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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jim Rutledge Defends Tea Party Movement

Jim Rutledge Disagrees With Comments Made by Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell

FOREST Hill, Maryland
- Republican U.S Senate Candidate Jim Rutledge of Maryland disagrees with comments made by Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell concerning the Tea Party Movement. Gov. Rendell told Fox News on Saturday that he did not believe that the growing support for the Tea Party constituted a legitimate movement. Rendell said, “I think they identify with the anger not necessarily the movement.” Jim Rutledge responded to this comment by stating, “The Tea Party does identify with the anger and they’re taking action- that’s a movement.”

The Rutledge for Senate Campaign also takes exception to Gov. Rendell’s comments that the Tea Party lacks clout and is solely the creation of the mainstream media. Jim Rutledge believes this is another attempt by liberal bureaucrats and career politicians to allow Washington to return to business as usual. A Fox News poll showed that 17% of voters consider themselves part of the Tea Party Movement while 56% considered the Tea Party a serious group. Jim Rutledge said, “Seventeen percent of the voters can decide every election in America.”

Jim Rutledge believes the Tea Party activists have created a strong national movement that will play a pivotal role in the November elections. The Rutledge Campaign is proud of its association with the Tea Party movement and continues to advocate limited government and lower taxes. Jim Rutledge said, “These are republicans, democrats and independents who are all working together to restore the constitution to our government.”

Jim Rutledge has spoken at Tea Party rallies across Maryland and believes it’s time for taxpayers to defeat liberals like Eric Wargotz and Barbara Mikulski. Jim Rutledge said, “Eric’s liberal track record shows he has more in common with the Democrats than conservative Republicans. Maryland Republicans will never reach conservative Democrats by nominating liberals.”


Anonymous said...

dems are doing everything they can to write off anyone that doesnt agree with them. and although the reublicans arent much better, the dems do so with a 'swagger'.

Anonymous said...

Go Rutledge. He's the one hope for Maryland!

Anonymous said...

The tea party movement is that exactly - a movement. Wait till you see what else will start to move very soon. Very soon.

Anonymous said...

Rutledge is the conservative Maryland needs in Washington!
Bye Babs.

Doug said...

The Rutledge attack on Wargotz is pathetic. Wargotz is anything but a liberal. Wargotz is a tea-party conservative of the purest nature. Like I said, very sad for Rutledge to show such desperation against a true, proven, conservative such as Wargotz.

Arnie said...

A commissioner that has cut our county's taxes year-after-year by eliminating highly-paid assistant department head positions is a conservative in my book. What has Jim done except talk about being a conservative?

Anonymous said...

I had respect for Mr. Rutledge until his attack on Eric Wargotz. Mr. Wargotz has been fighting with the citizens of his county against a half billion dollar pork barrel project. It is a hard skills facility the federal government is trying to force on Queen Anne's County. Unlike many other Republicans, Wargotz does not believe that pork is only wrong when it is someone else's. Wargotz's actions speak much louder than Rutledge's words!

Anonymous said...

I had respect for Mr. Rutledge until his attack on Eric Wargotz. Mr. Wargotz has been fighting with the citizens of his county against a half billion dollar pork barrel project. It is a hard skills facility the federal government is trying to force on Queen Anne's County. Unlike many other Republicans, Wargotz does not believe that pork is only wrong when it is someone else's. Wargotz's actions speak much louder than Rutledge's words!