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Friday, December 16, 2011

The Coastal Dispatch Delivers Great Facts On Earl Campbell And Charlie

GO HERE to view their article.


Beezer said...

Well now - it looks as though SBYnews and The Dispatch are on the same page regarding this coverage.

Unlike the other rival media - The Daily Times - it appears that the public is finally getting to see the truth.

I could not help but to notice in todays edition of The Daily Time - once again - their attempt to divert attention away from this story by covering the retirement of another OC Police official - Captain Bo Bokinsy. I'll bet you if the truth were known - there may be other reasons for his recent announcement.

Anonymous said...

Beezer...don't give The Dispatch or Ocean City Today too much credit.
The truth of the matter is that if the story was not publicized on SBYnews this scandalous article of corruption would have been kept hush-hush for the sake of the glory of Ocean City being advertised and promoted as some sort of idyllic paradise.
Kudos to SBYnews for exposing the truth to the area residents and rest of the public!

Andy Berges said...

It states that-“The chief has an open door policy and the officers and everyone in this department is encouraged to go to her directly if and when they have problems.”

What a bunch of BS. Almost EVERY employer has "an open door policy" people, careful what you say because if you have the courage to express your concerns of & expose problems to your employer, you run the risk of that same "open door" PERMANENTLY slamming into your butt on the way out.

Anonymous said...

As a previous member of OCPD and a higher ranking officer, this whole situation is not unexpected but is deserved by the Ocean City government. Those in power ( Mayor and City Council) were warned about Dipino's appointment as chief prior to the final decision. Since his name hasn't been mentioned, then Mayor Jim Mathias was partially responsible for this farce.

At the time of her appointment, she was EXTREMELY FAMILIAR with the City Council MEN. Her appointment was also made so that the higher paid, more experienced officers would resign, thus saving the city money in the way of salary and benefits in the police department. The government should now add up the amount of money Dipino has cost the city in litigation costs, lawsuits and payouts. I'm sure the city would have saved money by not making her chief.

This axe (Dipino) has sliced off much needed experience throughout the department and especially in the command staff. The knowledge and experience lost with the loss of so many previous officers has come at a high price paid by citizens and visitors to Ocean City.

Beezer said...

My advice still stands -


In the end - you'll be alot happier, safer, and definately richer by staying clear of Ocean City.