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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Feinstein's Gun Control Bill Will Trigger The Next American Revolution

All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party - Mao Tse Tung

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military - William Burroughs

Revolution? Yes, it all sounds rather “extreme”, but the cold hard reality of our era is not going to comfort us with diplomacies and niceties, so honestly, why should I have to sugar coat anything? We live in extreme times and there is no longer room for prancing around the ultimate consequences of that which is taking place in America today. This country is increasingly sliding towards the edge of internal conflict. The Liberty Movement and true Constitutionalists see it, subsections of Republicans and Democrats see it, and most of all, the federal government sees it. In fact, they may even be counting on it.

Over the past two years alone, multiple draconian policies have been enacted through executive order by the Obama Administration which build upon the civil liberty crushing actions of George W. Bush and press far beyond. The Patriot Acts, the FISA domestic spy bill, the bailouts of corrupt international banks, attempts at CISPA and SOPA, actions like the NDAA authorizing the treatment of U.S. citizens as “enemy combatants” without rights to due process; all paint a picture so clear only a one-celled amoeba (or your average suburban yuppie) would not see it. You and I, and everyone else for that matter, have been designated potential targets of the state. Our rights have been made forfeit.

There is no ambiguous or muddled separation between the citizenry and the government anymore. The separation is absolute. It is undeniable. It is vast. It is only a matter of time and momentum, and eventually there will be unbridled oppression, dissent, and conflict. All that is required is a trigger, and I believe that trigger has arrived…

Though made to appear “complex”, the gun control debate is actually an incredibly simple issue. It all boils down to a couple of questions which gun grabbers rarely ask: How does the 2nd Amendment affect the future? That is to say, what was the original intent, and should we still value that intent as it applies to tomorrow? And, what will really happen if it is forcibly removed? Gun opponents act as though they are unaware of these questions, or maybe they don’t care. However, it is vital to their safety and the safety of our culture in general that they do finally consider the bigger picture.

We’ve all heard the prefabricated gun control talking points before. Some of them so old they predate us. They are numerous and most of them incredibly thin. The gist of the anti-gun position, though, could be boiled down to these three points...

Common Anti-Gun Arguments:

1) The 2nd Amendment is “outdated” and no longer relevant in today’s modern society.

2) We do not want to stop you from “defending yourself”, or interfere with the American tradition of hunting, but people do not need “military assault weapons” for either.

3) Your claimed freedom to own guns should not supersede my freedom to live without fear of guns. We exist in a society, and our society requires us to give up certain freedoms so that it can function.


Anonymous said...

Referring to # 3 reason against guns, if you fear guns that much, you need to get new friends.

lmclain said...

The right to resist totalitarianism, oppression, suppression, and despotism IS the reason for the Second Amendment. Liberal ninnies, people afraid of loud noises, those ignorant of our history, and worst of all, people who do WHATEVER they are told because they believe those in power know whats best, have tried their best to convince others that the Second Amendment was NOT intended to allow free citizens the ability to overthrow tyrannical leaders. Jefferson Adams, Washington, Franklin, Livingston, Lee, and many others DID NOT write a document protecting the powers of GOVERNMENT. They wrote a document LIMITING the powers of government. And PREDICTED the government would one day become oppressive and the people would ("must", in Jefferson's words) resist and eliminate said tyranny. And they DID NOT think that could be done with editorials and speeches. So I say -- as millions of other Americans do -- if you want my guns, come and get them. Just bring a lot of help. And watch your back.

Anonymous said...

BLA BLA BLA...Your mind is stuck in the 1700's...time to move on mentally, we are(supposed to be) a civilized society. Time to stop hiding behind the 2nd Amendment and evolve(i know it's hard for you ppl).

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 11:16am if you IDIOTS want a gun free society then move to a country that has no guns in the hands of its citizens and see just how comfy you are there! No One is hiding behind the second amendment we are standing up for GOD GIVEN RIGHTS as I'm am confident you will say that your stupidity is your right to free speech!

Anonymous said...

"Thou shalt not kill" - God

I seriously doubt that owning an assault weapon is a God-given right. Sorta goes against the "turn the other cheek" thing too.

lmclain said...

1:44..I'll bet you don't even know what an "assault weapon" is....

Anonymous said...

Having earned my marksman medal in the USCG with an M-16, I'm quite certain I know what an assault weapon is...and what one is not.

Anonymous said...

people afraid of loud noises

Hey, I don't like loud noises but I like guns. And dislike gubnet. And tolerate police.

You must have meant something/someone else.

lmclain said...

I meant exactly what I said. And as far as living in the 1700's, I have some EXTREMELY good company, including a whole lot of Constitutional professors, attorneys, scholars, and millions of American citizens. I can't wait until you start calling for the rest of us to "evolve" into thinking that free speech, the right to assemble and protest, and the the right to vote are "quaint", outdated ideas and not "worthy" of "modern man". Didn't you, as a USCG member, take an OATH (!) to defend the Constitution? Did you refuse to take the oath, or laugh under your breath, or "evolve" into such intellectual superiority that you have forgotten how and why our nation was founded? Or truly believe that the people currently in power in dictatorships around the world forcibly disarmed their people so there wouldn't be any shootings in theatres or schools? Here's a hint --- NO!! They did it so they could not be resisted. But YOU think the people in power in THIS country have different desires for power and control? Read the Patriot Act, the NDAA, or ask an FBI official for the list of people who have been SECRETLY TRIED (!) and SECRETLY IMPRISONED in OUR country. You may end up "detained" yourself. Maybe some mean words or a pointed editorial will save you. I'll stick with an arsenal of weapons, just like the Jews, the Chinese dissidents, Stalin's murdered MILLIONS, East Germany's oppressed and murdered people, North Korea's starving masses (murdered by the thousands EVERY YEAR) etc, WISHED they had done....Get real.

Anonymous said...

2:28 PM

Calm down. You're lumping 3-4 people into one persona. Slow down and read each one and answer accordingly.

Anonymous said...

"Thou shalt not kill" - God

I seriously doubt that owning an assault weapon is a God-given right. Sorta goes against the "turn the other cheek" thing too.

December 30, 2012 1:44 PM

I doubt 'turning the other cheek' means after you have been shot in the face, let them shoot the other side.

We have a God given right to defend ourselves. If our enemies come at us with assault weapons, we should be able to defend against them with the same type of assault weapons.

YOU can have a sling and a stone.

Anonymous said...

Having earned my marksman medal in the USCG with an M-16, I'm quite certain I know what an assault weapon is...and what one is not.

December 30, 2012 7:43 PM

When one thinks of combat, the coast guard does not readily come to mind.

lmclain said...

5:58 ok...for you, I'm always calm. It helps hit the center of the target. 8:48, my thoughts exactly. 8:46, perfect reasoning. Back to you,'s my grammar, syntax, spelling, and organization? For the sissy boys and girls, read the 2:28 post and refute it. With calm reasoning, of course. And facts. Blend some history into your refutation. And don't quote Piers Morgan. Happy New Year!! Or is THAT too excitable???

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!! Or is THAT too excitable???

December 31, 2012 9:42 PM

lol ok never mind. You're not picking up what I'm laying down, and that's probably my fault for not expressing myself well enough.

It doesn't make a whole lot of difference anyway. We think alike on enough things to let some things slide.

Happy New Year to you and yours.