Now that there's a State of Emergence in effect locally, I just received word on just how bad things are out there.
State Troopers are stuck just about everywhere. Vehicles are stuck all over the place and even snow plows can't get through any more. In fact, I was told, STAY OFF PITTSVILLE AND GUMBORO ROAD! It is impassable, period.
The snow drifts are now as high as the snow plows all over the County. If you or someone you know is stuck out there right now I'm told they are to abandon their vehicle and find a ride home, seriously.
Only big wreckers are out there trying to pull plows and emergency vehicles out first and then they'll get to everyone probably some time tomorrow. Folks, it's really bad out there, as you can see from the images above taken just a short while ago.
PLEASE GET OFF THE ROAD....WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING CALLS... LEAVE YOUR VEHICLES CALL IN THE MORNING...the roads aren't passible due to wind blown snow drifts. We have a heavy duty wrecker in pittsville on rt 353 that will be spending the night more then likely with SHA and another tractor trailer. tractor trailer is loaded with double stuff oreo cookies. so cookies have been distibuted! umm yum. This only the 2nd time in 55 years we have shut down till blizzard has stopped. Sorry for the inconvience. We will continue to make an effort for snow plows and emergency vehicles.
Since 1955
The moron in the car should have "stupid" stamped on their license and it should be revolked, and Mr. Plow-man should just shove it out of the way. Who in their right mind thinks a car can get through this much snow on a country road?
Stay safe Jeff,
I believe that's josh on this post lol
i got an f250 4x4 with the bed filled with snow, made a trip earlier, couldn't belive how many people I saw out in their cars, several were stuck! makes me really wonder about their IQ level. and no i didn't bother to stop and help! I will only help women and children. if you are a guy and you are that stupid you deserve your fate!
I have a neighbor across the street that has parked their car partly in the road. Nanticoke road is a state road , this guy is just too lazy to shovel his driveway , been parked there for 4 days.
Nanticoke Maryland.
Joe, We have lived here for 4 years and moved here from up state NY to get away from the snow. Is this unusual for this area? Do you think they will have the roads dirvable tomarrow morning? Seems it will take them a while.
wicomico county roads was told to stay off roads till snow stops unless emergency's call for it
Dear New York,
Yes. No. Yes.
This is a 125 year record and we do not have equipment to handle this type of event.
Pick a good book or three.
Enjoy your time off.
Simpson's Towing is great ! I have known the family for years , Keep up the good work guys , stay safe !
Geez, all of the above looks too familiar.
Everybody "officially" stay the hell HOME! And for the record, I'm NOT even trying tomorrow, and I sure hope when this is all over I see the same Angel I have the last two times. I so need to get OUT so I can pay this guy.
Who's surprised ? In ideal weather and conditions people around here drive like morons and seldom show good judgment in most matters.
What I see occurring on the back roads is the more the County plows the narrower the roads become. You can only push snow so far before you can't push it any more. So what is happening is the growing size of snowbanks along the side of the back roads are causing these roads to become a single lane road in both directions.
Unless the county starts sending in the frontloads and scoops out these snowbanks bucket by bucket, we are going to see this problem remain for many weeks or until the sun melts these huge snowbanks.
I agree 100% 9:56. No one speeds during perfect driving conditions but during blizzards everyone all of a sudden is in a hurry. Typical backwardsness.
If the road crews would use salt to melt the ice chunks in the road the roads would almost clear themselves. WHY DONT THEY USE SALT AROUND HERE? Its pathetic. It saves manpower and time.
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