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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Salisbury Salvation Army Expects To Report Earnings Higher Than Last Year

While the media sits back with excitement awaiting the official report from the Salvation Army, early numbers are showing they"ll be greater than last years $183,000.00.

This is just incredible. Considering the loss of several key locations, Gander Mountain, Ollie's, Giant and 2 out of 3 Food Lion locations, then factor in the state of the economy, the Eastern Shore has proven once again that Paying It Forward and helping others in such trying times is the reason so many desire to live here.

For a second year in a row they set a goal of $200,000.00 and I'll be darned if they haven't come close. Last year was a record setting year for the past 50 years and it looks like they'll break yet another record.

Because YOU have been so giving year after year, I can't thank each and every one of you enough. A monstrous thank you goes out to ALL of those volunteers standing in the bitter cold ringing the bell making these record numbers possible. We also cannot forget those business locations kind enough to allow the Salvation Army the ability to access their business locations and ring the bell.

I can't wait to see the final numbers but if I haven't said it enough, THANK YOU for yet another record setting year.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe.... YOU are making a difference! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Joe great news what a great job in making a difference!

Anonymous said...


It is inspiring to know that despite the set backs that the Salvation Army had, the community came through. I hope they make that goal - we certainly have enough families who are in need here on the lower shore.

I know you made a big contribution which helped. Love your Pay It Forward like Pohanka!

Anonymous said...

I doubt the media is sitting with baited breath. Joe your 5K donation probably made up for lost locations.

Anonymous said...

2:01 - you're wrong - the media likes to do feel good stories.

This is one. Don't be so negative.

I happen to know that the media is calling people at the SA for results.

Anonymous said...

Now the public needs to stop shopping at all the business that stopped the S.A. from ringing the BELLS.The local grinches made the calls so lets stop shopping them.

Anonymous said...

From what I can tell, like you said Joe, a lot of people made this happen.

It is great to see the community come together for a good reason!

I am anxious to learn the final number. I am involved with other charities and I know they have struggled this season.

Isn't Bless Our Children down from last year too??

Anonymous said...

Great News and good going, Joe!

Anonymous said...

What exactly does the Salvation Army do?

I know we should all give our hard earned money to them for charity. But how do they use the money? does anyone know?