What wasn't so fantastic was the turn out. When we decided to make this special, our biggest concern was interfering with the lunch time crowd Phil is accustomed to each week day. So we decided to do this at 5 PM and guess what, we were wrong.
We had a very nice crowd at 5 PM but after 6 PM it just died out. So, that being said, Phil has agreed to extend this $1.00 per Slider for tomorrow from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
We know what kind of following we have here each day and we've done these specials in the past and they were extremely successful. The only difference was, we did them at noon.
Phil is a great guy with a great business. Come out tomorrow for lunch and give it a shot. Unfortunately I cannot be there because of a prior commitment.
To those of you who did come out tonight, thank you very much. We handed out several tee shirts to people and we appreciate the support.
I really would have liked to have been there but I didn't want to have to park around the block and walk to the site. I never go downtown because of this. I do apologize but location and parking will eliminate many older people such as myself. I usually only go to places where I can park in front or close by, the establishment. I did ride by it and saw no parking so I reluctantly went back home.
Thank you for all you do for this community.
I couldn't make it but I heard the food was great.
8:29, I know what you are saying, I felt the same way. But I did go and being a 61 year old woman, I steped out of my little box and got 3 great sliders. Sorry I didn't get more but I'm a small eater. I do happen to work down town amd I will be back tomorrow. Thank you P.D..map
Well I guess the crazy Anti-Joe people didn't show up.
Another example of you giving back and or paying it forward. TY
I will be there tomorrow for lunch.
Do you have anymore of those Tye Dye shirts? They are awesome!
I can understand the slow turn out. Most Families are getting their kids back to school soon.
SBYNEWS is the most giving back local news source!
From one Hottie to the Next you Rock Joe!
I have had lunch from The Deli several times and I must say I was pleased with the food.
People will have lunch head tomorrow after eating the great food.
If don't try you will not know the outcome. That is what I like about you, you try.
Great lunch place.
the high schools had stuff going on
i would have been there otherwise
anonymous 9:53, you are right. I have spoken to a few people so far who said they had to take their kids into school between 5 and 7 tonight. It's all coming together now. No one showed up with kids tonight.
I hope everyone shows up to support Phil tomorrow. He really is a very hard working man who has earned his place in this community. Besides that, the man has some great food!
I had to get the kids ready for school that is why I didn't make it.
I would have loved to be there, but we had back to school night. My Dad works downtown, and he says it's great! Once the kids are back in school I hope to join my Dad for lunch.
Phil is my neighbor , I will go to his place in town when I can. Met him at Boonies , glad to see another place open in that area.
I wish I could have been there also, and congradulations to Phil for making the investments to bring some jobs to downtown.
I hear a lot of people talking about Luna already, he's going to get pounded there! : )
I have to pass through the Gallery building from time to time, and everytime I walk by the Deli it is spotless clean. That's what gets my business, clean and organized.
anyone can park in the parking lot across from Gallery Building, upto two hours free and walk through the building to the Plaza Deli.... and for those who complain about parking and walking, i guess you dont shop at the mall or any mall or shop at any outlets, because that is the same thing parking and walking
944, I agree. I went there for the Thursday night thing, and parked 30 feet away, took the elevator, and was in there in a minute!
Go Phil! Great BBQ!
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