

Thanks to the Washington Post, we have new entry in what is surely the fastest-growing industry in academia: bogus studies that purport to show there is no difference between black and white rates of crime. The only difference comes from the big bad racist police, prosecutors, parole officers, judges, juries, reporters, editors and others who are also in on The Big Fix and relentlessly pick on black people, For No Reason What So Ever.

Even in black cities with black mayors, black police chiefs and black prosecutors -- like Washington.

This latest headline from the Post tells a shocking story: “Black teens who commit a few crimes go to jail as often as white teens who commit dozens.”

Or it would be shocking if it were true. But it is not.

This headline, of course, flies in the face of numbers that show violent crime for black people is astronomically out of proportion: 5, 10, 50 times greater than crime rates for white people. Throw Asians into the mix, and you can multiply that by 10 times more.

Turns out, they are also in on The Big Fix: “Although there were negligible differences among the racial groups in how frequently boys committed crimes, white boys were less likely to spend time in a facility than black and Hispanic boys who said they'd committed crimes just as frequently, as shown in the chart above,” quoth the Post.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read the "Bell Curve." It is banned by the liberals. Apparently the scientific method is the accepted and trusted method only when the statistics support the liberal ideology. If the statistics don't support their ideology, then they distort the data until it does. It IS the liberal / democrat way. The "liberals" are simply socialists / communists. Their ideology in other countries is called what it is. In America they hide behind the Democrat label. It is all propaganda and lies.