The vehicle you see above, well, it was in fact being towed because it simply had a flat tire! Look, some Salisbury Firefighters tend to get all in my face about my exposing things here on Salisbury News but let me assure you one thing Ladies & Gentlemen, when you're done reading this article you're going to be pissed! Not only that, you're going to start questioning if in fact many of the comments in the past on such articles wasn't Chief See, Deputy Chief Gordy and Hoppes because what I'm about to tell you is just unbelievable, but true.
That new Ladder Truck they just got. That thing is so huge, most Firefighters have absolutely NO CLUE how they're going to maneuver that thing around Salisbury, that's how big it is. Gordy and See had to purchase the biggest one made and they may have just screwed themselves and ultimately you because there's a good chance that vehicle isn't going to make it to you in a timely fashion.
Moving on, Gordy and See are flat our draining the Volunteers Bank Accounts like there's no tomorrow as well. Engine II is a 2,000 gallon tanker that was manufactured in 1997. This vehicle is in almost perfect condition yet Gordy claims due to ISO Standards they want to get rid of it and purchase another brand new 4,000 gallon tanker that will cost, (I'm told) several hundred thousand dollars. Apparently they're tag teaming with Berlin to purchase some vehicles together but I don't see where they're getting any kind of real deal.
OK, if you think that's bad, let me move on because Gordy is scared out of his pants that I'd get a hold of this information but there's lots more to share and he's NOT going to be a happy camper today!
Once the brand new Fire Trucks come in that they had ordered, (actually they're in, just not in service yet) they'll be sending TWO Fire Trucks back to Pierce to have them retrofitted with a brand new paint job to match the brand new vehicles they just got in. They'll be adding new light packages in as well as decorative rope lighting throughout. They're spending money like there's no tomorrow and the Volunteers aren't happy at all! Oh, if you think this is bad, wait till you hear this. The two vehicles they'll be sending back, they got them in April of 2006 and Gordy is trying to claim they're not up to standard and that's why they're being retrofitted! The Volunteers are being forced to spend every penny they have and See & Gordy are bleeding them completely dry.
So most would think this is enough, right? NOPE! One of Gordy's biggest fears is what I'm about to tell you right now. You remember how the City just paid out all that money to put a brand new engine in Gordy's vehicle? He just ordered another brand new vehicle for himself but he's trying to make it look as if the vehicle is actually for Hoppes. But wait a minute, didn't Hoppes just get a brand new vehicle just over a year ago? YES! He most certainly did. Gordy thinks the Citizens won't know the difference and he'll slip into that vehicle allegedly without anyone knowing. Gordy allegedly said, it's all smoke and mirrors and no one will know the car is for me.
I'm told they have so many spare vehicles behind the new Fire Station it's like a used car lot back there. Gordy and See must have everything new and the best of everything available. ALL of the other local Fire Departments around, Pittsville, Willards, Parsonsburg etc. are begging to get their hands on many of the so called surplus vehicles at bargain prices and allegedly even open the sealed bids to help some Fire Departments get in the highest bid so they can be assured they'll get those vehicles. Yet think about this Folks, why aren't these other Towns worried about ISO ratings? My bet is because Salisbury runs everything they do this way, just like the AZA and the Salisbury Zoo. They join these organizations and get accredited and the next thing you know you're walking into Council Meeting stating you HAVE to have these things or else.
It's all a load of crap and before Salisbury News came along they got away with it. NO MORE! You taxpayers must fight these guys and stop them from spending all this money! YOU need to ask these Candidates hard questions about what they're going to do about this overspending at the Zoo, the Fire Department and elsewhere.
Gordy, See, You've Been Blogged once again! My guess will be that the comments that follow, should they attack me, will be Gordy, See & Hoppes and perhaps their children. They're out of control Folks!
UPDATE!!!!!!! I forgot to add the following. I was also told that Gordy has added a $10,000.00 lighting package to the new vehicle they have ordered. They did not put this in the budget so they are making the Volunteers fork up an additional $10,000.00 for this light package. Yeah, Hoppes will be driving this vehicle for good, my butt!
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»If this be the case then the tax payers of this city should demand that they turn in their resignations. This is serious allegations and if true the tax payers should accept no less.
Ding Ding Ding!!! Round 3
here we go again " Let's get it on"
Woof Woof Baby!!!!
Good Post Joe! Way to keep us informed.
Now back to the DT for thier coverage of this story....
Back already, no coverage yet Joe!
I don't understand why the car is being towed. I thought you said it had a flat tire? That doesn't make sense.
And are you saying they are sending 2 vehicles to Pierce to get more decorative lights added? Is that what you are saying? It is only for decoration?
also, if they are buying another new car, then someone, somewhere must know the purpose. Do they really have extra cars not being used? Why would they buy additional cars if they have extra cars? Are the extra cars in good condition?
anonymous 9:09, let me assure you these aren't allegations, these are facts. Expect them to go hide in a closet right about now because they know they've been exposed once again. Oh, they'll even come out with a Press Conference talking about ISO BS!
Joe this is the very reasons you need to not become passive in dealing with the candidates running for mayor as you know damn well that if Comegys gets in nothing will change for Salis. taxpayers.
Joe, what you call "facts" is not nessesarly the truth. Are you double checking? And the vols. money is being used for what it was intended. FIRE EQUIPMENT!!! The "decorative" lights are actually compartment lighting. GET THE REAL FACTS!!!
I just don't know what I'm supposed to do about this problem. All this corruption really bothers me but I am only a college student. I will vote against Comegy's soon but what can I do about these other criminals?
anonymous 9:29,
I've done more than just double checked, I'm absolutely right on with this one and you know it. I don't give a crap what the decorative rope lighting is for! You people are sending these 2 vehicles all the way back to the manufacturer and taking them out of service for several months and putting in as replacements very old equipment, (according to Gordy's standards) while the newer ISO 2006 vehicles get retrofitted, paited and whatever else these clowns want done to them. Give me a break you Idiot!
Oh, Hey Folks, I forgot to add this to my Post. Ask Gordy about the $10,000.00 light system that's being installed onto his new personal City Vehicle. Yeah, that's right Folks, $10,000.00 being charged to the Volunteers because Gordy didn't budget it to the City when he ordered the vehicle. How's that Mr. Fact Cheker?
Stealing is Stealing just like the Landfill corruption this is becoming the norm not the exception. Is there any honest people left in this community? No wonder our taxes are beyond comprehension.
I do not live in Salisbury, but this really does bother me.
If your information is truly fact Joe, then something should be able to be done. Is there a recording or a witness that would testify against Gordy for the "smoke & mirrors" comment? If not, that would be hearsay.
There are people LOCALLY losing their jobs, a LOT of them.
You would think they would have attempted to have those trucks at least painted LOCALLY, and not necessarily by Pohanka either.
There's stuff going on with them too but that's another story.
The City Council needs to investigate this NOW and do something about it NOW.
People of Salisbury, your corruption appears to run VERY deep in your city. Wake up and do something about it! The power is in YOUR hands! And not just at election time either....NOW!
Joe is pretty darn accurate in his post. A dollar off here and there, but pretty close and dead on accurate at times. The 2006 pumpers are going to pierce to get what most departments would consider frivilous expenditures. Flat tires should be taken off and repaired without the use of a tow truck. The new sedan is coming and Gordo will have a new ride for sure. This is just the tip of the iceberg with whats going on in Salisbury. There nothing to stop them. Bubba agrees to everything and the other two believe everything he says. Bubba is aware and is responsible for the sharade with the taxpayers dollars.
What? Our big, strong firefighters can't change a tire? Give me a break! I've been changing my own tires since I was 25 years old; I don't need to wait for a MAN or a tow truck. Changing a tire isn't rocket science! I guess their heads are crammed so full of fire-fightin' science that there wasn't any room left for common sense.
We have a winner Joe Albero, 2 min.& 58 sec into the third round, Heavy Weight Champion Albero does it again and holds onto his title, more to come.
The idiots need to QUIT SPENDNG, but how in the devil do you tell Louise Smith, Gary Comegys and Shanie Shields to JUST SAY NO to their requests. Barrie would put arsenic in their M&M's if they said no.
Lets Get ready To Rumble!
Well the DT justed reported that Chief See is retiring effective june 30th after 3o years whats gonna happen then??????
im not saying this is the case by far but in some companies members are not allowed to change tires on vehicles at all for insurance purposes.... I know I know they are allowed in a burning building or allowed to repel down a mountain BUT that’s big bad insurance company business for ya.
Joe, once again, great reporting.
I know the ladder truck has been a hot topic with you and I wanted to let you in on some info that you may not know. It was purchased with help from Salisbury University. SU released the info a few years ago and many have forgotten about it. They are one of the few that need the truck, and may have had some influence on its design/specs.
anonymous 10:19,
Thanks for the update and I do recall that being the case and did several articles about it. Here's one for you though and everyone else.
The new Ladder Truck has been in the Shop because they already had an accident with it. The rear bumper was damaged and had to be repaired or replaced.
No wonder people in Gordo's compny feel the way they do. He thinks he's better then the rest of us. He knows how to change a tire - come on.
Whatever towing company that is should fire their driver !!! That heavy a** car on the back of that little tow truck is only being held by one chain. State law says the vehicle must be tied down in four locations. If someone hit him from behind the one chain would never hold that car from breaking loose.
See should be fired before june, soon as we get the new mayor! Teach all these crooks it's not going to be tolerated any longer!!
