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Friday, July 16, 2010

Spending And Rationing


The arrogance of the one-party rule in Washington never ceases to astound me. Two recent examples of the arrogance of the party in control:

We found out in the last week that on June 30, 2010 the national debt increased by $166 BILLION in a single day. That is one of the largest single day increases ever. I took Senator Mikulski to task for her reckless spending. You can see the press release I sent out here. Since she took office as a Congresswoman in 1977, the national debt has increased from $670 Billion to $13 Trillion. The shear size of this debt is unfathomable. We are getting to the point where our nation is not just forcing our children to pay our bills, we are forcing our grandchildren and maybe our great grandchildren to pay. Our nation is taking away our children's future economic prosperity Senator Mikulski has shown zero leadership on stopping the drastic increase in the national debt.

The mind-blowing increase in the national debt is not the only sign of the arrogance of one-party rule. While most of us were celebrating Independence Day, President Obama was bypassing the proper appointment process that provides accountability and appointed Dr. Berwick to office using a recess appointment. I criticized this appointment in a press release you can view here.

Why did President Obama bypass the proper appointment process? He didn't want Dr. Berwick's views to come to light. You see in a 2009 interview Dr. Berwick said, "The decision is not whether or not we will ration care - the decision is whether we will ration care with our eyes open." The truth is that Obamacare will put the government in the middle of doctor-patient decision-making. With Dr. Berwick's appointment to the CMS, it is clear Obama plans to pay for Obamacare's $500 Billion cut to Medicare by rationing care.

This campaign is about the future of our nation. We cannot continue on the current path. We need accountability in government. Senator Mikulski has shown no leadership. She is a stooge to whatever Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid want. We need accountability in government. We can't keep increasing the national debt and we can't allow our healthcare to be rationed.


Anonymous said...

This post should be attributed to Wargotz without having to "link" to it. As far as the actual facts of his statement, there is nothing "improper" about recess appointments. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan..... they ALL did it. If your party is IN, you don't object. That's life, folks.

Anonymous said...

Whew .... good thing Republicans never make recess appointments!

Anonymous said...

9:39 and 9:44

Yes true that there is nothing "improper" about recess apoinmtments.
Bush used them when after many months after a nomination, the dumbocrat controled senate refused to schedule hearings.
Obama did it for the sole purpose of avoiding a hearing. Obama is abusing the recess apointment process.
But, after all abuse of power is what Obama is all about!

Anonymous said...

I thought Obama was going to do things differently; no back room deals, transparency at all levels of government. Change we can believe in..... yeah right Obama is cut from the same cloth as all other politicians from both parties; lie to get into office and then further your agenda. The only change BO is accomplishing is that he is not concerned with re-election only legacy legislation. Whereas the typical politician will not take a stand on any issue due to fear of not being re-elected. Can't wait till the obama years are over with....


Anonymous said...

Insurance companies already ration care. Where was all the debt outrage when the medicare drug plan passed? Cancel that welfare program now.