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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Noah's Ark Discovery In Turkey


I saw this article on Drudge and thought I would pass it on to you. There is a local angle to the story. B.J. Corbin actually took two or three expeditions to Mt. Ararat.
I found a link for B.J.'s connection to Noah's Ark. Founder, The Explorers of Ararat Initiator & Co-Author, and ArcImaging Vice-President B.J. Corbin


Anonymous said...

Please....Evangelical scientist? That's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one. These are the types of people who look for data that support their conclusions, not the other way around like real scientists.

NoName said...

Every decade there's a hoax about finding Noah's Ark. Is this one going to be any different?

Also, it's funny how the religious will completely throw out carbon dating on any other topic...but not one that may fit their agenda.

Big ol' rolleyes on this story.


Anonymous said...

8:19 - you’ve obviously not spent much time in a research lab. For better or worse most of today’s science revolves around finding/manipulating data to support a predetermined outcome

Anonymous said...

World wide flooding in that area after an ice age did happen. Someone built a big boat to house them and their livestock.
Stories in the bible are part truth part fiction.

Anonymous said...

So there was "world wide" flooding, but just in that area huh genius? Your world wide historical knowledge is unmatched.

9:02 proves that most who post comments on this blog are part idiot part moron

Anonymous said...

Let me don't believe in global warming either. Scientits are just a bunch of fakers. You're the one not spending much time in a research lab. Just believe what the TV tells you...

Anonymous said...

12:43 are you suggesting that global warming is anything other than a hoax after it was proven that they fudged the data ? What lab do you work for? none I hope !