I saw the truck the day it came in and walked all around the truck. I asked for someone to show me the accident damage because I had'nt seen it.
It was a little ding in the molding on the rear of the truck and Pierce was taking care of the repair since it happened while their rep was driving it.
Joe Great Post !! I am not a fireman. I did belong in De. years ago. It was all volunteer. There were issues but nothing like this. I just heard the Chief is retiring in June. Where is all this funding coming from. If I read the post correctly it is coming from a volunteer fund?? I dont get it. How do they have access to it.
On that note I dont get how they are getting all this equipt. The city police cars sounds like they got them at rent a wreck. Those cars are in horrible shape. I saw a kid on a shate board blow by a marked cruiser. lol It is not quite that bad but close. Most of thier fleet you hear before you see it. I think this is more of a selling point for take homes for cops. It is a fact they take better care of it if they drive and are held soley resposible for the care.
What is the connection with the Mare and the F.D. I see they seem to be getting all the fat. Thank God she is done. I think you might see a few poeple bugging out when she goes.
If these funds are being misused someone needs to contact the Attorney Generals Office. It could be there is stipulations about using this fund but it sure does sound like a total waste. If they have vehicles that can be used else where then send them there. This is what goes on around here.
Keep an eye on them Joe. No one else will speak out. You say what others dont care enough about or just scared to speak up.
FYI Joe,
I know for a fact that Fruitland Vol. Fire Company has been trying to get aerial apparatus (AKA, Ladder Truck) since P&Z approved the bulding of the Hampton Inn Hotel in Fruitland next to Walmart. Fruitland is equipped to handle fire rescue up to 3 stories-the Hotel is 4 stories, plus it has a pitched roof making it 5 stories in the eyes of a fire fighter. Fruitland P&Z approved the building and its design dispite the fact that the fire department specifically stated that it would not be able to adequately serve the building. Fruitland has a mutual aid agreement with Salisbury in regards to serving this particular building in the event of a fire, but how effective can the response be from cypress street to Fruitland?
In addition, because ridiculous projects, like the Fruitland Hampton Inn, are approved we have to spend addition tax dollars to serve them. Don't you think that those who create the need for such equipment should chip in on the costs? It's the same as impact fees, but instead of paying additional money so that sewage doesn't over flow in the river when you drop a deuce; you're paying so that your a$$ isn't burned up in a fire because you built a building too high for the fire department to serve... One could argue that an increased property tax should be imposed for those chosing to build or own buildings higher than 3 stories (35') such as the One Plaza East Building, The ridiculous riverside highrises, the failed project on Fitzwater, or the Ramada Inn... The general public should not bare the burden...Just think about how few citizens are going to be serviced by this ladder truck...
wonder if the new fire house they just built is going to get retro fitted with new couches and recliners maybe secret tunnels from the mayors office to Godrys office for those late night encounters. Maybe a certain "swing" for them to play in. Ill even bet you when gordy farts it smells like burnt vasaline! Bring the lube Salisbury tax payers cause The mayor nor gordy is supplying it to you
being a Volunteer at one of the fire department that you listed it is very hard to get funding for anything. most of our money comes from ambulance calls and fund raisers. We dont get the kind of money that salisbury gets that is given to them our "volleys" all have to earn what we have which also makes you respect that apparatus as well.
Yes !the spending now that Gordo and SEA control the vol.Money made possiable by the charter change in the city,Lets spend it !!!!!! all , every thing that was worked for and put away for many years by a lot of good ppl to help the city out is being drainned, and wasted by these two man joe you dont even know half of it a TRUST ME!!! maybe now every body might see what station two was fighting for a few years ago.
And the ISO RATINGS what a joke not a law just a helpful giude line wake up ppl these two have been using guide line crap way to long to get what they want, there are a lot of compaines out there that would love to have the stuff that these two have wasted money on trucks cars etc when for no reason they were needed yes sta16 does need a new ladder truck but something that makes sense and is fairly budget friendly, ops wait GORDO AND SEA have no idea what that means, LOOK AT THAT WASTE OF A FIRE HOUSE !!!!!!
To the student who posted here asking what they could do--organize your friends to get registered to vote in Salisbury, and don't believe it when the Comegys machine tries to scare you about Caldwell or Ireton. Vote for either of those men and you will be better off, guaranteed.
Form the eastern shore malitia now.
Anon 10:07
You sound like you are defending some of this nonsense.
Even if they are not allowed to change the flat (because of insurance regulations) there are tire places who will fix a flat on the roadside and I'll bet it wouldn't cost NEAR what it cost for the tow truck to tow the vehicle.
There is not ONE thing in this post that can honestly be defended in my opinion.
Again, I do not live in Salisbury but you folks who do are still asleep if you're gonna defend this stuff in ANY way.
Insurance Company Flat Tire ????
Gordy is a rich guy. If he hurts himself while changing a flat tire, he can use his own insurance. I don't think he will be in a financial bind if he pulls a muscle. Besides, can't he VOLUNTEER to save the city some money?
He acts like he cares about people, then, he pulls this crap.
Anonymous said...
"I do not live in Salisbury, but this really does bother me."
It should bother you. If you live in Wicomico County your tax dollars are paying for it. Joe keeps telling you that Gordo, See and Hoppes are making the volunteers pay for it. Where do you think the volunteers get the money from? The County Fund. Wicomico County pays the volunteer fire companies in the county thousands of dollars each year and Salisbury has 3 volunteer stations. You people, city and county should be complaining to the County Executive and the County council members.
"You would think they would have attempted to have those trucks at least painted LOCALLY, and not necessarily by Pohanka either.
There's stuff going on with them too but that's another story."
This will be the 3rd paint scheme that Gordo has introduced in his short period of time in Salisbury. Everything was painted and stripped not to long ago to look like Delmar FD and FDNY. Now everything is being painted Black and White to look like the Chicago Fire Department. They change paint schemes more than I change my underwear and paint isn't cheap. Those 3 losers are nothing but big time fire department wannabe's.
"The City Council needs to investigate this NOW and do something about it NOW."
The council already know about it but it has been approved by Bubba, Louweasel and the mare.
9:47 AM
This is definitely corruption.
God I love Joe's Blog
I have seen mentioned a few times they keep taking money from the volunteers. Where do the volunteers get their money? This is NOT an attack Im just wondering. Seems if they are earning it... they should have some say so as to how its spent.
Why do "fire cars" need lighting packages? The fire chief or assistants will get to the fire soon enough. One of these cars equipped with the lights just raced through Vine St., crossing Eastern Shore Drive, with horns blaring and lights flashing. Is all that necessary, or is it just for show to make the chief or assistants look important?
Please Mayor have the Fire fighters
attend a class at VoTech to learn how to change a tire.
If all of this stuff is true, what is going to be done about it??
NOTHING, Nothing at all. No one can do anything to stop it. No one has enough balls to stop it. They would rather comment on how awful it is and blah blah blah....
The bottom line is, accept the facts, put on your big boy/girl panties and carry on to the next thing........... Game over-- They win!!!
The the Idiot who just tried to imply it was someone else driving this vehicle the other day and knows better, I rejected your comment simply because that's a lie. But just in case you want to continue thinking just because I reject that name and you believe that's my mole, again, you're an Idiot. See & Gordy are playing games on here but they need to get much smarter than that. When I know something to be a fact and someone comes back with a lie, I reject ALL of those comments. So play your game elsewhere and GROW UP!
albero you have no idea what the f*&k youre talking about. are you a fireman working for the city....nope, do you see what goes on on a daily basis....nope, do you know what equiptment is going out of service when...obviously not, because you were wrong. why dont you do everyone a favor and go play russian roulette with yourself until somebody wins
Well Joe, let me clear some things up. The two engines being sent back to Wisconsin are Engine 16 and Engine 16-1. Both are over 2 years old and are being sent back to have warranty work done on them as well as the new paint scheme (which I agree is wasted money). When the 2 brand new engines arrive, one will be going to station 1 and one to station 2. Engine 210 and engine 1 will be going to station 16 temporarily until engines 16 and 16-1 come back. In your post, you said, """Engine II is a 2,000 gallon tanker that was manufactured in 1997.""" Just to clear things up, Engine II is engine 210 and its an engine, NOT a tanker. I do not believe this engine holds 2,000 gallons of water either. You said they are looking into purchasing a 4,000 gallon tanker, which that size would be extremely large and unusual. Stations 1 and 2 also will be getting a quint. To make room for the quint at station 1, engine tanker 1-1 is suppose to be going to station 16. That is all I know about the tanker situation.
I will agree with you on the chiefs' cars. It seems that they want a new car everytime a new model comes out. I do not see the point in See having a car with lights and sirens because he never shows up on a fire scene.
Hey little man with small pecker and drives big truck, which one of the big three are you? Oh, that's right, not man enough to give a name but you'll find me in a back alley some day and take care of me, right? Tough guy, are you? Did I hit a MAJOR nerve today at the SFD? Do you ever take time to think before you make comments or open your mouth. You said,
"do you see what goes on on a daily basis....nope, do you know what equiptment is going out of service when...obviously not, because you were wrong."
Funny, you never stated anything factual to prove me wrong about anything, now did you. Do I see what's going on there every day, NOPE. However, do I need to be there every day to know exactly what's going on, NOPE!
Everyone knows I'm right on target with everything stated here, right down to the dates. Will the Taxpayers read about ANY of this in the Daily Times? NOPE! There's a reason were so much larger than the Daily Times any more and that's because we tell it like it is and we tell the truth, something YOU can't handle, OBVIOUSLY!
