These are LIVE shots from the GOB as the Mayor and certain Council Members host a crime meeting tonight. The inside of the room is just packed with Slumlords and Students are packed outside the room as there's just no seats left. We'll update you later.
are they all slumlords? aren't some of them landlords?
Can we get copies of letters and/or emails that may have been sent out to the renters and the slum lords?
Not that the Democrats are any better -- the local Republican apparatus is dominated by right wing-nuts and buffoons. Thank goodness that there are some decent local candidates like Holloway (Joe and Matt), Prettyman, Caldwell, who are not closely associated with the "leaders" on the Central Committee (what a joke).
When is Jim-beau going to cease his endless grandstanding and get down to things like nominating a fire chief and police chief?
I'll just bet the slumlords were all there. Wouldn't surprise me if everyone of them got up and spoke.
Well, they can't whine they didn't have input now!
Look forward to your update!
I saw Matt M. there. He stayed till the very end. I am impressed with his drive.
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