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Thursday, February 23, 2012


HOUSTON— Passengers aboard a Continental Airlines flight bound for Houston Tuesday sprang into action to help a flight attendant having trouble with an unruly passenger. Twenty minutes after the plane departed Portland, pilots returned to the city where the FBI was waiting.

Passengers said the unruly man was a problem from the beginning. After boarding Flight 1113, the man became upset because he was not seated next to his friend.
Then after the flight took off, he ignored the “No Smoking” sign and tried to light an electronic cigarette.



Brian Dayton said...

They should have just thrown his a$$ out in mid air; then he could go meet allah.

Yes, I know that really would not work. But it is a nice thought.

Anonymous said...

This is still a form of terrorism.

Anonymous said...

An electric cigarette needs no lighting... its seriously just water vapor and not smoke. So technically he did nothing wrong.

And if his ticket says that he was supposed to sit next to his friend, hes not wrong about that one either.

I dont see an issue here. If he was yelling "PRAISE JESUS PRAISE JESUS" nobody would give a shit.


PS. I am christian.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is yelling praise Jesus and then taking down airplanes. Christianity teaches peace Islam teaches to force people to their religion or kill them.

Anonymous said...

5:51 He beat the flight attendant. Stop defending animals!

Anonymous said...

I found more information about this

E-cigarettes, battery-operated devices that heat a nicotine solution to simulate tobacco smoking, are not prohibited by the Transportation Safety Administration - like tobacco cigarettes - on commercial planes. However, they are banned by Continental.
A physical outburst followed, the document states. Abunayyan yelled profanities and swung his fist at a flight attendant. He also allegedly hit and tried to hit several passengers. He spoke or sang about bin Laden and his hatred of women, the document states.

andy said...

You must be a Muslim or a lover of Muslims. Dont try that crap on our American soil or our skies. God bless the men and women that took control of the situation, throwing them off the plane is a good idea. Lol

Anonymous said...

At 5:51pm... You are an a** h***. 911 impacted all of us Americans in different ways. My neighbor at the time directly across my street lost her daughter and her grand daughter and her daughters best friend on one of the flights. If I were on the plane where this idiot yelled about "Allah" I would have prayed to God there were some brave American men on board just in case...I certainly would not be thinking, "peace, love and happiness"...And I'm Cathoilc (and a realist). I guarantee you are a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Go to their country and scream you love Jesus all praise Jesus and are how long you live.they will kill you and drag your body through the dirt spitting on you. O don't care what anyone says Islam is a violent religion. And the old saying goes it only takes one to mess it up for everyone.after 9-11....its a rap.Islam doesn't belong here in the u.s. . As a Christian you believe in forgiveness and to turn the other cheek.screw that and them.I'm a Christian as well.but I'm also a sinner and that must be my sin.complete disgust of all Muslims. God bless America!

Anonymous said...

5:51 If you are a Christian like you claim, you are a stupid one.