Joe I would give my eye teeth to have you live in Salisbury,we need a clean sweep of everything, and everyone.
Can't we have an ethics board establish to investigate this spending? It should be documented who is spending this money, and where the funds are coming from. Justification needs to be done to spend county money, and the fact of Gordo spending $10,000 for lighting is not justfied in any stretch of the imagination. Gordo and See need both to be impeached, and go with the Mayor. AFter all, See and Mayor are getting paid for doing nothing now, and Gordo doesn't need to be paid. If he was in the financial shape that alot of others are, he may be concerned about where his money was coming from. Meanwhile, he continues to gouge customers at the gas pump that his wife runs for him. What a looser. I hope she wears the pants in the family, because neither Big or lil Godo have them. Delmar won't accept Big Gordo back and Delmar doesn't except thiefs, so there you go. Thanks David See, and thanks to Salisbury Fire Dept. They are the ones that created this fiasco. Creating the laughing stock in the state.
I am a little confused about the charging volunteers statement. Can someone please explain it to me?
If all of this stuff is true, what is going to be done about it??
NOTHING, Nothing at all. No one can do anything to stop it. No one has enough balls to stop it. They would rather comment on how awful it is and blah blah blah....
The bottom line is, accept the facts, put on your big boy/girl panties and carry on to the next thing........... Game over-- They win!!!
3:29pm.....they might win this battle, but when the new Mayors in place and ppl come forward with testimonies...SFD heads are gunna roll! This will be their last abuse!
And WE will have won this war. The HONEST fireman need to get their papers together now.
Remember "Paladin" have gun will travel.
Anon 3:15
You're kidding...right?
Why do you NEED Joe to live in Salisbury to get things changed?
You DON'T. You idiot.
Joe has exposed numerous things for you in Salisbury but YOU are not doing anything about it.
Joe isn't gonna do it for you, but he doesn't mind giving you the ammo.
Get off the couch and DO something.
Anon 12:49
I do not live in Salisbury AND I do not live in Wicomico County.
Sorry for you.
I fight the battles where I live.
Ok, so a new mare is elected.... The fire chief retires, people move up the ladder so to say. Not one person is going to come forward and say anything bad about the spending of money. They dont want to be black balled. Monies are being spent that may not be in the best interest of the fire company, but regardless --- Its being approved and signed off on, so its gone. Not one person is willing to stand up and raise kane about it--- with the exception of Joe- he has the nads to report on it and i know that if he could he would be doing something about it. The rest of you stand quietly behind (hidden) him and say yea right on you go joe- and chose to do nothing!!!! Now What??
That new motor you spoke about in Gordo's chief's vehicle cost over $6,000 to put in. The light bar package he made the volunteers pay for when he stole the car from Chaplain Dixon cost over $6,000. It already had a nice light package, but that wasn't good enough for him. $12,000 on a used car. Man, those guys are nothing but criminals.
Anonymous said...
Why do "fire cars" need lighting packages? The fire chief or assistants will get to the fire soon enough. One of these cars equipped with the lights just raced through Vine St., crossing Eastern Shore Drive, with horns blaring and lights flashing. Is all that necessary, or is it just for show to make the chief or assistants look important?
1:12 PM
That car you witnessed was Rick Hoppes who thinks he is a Deputy Chief. I am a volunteer and he blew by me so fast that dust and sand was being kicked up off the road. He didn't know who I was because I was in my company car. He came by me so fast I thought he was doing over 100 miles an hour. If someone pulled out in front of him he would have killed them. I am glad I made it safely to the station to stand by. That guy is very dangerous and he needs to be fired before he becomes a liability to the city. He drives like that all the time and he doesn't need to even go on calls. To many chiefs and not enough indians.
So much for not cussing Joe. I actually am a volunteer at SFD, and I would like the opportunity to share my opinion and correct some of your statements, but you won't allow that to go through. It seems you don't want to hear anybody else's opinion but yours.
SFD16 said...
So much for not cussing Joe. I actually am a volunteer at SFD, and I would like the opportunity to share my opinion and correct some of your statements, but you won't allow that to go through. It seems you don't want to hear anybody else's opinion but yours.
5:50 PM
Are you the same volunteer that got appointed Lieutenant even though you weren't qualified. The same volunteer that was president of the corporation that quit before they impeached you?
Next time sign your name.
I agree with 12:49
Would this "spending" be of interest to Rick Pollitt and what would be the outcome. Isn't he in charge of expenditures county wide?
So...changing a tire on a car is an insurance libality? Up until today, he could have gone to Dr. Folashade, said that he hurt his back while changing a tire and gotten a medical exempting him from a year of work with pay!
Rick Hoppes is related to the SFD being "forced" to take a new web site. Sounds like he is playing fast and loose with Gordy and See. I bet he gets a nice promotion soon!
The information provided here today is very accurate as I know it. I was not aware so many people knew about them though. This stuff has gone on since the two musketeers took over. Keenan left because he could not go along with this crap. The department has been run by a volunteer Deputy Chief and the appointed Chief has let him do it. Thousands of dolars have been spent on toys and thrills. Its not going to change until they are gone. Neither the Mayor or the three Bubbas will get in their way. Get used to it and quit crying. You put them there and you can live with it.
You should have been at Station 16 today. Gordo and See were furious. There were secret meetings every hour to plot the next move. The story here is real. Tow trucks, Tankers,unbudgeted light packages and new sedans as the troll calls them. Somebody opened Pandora's Box today.
BILL GORDY - TONY STERLING, same old same old. This stuff has been going on for years, battle over money positions and power.
The US is in the same situation with Obama and congress, Salisbury is nothing compaired to whats going on with the economy right now.
As a US citizen, we all are screwed until we get RICH people out of office and have people with common sense take over, you would never run a personal business Bill Gordy the way you run the FD would you?
Thats your first hint, What a shame that nothing will ever be done because people will not stand up until another revolution occurs.
Dont say I'm not proud to be american, I am I am proud of hard working people that have common sense, the little guy. I am sick of rich getting richer off of people like me.
Those of you who play the game to get ahead, sell your souls to be with satan people. I hope you enjoy the heat in the FD, because that is where you are going to spend eternity....
Well I figured out about the "towing" of the flat tire car..* They need to put some more miles on those spare cars to prove they are needed !
Hence the reason they cant sell em off. I only pray one of em dont slam into me! After the ass whipping would follow the legal fees. Have there been any justified fires that required these "new" trucks and cars ?
Joe you really got them but good this time . If you need back-up ...I'll get your back buddy! Just sound the call and Many of us will help you.
Oh almost forgot ! I'll change that tire for $20.00 bucks :) $20.00 bucks is $20.00 bucks HA HAA!
I come from a small fire company on Virginia's eastern shore. I dont know much about Salisbury's fire company, but they seem awful wasteful. My company would love to have a 1997 pumper tanker with a 2000 gal. tank. Engine 210 looks pretty safe to me and should be NFPA approved since its a 2003. I have no idea why or what you can upgrade on a 2006 pumper. I am sure we have enough sense to change a tire without calling a tow truck.
You need to scrape and beg for your equipment like us down here. Try running a 1981 pumper first run with no jumpseats. Maybe you would appreciate what you have and not be so spoiled. Salisbury looks pretty silly to us down here from where we see it. Its no wonder you have the problems you do.
7:02 Get real, you have joes back-please spare me-- why wont you sign your name then. Joe puts it out there for you to do something with- he cant- not a resident.. YOU say you have his back, truth be told, youd be the first one to be sawing that branch off as he goes out on a limb!! Thats being real here. You dont need to have joes back DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOURSELF- START BY SIGNING YOUR NAME.
Bid number two to change tire,
$11.50 a mexican I know will do it,
Thats a joke folks, just adding a little fun!
Think twice before blaming Hoppes of being involved in the charades. Hoppes can into the picture well after Gordy and See took office. I really don’t Hoppes is a believer in those two at all or the stunts their up to. When June hits I think Hoppes will fix some of what’s happened.
Joe, once again YOUR THE MAN! The DT's has a breaking news item about SEE retiring in June. YOU reported that weeks ago, could of possibly been months. All of us know that they'll never report on anything negative towards SFD.
You rock!
7:17 pm
The bad part is I dont see anything changing in there anytime soon. Regardless of all the bad press they get.
Cut the crap and get the real question about Gordo & See. June 2009 See takes retirement leaving his post as fire chief. Is Gordo leaving or staying?
A premier administration after See’s retirement as I see it would be Hoppes as chief with Tull as the deputy
figured as much
7:11 makes a valid point. Obuse over years drives a system to what is happening now. SFD has been abusing for some time and it has been allowed. They are spoiled and waste of money and frivolous spending has been the cause.
Gordy has no choice other than leave looking at the potential playing field. The future forecast of city government shows Ireton as mayor and a council that won’t be 3-2 when Gordy wants something. Give Gordy credit he only picks battles he knows he can win like one sided council decisions that were in the bag. Gordy has succeeded in his venture of running Salisbury now it’s time for him to leave. Seriously don’t look Gordy to around after June maybe in Florida not Salisbury.
I guess we'll hear the four assistant chiefs trying to justify the chiefs spending this week. They support everything that goes on and kiss ass on the three clowns. They're just as bad.
