You might say this Chamber Forum today was slightly more impressive than the last one the other night. Their top dog, Joe Ollinger was able to attract a whopping "8" people this time, instead of "7" people the other night. While the CROWD waited with anticipation as to just what Joe will say this time, well, they got what they deserve.
Joe Ollinger was asked the following questions, followed by his answers.
He was asked how he felt about the law enforcement throughout the County. He replied, if elected we would have ONE law enforcement agency run by the Sheriff's Department.
When asked how he felt about the staffing in the Executive Branch/Office he replied, "Don't confuse effort with result."
He stated he would ask Ted Shea to stay on, (if elected) for 3 months and then do a national search for a County Administrator.
NOW GET THIS! He was asked how he felt the County was being run with the new form of governing. Joe Ollinger replied, The old form was just fine. (everyone started laughing) and he went on to say he is NOT in favor of a County Executive.
He was asked if he was in favor of an elected school board, "Yes".
Joe Ollinger went on to say, "I am not in favor of the revenue cap."
When it came to the BOE costing taxpayers 48% of the overall budget Ollinger replied, I would hire someone 48% of the time to work with BOE and the balance of time elsewhere. He went on to say the state and feds are doing more harm than good.
When asked about taxes in Wicomico County Ollinger replied, "People knew what the taxes were when they moved here. If they don't like it they can move."
When asked about impact fees Ollinger stated he was in favor of impact fees, as long as 100% of the money goes to the Board of Education.
I have to be completely honest with you Folks, Joe Ollinger confuses me like there's no tomorrow. Look, this guy is clearly clueless on so many topics. For a guy to claim he's not in favor of the County Executive position to start with, why in the hell is he even running for Office then.
Then there's the impact fees. While I'll allow others to comment on the technicality of that subject and Joe's impression of wanting to give 100% of it to the BOE, that would be illegal Joe, GET A GRIP.
Again, I'll allow comments to take over on this subject and chime in every so often. This man is either clueless or he's simply a shill, (which is what I believe) to help Pollitt easily slide right back onto Office. I know, it sounds crazy, right. OK, if you think so, what was Louise Smith then!!!!!!!! HELLO, wake up Salisbury and Wicomico County. You've been duped in the past, you're getting duped once again.
By the way, WAY TO GO Republican Central Committee. You brought Louise Smith to the table and now Joe Ollinger. Sorry Folks but what a group of Idiots!
Wow! I'm SO glad I don't live in Wicomico County anymore!!!
Ollinger = Alessi
Maybe I need to put on a tin-foil hat, but you think there is any way that there was a plan to have him run to guarantee more votes for Rick? I do agree with some of his opinions though. I think it speaks volumes from a "business minded" person and a Republican that he doesn't agree with the revenue cap. That plan is very short sighted. (IMO)
anonymous 4:11, YES, absolutely, I feel that way. The man is clearly too stupid and way too out of touch. Alessi=Tilghman=Pollitt.
Joe, (4:11 here) Glad to hear you say that, I was just getting ready to google tin-foil hats to order one. lol
Ollinger does, in fact, agree with the revenue cap. He's said so numerous times. Anyone who asks him about this knows it's true.
Oddly, both Pollitt and Ollinger opposed the shift to the County Executive form of government.
Joe, How does the Republican Cental Committee get any blame at all, they may encourage a person to run. But they can not stop any person from filing for election to an office. That is why we have primary elections. There are no other candidates because nobody wants the job and anybody else who has thought about it does not think they can beat Rick. That said, Joe means well, but he has less of a clue then Rick.
WRCC had nothing to do with Ollinger filing for office.
You've got that right Joe about the Wicomico County Republican Central Committe. John Bartkovich and the rest of the old hags have ruined the Republican Party in this county.
Olliger does not have the demeanor to serve the county in this capacity. I admire some of his thoughts however, I don't admire the man. He doesn't deal with anyone who disagrees with his thoughts. Joe, thanks but no thanks.
We had a go round with Ollinger. He hasn't a clue on anything as far as what's best for his family, let alone the county. And that was the impression we left him with. The man has not a clue.
We will not vote for Pollitt. So we just won't vote. or if possible we'll write in "Bug's Bunny" as we did on the last president election. As McCain would've done no better.
The Independents need to find some good canidates. As Republicans nor Democrats represent the majority ideas of the county or country, any longer.
Vote Mickey M-O-U-S-E
Don't Vote Minny Mouse.
Joe, please don't stoop to critizing each candidate. Let the comments do that. Just report the facts, please. I want you to be welcomed at each forum, but if you continue to critize every candidate will be leary of you. You are way above that. The other blogs do their share of it and it discredits their sites. I come to you because I feel I will get the facts. Don't ruin what you have built up. Please!
Hes got that Tony Sarbanes type attitude goin for him, Tony, you look alot like my daddy... SOB ended my academic public acceptance. I got something for ole Ts ass before I leave this world, you can bank on that. I dont usually hate, maybe its not, maybe just rage, wait a minute whos talking.
Doug Wilkerson, I just rejected your final comment. I'm done with you and your Cruggly comments as well. Go to another Blog and use that whacked out mind elsewhere. You're no longer welcome here.
That goes for your "The Third Guy" name too. Everyone knows you're one in the same.
I wish Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen or Robin Holloway had run for C.E.
Those Bennett High School girls are smart, smart, smart, aaarrruuuuffff!
I'm a Conservative and we need more of them in office, that's all I have to say.....I will vote for a conservative....
Joe this is your blog so if you feel it necessary to "stoop to critizing the candidates" feel free to do so. Ollinger is a turd and he deserves no respect. Anon 9:17 PM see that little red X at the right hand corner...use it. I think Joe hit a soft spot on
11:25pm No, I'm not supporting Ollinger if you must know. I come to Joe's site because he is the one I trust with getting the facts out to us. Yes, Joe can have an opinion and a lot of the times I agree with his opinion. I feel there is enough bashing that goes on with any election and with any candidate. I just don't believe Joe has to be the one bashing since he is the one covering the candidates. You're welcome to your opinion, but that's mine.It's all about credibility and I think this site has credibility and doesn't need to go there.
I agree that we should not have the county executive; however that's what the voters chose, so we have to live with it until someone gets a referendum on the ballot to do away with it.
Anonymous said...
I'm a Conservative and we need more of them in office, that's all I have to say.....I will vote for a conservative....
10:15 PM
I hope you are not insinuating that Olli is a conservative...LMFAO
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