John K. Phoebus, a candidate for the House of Delegates for District 38A today announced that his campaign will hold its first official kick off event on Friday, July 23, 2010 at 6 p.m. at the Black Diamond Lodge in Fruitland, Maryland.
Phoebus, a republican, is running for the seat formerly held by Delegate D. Page Elmore. He supports the small businesses, farmers, and watermen of the Lower Shore and has pledged to fight the over-regulation of these industries and to work to lower the sales tax and to oppose other tax increases. "In these tight times, government needs to take a lesson from the working families of Somerset and Wicomico Counties and simply to make do with less. Small business, farmers, and watermen are the backbone of our economy here on the Eastern Shore and I will defend these working families in Annapolis."
The campaign kickoff event will begin at 6 p.m. and will feature live music, delicious food and a cash bar. Admission is $20 per person and tickets can be reserved by contacting Leslie Wilson at 410-430-6201 or leslie@electjohnphoebus.com Information is also available on the Internet at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103567015863&s=160&e=001Tq4U_Ia_qMas3HyL_TiN1PA5k0QZYL4gKkvNEN2vgvvuQhPtZrEzMFdf12CpL58ce8yC5xSVIQX7mrMypnKmeyfTo-qzJ6TdEwOJYutaDSCQGr1zY3bTv5nxYmvfhkvt or http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103567015863&s=160&e=001Tq4U_Ia_qMYPu5828mLyV0_meXGf6LPVKDJRQQE_7Uuujukfl1D2NFGNa8CZ-tXmFutxejh6kTjmwsjCN5EWU7PoRp88KvHgZLrGlsBdgq3FKTNVDlnvwWEKFnCXpfofxo_-VsALj9s= .
All persons interested in meeting Phoebus or learning more about how to help his campaign are invited to attend.
my vote will be for Jon... He was a great lawyer... Good guy... I think he would be better than the rest in my opinion...
I plan on showing my support for him and attending. He's a great guy and I know he is going to be our next Delegate and do a great job for us in Annapolis.
Go John Go!!! He will work hard for us!!!I have worked with him on community issues before and he is always one of the most dedicated to his cause. Thanks for running for us John!!!
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