Anyone who thinks Hoppes agrees with the goings on here is wrong. Hoppes is biding time till See and Gordy leave then he’ll do the right thing I have faith in that. Hoppes is a people’s chief who cares about his people unlike Gordy. Guaranteed Hoppes tells the truth on a bible and won’t piss on your head and tell you it’s raining.
Funny you mention Ireton as mayor and not Bubba. My god what will gordo due without Bubba on the inside running cover?
Comegys don’t stand a snowballs chance in hell beating Ireton for mayor. Its high time Comegys can’t influence votes for fire department shenanigans. Once upon a time there was a thing called conflict of interest what ever happened to that? Comegys is a volunteer firemen voting on issues involving fire department issues. For the life of me I just can’t understand how that can be. Change is really on the way.
Gary Comegy’s helped me get everything I wanted before I retire and then some. If it wasn’t for his inside influence Bill nor I could have done it on our own. Gary you’re the man.
Joe Dirt, cuz there ain't no one with the balls to file ethics complaints on Comegys.
When people start fighting back the real way, something might change.
As for "Hoppes"...great, biding time. Every damn firefighter is "biding time," keeping head low until they are "free of See."
Whole city's been hiding until they are "free of Barrrrreeeee."
Well, guess what folks, nothing's going to change until you make waves while you gotta put up with these ____. (Your new rule is hard, Joe.)
You got two women on that council who put their necks out. Are you all out there for them when they need it? How about your save-the-day candidates? You out there working for them?
Get off your butts. Stop the excuses. I can relate to what you are going through from where I live, but folks here tend to show up and b____ (complain) live and in person.
You want change? Go fight for it and stop leaving it to a few who are stepping into the ring and getting their brains beat out.
Wow another piece of fluff that the Commies opps Comegy clones want. Hey put the lights on because when they pick my dead butt up on my crime ridden street my ride will be pimped out.
anonymous 5:50,
Do show me where there's curse words? I see none and if there is one I'd be happy to go back and reject it in case I missed it.
Anonymous said...
Rick Hoppes .... I bet he gets a nice promotion soon!
6:21 PM
Lets hope not. Big mistake for the hillbilly redneck from Waste Gate Road!!
SKIPPY said...
Think twice before blaming Hoppes of being involved in the charades. Hoppes can into the picture well after Gordy and See took office. I really don’t Hoppes is a believer in those two at all or the stunts their up to. When June hits I think Hoppes will fix some of what’s happened.
7:54 PM
Skippy, you don't know WTF you are talking about. He is worse than both of them put together. He is a big advocate of wasting money and has ripped the city off for thousands of dollars in overtime himself. Fortunately some current council members have already seen through that fraud. Hopefully he won't be around in June.
Balls said...
A premier administration after See’s retirement as I see it would be Hoppes as chief with Tull as the deputy
8:34 PM
Another Zombie heard from.
Dru Bragg for Fire Chief!!
It is really important to know, is yes they have gotten these trucks, but what is really needed is more people on all shifts. Yes the tower was needed. However all of the other trucks could have waited. Now when they ask council for more positions they will be turned down because they have gotten so much recently. However when any of our houses or lives are in danger we will not care how or what our money has been spent on just as long as someone gets there in a timely fashion. Isn't this correct.
Joe...will you keep Dru Bragg and John Tulls girlfriends off of here advocating them for promotions. We get it...they are "special". WTFE. Get over yourselves. Neither one has the good sense God gave a goose.
Can you bump this whole post to the top of your main page? I love how it makes Gordy and See squirm!!!
Shoot he could have got some grandmother to change the dang tire for him the wimp
Ok...since we are giving out promotions...lets start...I nominate Jimmy Gladwell and John "Bunky" Adams for "Head" and "Assistant Head" knob polisher.
This has been brought to you by the committee to bring back Todd Pruitt for Chief!!
I am sickened by what I hear about Salisbury. I have lived in this area all my life and yet I feel I have lived so far away. Thank you Joe for speaking out.
As a teenage girl taking driver's ed classes in high school, I remember them teaching tire changing. Have these guys gotten so big in their heads that they can't change a tire. Wasteful spending seems to run rapid in the City of Salisbury. It starts at the top and keeps going down the line and getting bigger.
We need Barrie out and an honest person in. We need someone who will go over every department budget and spending without bias and get this city back in shape.
Please someone tell me they watched the show "The Office"
last night. It was a perfect script for the SFD. I believe
there are many good fire fighters
who are being brought down by
these Want a B's
Iretonm Campbell and Chaney...city voters. Then an audit of the fire department and some house cleaning. Who sends trucks to WIsconsin? How can we aford to be without those vehicles? The paint is ridiculous. Give the new police package fire car to the police department where it's really needed. Get a police chief that cares about fighting crime. Vote, let's do it!
The car on the roll back in not any of the chief's vehicles. That is car 2. All 3 chief's drive the new style crown vics. The vehicle on the roll back is a pool sedan driving mainly by Lt Cropper, and Capt O'barsky. It is the old style crown vic.
As further evidence.. Its has the cheap lighting package on the roof.. Not the expensive LED light bar that all 3 chief's have
It amazes me that out of 96 comments on this post alone (many of which appear to be from Salisbury)but these people are doing nothing but sitting back and griping on this blog.
If only a portion of these people would stand up against all this, there would be others stand up with them as well.
This is the ONLY way things are going to change people! Griping here is not going to change anything so if you're not willing to stand up and be part of the solution to the problem, then maybe you really don't have a problem with the situation and are just acting out because you think it's cool.
Again, I do not live in Salisbury or Wicomico County so I can't stand up with you...if I did...I certainly would NOT be afraid to stand up though, I have, and people like you did not stand up with me because I was an army of ONE.
That is where it has to start though folks! With ONE.
So stop your bellyaching if you're not willing to do something about it, where it needs to be done.
People are standing up and speaking out. You just read it here. They can't expose themselves because the Mares retaliation machine would run them over. These people see whats going on, but have families think about. Their not the ones doing anything wrong. Its the leadership from the Chief, Depuyty and the Assistant Chiefs. If someone gets in their way they will be dealt with, like the mofia. People are speaking out and its time our elected leaders start digging around. The have told you where to look and what to look for. Half the job is done.
10:10 in your first paragraph you say "stand up and others will join you" but in your second paragraph you say "I stood up once and no one joined me".
why doesn't someone just cut all the rhetoric and just tell us exactly what to do?
Anon 1128 I agree yet disagree with you on some points. The mares retaliation machine can not get everyone. If everyone that commented on this post and other posts regardinng all the wrong doings in the city showed up at a council meeting and signed up to speak Louise Smith would be near stroke level like she was when everyone showed up for the audit meeting and she shut the meeting down.
If only a handful are complaining they ignore it. If everyone showed up to get their concerns and complaints put on record, they would have to listen.
Their retaliation could be construed as harrassment. A GOOD lawyer could handle that with no problem.
Anonymous said...
...Their retaliation could be construed as harrassment. A GOOD lawyer could handle that with no problem.
12:05 PM
I tried that and it is to expensive. The average employee can't afford it. The Mare's office has more money than I do. Oops, the mares money is your money, the tax payers.
In response to you for clarification....when I stood up, nobody joined me because I didn't go on a blog to get everyone worked up in order to gain the support, but when I stood up ALONE, I did get results but your issues are way more complex in Salisbury.
The real point was if even a small percentage of the 96 commenters (and I realize some are same poster more than once) would get together as a group, you could get things done. I didn't have that benefit of having a group already speaking out.
Sorry if I confused you. I guess I should have proofread it first and then I would have caught what threw you for a loop.
Go get 'em!!
People sometimes will not be the first to join an "army of one", however, you get an "army of many" like you have here posting on this blog and others will rise to join you too!
Why? They are smart enough to know there is power in numbers,you get a big group all upset about the same things, there is your power!
Where a single person might be construed as being on a witch hunt or some other self satisfaction ego trip and people do not want to be a part of that.
Clear enough?
Okay, so let me get this straight, my tax dollars that are taken from me and my children to help keep our city up to par and keep our community running as every tax payer expects, is being used to buy new vehicles when some of us that actually work out here are driving around in the same vehicles for years because we can't afford new ones every other year and this is where it's being spent?
Are you serious?
And having a flat tire is cause to hire a tow truck? Well...let's give the guy some sense here...would you honestly stop to help him change a flat tire anyway? I know he's never stopped for me. And no...two wrongs don't make a right but I'm a woman and I know how to change a flat tire on MY TIME and MY DOLLAR. You mean to tell me he can't change a flat tire on MY TIME and MY DOLLAR?
His answer is to call a tow truck and buy new vehicles on MY TIME and MY DOLLAR.
Yeah, not happy about that.
Joe, you need to post this at the beginning of your blog again - moving too far down the page for such an important issue
7:02 "change...that...tire!" You have been awarded the bid to chanhe Gordys' tires for the his current vehicle , but as soon as his next purchase the bids open again. :)
This is called leadership folks. The Fire Officers in the Salisbury Fire Department don't care whose money they are spending because it is not theirs.
These officers don't care because they are not city tax payers. And some of you people think the existing leaders will make an excellent choice for Salisbury's next Fire Chief??
As a member of the SFD all i can say is that you all have a very inaccurate story here and instead of your constant arguing over facts that simply arent true maybe you can research them a little and get the truth. Hey im not saying that everything is perfect but you all are not even close. Please just get the facts before you start talking down about people. Thanks.
