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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona Imigration Law

Show your support. Please Join Governor Brewer in standing up to Washington and protecting Arizona's citizens from illegal immigration. Click on the link below and sign a petition if you wish:

Originally Posted by Vonderek
I have not read the legislation but it is being reported as giving local police the authority to stop and requiring ID from anyone they "suspect" of being an illegal immigrant. While I am all for guarding our borders I don't see how anyone can view this as a positive development. Demanding "papers" from people, citizens or otherwise, who are not in the midst of criminal act or other infraction is a hallmark of a police state. I'm a cop and I tend to agree with you. However, we are so far behind the eight ball and the Federal Government REFUSES to do ANYTHING, that something has to be done. I fully understand people's concerns (especially American's who are from Hispanic countries) about civil rights. But what about the rights and security of all Americans? Where do we draw the line? Keep in mind the VAST majority of law enforcement does the right thing the right way. There will always be a few knuckleheads who will abuse power, be they cops, garbage men or whatever.

I think AZ's Governor has simply signed into law what 70-80% of Americans feel should be done.

(My understanding of the bill/law is that police officers have to have a valid contact with a person.../moving vehicle violation/probable cause before asking for documentation.... like being required to have a driver's license when you drive a car.

Green card holders are required I believe to have their documentation on their person.

Even John McCain (now running for re-election...
says the new law is a good idea...

after he gets elected....for 6 years...he will probably change his "mind".


Anonymous said...

We the people need to support those leaders and regular people who do the right thing. The govenor of Arizona should be praised for doing what the Federal government refuses to do - SECURE OUR BORDERS!! How can anyone continue to "Boo Hoo" about the plight of people who are here illegally? They drain our resources, increase our unemployment problems and many contribute to our increased crime rate. If you want to come here do it legally.

Anonymous said...

Not saying I disagree with the law but I think alot of people are complaining because they are worried about LEGAL citizens losing their rights and being unfairly harassed. For all the talk you conservatives do regarding gov. tyranny, I would think you could understand this. Simply clean up the language of the law and move on cracking down on the illegals.

But this won't happen because you have folks like Sharpton who have found a new ambulance to chase then celebrity politicians like Palin who also want to show up for some camera time.

Unknown said...

"But this won't happen because you have folks like Sharpton who have found a new ambulance to chase then celebrity politicians like Palin who also want to show up for some camera time."

Obama sent Sharpton in, not conservatives. Also, the majority of LEGAL Hispanics in Arizona support the law. Outsider liberals need to mind their own business and let Arizona protect its citizens.

I'm sure you don't know if you disagree with the law because you have no idea what's in it and why.

Anonymous said...

Indians on the reservations support this law. If you know people living in AZ they will tell you this law is needed. The Mexican drug cartel is crossing the border wreaking havoc on the state, killing innocent people, kidnapping people, terrorizing people. I think every state bordering Mexico should institute the same law.

The only people crying foul are those that might have to pay legal wages and those that might have to cut their own grass.

Unknown said...

There are about 450,000 illegals estimated in Arizona. Can you imagine the cost in social services that all legal residents must be paying?

A grocery chain laid off 300 illegals because of the crackdown and guess what? There were 300 legals that landed jobs to replace them.

Anonymous said...

I think they should be sent to forced labor camps when caught. Forced to build roads and culverts for a minimum of three years, and at the conclusion of the time, they should be stuck in a box car and shipped the hell back where they came from!

Anonymous said...

Only when already in cusotody OR suspected of a crime can documentaion be requested.

Pres. O. was WRONG in stating a father with kids at an ice creram stand could be asked for documentation! Sure if he was robbing the stand.
Mischaracterization has worked before for Obama, why not now.

Anonymous said...

Close the borders round them up and ship them out !

Anonymous said...

Would you travel abroad without your legal documentaion???? Most American would say "OF COURSE NOT"

Anonymous said...

I am for the law. After being laid off from work, having to file for food stamps and health insurance I ran into many road blocks. However I have found that if your non american, you can get healthcare and food stamps within a few hours. It seems that more rights/feelings are for "Illegals" then for Americans who need help.

Anonymous said...

I had one of my guys working for me ask today what I thought about the Arizona law. He has a green card and believes eveyone should come in the country the right way.

I told him what I heard and with-cause you are required to show proof of identification. No ID they search deeper and find the legal status..real quick like... He was suprised that I would have to show my proof of ID if I was being questioned ..

I bet the discussions they have are with-out full knowledge of the law and what it really says.. It quickly becomes an emotional discussion and not rational discussion.

I asked if Obama has come to the rescue with his easy imigration platform that he got all the minority votes from..Where are big "O"?

I hope the lights get turn out in LA...
Hold back that Arizona electricity!
CA resident..