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Friday, July 16, 2010

Kill The Ground Zero Mosque


Anonymous said...

If they keep finding artifacts at ground zero nothing will be built. They just found a ship from the 1700's the other day.

Anonymous said...

Good thing we don't have a Constitution that protects freedom of religion! Oh, wait . . .

Jim said...

@10:51 - show me where they are being prevented from practicing their religion? Correct me if I wrong, but the question isn't whether a mosque can be built in NYC, it's whether a mosque should be built on THAT location.

Anonymous said...

and freedom religion says that it can be built on that location, 1:28. Unless you also believe it would be wrong to build a Christian Church on that location. Then you would have to also explain why you don't want any religions to be able to build where there is available space. But if it's just a mosque on that spot that you have a problem with, then you don't support freedom of religion in America.

Anonymous said...

It is an absolute smack in the face to the American People!! Especially those who lost loved ones. Exactly why have we gone to fight a war on Terror if we are going to let them build a trophy on the exact location where the war was started?

Anonymous said...

If you build it they will come. That location isn't done with terrorism.

Anonymous said...

Religious freedom doesn't come from the government

Freedom is free. Duh! hence the word

Jim said...

1:54 - I would have no problem with a Christian church being built there, or a Jewish temple or a Shinto shrine or Buddhist shrine. And it has everything to do with what people flew planes into buildings previously standing there. No one is saying Muslims can't worship, people are saying they can't worship THERE. It would be tantamount to a Christian church being built on the lot of burnt out abortion clinic - one burnt by a fundamentalist's torch.

Anonymous said...

This isn't a "freedom of religion" issue. The constitution doesn't gaurantee freedom of religion. It gaurantees freedom against a government sponsored religion.

What we may have here, however, is an issue with equal protection under the law.