Not True !!!!!!!!
to the person that made that statement let me be the frist to tell you. Iam long time Vol here in salisbury and have served under some great people who would have never aloud this to happen the waste of money !!!! but the mare and her clan have been able run all those people out of dodge with false staements and lie about them because they stood up to the wrong doing that is happening and most of you fell for her lies because you all were promised the world !!!!! now look at what you got.!! so maybe we all should do the right thing and try and bring these pepole back to be members and be able to grow strong as we use to be.and put a stop to this SPENDING SPREE AND WASTE OF TAX PAYERS DOLLARS.!!!!!!
Anon 3:04
Your posting convinces me that this story IS accurate.
There is no defense here, really.
And just because you are a "member" does not mean you know everything that goes on....especially since you apparently are not one of those members who are in control and have their own clan inside the big clan.
Everyone knows how FD's and PD's will do ANYTHING to cover another ones butt, but the citizens are beginning to see what's really happening and all of them will eventually be exposed for what they are.
Anonymous said...
As a member of the SFD all i can say is that you all have a very inaccurate story here and instead of your constant arguing over facts that simply arent true maybe you can research them a little and get the truth. Hey im not saying that everything is perfect but you all are not even close. Please just get the facts before you start talking down about people. Thanks.
3:04 PM
So which one of the Three Stooges is this? Get back to work and quit posting on city computers and city time.
Please kick this back to the top of the page. 107 comments so far. Obviously a hot topic. Sticky it to the top of the page. I was hoping some people would recommend some more promotions. The Gladwell and Adams ones were hilarious AND true.
Amen 3:04
I think you miss understood my post yea this is true all the spending waste of money etc. not saying it is not!! what i was trying to say is that years ago from like 6 years or futher back none of this stupid spend would have been done the people that were around then would have never aloud it to happen but mare see and gordo was able to run them all out of town !!! one by one. Yes we do watch one anothers back in middle of a scene but to say we all are in on the cover up!! of this waste full spending is not true, the vollies hands are tied because of the ordiance change that happen a few years ago thanks to see gordo bubba and council who were able to take control of vollies money and how it is spent. The county gives each station money once a year we use to be able to control our own funds and buy what was needed for our station to be able provide fire service to the city and county, but then came brezze head and he wanted all the money and said it was a shame that vollies had better equipment and supplies then the city paid staff..this is were it all statred if you want to do something start with the county council and fire chiefs assoc. and let them know this has to stop now, allow the city of salisbury to operate station 16 in the city on thier calls and station 1 and 2 run county calls be a county dept like they truely our issue solved and then there can be a mutal aid agreement between the city and station 1 and 2 like there is between all the other fire compaines in wicomico county !!!! and then gordo and see will have no money to spend half the calls and everbody is happy well almost everybody !!!!!!!!
I say get rid of every one higher than the rank of captain. That should fix the problem.
Help is on the Way!
Go to:
To Donate to Mr. Ireton's Campain.
All contributions are greatly appreciated.
Contact Jim:
Anon 6:35
Please pick your knuckles up, they're dragging the ground. Your either pretending to be a poor speller or really that bad. You philosophy of Station1 and 2 being a County station proves my theory. That mentality was squashed years ago and I guess some folks didn't get the message. The issue here is reckless spending in a horrible economy. Everyone is making do with less, except Salisbury. Leaders should be looking for ways to conserve and not be spending money every dime they get their hands on.
Homer, I do believe your Knuckle Dragging friend is on to something. Things would be much better if the county would take over the fire service and run calls in the county instead of paying the city to do it.
You must be one of those idiots that work for the fire department and fear for your job.
Please, please, please kick this back to the top of he page. You HAVE to see the relevance and interest. Some people can't get on here regularly and don't scroll down past the first few posts. This is serious stuff that MUSt stay in the public eye. I know that I am no one to recommend anything. However, I recommend that you repost this to the top of your page and keep it there through the weekend. Thats when people are home and reading the blog alot more.
Seems like alot of people recognize that Adams and Gladwell are bozos. The old "do as I say, not as I do" theory. It's hard to lead people when you set a piss poor example in the past. Both of them are butt kissers and knob slurpers from way back. Anything to obtain rank and boost their egos.
If I were Bryan Records I would be sick. It must be hard for someone with his integrity to see these people in these positions of authority. Knowing Bryan, he will come on here and defend these clowns because that's how Bryan is, a true team player and a leader who protects his department and personnel in times of adversity. However, we know the truth. Bottom line is...you can't polish a turd
Anonymous said...
You're right about Adams. Who can forget about him and John Tull going on "special" visits with Pinky Higgins? I'm not saying..I'm just saying
11:22 PM
Yep, Acting Assistant Chief(LOL) Bunky Adams is still Pinky's Boy. Assistant Chief(LOL) John Tull dumped Pinky when Brezler came along and Tull found a new daddy to promote him. Does anyone remember who John Tull's Best Man in his wedding was? Yep, Chief Higgins! What a way to suck up in life just to succeed.
Adams can't do anything right without his psycho meds.
Please move this post to the top of your front page. There is alot of interest
Gladwell, Wow I thought everyone liked that little punk a$$whole. I thought I was the only one who could see through that midget. It amazes me how little people try to act big and bad and pretend they can whoop people bigger than them. If I remember correctly he is supposed to be an adult and he is always breaking bad with someone.
The only people that really like Gladwell are the ant-albero bloggers.
Hey guys you better watch out what you say about Adams and Gladwell. You might end up putting them back on Suicide Watch.
And speaking of Tull, do you know who his father-in-law is? This explains it all!
Another site worthy of a look is www.electbobcaldwell.com
He will appreciate your support and your donations.
I would be very interested to know what 'cash incentives' from the fire truck manufacturers might go to See and Gordy on equipment orders placed?
Anonymous said...
And speaking of Tull, do you know who his father-in-law is? This explains it all!
9:45 AM
Yes his father in law was deputy chief Lewis who helped him get promoted.
Joe, can you see how bad the corruption is in the Salisbury FD?
Let's connect the dots on Tull.
I don't know if everyone knows it or not, but there is a firefighter that requested light duty because of an injury he suffered off duty. He was been released by his doctor to return to work in a light duty capacity, but he was denied light duty by Deputy Chief Richard Hoppes who said there is none available. Funny thing is there is a guy on light duty now as we speak and this same guy has been on light duty numerous times before. Oh yeah, I forgot the one on light duty is one of the Good Ole Boys.
Light Duty has been given to numerous people before and will continue if you are liked by Richard Hoppes.
Corruption in the SFD at its best.
Anonymous said
Gladwell, Wow I thought everyone liked that little punk a$$whole. I thought I was the only one who could see through that midget.
Oh no...EVERYONE sees through his sorry azz. Him, Bunky and John Tull...three of a kind. Talk a big game and aint $hit. Sad that they are "leaders" of the Department. Tells you why the department is in the shape it's in. I quite enjoy reading the stories about these a$$wipes and their incompetence
anonymous 10:23 and others,
You need to tone down the language or I'm going to delete/reject these messages. Even I have come to learn you can express what you want to say without the curse words. You know what I mean. Changing the letters and putting up so many is over the top.
I apologize Joe. It won't happen again. Thanks for keeping this at the top of the page though.
While the engine is at the factory for upgrades, I hope they have them install a manufacturers booster seat for Gladwell. That shouldn't cost the tax payers too much
Has anyone confirmed that the car on the roll back had a flat tire? Was there some mechanical issue going on? If it was a flat carry on with the complaints. If it was a legit issue then we are the ones looking like fools.
Anonymous said...
Has anyone confirmed that the car on the roll back had a flat tire? Was there some mechanical issue going on? If it was a flat carry on with the complaints. If it was a legit issue then we are the ones looking like fools.
11:58 AM
Yes it's a flat tire. Look at the drivers side front tire and notice the rail on the roll back. The front hub cab is below the rail and the rear tire shows all of the hub cap.
Joe, I agree with you on the language, but I am sure you understand the frustration that everyone has with leadership in the fire department.
By the way I have notice you changing the words several times.
Anyway thanks for putting this article back at the top. One of the best in a long time.
Salisbury News ROCKS!!
Look, for what it's worth, EVERYTHING stated in this article is factual. The flat tire, FACT! I don't know who is coming on here and challenging the things I have posted here. My guess would be the two top people in the SFD, trying to make people believe not everything is accurate here. HOWEVER, no one has stated flat out I am wrong by backing it up with proof. Excuses, yes. Sending two trucks out for warantee work, WRONG! Warantee work can be done right here in Salisbury, we're not that stupid. You don't buy a Mack Truck and take it back to the manufacturers facily to have it serviced. You bring it to one of their Dealers. Anyhow, I'm not going to waste my time on this because I know what I have stated is accurate. They may not like the fact that it has been exposed but that just tough. These two clowns are frustrated, just as Dunn, Cathcart, Jacobs, Rapp, Tilghman and many others were in the past because their games were exposed right here too. Game over Little Chiefy.
Clean House! I like the idea of eliminating the top brass. Put them back on the 'gut buckets' and make them earn their money instead of sitting in their offices spending money. Hoppes has had the radio speakers on the administrative side dissconnected so they don't even know what calls are going on in the community. That shows you their level of concern. they have no idea what goes on out in the field unless a major incident is alerted on the pagers. They must really care about their employees and the citizens. NOT!
Anonymous said...
Clean House! I like the idea of eliminating the top brass. Put them back on the 'gut buckets' and make them earn their money instead of sitting in their offices spending money.
3:19 PM
Put them on the gut bucket again? Did Hoppes ever ride the gut bucket? Hi heard he wasn't smart enough to pass the test?
I agree with the previous post. It is time to clean house starting with top brass. The new chief selected should work with the new mayor and council and do a thorough audit and investigation of the entire Salisbury Fire Department. If and when anything is found to be corrupt the individuals with any involvement or knowledge should be dealt with appropriately. Most if not all of the appointed officers got into their positions by the "good ole boy" system and through corruption. These are not the people that I want responding to my family in the event of an emergency.
Back to the point about the towing of a vehicle instead of changing the flat tire....
Who authorized that and why? If it was a fire officer then that person needs to pay the tow bill and then he or she should be terminated! This is just criminal!
It goes to show you what poor judgement and leadership you have in the city and the Salisbury Fire Department.
Why hasn't anyone from the Salisbury Fire Department spoken out on this?
anonymous 4:20, GIVE ME A BREAK!
The bill would probably come to $75.00 for towing the vehicle, that's hardly a crime. Look at the County Employees still working for you the taxpayers after stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars worthy of diesel fuel. They only fired two of them out of 10!
However, when you put ALL of these things together and then add up several years worth, then you might be talking. However, that would take ALL of you coming forward and telling us what you know. The same Hot Line should be set up in the City so people can report these things and no one has to worry about retaliation.
Anyhow, I doubt it's criminal at this point but unless you people open up these people will stay right where they are. The ball is in your court. I have the ear of the law and if you want to take these people down, now is the time.
I say this with no disrespect but you guys have all been talk. I understand your frustration and anger, especially the Volunteers. However, this woulod be a perfect time to step forward and show them you're not going to take this any more. IMHO, a small few are making all of YOU look like fools. Most of us know it has nothing to do with you. However, there are thousands upon thousand of you coming to this site daily and quite frankly the SFD is not looking too good right about now. They can talk about record donations last year, which I think is a load of crap but if you say so, so be it. Do you really think you're going to get anything substantial this year? I truly don't believe you will. Clean House and get things back in order. Get Gordy the heck out of there too.
Speaking about the Salisbury Fire Department I see that Parsonsburg Fire Department and the Sharptown Fire Department has been standing by at the Monster Truck Show in Salisbury at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center with their ambulance. Last week Parsonsburg ambulance stood by at the rodeo. What happened to Salisbury's ambulance standby?
I think this is a move in the right direction for the county to get away from depending on Salisbury and the Fire Department for everything.
Joe Albero,
You make some excellent points there and many people agree with you. What I have been reading so far tells me these people are scared to death because of the long history of retalliation. These people need there jobs with the city. These volunteers live in the city and they love their community and that is why they moved close to the fire stations so they can volunteer. If it wasn't for your blog their voices would go unheard. If they were outspoken and verbal the Mayor and or the fire department administration would black ball them and they would lose their jobs or be kicked out of the place that they are committed to volunteer. That fire house and the community they serve is their life.
I do agree with your last statement, but how does this happen ? what's your idea of the first step? I can tell you i have been there felt the pain of what happens when you stand up and fight!! but i may have enough left for a 3rd round!! This must stop the SFD is looking really bad people. and it really sucks !!! At one time we were looked at as being a very very good dept. with lots of great people, now we look like a bunch of idoits thanks to a few!!!
anonymous 4:44, Isn't that the saddest truth you've ever seen. Grown men having to hide behind anonymous simply because this beast of a woman will make their lives so miserable they'll never see straight again. Here's my question to all of you. Do you think that would ever change under Comegys? Do you think it would ever change under Ireton or Caldwell?
IMHO, there's only ONE MAN on the SFD who represented each and every one of you and stood his ground. You want the answer to the question just above, ask him and I'd bet he'd give you the best answer over any one of you. The Mayor has retaliated against him just like she did my Wife. However, this time we ponied up a lawyer for this man immediately and stopped that witch right in her tracks.
While some of you were pointing fingers at him and saying he was my mole, I swear to you on anything holy, he was not and is not my mole. The Tilghman administration made the exact same mistakes with Police Officers in which Webster retaliated against simply because they spoke to me. They weren't my moles either, yet they just had to slam them into the dirt face first, demote them and make them feel like scumbags in a business where Brotherhoos is EVERYTHING. I'm sure you know what I mean.
Rather than Webster, Gordy or See recognizing they had some issues, face them and then fix them, they wanted to attack anyone who may have fed me information and exposed their wrong doings. The sad part that EVERYONE didn't recognize was, no matter what was said or done, it was WRONG DOINGS PERIOD! They played the game of making it look like someone was in the wrong for exposing it and that's what makes these guys scumbags to me personally.
Each and every one of you know we don't need a $840,000.00 Fire Boat. We don't need a $200,000.00 Fire Boat. The City of Salisbury does NOT need a Fire Boat PERIOD! Now, if the businesses and their insurance companies feel like they need one, LET THEM PROVIDE ONE LIKE SU HELPED WITH THE LADDER TRUCK.
Anyhow, Do you have any clue how easy it would be to take control of the entire United States? You see, there are 100,000 soldiers to every Officer. IF the soldiers all stuck together they could completely turn things around. However, they are trained to follow their leaders, as they should. That is, until one of them gets out of control. See & Gordy are out of control. If you stand together, the moment is now while an election is going on. I'm NOT suggesting anyone stand down. You have a commitment and a responsibility.However, you let them know NOW that you're NOT going to take this crap any more and neither are the taxpayers. If the taxpayers unite by simply refusing to many any more donations, you're on your own and this game ends almost immediately. YOU show the taxpayers you're sick and tired of this crap and show your support towards a Candidate you believe in, the momentum will start to change and that goes for the entire Police Department and Fire Department.
Look, you already have everything, above and beyond what you had ever dreamed of. Put your foot down NOW and announce who you're going to support and make it loud and clear. If it's Comegys, so be it. If it's Ireton, so be it and same goes for Bob Caldwell. Start acting like leaders instead of followers and show this community you stand firm on your decision and strongly suggest everyone follow your lead.
You want an example, look at me. One man took down the entire army, all by myself. You can do it, you can win and in the end, what have I asked for? NOTHING! Am I a developer looking for kick backs? NO! I have never asked anyone for anything. I want and have always wanted what is right for each and every one of you. The stupid ones never got that. Start standing up for what you believe in and you will win the war.
What about these five office positions SFD don’t need that could be on the street! Chief See keeps asking for more people well use what you have first! Chiefy you can’t justify getting more people when these are wasting away drawing a pay check.
Obarsky- Administrative captain (not necessary)
Cropper- EMS (ems what)
Webster- Training (don’t know who he trains)
Dodd- Inspections (not necessary)
Rode- I T (not necessary)
Joe it sure must be nice to be so well off that you dont have to give a darn what the "ins" think or care about you.
Some of us dont have those luxeries. Our very livelihood depends on all public opinion and is on such edge that the slightest push could destroy six years of trying to make a good name for our self.
But where the real trouble is from those who are as well off as you appear to be not speaking out on the wrongs as you have. There arnt that many well to do people around here anyhow unless they are somehow connected to those that are doing wrong in the first place.
If I won the lotto , things would be very different. I would go ahead and spend what I had to in order to better any wrongs I could.
Theres A idea ! Why dont you go ahead and place your self in a position where you could make some changes instead of revealing the wrongs to people who cannot.
A honest person as you have shown to be, shouldnt have a trouble one with getting elected into a position to make some real change.
Its time to "man" up Joe. Now is you time. Unless your worried about some silly little past skelliton. And if you dont want the responsibility back some one who would act in your behalf.
Its time that those that have start to come together with those that do not in order to make Salisbury The best city around.
I'm not one of the well-to-do's or, as I have stated earlier ,I would do it myself.
There you go Joe ...Ive been trolled but I have also been enticed !
Anon 5:39 PM, Why do you say these positions aren't necessary? Enquiring minds want to know. By the way, please sign you name so that we can tell if your opinion is justifiable.
City Council Advisor,
Do you think your position is necessary?
Do you think the 4 Assistant Chief's are necessary?
Do you think the Chief and Dep. Chief's position is necessary?
What positions do the Salisbury Fire Department really need?
anonymous 6:17,
After paying $5,000.00 in taxes alone at 300 W. Main Street, you better believe I'm considering doing something. All in due time.
SFD operated fine 1872 to early 2003 or so without so many administrative positions. Why so many white collar positions today?
Put the assistant chiefs back on the fire truck where they should be and make See-Hoppes do their job.
Print this if you want Joe, the fireman around HERE, seem to care more about a light package or a paint job on the truck then they do about a poor DEAD BLACK girl, do you see sickness in that? I know you do, gen-pop my friend, just because their members of society and seem functional, still gen-pop. Eyes lie sometimes, you gotta keep your gaurd up at all times. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, how do I think I should stand so tall? You people may never see your reflection, and that is truely sad. Good Luck...
You are the first line of the new revolutions defense, and I wont let you forget it. I think your on to more than you think my friend. If shut hits the fan your communictions 101. Did you ever think about that? If the nation had more bloggers like you eventually they would ban togther, hence communications. Grass routes still needs tech knowledge, You might just think ole Crugg is crazy and thats o.k., but I m not. The more the truth is exposed to the light of day, the closer we are to saving this nation that we all LOVE. Your a PATRIOT if you know it or not.
City Council Advisor said...
SFD operated fine 1872 to early 2003 or so without so many administrative positions. Why so many white collar positions today?
7:19 PM
I am not defending Gordo, See and Hoppes, but this is not 1872 and or 2003 so your reasoning is not going over to well with me. I have looked at some of those positions you mentioned and some are needed and some are not needed. Who are you and what kind of experience to you have running a modern fire department.
Who are you? What is your name?
To all those talking about fearing retaliation, remember it was just 4 people who took on the City and the Old Mall.
Debbie Campbell was all by herself for two years on the council. She has a family to think about.
Terry Cohen has a family to think about.
There was that one guy who spoke at the podium who had already been retaliated against.
There was that lady who had been retaliated against (Lloyd? something like that), but she spoke up.
There was even a landlord who'd been retaliated against and he spoke up.
There was that hard of hearing lady who got stuff throw at her by Dunn and nasty letters from Smith (Truitt? Pruitt? something like that.)
There are plenty of folks who have come forward with something to lose. What's your excuse?
anonymous 10:03,
Excellent point!
Again, no disrespect intended here but many Firefighters are afraid of their own shadow when it comes to this kind of stuff. They're certainlyt brave and that is proven every time they attack a fire. However, get them in a position where they have to stand up and defend themselves, well, they'd rather leave that up to people like me. When I saw only a hand full of Firefighters laying their names and faces on the line the last time they supported another Candidate other than Comegys at the last election, I knew right then and there that this would be the case.
Now, all that being said, I don't mind sticking up for them. I just mind it when these pansies challenge me for having bigger balls than they'll ever have and then go playing both sides of the fence.
The way I see it right now is this. I will continue doing what I do because I know it's difficult on them. As long as they stop threatening me or leaving dead deer on my driveway, I'll stand up for them. If someone does do something like that again, I would hope THEY would take care of it internally and start black balling these people right away.
If you want me to bring these guys down, the tips will have to come in to do so. It's up to them from this point forward. Oh, I NEVER reveal my sources, just ask Mike Lewis and Davis Ruark and they'll tell you just how firm I stand on that. Oh, you can also tell by the end result of the Webster vs Albero case where I stood on that with the Chief too.
Can't prove it huh? Is that why you don't post my calling you out. My name is irrelivant.
What kind of glue is Doug Wilkerson sniffing tonight ?
The remarks and facts stated here are certainly interesting facts for the taxpayer to know. You dont often get this inside view of whats really going on. I can relate to what has been said from being a past employee.
I do not however agree with the direction of some of the blame. That being the Assistant Chiefs. They are not involved in 99& of the expenditures listed here that are under scrutiny. The only item that they would come close to is the flat tire and that would possibly fall under the maintenance supervisor.
The names of some prety darn good firefighters and now Assitant Chiefs have been hammered here. I have worked closely with Tull,Scott, Gladwell and Records. Mr Bragg was on the ambulance and Adams was on another shift. Boys will be boys and mice will play as they say. Overall good people and some squeaky clean. Your criticism is aimed at the wrong people and their personal lives are irrellivant to this issue. I believe it is clear as to where to place the blame and its not these guys. Make your own judgement, but respect some of the best firefighters the City has.
The Pirate said...
Dru Bragg for Fire Chief!!
11:23 PM
This person is who you think should run the city fire department with a $5 million dollar budget????
Looks like he is qualified under the Bubba Comagys and Chief See Standards!
Note to newly elected mayor: Stay away from many of these names mentioned. Get someone to clean house and rid them of the good ole boy system.
020300028252003 Bragg, John D Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT BANKRUPTCY 06/09/2003
22C89000336 Bragg, John D Defendant Wicomico County Circuit Court Civil Non-Support Faith Bragg Vs John Bragg
Looks like another deadbeat dad who refuses to pay his bills and take ownership of his children. How did this guy get promoted to Assistant Fire Chief in the Salisbury Fire Department. He would have never been promoted in a real fire department much less hired!!
An intensive background investigation needs to be done with all the employees of the city fire department.
don't know if everyone knows it or not, but there is a firefighter that requested light duty because of an injury he suffered off duty. He was been released by his doctor to return to work in a light duty capacity, but he was denied light duty by Deputy Chief Richard Hoppes who said there is none available. Funny thing is there is a guy on light duty now as we speak and this same guy has been on light duty numerous times before. Oh yeah, I forgot the one on light duty is one of the Good Ole Boys.
Light Duty has been given to numerous people before and will continue if you are liked by Richard Hoppes.
Corruption in the SFD at its best.
10:07 AM
Rick Hoppes is light duty. He never works.
Towny said...
9:03 AM
Towny, you need to come clean and get into the real world. If only you knew what these guys were saying about you and your family you wouldn't be so quick to jump to their defense. These are the same people that didn't want to rehire you after you failed miserably at your business and your marriage. You yourself are just like these deadbeats. You have a history of being a deadbeat dad, domestic violence, foreclosure and bankruptcy. You need to quit sucking up to them because they said it would be a cold day in H-ll before you got hired back. You left the fire department owing them several thousand dollars on your phone bills so they will never forget that. You turned on your brother firefighters so they will never forget that.
Town###, Defendant Wicomico County District Court Domestic Violence Closed 07/01/2005
Town###, Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT BANKRUPTCY 03/29/2006
Town###, Defendant Wicomico County Circuit Court Foreclosure Closed/Inactive 02/05/2008
By the way that was a slick way of putting up your anonymous post but dropping a hint to the ones you are defending so they might feel sorry for you and hire you back.
By the way how is your minimum wage job at Lowes going?
Anonymous said...
Rick Hoppes is light duty. He never works.
9:33 AM
You are exactly right. I remember when he was on our shift he would grab an office chair with wheels and roll around the fire engine to check out the equipment. Now how lazy is that!!!
Looks like Brian Townsend is trying to suck up to someone to get his old job as a fireman back.
One last time, please kick this top the page. If you do, it will go over 200 comments. Obviously it's a hot button topic
This is not a contest of how many comments we get. IF that's what you're trying to do here I'm not bumping it up at all. You guys/gals either take the post serious or simply let it go away, like you have allowed this wild spending to do all these years.
Hey Towny:
You may want to reread the post entirely.
Nothing at all has been said about Darrin Scott. Not a single thing.
Bryan Records name was NOT used negatively. In fact, he was given the utmost respect.
Dru Braggs name was only posted twice when someone put up "Dru Bragg for Chief" and someone asked his girlfriend to stop posting.
John Tull, Bunky Adams and Jimmy Gladwell HAVE been discussed using not so pleasant terms.
However, many (some would say MOST) people agree with the assessments of Adams, Gladwell and Tull.
The truth is the truth and sometimes it hurts. However, they have made their bed and chosen their course of conduct and now they must reap what they sow. Maybe it's good for them to know what people think of them. Maybe it will help them improve themselves and their treatment of others.
Joe, not trying to hit 200 replies. Just stating that with alot of people home on Sunday's it will reach more people and it wouldn't be surprising to see over 200 responses with so many readers. Seems there is alot of interest.
Sorry about that. I forgot to change the date to February and I went to move the Post up and it went all the way back to 1-1-09. LOL We're back in business now.
A vote for Comegys is a vote for Gordy remember that.
joealbero said...
Sorry about that. I forgot to change the date to February and I went to move the Post up and it went all the way back to 1-1-09. LOL We're back in business now.
12:40 PM
Thanks for moving it up again.
Joe Albero, Salisbury's Honorary Mayor!!!
Towny said...
The names of some prety darn good firefighters and now Assitant Chiefs have been hammered here.
9:03 AM
I don't think this has anything to do with someone being a "prety darn good firefighter" what ever that is supposed to mean.
It is about leadership of the lack thereof with those mentioned. It is about leadership, accountability, ownership and responsibility. This city, this fire department needs a good leader, not a firefighter. You can train a monkey to be a good firefighter.
Bryan, I mean Towny, it's good to see you rear your ugly head. Can you tell us why you abandoned the Salisbury Fire Department?
Sea has the actual title of Chief. Gordo actually runs the department. Hoppis is the Deputy and believes Gordo is to be admired and worships him. Gordo has taught Ric all of the tricks to get what you want, but his upbringing tells him its wrong. None the less he goes along with it. Sea has no real idea what is going on around him, which is probably why he is always so miserable. He knows Gordo runs the show and realizes he doesn't have what it takes to grease the polititians.
These are the guys you should have the beef with. Gordo dreams it up and pimps himself to Bubba with no restrictions. He runs it by Hoppis and Sea to be polite and the ball is rolling. Buuba lays out the plan and lines up the 3 to 2. See appears in Council and plays the role to pitch Gordo's plan. Meanwhile Gordo scrambles to the books and slides funds around to line things up. If its not here, the Volunteers are approached and held hostage for what ever is needed. The Council votes and 3 to 2 says its a done deal.
In the end Gordo gets what he wants. Sea beats his chest and says I'm the chief and look what I got for you. Hoppes nods his head and agrees with everything in public. Privately he thinks about what a show he has just seen. This goes on every day and the script never changes.
You say the fire department needs a good leader. YOU should not have run Brezler off. He was a good leader. Now look what you have. Damned if you do Damed if you dont you will bellache either way.
Bryan records for Chief. A man of true integrity who knows how worthless most of the people are. He would clean house and return SFD to respectability.
I understand that they are sending the 2 new engines they bought last to have the white paint on the them repainted black just to match the new tower truck they just took delievery of ,what a waste of tax payers money.
paying $5000 in taxes and you can't vote here....too bad...I'd rather give you $5000 to leave
Anonymous said...
You say the fire department needs a good leader. YOU should not have run Brezler off. He was a good leader. Now look what you have. Damned if you do Damed if you dont you will bellache either way.
3:56 PM
Mr. Anon 3:56,
You have no clue what you are talking about. Brezler came in to shake things up and get the ball rolling. Part of his problem is that he was never a leader himself. He was never a firefighter, but he read about it in a book somewhere. He also promoted ones like him and the ones that kissed his butt the most. See, Hoppes, Tull, Gladwell, etc....
David See is a lot like Brezler in the fact that he never was a firefighter and never will be. All he ever did in the fire department was use it so he could get the training classes to make it look like he knew something.
I heard the Delmar Fire Department voted David See back in as a volunteer. What a bunch of idiots. That man hates volunteers and now he wants to drive the fire trucks for them. Anon 6:29 PM he never was a firefighter and never will be.
My guess is that he will try to be elected as their volunteer chief one day. If they are stupid enough to vote him back in they are stupid enough to vote him as chief.
Well that settles it, we don't need anyone like Brezler. Anybody who promotes incompetent schmucks like Gladwell, Tull and Adams shouldn't even be making decisions in their personal life. Let alone managing others. That's the root of the problem with SFD, a long history of imcompetent leaders who promote and perpetuate the "good ole boys" network. It doesn't matter if a person is qualified or not as long as they wink and nod while covering up for their boss. Character and integrity? It's been gone from SFD for a VERY long time with the exception of a select few who do their best to carry on the traditions and history of the department.
Why dont you stop whining. The engines are going back to Wisconsin and they will return with everything Gordy wants. There is no stopping this and it will happen. Nobody in SFD or City government will halt this waste, so shut up.
See get Chief of Delmar. No way. He ran every year and got whipped by Joe Morris and Sonny Porter. He would politic weeks in advance and get wacked come election time. He'd swell up big as a toad and go back to being the miserable person he was. See berated and ran Joe Morris down along with Gordo to no end. Joe was a real Chief and people loved him. When he died, the two amigos acted all upset like they were so touched. Bull ! I know what they really felt about Joe. Some will never forget. Thats why Gordo hasn't got Life Mmembership.
Tull,Hoppes, Records and Hastings were considered to be Brezler clones. What do you have to say about these guys. Try not to make yourself look stupid.
Mr. Brightside said...
Why dont you stop whining. The engines are going back to Wisconsin and they will return with everything Gordy wants. There is no stopping this and it will happen. Nobody in SFD or City government will halt this waste, so shut up.
8:13 PM
Ryan, I mean Ms. Brightside don't you have a hose to pull on?
Wildcat 74 said...
See get Chief of Delmar. No way. He ran every year and got whipped by Joe Morris and Sonny Porter. He would politic weeks in advance and get wacked come election time. He'd swell up big as a toad and go back to being the miserable person he was. See berated and ran Joe Morris down along with Gordo to no end. Joe was a real Chief and people loved him. When he died, the two amigos acted all upset like they were so touched. Bull ! I know what they really felt about Joe. Some will never forget. Thats why Gordo hasn't got Life Mmembership.
8:21 PM
Amen Brother. They were only putting on a show at the funeral. I remember when Gordo did his best to pretend he was everyone's friend so they would vote him chief.
To bad you guys voted that jerk back in though.
If he never got chief I think he at least got deputy chief didn't he?
Why is Gordy not the treasurer this election for Bubba Comagees?
If he was then it would look odd if he was "appointed" fire chief after See Retires.....
Anon 9:15pm the biggest mistake this city could make would be to appoint Gordo or Hopeless fire chief.
With any luck the new mayor would get rid of those two since they have already cost the tax payers millions of dollars.
Question : Mayor and Council what are you going to do to stop this waste of Fire Department money ? Nearly 200 post telling you like it is with the SFD waste. They all say the same thing and its obvious it isn't popular. Have you got the will to put a stop to this madness?
Grown men...driving a car that the city provides for them...can't even change a tire for themselves. Disgusting. I've seen Deputies and Troopers change their own tires on the side of the road. All I can say is "WOW". This city is not "going down the crapper". It's already there.
What ever happened to Tony Sterling ? Why do'nt you bring him back. ROTFLMAO
Anonymous said...
Grown men...driving a car that the city provides for them...can't even change a tire for themselves. Disgusting. I've seen Deputies and Troopers change their own tires on the side of the road. All I can say is "WOW". This city is not "going down the crapper". It's already there.
10:24 PM
I have seen Deputies, Troopers and DNR Police officers changing tires for citizens.
What we have here is Gordo and Fatso Hoppes subbing out everything because they have had several years of wasting tax dollars so why not pay someone to do the simple things. They have contracted out lawn care, window cleaning, house cleaning and numerous other small jobs that the firefighters could do to save money.
Yes you heard it right here they pay someone every week to vacume and throw out the trash. They also contract with a window cleaner.
All this stuff is contracted out ie: cleaning, vacumming, window washing etc. while firefighters are on 24 hour shifts and sleeping most of that time. Being paid to sleep while someone else is being paid to clean up. Seems screwed up. Maybe they should go away from 24 hour shifts and work 12 hour shifts. That way they would be there more and maintain things better themselves. Oh wait, they don't WANT to work anything other than 24 hour shifts. That would interfere with their second jobs and not allow them to get apid to SLEEP.
Unbelieveable. What next? Are they going to contract out washing the engines and washing/rolling hose? I guess if it's not your money, who cares? Right? Paying someone to cut the grass? Can't the firefighters do that?
It was a non repairable sidewall puncture...Looked as though a knife or box cutter did the damage. Spare was bald due to a wheel alignment issue.
As far as the trucks, pumpers, engines, and light packages...Just make sure they ain't made by Toyota or Sony...Sad thing is we used to have a fire equipment company on Rt50.
When trying to keep wealth, one must keep it close. The Eastern Shore as a whole is so cash starved it is sickening...Don't give it away.
Bottom line, you give grown up "boys" money to spend on toys they will spend, spend, spend.
Anonymous said...
What ever happened to Tony Sterling ? Why do'nt you bring him back. ROTFLMAO
10:31 PM
He was run out when a new Sheriff came to town and hopefully Gordo will get the same.
The interesting thing is Sterling was liked by a lot more people than Gordo. At least the station 1 guys liked Tony.
Delmar watch out. David See has done too much damage to Salisbury that it will take years for it to recover from the lack of leadership that has taken place. He will attempt to come to Delmar, and do his buddy buddy that he did to get Gordo in. They have completely ruined the morale in the entire organization, and forced people out that were a tremendous asset to the organization. They both like to spend other peoples money. Sta 16 is broke due to their "Wish List" and its time that the Citizens start demanding a tracking of the spending going on with in the organization. I think that Mr.Rick Pollitt should investigate how County funds are being spent with regards to unneccessary projects that are strickly beautification of their fleet, and their facility. With budgets the way they are, there is no need to spend the amount of money to paint 2 yr old engines because someone within the organization decided to change color schemes to meet Chicago or Laurel DE fire Dept. There are issues of sole source awards that need to be investigated as well. There is no Pierce dealer locally, but there is a dealer for another reptable company, but are never given the opportunity to propose equipment. I wonder if that is because Bill Gordy and Mike Vincent are best friends and he has Mr. Vincent's best interest in helping him with his retirement.
Michael said...
It was a non repairable sidewall puncture...Looked as though a knife or box cutter did the damage. Spare was bald due to a wheel alignment issue.
As far as the trucks, pumpers, engines, and light packages...Just make sure they ain't made by Toyota or Sony...Sad thing is we used to have a fire equipment company on Rt50.
When trying to keep wealth, one must keep it close. The Eastern Shore as a whole is so cash starved it is sickening...Don't give it away.
Bottom line, you give grown up "boys" money to spend on toys they will spend, spend, spend.
4:10 AM
Michael, WTF do you think you are telling this lie to?? None of what you said is true.
By the way sign your name so we can call you a liar to your face.
Amazing how one of hundreds of these anon posters is gonna cuss me and call me out. You, my friend, are the fool...To claim my entire post a lie is pathetic....I must of struck a nerve.
After reading both your and my posts repeatedly, it dawned on me. You drive one of those traitor copycat Tundra pickups, and the wife has a cute new Camry, and the kids all asked for Scions on their Christmas list.
Seventy five percent of this post is gossip and gab. Each giving the nod to whomever lives next door to them.
You are making a scene over a car on a rollback...The one fella told you that this "unit" is a dinasaur driven by those who are not your target...You have no clue as to actually why the car is on the rollback in the firstplace...Maybe the tire is flat 'cause the car sat for a month due to a dead fuel pump, or the tranny lost OD and reverse, or the starter bendix is shot...DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE PARTICULARS OF THIS VEHICLE EXCEPT FOR THE DECALS IT ADORNS???
What part of my post is a lie???
All you "know it all" overbeaaring boomers, riding around in your Japanese vehicles, playing with your imported toys, are the CORE ISSSUE WITH THE WHOLE COUNTRY, NOT JUST SALISBURY.
P.S. If the "Volunteers" appropriate the funds, then where is the real problem?
Michael, what kind of meds do you take???
All of your post is a lie. You have no clue what you are talking about so why are you spewing your drivel??
75% is not gossis, 95% is fact.
Get a life bozo.
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